JAI TMC-775, TMC-773, RMC-675, RMC-673 User Manual

TMC-775 TMC-773
Color Interlaced Interline Transfer CCD Cameras
Document Version: B
Document P/N: 10643
The material contained in this manual consists of information that is proprietary to JAI Inc., and may only be used by the purchasers of the product. JAI, Inc. makes no warranty for the use of its product and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. JAI, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without notice.
Microsoft, Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, and Windows Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Please contact your factory representative for details about the warranty.
CE Compliance
The TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras have been certified to conform to the requirements of Council Directive 89/336/EC for electromagnetic compatibility and to comply with the following European Standards:
EMC EN55022: 1998 + A1: 2000 CLASS A EN55024: 1998 + A1: 2001
All JAI Inc. products bearing the CE mark have been declared to be in conformance with the applicable EEC Council Directives. However, certain factory-installed options or customer-requested modifications may compromise electromagnetic compatibility and affect CE compliance. Please note that the use of interconnect cables that are not properly grounded and shielded may affect CE compliance.
Contact the JAI Inc. Applications Engineering Department for further information regarding CE compliance.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Disclaimer iii
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for FCC compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
TMC-775/TMC-773 Operation Manual
JAI Inc.
625 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 Tel:(408) 383-0300 Tel:(800) 445-5444 Fax:(408) 383-0301 www.jai.com
October 21, 2010
iv Disclaimer
Table of Contents
Disclaimer Notice................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. v
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables...................................................................................................................... ix
Hardware Introduction ...........................................................................................11
1.1 Product description ...............................................................................................11
1.2 Features ............................................................................................................11
1.3 Configurable Options Availability ...............................................................................12
1.4 Applications ........................................................................................................12
1.5 System Configuration .............................................................................................12
2 Installation .........................................................................................................14
2.1 Getting Started ....................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Unpacking Instructions ...........................................................................................14
2.1.2 Components List ...................................................................................................14
2.1.3 Accessories .........................................................................................................14
2.2 Camera Setup ......................................................................................................14
2.2.1 Connector Pin Configurations ...................................................................................14
2.2.2 Power Supply and Power Cable Setup..........................................................................15
2.2.3 Attaching the Camera Lens ......................................................................................15
2.2.4 Adjustable Back-Focus............................................................................................15
2.2.5 Auto-Iris Lens Setup...............................................................................................16
2.2.6 Monitor Display Mode .............................................................................................16
2.2.7 Connectors and Cables ...........................................................................................16
3 Functions and Operations ........................................................................................18
3.1 Input of Ext HD/VD Signals.......................................................................................18
3.1.1 External Sync.......................................................................................................18
3.2 Modes of Operation ...............................................................................................19
3.2.1 Continuous Operation (Non triggered) .........................................................................19
3.2.2 Integrate Mode.....................................................................................................20
3.2.3 Vertical Mode ......................................................................................................20
3.2.4 External Trig .......................................................................................................20
4 Software Introduction ............................................................................................21
4.1 Software Installation..............................................................................................21
4.1.1 Before Installing the Camera-Control Software ..............................................................21
4.1.2 Installing the Software ...........................................................................................21
4.1.3 Fresh Installation of the TMC-775/TMC-773 Software .......................................................23
4.2 Using the TMC-775/TMC-773 Software.........................................................................25
4.2.1 The Main Screen ...................................................................................................25
4.3 Camera Control Main Window ...................................................................................27
4.3.1 Manual Gain ........................................................................................................28
4.3.2 Zoom Control.......................................................................................................28
4.3.3 Focus Control ......................................................................................................28
4.3.4 Iris Control..........................................................................................................29
4.3.5 Shutter ..............................................................................................................30
4.3.6 Gamma (Factory default setting = 1.0) ........................................................................30
4.3.7 MFI Input (Multi-Function Input) ................................................................................30
4.3.8 Mirror Image........................................................................................................30
4.3.9 Color Sliders........................................................................................................30
4.3.10 White Balance ...................................................................................................31
4.4 Advanced Settings Window ......................................................................................32
