◇ Thank you very much for your purchase of Iwatsu electronic measuring instruments.
◇ Please adjust or calibrate your instrument after throughly reading this service manual
and understanding its contents. After reading this manual, please keep it for future
Cautions for safe use
Matters that must be observed for operation of this instrument and for prevention of injury to
humans and damage to property are described as “ warnings” and “ cautions” in this
service manual.
Explanation of “ Warnings” and “ Cautions” coulmns in this manual
Incorrect operation or failure to need warnings may result in death
or serious injury.
Incorrect operation or failure to need cautions may result in injury
or damage to equipment.
◇ Parts of the contents of this service manual may be modified without notice to
accommodate improvements in performance and function.
◇ Reproduction of the contents of this service manual without previous consent is
◇ Jan. 2004 : Issue of the 1st edition
Use care when servicing with power on:
Dangerous voltages exist at several points in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not
touch exposed connections or components while power is on.
Disconnect power before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components.
● Never place a heavy substance on the power cord:
It will cause an electric shock or fire.
● Prior to connecting or disconnecting the power cord, set the power supply to STBY:
Its negligence will cause an electric shock or trouble.
● Use the specified AC power to operate the instrument:
Use of non-specified power will cause an electric shock, fire, or trouble. The available AC
power supplies are as follows:
・ Supply voltage: 90 to 132V AC/180 to 250V AC
・ Frequency: 48 to 440Hz
・ Power consumption : Max. 110VA
● Use a 3-core power cord suitable to the supply voltage:
Use of other cord will an electric shock or fire.
● When replacing a fuse, be sure to use our specified one (
Use of other fuse will cause a fire or trouble.
● Do not place any substance near the air vent of this instrument or fan:
It will cause a fire or trouble.
● Use the instrument within the specified operating range:
Otherwise, it will cause a trouble. An available temperature range is as follows:
・ Temperature: 0 to 40℃
・ Relative humidity: 90% RH(40℃)
● Do not apply an overvoltage to the input terminal:
It will cause a trouble. A maximum allowable input voltage is as follows:
・ CH1, CH2, CH3 (EXT):
Directly : Max. ±400V
・ When the SS-087R (10:1) or SS-088 (1:1, 10:1) probe is used:
At 10:1 : Max. ±600V
At 1:1: Max. ±400V
[NOTE] The maximum input voltage decreases depending on frequency and high voltage pulse of the input signal.
Caution for safe use ...................................................................................................................................... 0- 1
2.5.1Vertical Gain ................................................................................................................................... 2- 27
2.5.2Horizontal Gain ............................................................................................................................... 2- 28
2.5.3△V Readout Gain .......................................................................................................................... 2- 28
2.5.4△t Readout Gain ............................................................................................................................ 2- 29
2.6Crystal Oscillation Frequency ................................................................................................................ 2- 29
2.7.1Balance Coarse (Automatic Adjustment Menu "D, L") .................................................................... 2- 30
2.7.2Magnification Gain .......................................................................................................................... 2- 31
2.8Vertical Deflection System .................................................................................................................... 2- 32
2.13.2 Vertical Gain ...................................................................................................................................2-55
2.13.4 X-Y Gain and Position .................................................................................................................... 2- 57
A SAWTOOTH BUFF 21....................................................................................................................4-35
B SAWTOOTH BUFF 22 ................................................................................................................... 4- 36
A TIMING 23 ...................................................................................................................................... 4- 37
B TIMING 24 ...................................................................................................................................... 4- 38
H & Z SW 25 ...................................................................................................................................... 4- 39
H MAIN AMP 26 .................................................................................................................................4-41
H OUTPUT AMP 27 ........................................................................................................................... 4- 42
Z AMP 28 ........................................................................................................................................... 4- 43
POWER 39 ........................................................................................................................................4-52
OVER ALL 40 ..................................................................................................................................... 4- 54
A SAWTOOTH BUFF 21....................................................................................................................4-79
A TIMING 23 ...................................................................................................................................... 4- 80
H & Z SW 25 ...................................................................................................................................... 4- 81
H MAIN AMP 26 .................................................................................................................................4-83
H OUTPUT AMP 27 ........................................................................................................................... 4- 85
Z AMP 28 ........................................................................................................................................... 4- 87
V MAIN BOARD .................................................................................................................................... 4- 90
SS-78LVPS(100M) POWER 39 ......................................................................................................... 4- 97
OVER ALL 40 ..................................................................................................................................... 4-100
H & Z SW 25 ...................................................................................................................................... 5- 19
H MAIN AMP 26 .................................................................................................................................5-20
H OUTPUT AMP 27 ........................................................................................................................... 5- 21
Z AMP 28 ........................................................................................................................................... 5- 22
POWER 39 ........................................................................................................................................5-35
OVER ALL 40 ..................................................................................................................................... 5- 36
A SAWTOOTH BUFF 21....................................................................................................................5-53
A TIMING 23 ...................................................................................................................................... 5- 54
H & Z SW 25 ...................................................................................................................................... 5- 55
H MAIN AMP 26 .................................................................................................................................5-56
H OUTPUT AMP 27 ........................................................................................................................... 5- 57
Z AMP 28 ........................................................................................................................................... 5- 58
POWER BOARD 39 .......................................................................................................................... 5- 70
OVER ALL 40 ..................................................................................................................................... 5- 71
Selection 6 Mechanical Parts Lists and Illstration ..........................................................................................6- 1
*1 30 ns or 1 div at the beginning of sweep and 30 ns at the end of sweep are excluded.
