ITT PumpSmart PS220 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
PumpSmart® Control Solutions PS220 v6
PS220 Configuration & Operation GuidePS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
Leveraging our 160+ years in pump design, manufacture, and operation, ITT has one goal; improving the profitability of your plant. Our products and services target your biggest issues of process uptime, maintenance, and energy costs.
The PumpSmart® PS220 integrates an industrial strength variable frequen­cy drive with years of pump control logic and testing. The PumpSmart® PS220 variable speed pump control system provides real-time control and protection of your pumps while also providing valuable process insight. By protecting against unplanned pump failure due to process upsets, ITT can keep your process running longer and eliminate unplanned repair activities. By Right-Sizing your pumps to your system, we can reduce not only your energy consumption, but the wear and tear on your pumps and process system.
Since 1999 the PumpSmart® patented logic has been changing process control and protection for pumping systems. From single pump applications to multi-pump applications, the PumpSmart® PS220 can accurately control to pressure, flow, level, temperature or other process conditions.
For additional information on the PumpSmart PS220 review the configuration manual or visit
Please take the time to review, understand the safe installation, operation and maintenance guidelines provided in the ACS880 Hardware Manual, PS220 Configuration and Operation Guide and the Installation, Operation and Maintenance instructions for the applied driven equipment.
The PS220 has been designed for safe and reliable operation when properly installed, applied and maintained in accor­dance with the instructions in the ACS880 Hardware Manual and PS220 Configuration and Operation Guide. ITT Monitor­ing and Control shall not be liable for physical injury, damage or delays caused by failure to follow these instructions.
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PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
Important Safety Reminder Section 1.0 Page 03 PS220 Wizards Section 2.0 Page 05 Basic Startup Section 2.1 Page 07 SmartFlow Section 2.2 Page 23 Process Control Section 2.3 Page 51 Pump and VFD Section 2.4 Page 72 protection Multipump Section 2.5 Page 104 Multivariable Section 2.6 Page 120 Options and Features Section 3.0 Page 127 Appendices Page 172 Keypad Use A-1 Page 172 Fault Tracing A-2 Page 177 Parameter Listing A-3 Page 189 Basic Wiring & Installation Multipump connections Quick Reference
Wall mount units A-4 Page 206
• Floor mount units
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Products manufactured and furnished by ITT Monitoring and Control will provide safe, trouble-free service when properly installed, maintained and operated. We have an extensive network of experienced sales and service professionals to assist in maximizing your satisfaction with our products.
Safe installation, operation and maintenance of ITT’s equipment are essential end user responsibilities. The ACS880 Hard­ware Manual and PS220 Configuration and Operation Guide identify specific safety risks that must be considered at all times during the life of the product. Understanding and adhering to these safety warnings is mandatory to ensure person­nel, property and/or the environment will not be harmed. Adherence to these warnings alone, however, is not sufficient; it is expected that the end user will also comply with industry and corporate safety standards. Identifying and eliminating unsafe installation, operation and maintenance practices is the responsibility of all individuals involved in the installation, operation and maintenance of industrial equipment.
Safety Symbol and Signal Word Explanation:
This is the dangerous voltage alert symbol. It warns of high voltage which can cause death or physical injury. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE used without the safety alert symbol addresses practices which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
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PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
With respect to PumpSmart drives and the operation of pumping equipment the following risks bear reinforcement above and beyond normal safety precautions:
Never work on the PS220 drive, the motor cable or the motor when main power is applied. After switching off the input power, always wait 5 minutes to allow drive internal capacitors to discharge before working on the drive, the motor or the motor cable. Failure to do so will result in serious injury or death.
Do not work on control cables when power is applied to the drive or to external control circuits. Externally supplied control circuits may cause dangerous voltages inside the drive even if the main power on the drive is switched off. Failure to do so will result in serious injury or death.
All electrical installation and maintenance work must be undertaken by a qualified electrician only. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Operation of any pumping system with a blocked suction and discharge must be avoided in all cases. Opera­tion, even for a brief period under these conditions, can cause superheating of internal pumpage and result in a violent explosion. All necessary measures must be taken by the end user to ensure this condition does not occur. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Never operate rotating equipment unless all protective coupling and shaft guards are in place. Personal injury may occur if the driven equipment is operated without coupling and shaft guards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Handle the unit carefully. The PS220 is heavy. Do not lift it alone.