4.5 Advanced Setting details .........................................................................................33
4.5.1 Software/Hardware Details......................................................................................33
4.5.2 Video ................................................................................................................33
4.5.3 Advanced Zoom Controls .........................................................................................34
Table of Contents v
4.5.4 Advanced Focus Controls ........................................................................................ 34
4.5.5 Advanced Iris Controls ........................................................................................... 35
4.5.6 Color Matrix........................................................................................................ 35
4.6 Color Processing Window ........................................................................................ 36
5 Configurable Options Available ................................................................................. 37
5.1.1 ALC (Option OP1-5) .............................................................................................. 37
5.1.2 Advanced Settings for ALC ...................................................................................... 37
5.1.3 White Blemish Compensation (Option OP2-5) ................................................................ 38
5.1.4 Extended Temperature Range (-45°C to +65°C) (Option OP22-5-1) ...................................... 39
5.1.5 Conformal Coat (Option OP22-5-5)............................................................................. 39
6 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 40
6.1 Problems and Solutions .......................................................................................... 40
6.1.1 Symptom: No Video............................................................................................... 40
6.1.2 Symptom: Dark Video ............................................................................................ 40
6.1.3 Symptom: Non-synchronized Video ............................................................................ 40
6.2 TMC-775/TMC-773 Camera Control Software Troubleshooting ............................................ 40
6.2.1 Problem: Camera is not recognized............................................................................ 40
6.2.2 Solution:............................................................................................................ 40
6.2.3 Problem: Camera communication not found ................................................................. 40
6.2.4 Possible Solutions: ................................................................................................ 41
6.2.5 Problem: Program Controls are Grayed Out .................................................................. 41
6.2.6 Solution:............................................................................................................ 41
6.3 Information and Support Resources............................................................................ 41
7 Specifications...................................................................................................... 42
7.1 Product Specifications ........................................................................................... 42
7.1.1 Physical Dimensions .............................................................................................. 43
8 Appendix ........................................................................................................... 45
8.1 Front End Detail................................................................................................... 45
8.2 Camera Command Overview .................................................................................... 45
8.3 Detail List of Camera Commands............................................................................... 46
8.3.1 AEC Mode........................................................................................................... 50
8.3.2 AFE Register Address ............................................................................................. 50
8.3.3 AFE Write .......................................................................................................... 50
8.3.4 AGC Manual Gain.................................................................................................. 51
8.3.5 AGC/AEC Level .................................................................................................... 51
8.3.6 ALC Mode........................................................................................................... 51
8.3.7 AGC Mode .......................................................................................................... 52
8.3.8 AGC Max ............................................................................................................ 52
8.3.9 AWB State.......................................................................................................... 53
8.3.10 AWB Window Display ........................................................................................... 53
8.3.11 Color Balance – Blue............................................................................................ 53
8.3.12 Binning for ALC.................................................................................................. 54
8.3.13 Current Image Brightness...................................................................................... 54
8.3.14 Blemish Count................................................................................................... 54
8.3.15 Blemish Threshold .............................................................................................. 54
8.3.16 Bright Speed..................................................................................................... 55
8.3.17 Camera Model Number......................................................................................... 55
8.3.18 CD1,2,3,4 Column Defect Address ........................................................................... 55
8.3.19 Defect Indicator ................................................................................................ 55
8.3.20 Chroma Filtering State - CFA ................................................................................. 56
8.3.21 Chroma Filtering Gain - CFG .................................................................................. 56
8.3.22 Chroma Filtering Threshold - CFT............................................................................ 56
8.3.23 Color Gain - Blue................................................................................................ 56
8.3.24 Color Gain - Green ............................................................................................. 57
8.3.25 Color Gain - Red ................................................................................................ 57
8.3.26 Color Intensity - Blue .......................................................................................... 57
8.3.27 Color Intensity - Green ........................................................................................ 57
8.3.28 Color Intensity - Red ........................................................................................... 57
8.3.29 CID Customer ID String......................................................................................... 58
8.3.30 Color Mode....................................................................................................... 58
