AM-200CL / AB-200CL
- 4 -
6.3.1 If the binning control is 0=OFF or 2=2x1.................................................. - 24 - AOI initial setting ....................................................................... - 24 - AOI setting ............................................................................... - 24 -
6.3.2 If the binning control is set to 1=1x2 or 3=2x2 ............................................. - 25 - AOI initial set (Offset Y=0, Height=1200) ........................................... - 25 -
6.34.2 AOI setting ................................................................................ - 25 -
6.4. Horizontal timing ................................................................................. - 26 -
6.4.1 If the binning control is 0=OFF or 2=2x1.................................................. - 26 -
68 If the binning control is 1=1x2 or 3=2x2 ..................................................... - 26 -
6.4.3 DVAL output if the Binning control is set to 2=2x1 or 3=2x2 .......................... - 26 -
6.4.4 LVAL-LOW level period ..................................................................... - 27 -
7. Operating modes ...................................................................... - 28 -
7.1. Acquisition control (Change the frame rate) ................................................ - 28 -
7.2. Exposure setting .................................................................................. - 29 -
7.2.1 Mode ........................................................................................... - 29 -
7.2.2 Exposure time setting (Command: PE) ................................................... - 29 -
7.2.3 Exposure sequence (Commands EXSQ, PES(N), PER(N), EXSR, EXSEP, PE1 ~PE16) - 30 -
7.3. Trigger Control .................................................................................... - 30 -
7.3.1 Selection of the trigger input (Command: TI) ........................................... - 30 -
7.3.2 Trigger activation (Command: TA) ....................................................... - 30 -
7.3.3 Trigger Overlap (Command: TO) ........................................................... - 30 -
7.3.4 Pre-Dump (Command: TD) .................................................................. - 30 -
7.4. Exposure auto control (Commands: ASC, ASCS, ASCEA, ASCEI) ............................ - 31 -
7.5. Normal continuous operation ................................................................... - 31 -
7.6. Timed mode (so-called EPS operation) ....................................................... - 32 -
7.6.1 If the overlap setting is “OFF” ............................................................. - 33 -
7.6.2 If the overlap setting is “Readout” ........................................................ - 33 -
7.7. Trigger width mode (so-called PWC) .......................................................... - 34 -
7.7.1 If the overlap setting is “Non Overlap” ................................................... - 34 -
7.7.2 If the overlap setting is “Readout” ........................................................ - 35 -
7.8. Pre-dump mode (so-called RCT) ............................................................... - 35 -
7.9. PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) .............................................................. - 37 -
7.10. Operation and function matrix ............................................................... - 38 -
8. Other functions ....................................................................... - 39 -
8.1 Black level control (Command : BL) .......................................................... - 39 -
8.2 Gain control (Relative commands GA,GJUT1,2,3) ........................................... - 39 -
8.3 Tap control (Relative commands AWA, ABA, GJUT1, GJUT2, GJUT3) ..................... - 39 -
8.4. Exposure auto (Related Commands : ASC=1(ON), ASCS, ASCEA, ASCEI) .................. - 40 -
8.5. Auto white balance (Related commands:AWB, PGS, PGR, PGGR, PGGB, PGB) ......... - 40 -
8.6. Blemish compensation ........................................................................... - 41 -
8.7. LUT (Relative commands LUTC, LUTR, LUYG, LUTB) ....................................... - 41 -
8.8. Gamma (Command: GAMS) ..................................................................... - 42 -
8.9. Flat Field Correction (FFC) (Command: SDR) ................................................ - 42 -
8.10. Bayer color interpolation (Command : BCIC) (Only for AB-200CL) ...................... - 43 -
8.11. Test pattern (Command: TPN) ................................................................ - 44 -
8.12. Temperature sensor (Command : TMPO) .................................................... - 44 -
9. Configuring the camera.............................................................. - 46 -
9.1 RS-232C control .................................................................................... - 46 -
9.2 Communication setting. .......................................................................... - 46 -
9.3. Save and load functions ......................................................................... - 47 -
9.4 Command list ...................................................................................... - 47 -
10. Camera control tool ................................................................ - 55 -
10.1. Control tool windows ........................................................................... - 55 -