Wall Mounted Units: Do not lift the PS220 by the front cover. Place the unit only on its back.
Floor Mounted Units: Lift the PS220 by the lifting lugs only. Do not tilt the unit. The unit will overturn from a tilt of about 6 degrees. Use extreme caution when maneuvering a unit that has been placed on wheels.
Failure to do follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death or damage to the equipment
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PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
Wizard Menu
The PumpSmart PS220 has incorporated a timesaving Wizard Menu and an extremely versatile range of configurations to make setup and operation incredibly easy. Instead of navigating through hundreds of parameters the ones needed are all located in an easy access, intuitive menu structure.
Details on functions not covered in the wizards are listed in the options and features section. Water functions, I/O Configuration, and parameter lock are covered in the options and features section.
The PS220 wizards have been designed to cover a wide range of common use applications. Unfortunately, they cannot cover every use case. When reconfiguring the drive for a different setup it is highly recommended to restore the drive’s parameters to factory settings.
PS220 Configuration Menu
Basic Startup
Process Control
Pump Protection
Options & Features
Keypad Use
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Fault Tracing
Parameter List
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PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
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Basic Startup
This section details how to setup your PumpSmart PS220 and configure it to operate in single pump speed control mode. This is where the Motor Data, Motor ID Run, Direction Check and other basic setup options are performed. After complet­ing this section you can continue setting up your system for SmartFlow, Process Control, Multi-pump, or other PumpSmart options.
Step Description Parameters
Motor Setup 99.06
Drive data for the 99.07 First Motor Run ID is 99.08 entered here 99.09
Motor Setup
Edit Motor ParametersBasic Drive Setup
Perform the ID and Check for proper motor rotation
Start/Stop Methods of starting 74.01 and stopping
Speed Range MAX and MIN drive 30.11 speeds 30.12
Operating Mode Selects the mode of operation
Setpoint Options for setting a reference
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Edit Motor Parameters
The PumpSmart PS220 variable frequency drive utilizes Direct Torque Control [DTC] rather than a scalar speed control variable such as Volts/Hertz. Direct Torque Control provides more precise speed control, hence more responsive and accurate control to your setpoint. Specific motor data must be entered into the PumpSmart drive to enable it to properly control the motor using DTC.
Steps to be performed are:
1. Motor Setup
2. Motor Identification Run
3. Motor Jog for Direction
The PS220 will not operate unless the E-Stop/Permissive switch [DIIL] is closed. This includes performing the Motor ID Run. If not closed a warning message will appear on the keypad display:
See Appendix A-4, Instrument Wiring, for details on wiring this switch.
NOTE – The E-Stop/Permissive switch cannot be defeated through parameter setting. If your application does not use an E-Stop / Permissive switch, DIIL can be bypassed physically inside the PumpSmart unit. Refer to Appendix A-4,Instru­ment Wiring, for details.
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Motor Setup
From the PS220 Configuration Menu select Basic Startup; if this is the first time the drive has been started then it will automatically open to the Basic Startup wizard. Inside of Motor Setup the motor data must be entered. The motor data will allow the PumpSmart drive to characterize the motor prior to its first startup. During characterization, PumpSmart will automatically magnetize the motor windings for 20 – 60 seconds to develop a mathematical model of the motor. Entry of the following parameters is all that is required.
Note – If the motor is replaced in the future, this data must be re-entered and a new characterization will be performed.
The information required for this section can be found on the motor nameplate.
Enter the Motor Nominal Current (full load amps) as found on the motor nameplate, along with the nominal voltage, and nominal frequency. Enter the full load speed of the motor as found on the nameplate, not the nominal speed. Enter the nominal power (hp or kW) of the motor; if you are using the default language of English U.S., then the units of entry will be horsepower.
Example 1.1 – An 1800 RPM motor might have a full load speed of 1770 rpm.
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Motor ID
Motor Identification Run: PumpSmart uses specific motor details to create a mathematical model. This model enables more accurate motor control and is created using the motor data you have just entered by magnetizing the motor for 20 to 60 seconds at zero speed. This is called a Standstill ID run.
Once all the motor data has been entered, you will see the following warning flash on top of the screen:
This warning indicates that a Motor Identification run is required before the pump may be operated. Now is a good time to perform this run.
NoteAlthough the motor may not appear to respond to the start command, it has. Alternatively, you may hear an audible high pitched sound com­ing from the driven equipment.