8.3.31 Defect Correction............................................................................................... 58
vi Disclaimer
8.3.32 Dark Speed .......................................................................................................59
8.3.33 Electronic Shutter for ALC .....................................................................................59
8.3.34 Focus Control Interval ..........................................................................................59
8.3.35 Camera FPGA Version ..........................................................................................59
8.3.36 Focus Control ....................................................................................................60
8.3.37 Focus Decrement................................................................................................60
8.3.38 Focus Increment.................................................................................................60
8.3.39 Focus Neutral ....................................................................................................60
8.3.40 Gamma............................................................................................................61
8.3.41 Gamma Selection................................................................................................61
8.3.42 Hue ................................................................................................................61
8.3.43 Interpolator Phase ..............................................................................................61
8.3.44 Iris Control Interval .............................................................................................62
8.3.45 Impulse Filter ....................................................................................................62
8.3.46 Iris Control .......................................................................................................62
8.3.47 Iris Decrement ...................................................................................................62
8.3.48 Iris Increment....................................................................................................63
8.3.49 Iris Neutral .......................................................................................................63
8.3.50 Color Coefficient – Red 1.......................................................................................63
8.3.51 Color Coefficient – Red 2.......................................................................................64
8.3.52 Color Coefficient – Red 3.......................................................................................64
8.3.53 Color Coefficient – Green 1....................................................................................64
8.3.54 Color Coefficient – Green 2....................................................................................65
8.3.55 Color Coefficient – Green 3....................................................................................65
8.3.56 Color Coefficient – Blue 1 ......................................................................................65
8.3.57 Color Coefficient – Blue 2 ......................................................................................66
8.3.58 Color Coefficient – Blue 3 ......................................................................................66
8.3.59 Log Average Weighting .........................................................................................66
8.3.60 Locate Blemishes................................................................................................66
8.3.61 ALC Window – Lower Right X ..................................................................................67
8.3.62 ALC Window – Lower Right Y ..................................................................................67
8.3.63 Save/Restore Camera State ...................................................................................67
8.3.64 MCP Gate Disable ...............................................................................................68
8.3.65 Multifunction Input .............................................................................................68
8.3.66 Multifunction Input Termination..............................................................................68
8.3.67 MCP Manual Gate................................................................................................69
8.3.68 MCP Manual Gain ................................................................................................69
8.3.69 Mirror Image Mode ..............................................................................................69
8.3.70 MCP Level ........................................................................................................69
8.3.71 MCP Mode.........................................................................................................70
8.3.72 MCP Minimum Gain..............................................................................................70
8.3.73 MCP Maximum Gain .............................................................................................70
8.3.74 Color Balance – Red .............................................................................................70
8.3.75 Saturation Control – Blue and Red ...........................................................................71
8.3.76 Sharpening Enhancement - SEN ...............................................................................71
8.3.77 Sharpening State - SHA .........................................................................................72
8.3.78 SHD Level.........................................................................................................72
8.3.79 Sharpening Gain - SHG .........................................................................................72
8.3.80 SHP Level .........................................................................................................73
8.3.81 Shutter Enable...................................................................................................73
8.3.82 Shutter Speed....................................................................................................73
8.3.83 Sharpening Threshold - SHT ...................................................................................73
8.3.84 SMX – Max ALC Shutter Speed .................................................................................74
8.3.85 SNO Factory Unit ID String .....................................................................................74
8.3.86 SSX – Max Shutter Speed .......................................................................................74
8.3.87 Trigger Mode .....................................................................................................74
8.3.88 ALC Window – Upper Left X....................................................................................75
8.3.89 ALC Window – Upper Left Y....................................................................................75
8.3.90 U-Sat ..............................................................................................................75
8.3.91 Camera Firmware Version .....................................................................................75
Table of Contents vii
8.3.92 Vertical Mode ................................................................................................... 76
