GD-04 DAVID 12 MKS51203
Table 1 – A brief list of programming SMS instructions
Any programming SMS message must start with a valid access code (see 6.3).
Example: PC, ARX, heating on, DRX, heating off
Instruction Description
Relays X and Y operation
SMS to switch relay ON
ARX, xxx..x Use ARY for relay Y. xxx..x = text (up to 30
characters), text erased by ARX , ,
Example: ARY,ventilator on
SMS to switch relay OFF
DRX, xxx..x Use DRY for relay Y. xxx..x = text (up to 30
characters), text erased by DRX, ,
Example: DRY,ventilator off
Relay switch-on period
TMX, t..t
Use TMY for relay Y.
t..t = switch-on period in seconds, or zero
• 1 to 10h entered in seconds, minutes(m) or
hours(h) (3600s = 60m = 1h)
• The relay works as a time-switch, activated via
switch-on SMSes or dialling-in. Deactivation is by
time-limit expiration or via switch-off SMSes.
• 0: no time-limit applies, dialling-in is responded to
with toggle logic: on – off – on…
(no limit)
Telephone numbers
authorised for relay control
ADX, x..x,x..x
Use ADY for relay Y.
x..x = tel. number. Up to 50 numbers can be ent ered
(in a single instruction or gradually). The numbers
are added to the list of authorised numbers.
Example: ADX, 777123456, +420608503211
authorises two new numbers for relay X control.
Telephone numbers
authorised for relay control
with a validity limit.
LDX, x..x,n,
Use LDY for relay Y.
x..x = tel. number. The numbers are added to the list
of authorised numbers, up to 50 in total.
n = limit in the number of calls (1 to 99), exceeding
the limit removes the number from the list – this is
reported to the service number by SMS.
Example: LDX, 777123457, 31 authorises a new
number for relay X control for a maximum of 31 calls.
Erasing tel. numbers
authorised for relay control
EDX, x..x, x..x Use EDY for relay Y. x..x = tel. number. The
numbers (up to 50) are removed from the list.
Example: EDX, 777123457 de-authorises a
single tel. number used for relay X control.
Input A to D activation/deactivation SMS reports
Input activation text
ATA, xx..x
Use ATB for input B, etc.
xxx..x = text (up to 30 characters*)
Example: ATC, heating on
Instruction ATA , , erases the text = no reports
Input deactivation text
DTA, xx..x
Use DTB for input B, etc.
xxx..x = text (up to 30 characters*)
Example: DTC, heating off
Instruction DTA , , erases the text = no reports
Telephone numbers for input
TNA, x..x, x..x
Use TNB for input B, etc.
x..x = tel. number, up to 8 for each input. All
previously stored numbers are erased. Use TN A,
to empty the list.
Example: TND, 777123456, 608123456 sets
David to report input D events to 2 numbers
Input-event calls
DNA, n Use TNB for input B, etc., n = 1 (ON), 0 (OFF). If
set to ON, every SMS report is followed by a call.
If you answer the call, you hear a constant tone =
activation, or an interrupted tone = deactivation.
Example: DND, 1
GD-04 DAVID 1 MKS51203
The GD-04 “David” GSM communicator
User manual
The GD-04 module got its name from David, a biblical king who outsmarted Goliath, a giant. In our
case, Goliath is meant to be the GSM network. We hope that the skills of your tiny David will help you
manage the giant.
1. Basic description
Bus connector
Battery connection
LED indicator
RESET jumper
GSM antenna
Ta bs
SIM card
Output fuses
1.1. David provides:
• 2 output contacts of power relays X and Y (each allows up to 5A/250V)
• 4 input terminals A to D for SMS reporting (the inputs react to a connection or disconnection
to or from a common GND terminal)