The following procedure will energize the motor. All safety precautions must be followed be­fore initiating the Motor ID run. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death. A warning message, “ID run Active” will be displayed during the ID. Once the ID run is com­plete, the message “ID DONE” will be displayed.
Note – If the motor is replaced in the future, a Motor Identification run must be performed again to maintain the accuracy of the PumpSmart drive, with the new driven equipment.
Once this appears, proceed on to the next step, Motor Jog.
The following procedure will energize the motor. All safety precautions must be followed before initiating the Motor ID run. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Select Start Wait
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Jogging the Motor
Checking the motor for rotation can be accom­plished through the Motor Jog function in which the pump will rotate 60rpm until the operator af­firms the direction of the motor, a stop command is received, Fault, or Emergency Stop occurs.
Note – If pump rotation is incorrect then there is NO NEED to change the output phases of the drive. The drive can automatically do an internal swap of the output power phases. Swapping two of the input phases will not change the rotation of the drive.
Never work on the PS220 drive, the motor cable or the motor when main power is applied. After switching off the input power, always wait 5 minutes to allow drive internal capacitors to discharge before working on the drive, the motor or the motor cable. Failure to do so will result in serious injury or death.
Note – The jog function does not account for a Start delay, parameter
74.04 START DELAY must be 0 to perform the jog. The jog will only follow the reference speed of 60rpm if the drive is set to have the Keypad as the reference source, otherwise it will follow the minimum speed set in parameter 30.11.
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PS220 Configuration & Operation Guide
Basic Drive Setup
Basic Drive Setup outlines how to get the PS220 drive running in Speed Control, with the option to setup Process Control when selecting the Operation Mode. Upon completion of Basic Drive Setup, and as a result the completion of Basic Startup, the user is strongly encouraged to go through other Wizards in the PS220 Configuration Menu. Protecting your system, setting up Multipump systems and more all start after completing this section.
Steps to be performed are:
1. Starting and Stopping Options
2. Selecting the Speed limits of the motor
3. Speed Control operation mode a. Entering the Setpoint b. Recommended Steps c. Starting and Stopping the drive
4. Process Control operation mode a. Continue to Process Control tabbed section
Level vs. Edge
The PS220 has multiple external Start/ Stop options that either requires con­stant high input to the drive (level) or a transition from either low to high or high to low inputs (edge). for example, HOA and 2 Wire are level type inputs, where 3 wire is an edge type input.
See Appendix A-4, instrument Wiring, for details on wiring Start/Stop Switches.
The drive will start if it is receiving a high start input and it is in a Level Start/Stop mode after all faults are cleared and interlocks are closed.
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The PumpSmart PS220 has the ability to be remotely started and stopped from an exter­nal source. Also, the PS220 can have the keypad included as a remote Starting and Stop­ping location! If the PS220 will be operated without any external switches for starting and stopping, then please proceed to the next step, keeping the default option “Keypad”.
Note – The PS220 has the ability to be controlled from two separate external commands. Refer to Options and Features – Start/Stop Options.
Note – The following options only apply when the PS220 is in REMOTE mode, as indi- cated in the top left corner of the keypad screen. When in LOCAL mode the Start/Stop is controlled through the PS220 keypad exclusively. Refer to APPENDIX A-1 KEYPAD USE for further details.
2 WIRE DI1 – This selection is used to start and stop the PS220 from a maintained 2-wire switch or contact wired to DI1 – Start/Stop.
3 W DI1P, 2P – This selection is used to start the PS220 from a normally open momen­tary contact/switch wired to DI1 – Start, and stop the PS220 from a normally closed momentary contact/switch wired to DI2 – Stop.
HOA DI1, 2 – This selection is used to start and stop the PS220 from a maintained 2-wire switch or contact wired to DI1 – AUTO. An additional contact can be wired to DI2 – Hand to initiate a Speed Override/Motor Jog function, in which the PS220 will operate in a speed control mode. See Options and Features-Speed Override.
FIELDBUS – This selection is used to start and stop the PS220 from a Control Word sent via a digital Fieldbus command. See Options and Features-Fieldbus Communication.
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Speed Range
The Speed Range defines the drive’s safe operating limits. These limits safeguard the pump and drive system from operating in unstable overspeed and/ or low-speed conditions.