8.3.93 Video Pedestal .................................................................................................. 76
8.3.94 V-Sat .............................................................................................................. 76
8.3.95 Video White Clip ................................................................................................ 76
8.3.96 White Balance Mode............................................................................................ 77
8.3.97 Window Display ................................................................................................. 77
8.3.98 Window Size Control (Obsolete in firmware 1.60 – replaced by WDS) ................................. 77
8.3.99 WXN – Min ALC Window X Value .............................................................................. 78
8.3.100 WYN – Min ALC Window Y Value .............................................................................. 78
8.3.101 WXX – Max ALC Window X Value.............................................................................. 78
8.3.102 WYX – Max ALC Window Y Value.............................................................................. 78
8.3.103 Y-Gain ............................................................................................................ 78
8.3.104 Zoom Control Interval.......................................................................................... 79
8.3.105 Zoom Control.................................................................................................... 79
8.3.106 Zoom Decrement ............................................................................................... 79
8.3.107 Zoom Increment ................................................................................................ 80
8.3.108 Zoom Neutral.................................................................................................... 80
viii Disclaimer
List of Figures
Figure 1. TMC-775/TMC-773 System Configuration ......................................................................13
Figure 2. 15-Pin Connector ..................................................................................................14
Figure 3. Back Focus Set-Screw Locations ................................................................................16
Figure 4. 15P-02-9P Cable ...................................................................................................16
Figure 5. 15P-02-9P-FULL Cable ............................................................................................17
Figure 6. Input Signals........................................................................................................18
Figure 7. Timing Chart .......................................................................................................19
Figure 8. Horizontal timing details and pixel numbering for the CCD array. EIA ...................................19
Figure 9. Vertical timing details for interlaced. EIA ....................................................................20
Figure 10. Use Save to download a copy of the software. ...............................................................21
Figure 11. Right click to extract the compressed files. ..................................................................22
Figure 12. The extraction directory has the same name as the zip file. ..............................................22
Figure 13. Uninstall Existing TMC-775/TMC-773 Software ...............................................................23
Figure 14. Clean Install of TMC-775/TMC-773 Software..................................................................23
Figure 15. Accept the default install path. ................................................................................24
Figure 16. A bar indicates installation progress. ..........................................................................24
Figure 17. The installer asks to close. ......................................................................................24
Figure 18. A shortcut provides easy access to the TMC-775/TMC-773 software......................................25
Figure 19. Main Screen File Menu ............................................................................................25
Figure 20. Set the COM Port ..................................................................................................25
Figure 21. Load Settings Selections..........................................................................................26
Figure 22. Saving Settings.....................................................................................................26
Figure 23. Zoom Control Set ..................................................................................................28
Figure 24. Focus Control Set..................................................................................................28
Figure 25. Iris Control Set.....................................................................................................29
Figure 26. Shutter Control Set ...............................................................................................30
Figure 27. Firmware and Hardware Detail Boxes..........................................................................33
Figure 28. Video Pedestal .....................................................................................................33
Figure 29. Zoom Controls .....................................................................................................34
Figure 30. Focus Controls .....................................................................................................34
Figure 31. Iris Controls ........................................................................................................35
Figure 32. Color Correction Controls ........................................................................................35
Figure 33. ALC Controls Set...................................................................................................37
Figure 34. ALC Advanced Set .................................................................................................38
Figure 35. White Blemish Set .................................................................................................39
Figure 36. Physical Dimensions...............................................................................................43
Figure 37. Comparative Spectral Response for TMC-775 .................................................................44
Figure 38. Comparative Spectral Response for TMC-773 .................................................................44
Figure 39. Front End Assembly ...............................................................................................45
List of Figures ix
List of Tables
Table 1 TMC-775/TMC-773 Product Specifications Table ............................................................ 42
x List of Tables
TMC-775/TMC-773 Hardware Instructions
1 Hardware Introduction
1.1 Product description
The TMC-775/TMC-773 are designed to be simple, yet high quality color cameras capable of meeting a variety of application requirements. Featuring an advanced HAD-type interline transfer CCD imager, these miniaturized high resolution cameras offer many standard and optional features at a very affordable price. Except for optical format (TMC-775 has a 1/2" optical format while the TMC-773 has a 1/3” optical format) the two cameras share a common set of features. Both have an NTSC color video interface. Unless specifically noted, information in this document regarding camera features and functions applies to both cameras.
