ITT Goulds Pumps 3700, Goulds Pumps 3710 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

In stal la tion, Op era tion and Main te nance In struc tions
Model 3700 10th Edi tion (ISO 13709)
These instructions also apply to Model 3710.
Pump Safety Tips
Safety Apparel:
Insulated work gloves when handling hot bearings or using bearing heater
Heavy work gloves when handling parts with sharp edges, especially impellers
Safety glasses (with side shields) for eye protection, especially in machine shop areas
Steel-toed shoes for foot protection when handling parts, heavy tools, etc.
Other personal protective equipment to protect against hazardous/toxic fluids
Coupling Guards:
Never operate a pump without a coupling guard properly installed
Flanged Connections:
Never force piping to make a connection with a pump
Use only fasteners of the proper size and material
Do not operate below minimum rated flow, or with suction/discharge valves closed
Do not open vent or drain valves, or remove plugs while system is pressurized
Maintenance Safety:
Always lock out power
Ensure pump is isolated from system and
pressure is relieved before disassembling pump, removing plugs, or disconnecting piping
Use proper lifting and supporting equipment to prevent serious injury
Observe proper decontamination procedures
Know and follow company safety regulations
Observe all cautions and warnings highlighted in pump Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Ensure there are no missing fasteners
Beware of corroded or loose fasteners
This manual provides instructions for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of the Goulds Model 3700 High Pressure, High Temperature Process Pump designed to meet the requirements of the 10th Edition of API* Standard 610 (ISO 13709). This manual covers the standard product plus common options that are available. For special options, supplemental instructions are supplied. This manual must be read and understood before installation and maintenance.
The design, materials, and workmanship incorporated in the construction of Goulds pumps make them capable of giving long, trouble-free service. The life and satisfactory service of any mechanical unit, however, is enhanced and extended by correct application, proper installation, periodic inspection, condition monitoring and careful maintenance. This instruction manual was prepared to assist operators in understanding the construction and the correct methods of installing, operating, and maintaining these pumps.
ITT Industries - Goulds Pumps shall not be liable for physical injury, damage or delays caused by a failure to observe the instructions for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance contained in this manual.
NOTE: When pumping unit is installed in a potentially explosive atmosphere, the instructions after
the Ex symbol must be followed. Personal injury and/or equipment damage may occur if these instructions are not followed. If there is any question regarding these requirements or if the equipment is to be modified, please contact a Goulds representative before proceding.
Warranty is valid only when genuine ITT Industries - Goulds Pumps parts are used.
Use of the equipment on a service other than stated in the order will nullify the warranty, unless written approval is obtained in advance from ITT Industries - Goulds Pumps.
Supervision by an authorized ITT Industries - Goulds representative is recommended to assure proper installation.
Additional manuals can be obtained by contacting your local ITT Industries - Goulds representative or by calling 1-(800)-446-8537.
Proper In stal la tion
Start- up Pro ce dures
Op era tion Pro ce dures
Rou tine Main te nance
Pump Over haul
Trou ble shoot ing
Ordering Spare or Re pair Parts
* American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20005
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DEFI NI TIONS ..................................7
GEN ERAL PRE CAU TIONS...........................8
EX PLO SION PRE VEN TION ..........................8
SPE CIAL ATEX CON SID ER ATIONS......................8
ATEX IDEN TI FI CA TION ............................9
IN TENDED USE ................................9
CON DI TION MON I TOR ING...........................9
This pump has been designed for safe and reliable operation when properly used and maintained in accordance with instructions contained in this manual. A pump is a pressure containing device with rotating parts that can be hazardous. Operators and maintenance personnel must realize this and follow safety measures. ITT Industries - Goulds Pumps shall not be liable for physical injury, damage or delays caused by a failure to observe the instructions in this manual.
Throughout this manual the words WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE are used to indicate procedures or situations which require special operator attention:
Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which can cause severe death, or substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.
Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which will injury or property damage if the warning is ignored.
NOTE: If equipment is to be installed in a
potentially explosive atmosphere and these procedures are not followed, personal injury or equipment damage from an explosion may result.
or can cause minor personal
personal injury,
NOTE: Particular care must be taken when
the electrical power source to the equipment is energized.
NOTE: Operating procedure, condition, etc. which is essential to observe.
Pump shall never be operated without coupling guard installed correctly.
Throttling flow from the suction side may cause cavitation and pump damage.
NOTE: Improper impeller adjustment could
cause contact between the rotating and stationary parts, resulting in a spark and heat generation.
NOTE: Lock out driver power to prevent
electric shock, accidental start-up and physical inury.
NOTE: Proper alignment is essential for long pump life.
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Personal injuries will result if procedures outlined in this manual are not followed.
