EVDD408, EVDD409, EVDI409, EVDN409 And EVDD414
IXDD408, IXDD409, IXDI409, IXDN409 And IXDD414
General Description
The EVDD408/EVDD409/EVDI409/EVDN409/EVDD414
evaluation boards are general-purpose circuit boards
designed to simplify the evaluation of the IXYS IXDD408,
IXDD409, IXDI409, IXDN409 and IXDD414 gate drive ICs, as
well as to provide a building block for power circuit
development. Any of the four gate driver package types (SO8, Dip 8, 5pin TO-220 and the 5pin TO-263) may be installed
in the driver (the 5-Pin TO-263 is factory installed). The board
enables the user to drive MOSFETs or IGBTs in the TO-220,
TO-247, TO-264 or SOT-227 packages. The evaluation
board design allows these MOSFETS to be attached to a
heat sink, and in so doing the board assembly can be used
as a ground referenced, low side power switch for both
single-ended and push-pull configurations. The board layout
for the gate driver in the TO-220 and the TO-263 packages
(designator U1B), allows the ground tab to be soldered to
the ground plane for cooling in high-power, high frequency
applications with large MOSFET devices. Circuitry for the TriState function is also included on the evaluation board.
Figure 1 is a photograph of the Evaluation Board loaded with
an IXDD408YI TO-263 driver and a SOT-227 MOSFET. The
low level inputs are shown on the left side of the board.
Control is a TTL high true input which controls the on or off
state of the power switch Q1, Q2, or Q3. Enable is a low true
input, which controls the Tri-State output (IXDD408, IXDD409
and IXDD414 devices only). VCC-IN is the low voltage, (825V) power input, (see Figure 3 below). Figure 2 illustrates
the MOSFET mounting of a TO-220, TO-247, or TO-264
device. The MOSFET is mounted on the back side of the
PCB. A large through hole is provided so that the device can
be attached to a heat sink. The SOT-227 (shown in the
photograph) is mounted in a similar manner.
Circuit Operation
The schematic diagram for the evaluation board is shown in
Figure 4. The control gate is applied to R6 then on the input
pin 2 of the IC. This signal input is followed in time by the
output pins 7 and 6. Pins 1 and 8 are attached to +VCC via a
de-coupling network comprised of R1, C1 and R2, C2. Pins
4 and 5 are attached to the circuit ground plane. This is the
preferred arrangement of the bypassing for the Vcc input
power. The enable pin 3 is attached to the drain of Q4. This
device is used to level translate and provide an invert
function for the Tri-State mode when used with the IXDD408,
IXDD409 and IXDD414 devices. (The IXDI409 and IXDN409
devices do not utilize the enable input.) The drain of Q4 is
also attached to the gate of the MOSFET thru RA and DA. In
the Tri-State mode the turn-off time of the power MOSFET is
determined by the time constant of the input gate
capacitance C
IXDD408 and IXDD414 data sheets for additional
information on this mode of operation.
The U1 output is available at pins 7 and 6. These are
attached to the MOSFET via the two one-Ohm resistors R4
and R5. The values of these resistors may be changed to
optimize the performance of the specific device being driven.
and the value of the resistor RA. See the
Gate Driver IC Evaluation Boards
There are three test points on the board: Control, Gate and
Drain. These allow the user to easily attach an oscilloscope
probe and the associated ground to the circuit to verify
Figure 1 - EVDD408/EVDD409/EVDI409/EVDN409/EVDD414
Evaluation Board
SOT-227 Device Installed For Illustration Purposes Only
Evaluation PCB
TO-220, TO-247,
TO-264, or SOT-227
Heat Sink
Figure 2 - Evaluation Board Side View Showing Power
Device Installed In A High-Power Configuration
CONTROL Control Input - 3V into 1K Ohms
GND1 Ground 1
ENABLE * LOW = True, HIGH = Tri-State Mode
GND2 Ground 2
VCC-IN VCC input - 8V to 25V
GND 3 Ground 3
* Enable function applies to IXDD408, IXDD409 and
IXDD414 devices only
Figure 3 - Input Pin-Out Table
Kapton Insulator
The Evaluation Boards are supplied with either IXDD408YI,
IXDD409YI, IXDI409YI, IXDN409YI or IXDD414YI 5-Pin TO263 devices installed, depending upon the evaluation baord
part number ordered. To use the evaluation board with a
different package type, the installed device must be removed, and the new device installed in the appropriate
Ordering Information
Part Number Installed Device
EVDD408 IXDD408YI 5-Pin TO-263, 8A With Enable
EVDD409 IXDD409YI 5-Pin TO-263, 9A With Enable
EVDI409 IXDI409YI 5-Pin TO-263, 9A Inverting
EVDN409 IXDN409YI 5-Pin TO-263, 9A Non-Inverting
EVDD414 IXDD414YI 5-Pin TO-263, 14A With Enable
Copyright © IXYS CORPORATION 2001, 2002
First Release
Figure 4 - EVDD408/EVDD409/EVDI409/EVDN409/EVDD414 Schematic Diagram
NOTES: 1) The schematic shows all three output switches, however only one device can be installed at any one time.
2) The pin-out for device U1 reflects the 8-pin package types (PI and SI). See the IXDD408, IXDD/I/N409 and
IXDD414 data sheet for the pin-out of the TO-220 and TO-263 (YI and CI) packages.
Figure 5 - IXDD408 14ns Gate Rise Time,
Figure 8 - IXDD414 11ns Gate Rise Time
Figure 6 - IXDD408 28ns Gate Rise Time,
Figure 9 - IXDD414 18ns Gate Rise Time
CL=10000pF, R4 & R5=0Ω
Figure 7 - IXDD408 Typical Waveform
F=500KHz, CL=10000pF
Figure 10 - IXDD414 Typical Waveform
F=500KHz, CL=10000pF
NOTE: The capacitive loads used to generate the waveforms above are fixed value ceramic components. All
measurements are made at the GATE test point.
IXYS Corporation
3540 Bassett St; Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: 408-982-0700; Fax: 408-496-0670
e-mail: sales@ixys.net
IXYS Semiconductor GmbH
Edisonstrasse15 ; D-68623; Lampertheim
Tel: +49-6206-503-0; Fax: +49-6206-503627
e-mail: marcom@ixys.de
Directed Energy, Inc.
An IXYS Company
2401 Research Blvd. Ste. 108
Ft. Collins, CO 80526
Tel: 970-493-1901; Fax: 970-493-1903
e-mail: deiinfo@directedenergy.com
Doc #9200-0231 Rev 2