1.2 Features
Variable electronic shutter and random CCD integration. The substrate drain-type shutter mechanism provides a superb picture at various speeds without smearing. The electronic shutter rate can be externally adjusted, from 1/60 to 1/100,000 in discrete steps, by means of an RS-232 communication port.
Miniaturized and lightweight. The use of a CCD image sensor in the video camera module and the development of special mini C-mount lenses makes it possible to produce a very compact, lightweight and robust camera small enough to operate just like a remote-head camera system without the back-end electronics.
High sensitivity. The TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras are two of the most low-light-sensitive CCD cameras available today. This feature is especially important when using the faster shutter speeds. The cameras require only 0.25/0.45 lux minimum illumination at maximum gain. In general, this allows use of a higher lens f-value while providing greater depth of field and sharper images.
Precise image geometry. On the CCD image sensor, the photo sensor elements form exact rows both horizontally and vertically so that a very precise image geometry may be obtained.
Low lag/high resistance to image burning. Since the CCDs are highly resistant to image burning, the cameras may be exposed to bright objects for a long period of time. Because a “smear” phenomenon may occur when shooting a very bright object, an infrared cutoff filter is recommended to obtain a clear picture.
Integrated Lens Control The TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras provide external signals which can be used to control motorized lenses. Features such as Zoom, Focus, and Iris are controllable by means of the RS-232 communication port. The control signals can support a variety of lenses. See the appendix for further details.
Manual gain control and gamma adjustment These adjustments, which are particularly important in vision system applications, are externally adjustable by means of the RS-232 communication port
Mirror Image (Horizontal) The TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras provide the capability to horizontally mirror the image. This is externally selectable by means of the RS-232 communication port.
Genlock circuit. A genlock circuit is built in to accept external sync for applications in which external sync is required.
Hardware Introduction 11
High resistance to magnetic field and vibration/mechanical shock. Due to its ruggedized design, the CCD imager can withstand strong vibration and shock with little or no noise appearing in the picture. Since the TMC-775/TMC-773 are not influenced by a magnetic field, they will produce stable images even when placed next to objects such as electric furnaces, welding machines or NMR scanners.
Quick start-up and low power consumption. No more than 2 seconds are needed for the TMC-775/TMC-773 to warm up, and shooting can begin within a second after turning on the camera. The power consumption is less than 2.5W. This makes the cameras excellent for use with battery operated systems.
Three Year Warranty The CCD solid state image sensors allow the cameras to maintain a superior performance level indefinitely while requiring virtually no maintenance. JAI, Inc. backs all of the TM Series cameras with a three-year warranty.
Warning: Unscrewing the camera cover or opening the camera in any way will void this warranty.
1.3 Configurable Options Availability
Automatic Level Control (ALC OP1-5)
Blemish Compensation (OP2-5)
Extended Temperature -40C - +65C (OP22-5-1)
Conformal Coating (OP22-5-5)
1.4 Applications
The miniature size of the TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras eliminates the need for a remote-imager camera in all but the most confined spaces. These cameras fit easily, both physically and functionally, into all types of machine vision, automated inspection, and related applications. Other uses include remotely piloted vehicles, miniature inspection devices, surveillance, microscopes and medical equipment.
1.5 System Configuration
Figure 1 (next page) presents a typical system configuration in which a computer and frame grabber board are used. A computer and frame grabber board are not required for operation of the TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras. The RS-232 com port is not required for operation, but it is needed to configure the cameras and other control functions.
