• Output Current Up To 150A
• Output Voltage Up To 100V
• Rise Time < 10µµs
• Pulse Width < 50µµs to 5ms
• 5KHz Maximum Frequency
• Drives up to 50 diodes
• IEEE- 488 (GPIB) and RS-232
Computer Interfaces
The PCX-150 is an air-cooled, high power pulsed current source
designed to drive diode lasers, bars and arrays. It delivers
current pulses variable from 1A to 150A, pulse widths variable
from <50µs to 5ms, with rise times <5µs, and pulse repetition
frequencies variable from single shot to 5KHz at duty cycles up
to 20%.
A microprocessor-controlled front -panel and RS-232/IEEE-488
interface provide individual control of each electronic function,
while the backlit display provides immediate visual confirmation
of all operating parameters, including output current setpoint and
amplitude, pulse width, repetition frequency, duty cycle, and
error and fault messages. The front panel controls allow the user
to set either pulse width and frequency independently, or to set
frequency and duty cycle, which then sets the pulse width
accordingly. The front panel display monitors both the setpoints,
and the actual current delivered to the diode. Analog current and
voltage monitors and a synchronization output are also provided
for monitoring of the current and voltage to the laser diode. In
addition to stand-alone operation, the PCX-150 can be externally
Connection to the laser diode is made through an innovative
front panel, low impedance ribbon cable, desig ned to preserve
the fidelity of high-speed, large-amplitude current pulses. The
output connector is interlocked, so that the PCX-150 is disabled
when the connector is removed.
The PCX-150 features advanced circuitry to protect both the
diode and driver. A relay closure shorts the output to ground
when power to the driver is turned off. At turn on, and at any time
the driver is not pulsing, the PCX-150’s output is electronically
shorted to ground, ensuring that no current flows through the
diode except during the on period of the pulse. In addition, the
actual current through the diode is monitored in real-time. If the
actual current ever exceeds the user-adjustable current setpoint,
the driver truncates the output current pulse, electronically shorts
the output to ground, and displays an error message on the front panel display. In addition, the PCX-150 has a factory-set
hardware-controlled current -limit and an independent, useradjustable current limit. This provides a fail-safe mechanism to
prohibit the user from setting the current amplitude setpoint
above the user-controlled current limit.
A user-selectable slow-start option allows the user to configure a
slow-start current ramp, as shown in the waveform below.
Safety features of the PCX-150 include a laser enable keyswitch,
an output cable safety interlock, remote interlock, and delayed
2ms Pulse, 150A, 100V Output
250µs/Div horizontal scale,
25A/Div vertical scale
6.5µµs Rise, 9µµs Fall
150A, 100V Output
25µs/Div horizontal scale,
25A/Div vertical scale
Slow-start Ramp
Function, 0-120A
Output, 6A Step
horizontal scale,
20A/Div vertical