X-Y operation
X axis (CH1)
Deflection factorSame as CH1
Accuracy± 4 %
BandwidthDC to 2 MHz, −3 db
Y axisCH1, CH2, CH3, ADD
Phase difference between × axis and Y axis
3' or less (DC to 200 kHz)
CAL (Probe calibration signal)
WaveformRectangular wave
Fraquency1 kHz ± 0.1 %
Duty ratio49 % to 51 %
Output voltage0.6 V ± 1%
Measurement with cursors and counter
Measurement with cursors
Type of measurementTime difference ( △ t), Voltage difference ( △ V)
Cursor position control range
X axis± (5 ± 0.2) div from the center line of the screen
Y axis± (4 ± 0.2) div from the center line of the screen
Voltage difference ( △ V)± [(2 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
Time difference ( △ t)
MAG OFF± [(2 % of reading) ± (0.3 % of full scale)]
MAG ON (MAG × 10)
500 ms to 100 ns/div± [(3 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
50 ns, 20 ns/div± [(5 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
Number of digits displayed5 digits
Accuracy± 0.01 %
Frequency measurement range2 Hz to 100 MHz
Saving dataBackup by built-in battery
Type of date to be savedPanel setup conditions immediately before turning power off *
Storing of panel setup conditions *3 (SS-7821/11)
*2 The state where the power cord is disconnected.
*3 The maximum number of date items that can be stored: 32
Data retention timeApprox. 30000H (at approx. 25 ℃)
Power source
Voltage range90 to 132 VAC / 180 to 250 VAC
Frequency range48 to 440 Hz
Power consumption110 VA MAX
Mass and Dimension
MassApprox. 7.5 kg (without accessories)
DimensionApprox. 272W × 152 H × 390 L [mm]
[Note] Without accessories, and projections.
Environmental condtions
Specification assurance temperature10 to 35 ℃
Temperature0 to 40 ℃
Humidity90 % RH or less (at 40 ℃)
Temperature−20 to 70 ℃
Humidlty80 % RH or less (at 70 ℃)
Operating5000 m, atmospheric pressure: Approx. 55 kPa
Nunoperating15000 m, atmospheric pressure: Approx. 12 kPa
Vibration15 minutes along each of three axes at a total displacement of 0.67
mmp. p with frequency Varied from 10 Hz to 55 Hz in 1 minute sweep.
ShockLifting a side to a height of 10 cm and dropping it naturally onto hard
wood: 4 times on each side.
Dropping packagedDropping an instrument packaged for transportation from a height of
90 cm.
Warm up timeThe specifications for this instrument are the assured values after
Range2 mV/div to 5 V/div, 1-2-5 sequence, 11 steps
Variable control range2 mV/div to 12.5 V/div continuously variable
Accuracy± 2%
Frequency characteristics
5 mV to 5 V/divDC to 40 MHz −3 dB (SS-7804) / DC to 50 MHz −3 dB (SS-7805)
2 mV/divDC to 20 MHz −3 dB (SS-7804) / DC to 20 MHz −3 dB (SS-7805)
Rise time
SS-7804Approx. 8.75 ns
SS-7805Approx. 7.0 ns
[Note] Rise time Tr is calculate from:
Tr =[ns]
Step responseat 10 mV/div, 50 Ω termination
Over shoot3 % (SS-7804) / 8 % (SS-7805)
Sag (at 1 kHz)1 % (SS-7804) / 1 % (SS-7805)
Signal delayAt least 30 ns of the sweep is displayed before the triggering event.
Input couplingAC, DC, GND
Input RC1 M Ω±1.5 % // 25 pF ± 2 pF
Maximum input voltage± 400 V (DC+ACpeak)
Position control rangeApprox. ±10 div from the center line of the screen
InvertAvailable on CH2
Accuracy of sum (at 1 kHz)± 3%
Frequency characteristicsDC to 20 MHz −3 dB
Common-mode rejection ratio
50:11 kHz sine wave
15:120 MHz sine wave
Dynamic rangeOverranging the screen at 40 MHz (SS-7804)
Overranging the screen at 50 MHz (SS-7805)
Probe sense
Attached probeNo function.
Optional probe10:1, 100:1 detection
Bandwidth [MHz]
Trigger sensitivity
FrequencyCH1, CH2EXT
DC to 5 MHz0.4 div80 mV
5 MHz to 40 MHz (SS-7804)
5 MHz to 50 MHz (SS-7805)
1.0 div 200 mV
[Note] TV : The ratio between the composite video signal and
synchronization signal is 7:3 and synchronization signal
amplitude is 1.5 div or more.