12 Hardware Introduction
Figure 1. TMC-775/TMC-773 System Configuration
Hardware Introduction 13
2 Installation
The following instructions are provided to help you to set up your video camera system quickly and easily. It is suggested that you read through these instructions prior to unpacking and setting up your camera system
2.1 Getting Started
2.1.1 Unpacking Instructions
It is recommended that the original packing cartons for the cameras and lenses be saved in case there is a need to return or exchange an item. It is also recommended that any equipment being sent to another location for field installation be bench tested to assure that everything is fully operational as a system.
2.1.2 Components List
Please begin by checking your order against the Components List (below) to assure that you have received everything as ordered, and that nothing has been overlooked in the packing materials. If any item is missing, please contact your JAI, Inc. representative immediately.
TMC-775 or TMC-773 camera
TMC-775/TMC-773 data sheet (Download from www.jai.com
TMC-775/TMC-773 Operations Manual (Download from www.jai.com
TMC-775/TMC-773 Camera Control Software (Download from www.jai.com
2.1.3 Accessories
Following is a list of additional accessories or equipment that may be recommended or required for your particular application. Please check with your JAI, Inc. representative prior to the installation of your video system to determine what you might need.
Power Cable: 15P-02-9P-FULL or 15P-02-9P
Power Supply: PD-12UU
Tripod Mounting Kit: TP-50
(for dimensions go to: www.jai.com/EN/CameraSolutions/Products/Accessories/Pages/Home.aspx
2.2 Camera Setup
2.2.1 Connector Pin Configurations 15-Pin Connector
The TMC-775/TMC-773 have a 15-pin connector for power input. The pins handle a number of input and output functions, which will be discussed further in other sections.
Figure 2. 15-Pin Connector
14 Hardware Installation
2.2.2 Power Supply and Power Cable Setup
The TMC-775/TMC-773 cameras require a100-240V AC/12V DC 1.3A universal voltage power supply with a US plug. The JAI cable for this series of cameras is part number is 15P-02-9P-FULL or 15P-02-9P, and the power supply is PD-12UU. JAI, Inc. Power Cables
If you are using JAI, Inc. power cables please refer to the pin-out diagram. The color coded leads use Grey for Ground and Yellow for +12V DC.
Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description
1 +12V 6 +12V_Iris_Rtn 11 Auto Iris
2 Video Out 7 GND 12 Integrate
3 +12V_Iris 8 Lens Cont 3 13 Ext HD
4 Lens Cont 1 9 RX In 14 Ext VD/Composite
5 Lens Cont 2 10 GND 15 TX Out
Note: Make sure that the unused leads are not touching and that there is no possibility that the leads could
short due to exposed wires.
2.2.3 Attaching the Camera Lens
The TMC-775 camera accepts 1/2” or larger format size C-mount lenses, the TMC-773 camera accepts 1/3” or larger format size C-mount lenses. To attach the C-mount lens to the camera, carefully engage the threads and rotate the lens clockwise until it firmly seats on the mounting ring. Do not force the lens if it does not seat properly. Please note that some lenses with extremely long flangebacks may exceed the mounting depth of the camera.
2.2.4 Adjustable Back-Focus
Before cameras are shipped, back focus is carefully set using a collimator, oscilloscope and other specialized equipment. While the factory-set focus serves well in most cases, an adjustable back focus makes it possible to improve image sharpness when using lower-cost zoom lenses, custom optics, or in unusual parameters.
There should be an obvious need to refocus the lens before attempting to change the back focus. This is an exacting task. Some cameras have been returned to the factory to reset the back focus after failed attempts to change the focus by customers. It is wise to label cameras whose back focus was adjusted.
1. The camera must be connected to a monitor before attempting to adjust the back focus.
2. To back focus the camera, first attach a C-mount lens in the mount. Be certain that the lens is properly seated.
3. Next set the lens focus to infinity (if the lens has a manual iris, set the iris to a high f number while still retaining a well illuminated image).
4. Loosen the three miniature hex set-screws (use a 0.9 mm hex wrench) that lock the focus ring in place. Slowly turn the lens and focus ring assembly back and forth until you obtain the best image of the desired object. This sets the back focus. Once the best image is obtained, tighten the focus ring set-screws until they are snug. Do not over-tighten the screws.