NEVER operate pump without coupling
guard correctly installed.
NEVER operate pump beyond the rated conditions to which the pump was sold.
NEVER start pump without proper prime (sufficient liquid in pump casing).
NEVER run pump below recommended minimum flow or when dry.
ALWAYS lock out power to the driver before performing pump maintenance.
NEVER operate pump without safety devices
NEVER operate pump with discharge valve closed.
NEVER operate pump with suction valve closed.
DO NOT change con ditions of ser vice without ap proval of an au thorized Goulds rep re sen ta tive.
In order to reduce the possibility of accidental explosions in atmospheres containing explosive
gasses and/or dust, the instructions under the ATEX symbol must be closely followed. ATEX certification is a directive enforced in Europe for non-electrical and electrical equipment installed in Europe. ATEX requirements are not restricted to Europe, and are useful guidelines for equipment installed in any potentially explosive environment.
All installation and operation instructions in this manual must be strictly adhered to. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the equipment is properly maintained. This includes but is not limited to:
1. monitoring the pump frame and liq uid end tem per a ture
2. maintining proper bear ing lu bri ca tion
3. ensuring that the pump is op erated in the in tended hy drau lic range
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For a pumping unit (pump, seal, coupling, motor and pump accessories) to be certified for use in an ATEX classified environment, the proper ATEX identification must be present. The ATEX tag will be secured to the pump or the baseplate on which it is mounted. A typical tag will look like this:
The CE and the Ex designate the ATEX compliance. The code directly below these symbols reads as follows:
II = Group 2
2 = Category 2
G/D = Gas and Dust present
= Temperature class, can be T1 to T6
(see following table 1)
Ta ble 1
Max per mis si ble
sur face tem per a ture,
T1 842 (450) 700 (372)
T2 572 (300) 530 (277)
T3 392 (200) 350 (177)
T4 275 (135) 235 (113)
T5 212 (100) Option not available
T6 185 (85) Option not available
The code classification marked on the equipment should be in accordance with the specified area where the equipment will be installed. If it is not, please contact your ITT/Goulds representative before proceeding.
°F (°C)
Max per mis si ble
liq uid tem per a ture,
°F (°C)
The ATEX conformance is only applicable when the pump unit is operated within its intended use. All instructions within this manual must be followed at all times. Operating, installing or maintaining the pump unit in any way that is not covered in this manual can cause serious personal injury or damage to the
For additional safety precautions, and where
noted in this manual, condition monitoring devices should be used. This includes, but is not limited to:
Pressure gauges
Flow meters
Level indicators
Motor load readings
Temperature detectors
Bearing monitors
Leak detectors
PumpSmart control system
equipment. This includes any modification to the equipment or use of parts not provided by ITT/Goulds. If there is any question regarding the intended use of the equipment please contact an ITT/Goulds representative before proceeding.
For assistance in selecting the proper instrumentation and its use, please contact your ITT/Goulds representative.
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10 3700-10th IOM 12/04
PUMP DE SCRIP TION.............................11
NAME PLATE IN FOR MA TION.........................12
RE CEIV ING THE PUMP ............................13
Stor age Re quire ments ...........................13
Han dling ..................................13
The Model 3700 is a high pressure, high temperature centrifugal pump that meets the requirements of API Standard 610 10th Edition (ISO 13709).
The model is based on 6 power ends and 38 hydraulic pump sizes.
Casing - The casing is a centerline mounted design. The gasket is fully confined. ANSI Class 300 raised face serrated flanges are standard; ANSI Class 300 flat face serrated and ring joint flanges are available. Also available are ANSI class 600 flanges in the same types.
Impeller - The impeller is fully enclosed and key driven by the shaft. An impeller bolt with lockwasher or impeller nut with locking set screw prevents axial movement.
Seal Chamber Cover - The Model 3700 seal chamber cover meets API 682 2nd Edition dimensions for improved performance of mechanical seals.
Power End - Ring oil lubricated bearings are standard. The power end is sealed with labyrinth seals. Pure and purge oil mist lubrication are options. Some machining is required to convert from ring oil lubrication to oil mist.
Shaft - The standard shaft is machined and ground to comply with API 610 10th Edition (ISO 13709) criteria.
Bearings - The inboard (radial) bearing carries only radial load; it is free to float axially in the frame. The outboard (thrust) bearing is shouldered and locked to the shaft and retained in the bearing frame to enable it to carry radial and thrust loads. All fits are precision machined to industry standards. The inboard bearing is a single row deep groove ball bearing. The outboard bearing is a duplex angular contact bearing, which uses a pair of single row angular contact ball bearings mounted back-to-back.
Baseplate - The fabricated steel baseplate is designed to support the pump, driver and accessories in accordance with API-610 10th Edition (ISO 13709) requirements.
