TP-82N wireless ind oor thermostat
HYst is an item, where you c an pr ogram the range of
For a reset to factor y default settings the RES item is
The TP-82N is a wireless indoor thermostat. It serves for the measuring and
regulation of temperature. The temperature is set by the knob. The
thermostat regulates a pre-set temperature 24hrs per day.
The thermostat can be locked against unwanted manipulation. As well
as the regulation of temperature it can also report reaching the hi gh and
low temperature limits.
Figure1: 1- knob (encoder) combined with button 2- tab
Thermostat installation
The product can only be used in an indoor environment. Install the
thermostat 1.5 m above the floor in a pl ace where there is good natural air
circulation. Don´t install the thermostat where the measuring can be
influenced by drafts, sunlight, heaters or any other effects. Avoid mounting
the thermostat on metal objects or metal bases which block radio
1. By pressing the tab (by screwdriver for instance) release the front part of
the thermostat.
2. Install the rear part of the thermostat at the choose place (tab down).
3. Insert the batteries; the polarity is marked on the plastic.
4. Put back the front thermostat part and close it.
Enrolling the thermostat
Install and connect the receiving unit to the heating appliance. If the
receiver has been bought independently, you have to enroll the thermostat to
it first. Open the enrollment mode on the receiver (see its manual) and insert
the batteries into the thermostat or press and hold the knob for 5s. In both
cases the thermosta t will send an enrollment signal.
Symbols on the LCD:
The basic menu has 4 groups of settings.
c Locking the thermostat
F Switching off the thermostat
t3 Service menu
OK Saving the parameters and leaving the service menu
1. LOc – Locking the thermostat
To protect the thermostat against unwanted
manipulation you can lock the thermostat. Enter the
menu and press the knob on item LOc, the options
ON/OFF appear. By turning the knob select the
requested state and confirm by pressing. Choosing ON enables the function
Lock, and blocks thermostat control. To unlock the thermostat choose the
option OFF. Locking the thermostat is indicated on the LCD by the
2. OFF – Switching off the thermostat
The thermostat can be switched off by the option OFF.
Enter the menu and press the knob on the item OFF,
the options ON/OFF appear. By turning the knob select
the requested state and confirm by pressing. Choosing
ON enables the function OFF, and switches off the thermostat. This is
indicated on the LCD by the text OFF. Although the thermostat has been
switched off, it still measures and detects the antif ree ze tem per atu re (s ee S E
t3, Stby). To unlock the thermostat enter the menu and choose the option
OFF. When the knob is pressed the thermostat will be unlocked.
3. SEt3 – Service menu
The service parameters can be pre-programmed here. In a normal mode it
is not necessary to change those parameters. The Service menu includes
8 items. Open by scrolling the knob to the requested item and by pressing the
knob enter the programming mode. Select the value again by scrolling the
knob. Confirm it by pressing the knob and it returns you back to the service
the switching thresholds
temperature (hyste resis). The range can be set with
a 0.1°C step from 0.1°C to 1°C.
(Default setting 0.2°C)
Example: With a set accurac y of 0.5˚C a temperature of 24°C will be kept this
way, at 23.5°C it sta rts heating and at 24.0°C it stops heating. In real condi tions
regulation could hav e a much bigger tempera ture sca tter becaus e of the thermal
inertia in the heated premises.
Warning: An over-narrow pre-programmed hysteresis range could
perform on/off switching of the heating very often.
The item Stby sets the temperature which will be
kept in the case of switching off the thermostat
(item OFF). The Stby temperature is alwa ys at least
3°C higher than ALLo. The value of the Stby
temperature does not hav e to be set higher tha n the
The t Lo item is the lower limit to which econom ical
temperate can be set.
The t Hi item is the upper limit to which the comfort
temperature can be set.
Figure 2: 1 – Symbols of temperature and texts; 2 – Locking the ther mos ta t;
3 – Alarm temperature-limits / Loss of communication;
4 – Heating ON / OFF; 5 – Low battery
Settings and programming
Do the complete settings using the knob – encoder. By pressing the knob 2
sec enter the programming mode.
General rules for programming:
1. Flashing of any icon on the LCD allows changing the option(s) or
choosing a next item.
2. Perform choosing or changing by turning the knob (turning the knob is
possible from left to right and vice versa).
3. Confirm the selection or change by briefly pressing the knob .
4. When the value of an item has been changed, then after this briefly press
the knob and the changes are saved. Then the thermostat goes to the
next item in the programming menu.