Note: Mini-bayonet cameras adapted to C-mount do not have the back focus feature.
Hardware Installation 15
Figure 3. Back Focus Set-Screw Locations
2.2.5 Auto-Iris Lens Setup
Auto-iris lenses with full video input can be used with the JAI, Inc. TMC-775 and TMC-773.
Note: Make sure that the power is removed from the camera before connecting or disconnecting the auto-iris
lens. There is a small chance that damage could occur to the auto-iris lens by plugging or unplugging it while the camera is powered up.
Power down the camera before installing the auto-iris lens. To install the auto-iris lens in a JAI, Inc. camera, wire the signal on the lens into the 1 V peak-to-peak video output (pin 11) on the camera. 12 volts DC is available on pin 3.
Point the camera at a light area and then quickly towards a darker area. If everything is working properly, the iris should adjust for the light change.
2.2.6 Monitor Display Mode
For monitoring real time video, connect the video output to an NTSC video monitor or other device.
2.2.7 Connectors and Cables
15-pin connector and cable: Standard cable is 15P-02-9P and 15P-02-9P-FULL.
Figure 4. 15P-02-9P Cable
16 Hardware Installation
Figure 5. 15P-02-9P-FULL Cable
*On the TMC-775/TMC-773 this is for Integration function only. Does not support Ext. Trigger
Hardware Installation 17
3 Functions and Operations
Apart from the standard continuous operation, the TMC-775/TMC-773 feature three external asynchronous trigger modes (edge pre-select, pulse width controlled and Async RESET).
3.1 Input of Ext HD/VD Signals
In the default setting the camera will accept external HD/VD signals on pin 13 and 14 of the 15 pin connector. If external HD/VD is applied, the camera will synchronize to it. If no external sync signals are applied, the camera will operate with its internal x-tal controlled sync. The time requirements to the relation between VD and HD are shown in Fig. 6.
To use this mode:
Input: Ext. VD in or int. VD out on pin 14 on 15 pin connector. Ext. HD in or int. HD out on pin 13 on 15 pin connector.
Note: External sync system should follow the camera scanning system.
3.1.1 External Sync
The TMC-775/TMC-773 can accept external sync from an external sync generator or frame grabber. Input specifications:
Internal/External auto switch
fH+15.734 KHz ± 5%, fV +59.95 Hz ± 5%
Min signal amplitude 3.5 Vp-p
Note: The TMC-775/TMC-773 have a one (1) horizontal line delay between the input VD signal and the output
video. If external vertical drive (VD) is applied to the camera, it may cause the video output to be delayed 1 HD (1 H = ~64.0 µ s). If the imaging system is capable of automatically detecting the start of video (within a few HD), then no problem will exist. Otherwise, reconfigure the video capturing sequence to delay video acquisition of 1H.
Figure 6. Input Signals
18 Software Introduction & Installation
3.2 Modes of Operation
3.2.1 Continuous Operation (Non triggered)
For applications that do not require asynchronous external trigger (continuous operation). This is the factory default setting of the camera.
Figure 7. Timing Chart
Figure 8. Horizontal timing details and pixel numbering for the CCD array. EIA
Function and Operations 19
Figure 9. Vertical timing details for interlaced. NTSC
3.2.2 Integrate Mode
The standard factory setting for the TMC-775/TMC-773 camera is FIELD MODE.
An External Integrate mode is located on pin 12 of the 15 pin connector. This allows frames to continually integrate until this input pin is released. This is normally high or open. Holding the input “low” starts the integration.
To use this mode:
Input: Ext. signal to pin 12 on 15 pin connector.
Set MFI mode: “VD mode” Set MFI Termination: “Hi Z”
3.2.3 Vertical Mode
The standard factory setting for the TMC-775/TMC-773 camera is FIELD MODE.
In Field Mode, two horizontal rows are scanned together, changing the pair at each interlace scan.
3.2.4 External Trig
The External Trig functions are not supported during continuous operation.