Maximum Speed: The PumpSmart System will adjust the speed of the motor to achieve the de­sired operating setpoint. Although the PumpSmart System can drive the motor at 2-3 times its nameplate speed, this is generally impractical for several reasons. First, unless the pump and motor are designed for overspeed operation, they could prematurely wear or even catastrophically fail. Second, centrifugal pumps generate pressure by the square of the speed and overspeed operation may overpressure the pump or surrounding piping system.
Enter the maximum speed that the pump, motor, and system can operate at. In most cases the maxi­mum speed will be the same as the previously entered full load RPM.
The default value is the speed set in parameter 99.09 Motor nominal speed.
MAX SPEED ≤ Full Load Motor RPM & Pump Max Speed
Assure that the system operating conditions are within the capabilities (e.g. speed, pressure, temperature, power, etc.) of the driven equip­ment as rated by the manufacturer. Exceeding any of these limits could result in failure of components resulting in serious physical injury and damage to equipment
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Speed Range cont’d
Minimum Speed: As the demand on the pump decreases, PumpSmart will decrease the pump speed to match the new demand. This Minimum Speed parameter sets the mini­mum speed that the pump can operate at. It is also used to define the safe speed to run the pump during a pump protection fault. The default value for minimum speed is 25% of 99.09 Motor nominal speed.
When determining a minimum speed, consider the following:
1. Motor Minimum Speed [Turndown ratio]: Due to motor loading and thermal effects, the motor minimum speed on centrifugal pumps should not be less than 1/10th its full-load speed.
2. Pump Minimum Speed: Some pumps have minimum speed requirements, such as multistage pumps (>2 stages) and sleeve bearing pumps. Consult your pump operation manual to see if there is a minimum speed limit for your pump. Note: 1 & 2 stage pumps do not normally have minimum speed requirements.
3. Static Head Conditions (minimum flow): The minimum speed should be set to assure that the pump generates enough head to overcome static resistance. In some cases, this can cause overheating and possible vaporization of the liquid in the pump casing.
Operation below the pump safe minimum speed could result in damage to equipment and/or property.
Enter the minimum speed that the pump and motor can safely operate at.
The default value is 25% of the speed set in parameter 99.09 Motor nominal speed.
Minimum Speed Sleep: The default settings will stop the pump if the process demand requires the pump to operate below minimum speed. In the process control modes of Pressure and Level control a SLEEP WARNING will be displayed in this case. The Sleep Function will suspend the PS220 until process demand increases as defined by the RE­START VALUE (parameter 75.06). Once the Restart Value has been achieved for longer than the restart delay the pump will automatically restart to maintain the process set­point.
Low Demand: In the flow control mode, control parameter 75.03 Sleep mode needs to be changed to OFF. A PID LOW DEMAND fault will occur in which case the PS220 will have to be manually reset. Alternatively, the drive may be set to operate at a minimum speed until it is manually shutoff (parameter 79.16 Config Min Speed).
For a step by step procedure and more details please go to the Process Control tabbed section and see Sleep Mode.
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Operating Mode
In this section, the operating mode of the PS220 is selected. Configuring the drive in either Speed Control or Process Control is necessary to operate the drive.
Speed Control Configuration: In this setup, the drive is configured to operate the driven equip­ment at a desired speed setpoint. A speed setpoint can be input via the keypad, an external analog signal, or Fieldbus. As an example an ex­ternal PID Controller (DCS/PLC/etc.) can be used to feed the PS220 with a reference speed signal.
Process Control Configuration: The PS220 is a drive and Pump PID Controller all-in-one. The Process Control Wizard needs to be completed to operate the PS220 in a single pump (or Mul­tipump) process control mode. In this mode, a single pump is connected to your system with a transmitter (pressure, level, flow, temperature, etc.) wired to the PS220 to provide process condition feedback. Alternatively, the drive features sensorless flow control with SmartFlow.
If the selection is Speed Control then the next page will ask the user to choose a setpoint source. If the selection is instead Process Control, then a Pop-up window will ask the user to please run the Process Control Wizard to configure the PS220.
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Setpoint (Speed Control)
In Speed Control, the desired running speed may be selected in one of three ways:
1. Keypad [Default]
2. Speed Reference (via Analog input)
3. Fieldbus Control
The following details the use of a speed signal to set the operating speed of the pump. This section covers setting a speed reference locally at the keypad or sending a speed reference via a 4-20mA signal wired to an Analog Input. For an analog signal that is 2-10VDC, please see Options and Features-Configuring the Analog Input Config­uration.
