Ixia EE11ABG3 User Manual

EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Traffic Source: Select Internal or E xternal from the list box. In Internal
mode, traffic is generated internally by each vSTA us ing ICMP Echo (Ping) Request/Reply packets. In External mode, packets coming into the EmulationEngine over 802.3 are mapped to virtual stations by source IP or MAC address and forwarded via 802.11. Packets coming back via 802.11 are remapped to the originating MAC address.
Layer 2/Layer 3: If External is selected in the Traffic Source field, select one of these radio buttons to identify the external frames to be captured. If Layer 2 is selected, frames will b e capt ured based on the source 802.3 MAC address. If Layer 3 is selected, frames will be captured based on th e source IP address. For vSTAs configured at layer 3, IP and ARP packets generated from this hos t that contain the virtual station's IP address as a source will be translated at the MAC layer to appear as if sourced from the virtual station's MAC address.
Target IP Address: Enter the target IP address where ICMP Echo (Ping) Requests should be sent. The default IP address ( shown in this
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example dialog must be replaced by a valid IP address (e.g., Packet Length: Specify the size of the ping data buffer (64...1024). The
default is 1024. Count: Specify the total number of pings to be sent: 0.. .10000 (0=None).
Click “Create” to create the group.
Click “Cance l” to exit this d ialog.
vSTA->New Group->Runtime
The Runtime section of the New Emulation Group dialog allows you to run a virtu al station’s t est multiple times. This is only applicable to internal traffic generation. After each iteration of a test, the state of the virtual station can be set to a “base state”. A user-defined delay between successive iterations is defin ed in milliseconds. Op tionally, any r esults collected for the virtual station can be cleared at the start of each iteration.
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EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Number of Iterations: Enter the number of times (1...10000) to repeat
the virtual station’s task (Ping) or select the Infinite checkbox to continuously iterate indefinitely.
Iteration Delay: Enter the delay (in milliseco nds) to be introduced between iterations of the test. It can be set to a value in the range:
0...300000 milliseconds (5 minutes). Before Running Next Iteration->Reset vSTA State to: Select a state
from the list box. Each virtual station in this group will be reset to t he selected state (initialized, authenticated, or associated) at the end of each iteration.
Before Running Next Iteration->Clear vSTA Results: Select this check box to clear test results before successive iterations of the test.
RTS Threshold: Enter a value in the range 1...2346 to define the RTS threshold for the virtual station(s) in this group. Any frame to be transmitted by a virtual station that exceeds the RTS threshold, will require a successful RTS/CTS frame exchange before the frame is transmitted. The minimum value (1) effectively requires RTS/CTS fo r all transmit frames. The maximum value (2346) is the maximum 802.11 frame size and effectively disables RTS.
Fragmentation Threshold: Enter a value in the range 256...2346 to define the fragmentation thres hold for the virtual station(s) in this group. The fragme ntation threshold will lim it the number of bytes in any 802.11 frame transmitted by the virtual station(s). If this field is set to 2346 (i.e., the maximum 802.11 frame size), fragmentation is effectively disabled.
Click “Create” to create the group.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog .
vSTA->New Group->On Error
The On Error section of the New Emulation Group dialog defines whether virtual stations should reconnect to the System Under Test during a test if the system de-authenticates or disassociates a virtual station.
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Persist: Select this checkbox to e nable o r disable persistence. When
enabled, vir tual stations in this group will r emain persistent (connected) if the System Under Test de-authenticates or disassociates. If the EmulationEngine loses connection to a System Under Tes t, persistence will allow it to recover and continue the test at the point where it was interrupted. For example, if a virtual station is in a run or associated state and an 802.11 management frame (deauth or disasso c) is sent by the System Under Test and received by the EmulationEngine, the virtual station will attempt to return to the state it was in before the management frame was received. If the virtual station was running a ping test, the pin g test will cont inue. If it was in an associa ted state, the virtual station will reissue the associat e req uest.
Retries: This field sp ecifies the n umber of times the EmulationEngine should issue authentication and association requests bef ore failing the operation. It can be a value in the range 0...10.
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EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Timeout: This field specifies the timeout value (in millise conds) for
authentication and association requests. It can be set to a value in the range 250...60000 milliseconds (1 minute).
Click “Create” to create the group.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog .
vSTA->New Group->Encryption
This section of the New Gro up dialog defines whether the virtual station will use encryption, the associa ted cip her to be used and t he type of authentication (Open System or Shared Key) to be used for authenticating with the System Under Test.
NOTE: The four shared keys for Wired Equivalency Privacy (WEP) encryption must be defined in the Encryption Def aults dialog in the Configuration side bar.