Direction of Rotation - Counterclockwise (left hand) as viewed from the driver, looking at the pump shaft.
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Fig. 1
Every pump has a Goulds nameplate that provides information about the pump. The nameplate is located on the pump casing.
Special tags which provide additional information (mechanical seal data, etc.) and special tagging required by customers are located on the pump casing or on the bearing frame.
The standard nameplate provides information about the pump’s size, rating, bearings, serial number, hydrostatic test pressure of pressure containment parts, maximum allowable working pressure at designated temperature and construction / customer’s item number. Rating and hydrostatic test pressure
are expressed in English units. Note the format of pump size: Discharge x Suction - Nominal Impeller Diameter in inches, for example, 2x3-13 (Fig. 1).
The standard nameplate is also available in a version which expresses the rating and hydrostatic test pressure in metric units (Fig. 2).
When ordering spare parts you will need to identify pump model, size, serial number, and the item number of required parts. Pump information can be taken from the Goulds nameplate. Item numbers can be found in this manual.
Fig. 2
NOTE: If ap plicable, your pump unit may have the following ATEX tag affixed to the pump and/or base plate. See the Safety sec tion for a de scription of the sym bols and codes.
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Inspect the pump as soon as it is received. Carefully check that everything is in good order. Make notes of damaged or missing items on the receipt and freight bill. File any claims with the transportation company as soon as possible.
Short Term (Less than 6 months) Goulds normal packaging procedure is designed to protect pump during shipping. Upon receipt, store in a covered and dry location.
Long Term (More than 6 months) Preservative treatment of bearings and machined surfaces will be required. Rotate shaft several times every 3 months. Refer to driver and coupling manufacturers for their long term storage procedures. Store in a covered and dry location.
NOTE: Long term storage treatment may be purchased with initial pump order.
Pump and components are heavy. Failure to properly lift and support equipment could result in serious physical injury, or damage to pumps.
Use care when moving pumps. Lifting equipment must be able to adequately support the entire assembly. Hoist bare pump using suitable slings under the outboard end of the bearing frame and under the suction flange (Fig. 3).
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 3
Baseplate mounted units with or without drivers are moved with slings through the baseplate’s lifting lugs (Fig. 4 & 5).
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14 3700-10th IOM 12/04
GEN ERAL ...................................15
SITE/FOUN DA TION..............................15
Base plate Prepa ra tion ...........................16
Foun da tion Prepa ra tion ..........................16
Set ting and Lev el ing Base plate.......................16
Gen eral Con sid era tions ..........................17
Align ment Cri te ria .............................17
ALIGN MENT TROU BLE SHOOT ING.....................18
BASE PLATE GROUT ING PRO CE DURE ...................18
Gen eral Pro ce dure .............................18
Align ment Check ..............................18
PIP ING.....................................19
Suc tion Pip ing ...............................19
Dis charge Pip ing..............................20
By pass Pip ing ...............................20
Aux il iary Pip ing...............................20
Fi nal Pip ing Check .............................20
NOTE: Equipment that will op erate in a po tentially ex plosive en vironment must be installed in
ac cor dance with the fol low ing in struc tions.
Procedures for installation described within this section are general in nature. It is assumed that the installer has a basic knowledge of acceptable methods. More detailed procedures are described in various publi-
cations, including API Recommended Practice 686/ PIP (Process Industry Practices) REIE 686, “Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation and Installation Design.”
A pump should be located near the supply of liquid and have adequate space for operation, maintenance, and inspection. Be sure to allow for crane or hoist service.
Baseplate mounted pumps are normally grouted on a concrete foundation which has been poured on a solid footing. The foundation must be able to absorb any vibration and to form a permanent, rigid support for the pumping unit.
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NOTE: All equipment being installed must be
properly grounded to prevent unexpected static electric discharge.
The location and size of foundation bolts are shown on the outline assembly drawing provided with the pump data package.
Foundation bolts commonly used are sleeve type (Fig. 6) and J type. If using the sleeve type, the inside diameter of the sleeve should be 2 1/2 - 3 times the bolt diameter. A washer should be placed between the bolt head and the sleeve. Both foundation bolt types permit movement for final bolt adjustment.
Fig. 6
Industry standard procedures, such as API RP 686/ PIP REIE 686, and/or the following procedure should be followed prior to grouting the baseplate. The procedure assumes the installer has a basic knowledge of baseplate and foundation design and installation methods.
1. Inspect all surfaces of baseplate that will contact grout for contamination (e.g. - rust, oil, grime, etc.).
2. Thoroughly clean all surfaces of the baseplate that will contact grout with a cleaner that will not leave any residue.