Note – If you are using a Fieldbus reference please refer to the Options and Features-Fieldbus.
Keypad: If you are using the Keypad for entry of the running speed you can edit it on the Home Screen whenever you see the symbol next to the reference. On the Home Screen the up and down arrow keys of the keypad will directly ad­just your speed reference. Alternatively, under “Options” the reference can be adjusted quicker, as seen below.
Note – To navigate back to the Home screen from anywhere in the drive Menus press the left softkey as long as it is the Back/Exit option.
Note – There are several alternate ways to enter a speed setpoint. Refer to the Options and Fea­tures-Setpoints.
No EditOptions
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Setpoint (Speed Control) cont’d
Speed Reference: For an analog speed signal, to set the operating speed of the pump signal MAX and MIN settings are required to properly scale the signal. Either Analog Input 1 (AI1) or Analog Input 2 (AI2) can be chosen to receive an analog input speed signal.
“AI1 scaled at AI1 min” is parameter 12.19 and refers to the speed value that corresponds to the minimum of the signal (4mA).
Example 1.2 – If you want your process to run at 800rpm when the 4-20mA speed signal is 4mA, then you would enter “800” into parameter 12.19.
“AI1 scaled at AI1 max” is parameter 12.20 and refers to the speed value that corresponds to the maximum of the signal (20mA).
Example 1.3 – If you want your process to run at 3600rpm when the 4-20mA speed signal is 20 mA, then you would enter “3600” into parame­ter 12.20.
When using a 4-20mA speed reference the Analog Input that the signal is wired to must be defined in the drive. The Basic Startup wizard automatically defines the selected analog input to “EXT SETPOINT 1” for the speed reference for the user.
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Recommended Step: Parameter Upload
Save your parameters in the Keypad. In the un­likely event that the PS220 parameters are lost, the Keypad can be used to restore the configuration. It can also be used to program sister drive units that use the same or similar program settings. For more information refer to Options and Features­Parameter Backups.
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Select WaitScroll
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Recommended Step: Locks & Passcodes
Operating parameters on the PS220 are protected by a 3-digit passcode to prevent casual users or unauthorized users from inadvertently changing operating and protection limits that have been set. All PS220 units utilize the same passcode; it cannot be changed by the user/owner.
Navigating to the Parameter Lock Wizard will allow you to enter the PS220 passcode. When the PS220 Keypad is locked, functionality is limited to starting, stopping, and changing the operating setpoint.
00000358 = Parameter Lock 00000315 = Basic user access 00000568 = Advanced user
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Starting & Stopping
Congradulations, the PumpSmart system is now ready to start in Speed Control. Starting and stopping the PumpSmart unit is always possible through the Keypad when in LOCAL mode and through a remote signal as defined in parameter
74.01 “Start/Stop” when in REMOTE mode. Please note the keypad can be considered a remote loca­tion if set accordingly in 74.01.
LOCAL and REMOTE control modes can be changed via the “Loc/Rem” button located on the keypad. To verify if the drive is in LOCAL, check the top left hand corner for the current mode, either “Local” or “Remote”. A diamond symbol will appear next to the word Local/Remote if the start command can be given via the “Start” button on the Keypad. PS220 Features are designed to operate in REMOTE mode.
Never operate rotating equipment unless all protective coupling and shaft guards are in place. Personal injury may occur if the driven equipment is operated without coupling and shaft guards.
Observe all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS highlighted in the ACS880 Hardware Manual, PS220 Configuration and Operation Guide and Installation, Operation and Maintenance Guide for the applied driven equipment prior to starting.
Below outlines the process to switch between Local and Remote modes.
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StartLoc/Rem Set reference
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PumpSmart can calculate the flow of a centrifugal pump based on torque, power, and speed feedback derived from the drive. By comparing these values against the pump’s performance curve PumpSmart can calculate the flow of the pump within ±5% of the pump’s maximum rated flow. This section details how to setup the PumpSmart PS220 drive to calculate SmartFlow using only four pieces of data from the published pump performance curve. Please note Basic Startup must be completed before you can complete this section. After completing this section you can continue setting up your system for Process Control, Multi-pump, or other PumpSmart options.