HF-REJ : Attenuates at 10 kHz or more
LF-REJ : Attenuates at 10 kHz or less
Trigger level range±9.5 div or more (set range: ±10 div)
Signal sourceCH1, CH2, EXT, LINE, VERT
CouplingAC, DC, HF-REJ, LF-REJ
Slope+, −
TV synchronizationODD, EVEN, BOTH TV-H
[Note] ODD, EVEN, or BOTH can be selected
NTSC: 5 H to 2000 H
PAL (SECAM): 2 H to 1997 H
Input RC1 MW ±2 % // 25 pF ±3 pF
Input couplingDC
Maximum input voltage±400 V (DC+ACpeak)
Probe sence10:1 and 100:1 detection with an optional probe (SS-78R)
Horizontal deflection system (X axis)
Horizontal displayA, X-Y
Sweep rates
Maximum sweep10 ns/div
Range100 ns to 500 ms/div
Variable range100 ns to 1.25 s/div
Accuracy Ⅰ± 2 % over center 8 div
Accuracy Ⅱ± 5 % over center any 2 div within center 8 div
Hold-off timeCountinuously variable
Sweep magnification
Magnifying ratio10 times
Accuracy Ⅰover center 8 div
100 ns/div to 200 ns/div± 5 %
500 ns/div to 500 ms/div± 3 %
Accuracy ⅡOver any 2 div within center 8 div
100 ns/div to 200 ns/div± 8 %
500 ns/div to 500 ms/div± 5 %
X-Y operation
X axis (CH1)
Deflection factorSame as CH1
Accuracy± 3 %
BandwidthDC to 2 MHz −3 dB
Y axisCH1, CH2, ADD
Phase difference between × axis and Y axis
3°or less (DC to 50 kHz)
CAL (Probe calibration signal)
WaveformRectangular wave
Fraquency1 kHz ± 0.1 %
Duty ratio49 to 51 %
Output voltage0.6 V ± 1%
Measurement with cursors and counter
Measurement with cursors
Type of measurementTime difference ( △ t), Voltage difference ( △ V)
Cursor position control range
X axis± (5 ± 0.2) div from the center line of the screen
Y axis± (4 ± 0.2) div from the center line of the screen
Voltage difference ( △ V)± [(2 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
Time difference ( △ t)
MAG OFF± [(2 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
MAG ON (MAG × 10)
100 ns, 200 ns/div± [(5 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
500 ns to 500 ms/div± [(3 % of reading) + (0.3 % of full scale)]
Number of digits displayed5 digits
Accuracy± 0.01 %
Frequency measurement range
SS-78042 Hz to 40 MHz
SS-78052 Hz to 50 MHz
Saving dataBackup by built-in battery
Type of date to be savedPanel setup conditions immediately before turning power off *
*2 The state where the power cord is disconnected.
Data retention timeApprox. 30,000H (at approx. 25 ℃)
Power source
Voltage range90 to 132 VAC / 180 to 250 VAC
Frequency range48 to 440 Hz
Power consumption110 VA MAX
Mass and Dimension
MassApprox. 7.5 kg (without accessories)
DimensionApprox. 272W × 152 H × 390 L [mm]
[Note] Without accessories, and projections.
Environmental conditions
Specification assurance temperature10 to 35 ℃
Temperature0 to 40 ℃
Humidity90 % RH or less (at 40 ℃)
Temperature‑20 to 70 ℃
Humidity80 % RH or less (at 70 ℃)
Operating5,000 m, atmospheric pressure : Approx. 55 kPa
Nunoperating15,000 m, atmospheric pressure : Approx. 12 kPa
Vibration15 minutes along each of three axes at a total displacement of 0.67
mmp. p with frequency Varied from 10 Hz to 55 Hz in 1 minute sweep.
ShockLifting a side to a height of 10 cm and dropping it naturally onto hard
wood: 4 times on each side.
Dropping packagedDropping an instrument packaged for transportation from a height of
90 cm.
Warm up timeThe specifications for this instrument are the assured values after
more than 30 min of power on.
Factory option for the SS-7800 series.
SS-501 : SS-7804/7805
CH2 OUT connector (rear panel)
Outputs a sample of the signal applied to the CH2 signal input.
Z AXIS IN connector (rear panel)
Input a signal for an intensity modulation on screen.
Deflection factor45 mV ±20 % per one division screen amplitude (at 50 Ω load)
DC level±100 mV (at 50 Ωload)
2.5.1Vertical Gain ................................................................................................................................... 2- 27
2.5.2Horizontal Gain ............................................................................................................................... 2- 28
2.5.3△V Readout Gain .......................................................................................................................... 2- 28
2.5.4△t Readout Gain ............................................................................................................................ 2- 29
2.6Crystal Oscillation Frequency ................................................................................................................ 2- 29
2.7.1Balance Coarse (Automatic Adjustment Menu "D, L") .................................................................... 2- 30
2.7.2Magnification Gain .......................................................................................................................... 2- 31
2.8Vertical Deflection System .................................................................................................................... 2- 32
2.13.2 Vertical Gain ...................................................................................................................................2-55
2.13.4 X-Y Gain and Position .................................................................................................................... 2- 57