5. After the setting / change of the chosen items, select the parameter „OK“,
in the menu. By short pressing the system returns back to the previous
menu (up t o the main menu).
6. If there is no manipulation of the knob for 30 sec, it returns you back to
the previous menu automatically.
TP-82N wireless indoor thermostat 1 / 2 MKL51106
AL Lo is the lower critical temperature. When the
temperature drops under the pre-set value, the
thermostat sends an alarm report to the recei ver and
this state is indic ated b y a permanently lit (!) symbol.
The ALLo temperature is alwa ys at least 3°C lower
AL Hi is the upper critical temperature. W hen the
temperature increas es above the pre-set val ue, the
thermostat sends an alarm report t o the r eceiver an d
this state is indic ated by a permanently lit (!) symbol.
The ALHi temperature is always at le ast 3°C higher
than tHi.
used. After you enter the men u and press the k nob
on the RES item ON/OFF appears. B y scrolling the
knob select ON, and press the knob. Then a RESET
will be done. When the reset is finished, a 20°C
temperature is pre-set.
By pressing the knob when th e therm ostat shows you
OK you leave the service menu and return to the
basic thermostat menu.
Range of temperatures settings.
Lower limit of regulated
Upper limit of regulated
Low temperature alarm
High temperature alarm
original of the conformity assessment can be found at
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use. For more detailed information visit
Technical specifications
Power: 2x AA LR6 1.5 V / 2.4 Ah alkaline batteries
Lifetime of batteries: typically 1 year
Regulation range: +6 °C to +40 °C
Temperature regulation sensitivity: adjustable: 0.1- 1 °C
Alarm when temperature drops below ALLo: -9 °C to +20 °C
Alarm when temperature exceeds ALHi: +30 °C to +70 °C
Communication band: 868.5 MHz, Oasis protocol
RF range: up to 100 m (open area)
Operational temperature: -10 °C to + 70 °C (no condensation)
Dimensions: 66 x 90 x 22 mm
Complies with: ETSI EN 300220, EN50130-4, EN55022, EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to
ERC REC 70-03
* The ranges of t Lo and t Hi can´t overlap each other.
Showing the pre-set temperature
The thermostat always shows the current room temperature in the normal
mode. Briefly pressing the knob will show the temperature which has been
set for this time. The pre-set temperature flashes 3s then it shows the current
temperature again.
Replacing the batteries
When the thermostat starts to indicate the Low Batt symbol ( ) or stops
working completely, replace the batteries for new ones. A Low battery report
is sent to the receiver.
Note: We strongly recommend only using alkaline batteries,
type AA 1.5V.
Integration into the OASiS system
The thermostat can be enrolled to a control panel a s a detector. If the
temperature decreases below AL Lo a panic alarm will be triggered = frost
threat ( heating failure).
If the temperature exceeds AL Hi then a fire alarm will be triggered.
An AC-82 receiving unit (AC-82) has two output relays (X and Y).
Thermostats can be enrolled separately to each relay in order to control two
independent heating circuits.
To operate a heating system the OASIS control panel can also be
enrolled (sequence 299) to the same relay of the receiving unit (AC-82) as
the thermostat is enrolled to. A thermostat enrolled to the X relay can be
operated via the PGX progra mmable output, and a thermostat enrolled to
the Y relay operated via PGY. If the programmable output of the control
panel is switched on, the thermostat maintains the programmed
temperature. If the control panel´s output is switched off the thermostat only
triggers heating if the temperature drops below Stby.
To operate the heating, RC-80 or RC-88 remote controls can also be
enrolled to receiving unit (AC-82). The heating can be switched on by remote
controls to heat th the desired temperature and also switched off where it
only heats when the temperature is below Stby.
To disable heating when windows are open JA-81M or JA-82M
detectors can also be enrolled to the same relay as the thermostat is
enrolled to. If the windows are closed it heats to t he desired temperature and
if windows are open it heats only when the temperature is below Stby.
Up to 8 thermostats can be enrolled to a single relay. If at least on the
thermostat transmi ts a heat command then the relay will be switched on.
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the TP-82N
module is in compli ance wit h the esse ntial req uireme nts and ot her
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and 2011/65/EU. The - Techn ical Suppor t section
Note: Alt ho u gh this produc t do e s no t co n t ain any harmf ul materials
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