Step Description Parameters
Basic SmartFlowAdvanced SmartFlow
Flow Unit selection
Pump Parameters
Specific Gravity Data
Calculation Method
Pump System Properties
Configure Analogs
77.01 to
77.07 to
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Basic SmartFlow
The PumpSmart PS220 variable frequency drive utilizes a sophisticated and proven algorithm to calculate pump output flow. Basic SmartFlow is designed for low to medium specific speed pumps and is appropriate for the majority of pump applications. Basic SmartFlow is ideal for Pumps with a constantly rising power curve, i.e. non drooping, does not have multiple peaks or valleys. For high specific speed pumps that do not have a constantly rising power curve it is advised to use Advanced SmartFlow. Although factory pump performance curve data can be used it is not required. A tune function calibrates the Flow vs Power curve to compensate for mechanical losses, volumetric efficiency, casting defects, pump wear, eddy current losses, and general pump performance defects that can have an effect on the total pump efficiency.
Steps to be performed are:
1. Select Flow Unit
2. Pump Properties
3. Specific Gravity Correction
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Flow Unit
From the PS220 Configuration Menu select SmartFlow; if this is the first time the drive has
been started then it will automatically open to the Basic Startup wizard. Basic Startup must be performed before running the driven equipment; if you have already completed Basic Startup please proceed.
The SmartFlow unit selection identifies what units your SmartFlow reading is in. This parameter sets the units that are used in the SmartFlow and System Flow parameters. Below outlines the procedure for selecting a flow unit.
Note – Whether the primary process units are Imperial or Metric the SmartFlow unit is set independently to the unit of your choice.
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Pump Properties
The first step in setting up SmartFlow is to define the pump characteristics in the drive. The required pump data should be set up for the rated speed and impeller diameter of the pump. Entry of the following parameters is required.
The information required for this section can be found on the Pump Performance Curve.
To setup SmartFlow the pump type must be de­fined as one of the following choices:
• SS Centrifugal – Single Suction Centrifugal
• DS Centrifugal – Double Suction Centrifugal
• Mag Drive – Magnetic Drive Pump
Note – For magnetic drive pumps with metallic containment shell select Mag Drive, for non­metallic shells select SS Centrifugal as the Pump Type.
Four pieces of information are required from the Pump Performance Curve supplied by the pump manufacturer; BEP FLOW, BEP POWER, SHUTOFF POWER, and RATED SPEED. The chart on the next page is an example of a typical Pump Performance Curve [Figure 2.1].
Note – If the pump is replaced in the future, this data must be re-entered and a new tune will need to be performed unless using the Affinity laws.
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Pump Properties Cont’d
Figure 2.1: Pump Performance Curve
This is an example of a typical Pump Performance Curve.
Note – The RATED SPEED must be less than or equal to the setting in parameter
30.12 Maximum Speed. Correspondingly the BEP FLOW, BEP POWER and SO POWER must be calculated for this rated speed at the rated viscosity.
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Specific Gravity
The default value for Specific Gravity [SG] is 1.0. For a system that has a constant SG, a selection of SG Rated is all that is necessary. For a SG other than 1.0 adjust SG RATED as necessary; see Constant Specific Gravity below. In systems with variable Specific Gravities a Specific Gravity cor­rection is necessary and can be accomplished in multiple ways.
A pump may be subjected to varying Specific Gravity of the process fluid. This can occur when the pump is designed to handle different types of fluids. Additionally Specific Gravity can be af­fected by changes in temperature of the process fluid. When using SmartFlow and Advanced Pump Protection significant changes in SG can have an impact on the performance and accuracy of these functions.
Constant Specific Gravity
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Varying Specific Gravity based on Temperature:
If the changes in SG are directly related to changes in temperature then PumpSmart can monitor a temperature transmitter and automatically correct the SG based on the temperature of the fluid. To calculate the SG based on
temperature six points of data are required; TEMP MIN at SG MIN, TEMP MID at SG MID, TEMP MAX at SG MAX. The rated values TEMP RATED at SG RATED can be set to repeat the TEMP MID at SG MID.
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Varying Specific Gravity based on SG Transmitter:
The PS220 allows the option to connect a SG transmitter to indicate changing SGs of process fluids being pumped using a 4-20mA input. The SG is linearly scaled from the AI MIN (4mA) to the AI MAX (20mA) values as entered below. Be sure to select an available Analog Input.
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