NOTE: It may be necessary to sandblast the contact surfaces and coat with a primer compati­ble with the grout. If sandblasting is necessary, remove all equipment prior to sandblasting.
3. Inspect all machined surfaces for burrs, rust, paint or any other type of contamination. If necessary, use a honing stone to remove burrs.
1. Chip top of foundation a minimum of 25 mm (1.0 in.) to remove porous or low strength concrete. If using a pneumatic hammer, assure that it is not contaminating the surface with oil, moisture, etc.
Do not use heavy tools such as jackhammers, as they could damage the structural integrity of the foundation.
2. Remove water and/or debris from foundation bolt holes/sleeves. If the sleeve type bolts are being used, fill the sleeves with nonbinding moldable
material and seal to prevent grout from entering.
3. Coat exposed portion of anchor bolts with a non-bonding compound such as paste wax to prevent grout from adhering to anchor bolts.
NOTE: Do not use oils or liquid wax.
4. If recommended by grout manufacturer, coat foundation surface with a compatible primer.
1. Lower baseplate carefully onto foundation bolts (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7
2. Use leveling (jack) screws to raise bottom edge of the baseplate 25 - 50 mm (1-2 in.) above foundation to allow for adequate grouting. This will provide even support for the baseplate once it is grouted.
3. Level baseplate to within 0.20 mm/m (.002 in./ft.) of length or width of the baseplate, respectively, by adjusting leveling screws. Maximum total variation from one end or side of the baseplate to the other is 0.38 mm (.015 in.).
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Equipment mounting surfaces should be utilized to establish level.
4. Coat portions of leveling screws that will contact grout with a non-bonding compound such as paste wax to facilitate their removal after grouting.
NOTE: Do not use oils or liquid wax.
5. Thread nuts on foundation bolts and hand tighten.
NOTE: Alignment procedures must be
followed to prevent unintended contact of rotating parts. Follow coupling manufacturer's installation and operation procedures.
Before beginning any alignment procedure, make sure driver power is locked out. Failure to lock out driver power will result in serious physical injury.
To remove coupling guard, refer to coupling guard installation and disassembly instructions in Appendix I.
The times at which alignment is checked and adjusted are:
Initial Alignment (Cold Alignment) is done prior to operation when the pump and the driver are at ambient temperatures.
Before Grouting Baseplate - To ensure
alignment can be obtained.
After Connecting Piping and Grouting
Baseplate - To ensure pipe strains haven’t altered alignment.
Accurate alignment of the equipment must be attained. Trouble-free operation can be accomplished by achieving alignment within the levels specified in the following section.
Three common alignment methods are utilized:
Reverse Dial Indicator method is most common.
Laser method is similar to reverse dial
indicator method, but uses a laser to obtain the necessary measurements.
Dial Indicator (rim-and-face) method.
Follow alignment equipment manufacturers’ procedures when utilizing reverse dial indicator or laser methods. A detailed procedure for alignment using the dial indicator (rim-and-face) method is included as Appendix II.
Good alignment is attained when readings as specified in this section have been achieved with pump and driver at operating temperatures (final alignment).
Table 1 shows maximum allowable Total Indicator Reading (T.I.R.) for parallel and angular misalignment.
Final Alignment (Hot Alignment) is done after
operation when the pump and driver are at operating temperatures.
After First Run - To obtain correct alignment
when both pump and driver are at operating temperature. Thereafter, alignment should be checked periodically in accordance with plant operating procedures.
NOTE: Alignment check must be made if process temperature changes, piping changes and/or pump service is performed.
Alignment is achieved by adding or removing shims from under the driver and/or shifting driver horizontally as needed.
NOTE: Proper alignment is the responsibility of the installer and user of the unit.
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Par al lel and An gu lar Mis align ment
NOTE A: For electric motors, motor shaft initial (cold) parallel vertical alignment setting should be
0.05 - 0.10 mm (.002-.004 in.) lower than pump shaft.
NOTE B: For other drivers (turbines, engines, etc.), follow driver manufacturers’ recommendations.
Maxi mum Al low able
Ta ble 1
Maxi mum Al low able Mis align ment
Par al lel An gular
0.03 de grees
0.05 mm (.002 in.)
[0.125 mm/cm
(.0005 in. /in.) of cou -
pling face
di ame ter]
Prob lem Prob able Cause Rem edy
Can not ob tain hori zon tal (Side- to- Side)
align ment, an gu lar or par al lel
Can not ob tain ver ti cal (Top- to- Bottom) align ment,
an gu lar or par al lel
Driver feet bolt bound.
Baseplate not lev eled
prop erly, proba bly twisted.
Baseplate not lev eled
prop erly, proba bly bowed.