20 Software Introduction & Installation
TMC-775/TMC-773 Camera Control Software
4 Software Introduction
The TMC-775/TMC-773 are supported by a software control tool that opens the RS-232 serial port (COM). This document addresses the JAI TMC-775/TMC-773 camera software available for download at www.jai.com.
4.1 Software Installation
Following are instructions to install the TMC-775/TMC-773 camera software on a PC.
4.1.1 Before Installing the Camera-Control Software
Before installing the camera control software, please note the following.
The TMC-775/TMC-773 camera control software is tested for Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operating systems.
We recommend that you use small fonts for the Display Properties dialog box in the control panel.
The TMC-775/TMC-773 camera control software requires one free communication port that is not in
conflict with other peripherals such as the mouse or modem.
4.1.2 Installing the Software
To install the TMC-775/TMC-773 camera control software, follow the steps below.
1. Download the TMC-775/TMC-773 software from the JAI, Inc. web site at www.jai.com.
2. Locate the software by going to the camera description (TMC-775 or TMC-773) and clicking on the Software link, or by searching using the site search feature.
3. Click on the “Save” button to save a compressed copy of the software to the hard drive of your system.
Note: If you go to software and download based on the camera description, for example, TMC-775, the
software download is the correct, and latest released version.
Figure 10. Use Save to download a copy of the software.
The software is compressed, use decompression software to create the installation directory.
Software Introduction & Installation21
Figure 11. Right click to extract the compressed files.
By choosing to “Extract to folder...” (C: normally indicates the hard drive that includes the desktop) the directory is in the same place as the download, and can be easily moved to any desired location.
Figure 12. The extraction directory has the same name as the zip file.
3.Open the directory and double-click on setup to begin the TMC-775/TMC-773 software install.
4.Follow the installation instructions.
Note: You can change the installation directory if you want. Uninstalling Previous TMC-775/TMC-773 JAI, Inc. Software
If you already have TMC-775/TMC-773 software on the hard drive, the installer asks to uninstall the software.
Accepting the uninstall allows the existing software to be removed. The installer then closes.
To initiate a new installation it is necessary to click “Setup” again.
22 Software Introduction & Installation
Figure 13. Uninstall Existing TMC-775/TMC-773 Software
4.1.3 Fresh Installation of the TMC-775/TMC-773 Software
Start by clicking on the Setup icon in the software folder.
Click Next to begin a clean install.
Figure 14. Clean Install of TMC-775/TMC-773 Software
Accept the default installation path by clicking Next, if there is room on the hard drive. Use the browse button if you wish to set a different installation path.
Click the Next button twice to begin the actual software installation.
Software Introduction & Installation23
Figure 15. Accept the default install path.
Figure 16. A bar indicates installation progress.
Figure 17. The installer asks to close.
It is not necessary to restart the computer after installing the TMC-775/TMC-773 software.
Click on the Windows Start menu to access a shortcut to the TMC-775/TMC-773 software.
Click on the JAI_TMC-775/TMC-773 icon to start the software.
24 Software Introduction & Installation
Figure 18. A shortcut provides easy access to the TMC-775/TMC-773 software.
4.2 Using the TMC-775/TMC-773 Software
You must connect a camera via an RS-232 cable to the computer and power it up before starting the camera control software.
Start the TMC-775/TMC-773 software by clicking on the Start menu, and then selecting JAI_TMC-775/TMC-773 and clicking the JAI TMC-775/TMC-773 shortcut on the right (Figure 18).
4.2.1 The Main Screen
The main screen offers several menus. Click on File in the menu bar to access the following:
Figure 19. Main Screen File Menu Preferences
Selecting Preferences opens a separate window that allows the user to set the COM port the camera will use to interface with the computer. Set the port number by selecting it in the COM Port drop down list box. The system defaults to the COM port number where the camera is attached.
In addition, this window allows you to rename the Control functions of "Zoom", "Focus", and "Iris". Thus, the controls can be used for more general purpose functions, such as stepper motors for "Pan" and "Tilt".
Figure 20. Set the COM Port
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