Encryption: Select this checkbox to ena ble/disable encryption.
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Authentication: Select the authentication type: Open System or Shared
Key. Cipher Selection: Reserved for future use. WEP is the only supported
selection in this release. Shared Key Index: This section of the dialog will show the shared keys
that were defined in the Encryption Default dialog. See "Configuration­>Encryptio n". Select th e shared key to be used. These keys will be used for encryption by virtual stations in this scenario group with the System Under Test.
Click “Create” to create the group.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog .
vSTA->Edit Group
The following dialog is displayed when the Edit Group button is selected in the vSTA side bar.
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This dialog is the same as "vSTA->New Group" dialog except it does not have a vSTA tab. After virtual stations have been created, MAC and IP Addresses cannot be changed. See "vSTA->New Group" for a description of the fields in this dialog.
Click “Modify” to modify all virtual stations with t he new settings.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog without modifying any virtual stations.
vSTA->Delete Group
When the Delete Group button is selected from the vSTA side bar, a confirmatio n dialog will ask you to confirm this selection.
EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Click “Yes” to remove the group and all virtual stations in it from the system.
Click “No” to close this dialog without removing the group.
vSTA->Add New vSTA to Group
The following dialog is shown when the Add New vSTA to Group button is selected in the vSTA side bar.
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This dialog is used to add new virtual stations to an existing scenario group. All fields in this dialog default to the values that have were initially entered when the group was created. Any changes to this dialog will also update these group default values. See "vST A->New Group" for a description of the fields in this dialog.
Click “Add” to add the virtual station.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog .
EE (EmulationEngine) Side Bar
The buttons in this side bar are used to configure and manage the
EmulationEngine and to select and join with a System Under Test. Select SUT: Click this button in the EE side bar to display the Select
System Under Test dialog.
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Join SUT: Click this button in the EE side bar to join with the System
Under Test. Configure EE: Click this button in the EE side bar to configure the
EmulationEngine. Reconnect EE: Click this button in the EE side bar to reconnect to the
EmulationEngine. This is used after a reboot of the EmulationEngine.
Reset EE: Click this button in the EE side bar to reset all statistics counters to zer o and all virtual stations to a configured state.
Reboot EE: Click this button in the EE side bar to reboot the EmulationEngine.
EE->Select SUT
When the Select SUT button is selected in the EE side bar, the Select System Under Test dialog is displayed:
EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
Wireless Mode: This field shows the EmulationEngine’s current wireless
mode (11a, 11b, or 11g). You can select a different wireless mode from the list box. The web-based user interface will issu e a command to the EmulationEngine to change its wireless mode and scan for compatible systems. The results of the new scan will be reflected in the BSSIDs in the list box.
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Click o n a BSSID in the list box.
Select “Join” to join with the selected System Under Test.
Selec t “Rescan” to update the list of BSSIDs. This selection will cause the EmulationEngine to scan for Basic Service Set IDs and update the list of available systems.
Click “Cancel” to close this dialog without selecting a System Under Test. If a scenario with virtual stations already exists and you have previously
joined with a system , the following dialog will be displayed if you select a different BSSID in the Select System Under Test dialog:
Click “Yes” to continue and join with a different System Under Test.
Click “No” to return to the Select System Under Test dialog.
EE->Join SUT
When the Join SUT button is selected in the EE side bar, a confirmation dialog is displayed:
Click “Yes” to join with the System Under Test.
Click “No” to cancel this operation.
EE->Configure EE
The Configure EmulationEngine dialog is a tabbed dialog that defines the interaction with the web-based user interf ace and EmulationEngine operational parameters.
EE->Configure EE->UI
When the Configure EE button is selected in the EE side bar, the Configure EmulationEngine dialog is displayed:
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EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
EE Id: This field is set by the system and canno t be changed. EE Address: This field shows the EmulationEngine's IP address.
Receive Parameters
EE Polling Interval: This entry defines t he interval (in milliseconds) that
the Command PC will poll the EmulationEngine for command and control messages from the virtual stations. It can be set to a value in the range:
250...60000 milliseconds (1 minute). If this time expires without an expe cted response from th e EmulationEn gine, the user interface will display "Busy" next to the EmulationEngine icon in the toolbar. The "Busy" message indicates that the EmulationEngine is not responding to the user interface. Under normal conditions, the "Busy" message may appear periodically for short periods of time. If the “Busy” message appears freq uently, you may want to increase the value assigned to the EE Polling Interval. Also see Chapter 9, Troubleshooting/EmulationEngine Busy or Not Responding.