Loosen pump hold down bolts and slide pump and driver un til hori zontal align ment is achieved.
Determine which cor ner(s) of the base plate are high or low and ad just lev eling screws at the ap pro pri ate cor ner(s) and rea lign.
Determine if cen ter of base plate should be raised or low ered and cor rect by ad just ing lev el ing screws equally at the cen ter of the base plate.
Use of non-shrink epoxy grout is recommended.
NOTE: Grout manufacturer’s instructions should be consulted and followed.
The following are general procedures for grouting baseplates. Additional information may be found in API Standard 610, 8th Edition, Appendix L, API RP 686, Chapter 5, and other industry standards.
Baseplate Installation Procedure should be followed prior to grouting baseplate.
1. Build dam (form) around foundation to level of bottom of baseplate (Fig. 8).
3. Strike along top of dam with trowel to give a neat finished appearance.
4. Allow grout to set.
5. Fill remainder of baseplate with grout, removing air as before (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9
6. Allow grout to set at least 48 hours. Leveling screws should be removed when grout has hardened.
7. Tighten foundation bolts.
Fig. 8
2. Pour grout through grout hole in baseplate, up to level of dam. Remove air bubbles from grout as it is poured by puddling or by pumping the grout into place.
Re-check alignment before continuing, using criteria previously stated.
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Guidelines for piping are given in the “Hydraulic Institute Standards,” available from:
Hydraulic Institute 30200 Detroit Road Cleveland, OH 44145-1967
and in API RP 686, and must be reviewed prior to pump installation.
Never draw piping into place by forcing at the flanged connections of the pump. This may impose dangerous strains on the unit and cause misalignment between pump and driver. Pipe strain will adversely affect the operation of the pump resulting in physical injury and damage to the equipment.
NOTE: Flange loads from the piping system,
including those from thermal expansion of the piping, must not exceed the limits of the pump. Casing deformation can result in contact with rotating parts which can result in excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
1. Piping runs should be as short as possible to minimize friction losses.
2. It is suggested that expansion loops be properly designed and installed in suction and/or discharge lines when handling liquids at elevated temperatures, so thermal expansion of piping will not draw pump out of alignment.
3. The piping should be arranged to allow pump flushing prior to removal of the unit on services handling hazardous liquids.
4. Carefully clean all pipe parts, valves and fittings, and pump branches prior to assembly.
5. All piping must be supported independently of, and line up naturally with, the pump flanges. Table 2 shows piping flange alignment criteria.
Ta ble 2
Piping Flange Alignment
Type Cri te ria
Ax ial
Par al lel
Con cen tric Flange bolts should eas ily in stall by hand.
In no case should loads on the pump flanges
Flange gas ket thick ness ± 0.8 mm (.03 in.).
0.001 mm/mm (.001 in./in.) of flange di ameter to a maxi mum of 0.8 mm (.03 in.).
exceed the limits stated in API Standard 610, 10th Edition (ISO 13709).
6. Piping must not be connected to the pump until the grout has thoroughly hardened and the foundation bolts, as well as driver and pump hold­down bolts, have been tightened.
NPSHA must always exceed NPSHRas shown on Goulds performance curves received with order. (Reference Hydraulic Institute for NPSH and pipe friction values needed to evaluate suction piping).
Properly designed and installed suction piping is a necessity for trouble-free pump operation. Suction piping should be flushed BEFORE connection to the pump.
1. Use of elbows close to the pump suction flange should be avoided. There should be a minimum of two (2) pipe diameters of straight pipe [five (5) pipe diameters is preferred] between the elbow and suction inlet. Where used, elbows should be long radius.
2. Use suction pipe one (1) or two (2) sizes larger than the pump suction, with a reducer at the suction flange. Suction piping should never be of smaller diameter than the pump suction.
3. Reducers, if used, should be eccentric and located at the pump suction flange with sloping side down.
Pump must never be throttled on suction side.
4. A suction screen should be installed prior to initial start-up and when suction system has been opened for work. The screen should be of the cone type with a net area equal to at least three (3) times the cross sectional area of the suction pipe. The mesh of the screen should be sized to prevent particles larger than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) from entering the pump and should be installed in a spool piece to allow removal for cleaning. The screen should remain in the system until periodic inspection shows system is clean.
5. Separate suction lines are recommended when more than one pump is operating from the same source of supply.
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Suction Lift Conditions
1. Suction pipe must be free from air pockets.
2. Suction piping must slope upwards to pump.
3. All joints must be air tight.
4. A means of priming the pump must be provided.
bypass line to preclude bypassing excessive flows. Consult nearest sales office or factory for assistance in sizing orifice.
An automatic recirculation control valve and/or solenoid operated valve should be considered if a constant bypass (i.e. orifice) is not possible.
