Help Me!KIT
Quick guide
GD P- 04 i RF + P an ic ! Bu tt on
Keep in touch
Make a call
Write and sen d a text messag e
Set r inger volume
Set c all volume
Answe r a call
(usin g Hotkeys)
Pick u p the hands et and pu sh require d Hotkey.
www.jabl ocom.com
Receiv e a call by picking up the han dset.
1. Press butto n
2. Write your text
3. Send b y pressing right
button bellow the LCD
4. Select the requir ed recipi ent
by pre ssing Hotke y.
When y our phone i s ringing press
the ar rows to set volume.
During your phone call pre ss the arr ows
to set volume.
Accid ental pressing
1. When y ou Press
the Pa nic! Button
LED fl ashes and t he button
3. If you pressed th e button within
5 seco nd window, em ergency
signal is not sen t.
2. L ED is flas hing for 5 seconds.
If you pressed th e button
by acc ident, pres sing it a gain
within 5 seconds cancels
the al arm.
5 se conds
Be ep
By pre ssing Panic ! Button your Jablo Phone will automatica lly call or text up to 5 conta cts for he lp.
1st cont act
2nd cont act
3rd cont act
How d oes it work Test it
Save your emergency c ontacts (quick d ial button)
1. Type numb er
2. Save n umber
by pre ssing hotke y
3. Write down the na me
2 seconds
Phone c all + text message
Phone c all
Text messag e
Set e mergency contact number for SOS call by pre ssing Panic ! Button
Addin g another button
Featu res
1. Select in your ph one menu. ..
1. Select In your ph one menu. ..
2. Add ne w phone num ber
from y our contact s by pres sing
initia l letter of required contact.
( K - like Katie )
2. Press the Panic! Button
3. Name t he button
Tip: Use the name of the button owner
(eg. G ranny Smith ), or if you have
more b uttons in the househ old,
you ca n name them by locat ion
(eg. K itchen, Bat hroom).
3. Confir m the numbe r
4. Select reporting
> Set tings
> But tons & Dete ctors
> Eme rgency call settings
> Add new
> Set tings
> But tons & Dete ctors
> My buttons & d etectors
> <ad d new…>
By pre ssing Panic ! Button you will m ake a test call to co ntact you h ave set a s emergenc y in step before.
50 m
Battery life
3 Years