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Max Messages Per Poll: Specify the maximum number of messages to
receive in each poll: 1...128. EE Polling Timeout: This entry defines t he time (in milliseconds) that
the Command PC will wait for a resp onse from the EmulationEngine. It can be set to a value in the range: 500...120000 milliseconds (2 minutes). The recommended value is two t imes the EE Polling Interval value. If this time expires without an expected response from the EmulationEngine, the user interface w ill display a dialog indicating that th e EmulationEngine is not responding. When you dismiss the dialog, the status of the EmulationEngine/System Under Test c onnection in th e toolbar will display “Off line”. If this dialog and “Offline” status appears fr equently, a larger value should be assigned to the EE Polling Timeo ut. Also see Chapter 9, Troubleshooting/EmulationEngine Busy or No t Responding.
NOTE: Also see the Monitor Update Interval and Monitor Update Timeout in Monitors->Config Monitors for the interval and update timeout values that are used by the command PC to collect statistics values.
Transmit Parameters
Batch EE Requests: This checkbox enables/disables batching of r equest
messages to be sent to the EmulationEngine. When virtual stations are running in an iterative fashion or you issue commands to many virtual stations, this will produce a large number of r equests to the we b server on the EmulationEngine. Request batching will maintain a numbe r of these requests over a period of time (defined by the Batch Reques t Interval) and then issue one large reque st with all pending instructions.
NOTE: If you are currently running or intend to run a Load Prof ile, batching EE requests may affect the timing of the Load Profile if the Batch Request Interval is greater than the timing specified in the Load Profile.
Batch Request Interval: If "Batch EE Requests" is checked/enabled, specify the interval at which the web-based user int erface will collect (batch) requests and send them to the EmulationEngine. It can be set to a value in the range: 250...60000 milliseconds (1 minute).
Max Requests Per Batch: Specify the maximum number of requests that should be batched before they are sent to the virtual stations. When this num ber of requests have been batched , they will be sent to the EmulationEngine even if the Batch Request Interval has not expired.
Select the EE tab to define other EmulationEngine's configuration parameters.
EE->Configure EE->EE/Basic
This section of the Configuration EmulationEngine dialog defines the basic configuration of the EmulationEngine.
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EmulationEngine 11a/b/g User's Guide
EE Id: This field is set by the system and canno t be changed. EE Address: This field shows the EmulationEngine's current IP address. IP Address: Enter the EmulationEngine's new IP address. Use a dot IP
address (e.g., If you change this field, you must select the Reboot option from the EE sidebar in order for the new IP Address to be recognized and used in the EmulationEngine.
IP Netmask: Enter the EmulationEngine's network mask. The network mask of the EmulationEngine must match the IP subnet addressing scheme for internal mode te sting (it is not used for external mode). For example, if the EmulationEngine's IP address is and the system being tested is, then the subnet mask is 16 bits or NOTE: If you change the IP Address of the EmulationEngine and reboot,
the web client does not automatically change its EmulationEngine IP address. You will need to do it manually. You will need to restart the web browser after the EmulationEngine has rebooted .
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Gateway Address: Enter the EmulationEngine's default gateway IP
address. Use a dot IP address (e.g., WLAN MAC Base Address: The Wireless LAN MAC address defaults to a
specific address (typic ally in the 00:0b:cd:xx:xx:xx range). It is a globally unique MAC address that is programmed in to the EmulationEngine hardware. The address can be changed to any non­broadcast or non-multicast valid MAC address. If you use multiple EmulationEngine's at your facility, each should have a WLAN MAC wh ose prefix is unique. For example, on the first EmulationEngine, use WLAN MAC Address: 04:0d:e0:62:23:57 and on the second EmulationEngine, use WLAN MAC Address: 06:0f:14:62:32:a0.
WLAN MAC Mask: This address is used in conjunction with the WLAN Base MAC Address for configuration of virtual stations. If for example, the WLAN MAC is set to 00:0b:cd:59:23:44 and the mask is set to ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00, the only MAC addresses that can be detected on WLAN and received by the EmulationEngine are: 00:0b:cd:59:00:00 ­00:0b: cd:59:ff:ff. All ot her MAC addresses will be filtered out. The mask limits the range of MAC addresses that are assigned to virtual stations. The mask that is specified here will be displayed in the WLAN MAC Mask field when the vSTA tab is selected in the New Emulation Group dialog (See vSTA->New Group->vSTA).
Click “OK” to save this configuration.
Click “Cance l” to close this dialog .
EE->Configure EE->EE/Radio
This section of the EE->Conf igure EE dialog defines the wireless mode and data rate of the EmulationEngine.
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