Suction Head/Flooded Suction Conditions
1. An isolation valve should be installed in the suction line at least two (2) pipe diameters from the pump suction to permit closing of the line for pump inspection and maintenance.
2. Keep suction pipe free from air pockets.
3. Piping should be level or slope gradually downward from the source of supply.
4. No portion of the piping should extend below pump suction flange.
5. The size of entrance from supply should be one (1) or two (2) sizes larger than the suction pipe.
6. The suction pipe must be adequately submerged below the liquid surface to prevent vortices and air entrainment at the supply.
Properly designed and installed discharge piping is a necessity for trouble-free pump operation. Discharge piping should be flushed BEFORE connection to the pump.
1. Isolation and check valves should be installed in discharge line. Locate the check valve between isolation valve and pump; this will permit inspection of the check valve. The isolation valve is required for priming, regulation of flow, and for inspection and maintenance of pump. The check valve prevents pump or seal damage due to reverse flow through the pump when the driver is turned off.
NOTE: The mechanical seal must have an
appropriate seal flush system. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
NOTE: Cooling systems such as those for
bearing lubrication, mechanical seal systems, etc, where provided, must be operating properly to prevent excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
NOTE: Sealing systems that are not self
purging or self venting, such as plan 23, require manual venting prior to operation. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
Auxiliary piping may be required for bearing cooling, seal chamber cover cooling, mechanical seal flush or other special features supplied with the pump. Consult pump data sheet for specific auxiliary piping recommendations.
If bearing cooling and/or seal chamber cover cooling is required, follow guidelines listed below.
1. Flows of 4 l/min. (1 GPM) will generally satisfy cooling requirements for each component. If both bearing and seal chamber cover cooling are provided, a minimum flow of 8 l/min. (2 GPM) will be necessary.
2. Cooling water pressure should not exceed
7.0 kg/cm
(100 psig).
2. Increasers, if used, should be placed between pump and check valves.
3. Cushioning devices should be used to protect the pump from surges and water hammer if quick-closing valves are installed in system.
Systems that require operation at reduced flows for prolonged periods should be provided with a bypass line connected from the discharge side (before any valves) to the source of suction.
A minimum flow orifice can be sized and installed in
After connecting the piping to pump:
Rotate shaft by hand to ensure it rotates
smoothly and there is no rubbing which could lead to excess heat generation and or sparks.
Check alignment, per alignment criteria
outlined previously, to determine if pipe strain has affected alignment. If pipe strain exists, correct piping.
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PREPA RA TION FOR START- UP.......................21
Check ing Ro ta tion .............................21
Coupling Pump and Driver .........................21
Lu bri cat ing Bear ings ............................22
Shaft Seal ing................................22
Prim ing Pump ...............................22
Start- up Pre cau tions ............................24
START ING PUMP ...............................24
OP ERA TION..................................25
Gen eral Con sid era tions ..........................25
Op era tional Checks ............................25
Op er at ing at Re duced Ca pac ity ......................25
Op er at ing Un der Freez ing Con di tions ...................25
SHUT DOWN ..................................26
FI NAL ALIGN MENT ..............................26
DOW EL ING PUMP CAS ING .........................26
NOTE: When installing in a potentially
explosive environment, ensure that the motor is properly certified.
Serious damage may result if pump is run in the wrong rotation.
1. Lock out power to driver.
Lock out driver power to prevent accidental start-up and physical injury.
2. Make sure coupling hubs are securely fastened to shafts.
Do NOT jog a coupled pump.
NOTE: Pump is shipped with coupling spacer removed.
3. Unlock driver power.
4. Make sure everyone is clear. Jog driver just long enough to determine direction of rotation. Rotation must correspond to arrow on bearing frame.
5. Lock out power to driver.
Lock out driver power to prevent accidental rotation and physical injury.
NOTE: The coupling used in an ATEX
classified environment must be properly certified.
1. Install and lubricate coupling per manufacturer’s instructions.
NOTE: The coupling guard used in an ATEX
classified environment must be constructed from a non-sparking material.
2. Install coupling guard. Refer to coupling guard
installation instructions in Appendix I.
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Never operate a pump without coupling guard properly installed. Refer to Appendix I for coupling guard installation instructions. Personal injury will occur if pump is run without coupling guard.
NOTE: Bearings must be lubricated properly
in order to prevent excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
Ring Oil Lubrication
Ring oil lubricated ball bearings are standard on Model 3700 8th Edition units.
The bearings are not lubricated at the factory.
Assure that oil rings are properly seated in grooves in shaft, as described in Disassembly & Reassembly section.
See Preventive Maintenance section for lubrication recommendations.
Pure or Purge Oil Mist Lubrication
Pure or purge oil mist are optional features for the Model 3700 8th Edition. Follow oil mist generator manufacturer’s instructions. The inlet and outlet connections are located on the top and bottom, respectively, of the bearing frame.
Connection of Sealing Liquid
NOTE: The mechanical seal must have an
appropriate seal flush system. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
NOTE: Cooling systems such as those for
bearing lubrication, mechanical seal systems, etc, where provided, must be operating properly to prevent excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
NOTE: Sealing systems that are not self
purging or self venting, such as plan 23, require manual venting prior to operation. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
For satisfactory operation, there must be a liquid film between seal faces to lubricate them. Refer to seal manufacturer’s drawing for location of taps. Some methods which may be used to flush/cool the seal are:
Product Flushing - In this arrangement, the
pumpage is piped from the casing (and cooled in an external heat exchanger when required) then injected into seal chamber.
External Flush - A clean, cool compatible liquid is
injected from an outside source directly into seal chamber. Flushing liquid must be at a pressure
0.35-1.05 kg/cm pressure. Injection rate should be 2-8 l/min. (
(5-15 psi) greater than seal chamber
-2 GPM).
See Preventive Maintenance section for lubrication recommendations and connection locations.
Operation of the unit without proper lubrication will cause bearing failure and pump seizure.
NOTE: The mechanical seeal used in an
ATEX classified environment must be properly certified.
Pumps may be shipped with or without mechanical seal installed. Cartridge type mechanical seals are commonly used for this model. Cartridge seals are preset at the seal manufacturer’s facility and require no field settings. Cartridge seals installed by the user require disengagement of the holding clips prior to operation, allowing the seal to slide into place. If the seal has been installed in the pump by Goulds, these clips have already been disengaged. For other types of mechanical seals, refer to the seal manufacturer’s instructions for installation and setting.
Other methods may be used which make use of
multiple gland connections and/or seal chamber connections. Refer to documentation supplied with the pump, mechanical seal reference drawing, and piping diagrams.
NOTE: Pumps must be fully primed at all times
during operation.
Never start the pump until it has been properly primed. Several different methods of priming can be used, depending upon type of installation and service involved.
Suction Supply Above Pump
1. Slowly open the suction valve (Fig. 10).
2. Open air vents on the suction and discharge piping, casing, seal chamber, and seal piping, if provided, until all air is vented and only liquid flows out.
3. Close the vents.
22 3700-10th IOM 12/04
Fig. 10
Suction Supply Below Pump
A foot valve and outside source of liquid may be used to prime the pump. Outside source of liquid can come from a priming pump, pressurized discharge line, or other supply (Fig. 11 and 12).
Fig. 12
1. Close discharge valve and open air vents in suction and discharge piping, casing, seal chamber and seal piping, if provided.
2. Open valve in outside supply line until all air is vented and only liquid flows out.
When handling hazardous and/or toxic fluids, proper personal protective equipment is required. If pump is being drained, precautions must be taken to prevent physical injury. Pumpage must be handled and disposed of in conformance with applicable regulations.
3. Close the vents and then the outside supply line.
Other Methods of Priming Pump
Priming by ejector.
Priming by automatic priming pump.
Fig. 11
3700-10th IOM 12/04 23
3. Variable speed drivers should be brought to rated speed as quickly as possible.
NOTE: Ensure that pump and systems are
free of foreign objects before operating and that objects cannot enter the pump during operation. Foreign objects in the pumpage or piping system can cause blockage of flow which can result in excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
NOTE: A build up of gases within the pump,
sealing system and or process piping system may result in an explosive environment within the pump or process piping system. Ensure process piping system, pump and sealing system are properly vented prior to operation.
1. All equipment and personal safety related devices and controls must be installed and operating properly.
2. To prevent premature pump failure at initial start-up due to dirt or debris in the pipe system, ensure the pump can be run continuously at full speed and flow for 2 to 3 hours.
4. Variable speed drivers should not be adjusted or checked for speed governor or overspeed trip settings while coupled to the pump at initial start-up. If settings have not been verified, uncouple the unit and refer to driver manufacturer’s instructions for assistance.
5. Running a new or rebuilt pump at slow speeds may not provide enough flow to adequately flush and cool the wear ring and seal chamber cover bushing close running surfaces.
6. Pumpage temperatures in excess of 93° C (200° F) will require warm-up of pump prior to operation. Circulate a small amount of pumpage through the pump until the casing temperature is within 56° C (100° F) of the pumpage temperature and evenly heated.
NOTE: Warm-up rate should not exceed 1.4° C (2.5° F) per minute.
1. Make sure suction valve and any recirculation or cooling lines are open.
2. Fully close or partially open discharge valve as dictated by system conditions.
3. Start driver.
Immediately observe pressure gauges. If discharge pressure is not quickly attained, stop driver, reprime and attempt to restart.
4. Slowly open discharge valve until the desired flow is obtained.
Observe pump for vibration levels, bearing temperature and excessive noise. If normal levels are exceeded, shut down and resolve.
24 3700-10th IOM 12/04
Always vary capacity with regulating valve in the discharge line. NEVER throttle flow from the suction side.
Driver may overload if the pumpage specific gravity (density) is greater than originally assumed, or the rated flow rate is exceeded.
Always operate the pump at or near the rated conditions to prevent damage resulting from cavitation or recirculation.
The following are minimum operational checks for the pump only. Consult driver and auxiliary equipment manufacturers’ literature for additional information.
1. On ring oil lubricated units, remove oil ring viewing port plugs to verify that oil rings are properly positioned in grooves on shaft, are turning and are throwing oil. Replace plugs.
2. On pure or purge oil mist lubricated units, remove viewing port plugs and assure oil mist is flowing properly. Replace plugs.
7. Monitor all gauges to ensure pump is running at or near rating and that suction screen (when used) is not clogged.
Do NOT operate pump below minimum rated flows or with discharge valve closed. These conditions may create an explosive hazard due to vaporization of pumpage and can quickly lead to pump failure and physical injury.
Damage occurs from:
1. Increased vibration levels - Affects bearings, seal chambers, and mechanical seals.
2. Increased radial load - Increases stress on shaft and bearings.
3. Heat build up - vaporization causes rotating parts to score or seize.
4. Cavitation - Increases damage to internal surfaces of pump.
Exposure to freezing conditions while pump is idle could cause liquid to freeze and damage the pump.
3. On ring oil and purge oil mist lubricated units, check oiler to ensure oil level has remained steady.
4. Check bearing temperatures using a pyrometer or other accurate temperature measuring device. Monitor bearing temperature frequently during initial operation to determine if a bearing problem exists as well as to establish normal bearing operating temperature.
5. On units equipped with auxiliary piping, assure that proper flows have been established and that equipment is operating properly.
6. Establish baseline vibration readings to determine normal running conditions. If it is determined that the unit is running rough, consult factory.
3700-10th IOM 12/04 25
Liquid inside pump should be drained. Liquid inside auxiliary piping, if supplied, should also be drained.
1. Slowly close discharge valve.
2. Shut down and lock out driver to prevent accidental rotation.
Note: Alignment procedures must be
followed to prevent unintended contact of rotating parts. Follow coupling manufacturer's installation and operation procedures.
1. Run the unit under actual operating conditions for a sufficient length of time to bring the pump and driver and associated systems to operating temperature.
2. Shut down and lock out driver as described above.
When handling hazardous and/or toxic fluids, proper personal protective equipment is required. If pump is being drained, precautions must be taken to prevent physical injury. Pumpage must be handled and disposed of in conformance with applicable regulations.
3. Remove coupling guard. Refer to coupling guard installation and disassembly instructions in
Appendix I.
4. Check alignment while unit is still hot per alignment criteria in Section 3.
5. Reinstall coupling guard. Refer to coupling guard installation and disassembly instructions in Appendix I.
Before beginning any alignment procedure, make sure driver power is locked out. Failure to lock out driver power will result in serious physical injury.
The pump casing may be doweled to the baseplate pedestals, if desired, to positively maintain position. Two (2) Number 7 taper pins are supplied for this purpose.
NOTE: Doweling should only be done after final alignment has been completed.
1. Drill two holes, one in each casing mounting pad, at the locations provided, using a 21/64 in. or “Q” size drill.
The holes should be drilled through both the casing mounting pads and the baseplate pedestal, when possible. This makes cleaning the metal chips produced from the drilling and reaming operations easier. Take care to clean all burrs and metal chips from the holes.
If water cooled pedestals have been provided, do NOT drill through the baseplate pedestal or leakage of cooling water will occur.
2. Ream the holes with a Number 7 taper pin reamer to the proper fit with the taper dowel pins. Pins should insert to a depth that leaves only the threaded portion exposed when fully seated.
3. Seat taper pins firmly in holes with hardwood block or soft faced hammer.
Failure to remove the dowel pins prior to casing removal may result in casing damage.
26 3700-10th IOM 12/04
GEN ERAL COM MENTS............................27
MAIN TE NANCE SCHED ULE.........................27
Rou tine Main te nance ............................27
Rou tine In spec tions ............................27
3 Month Inspections ............................27
An nual In spec tions .............................27
MAIN TE NANCE OF BEAR INGS .......................28
Ring Oil Lu bricated Bear ings ........................28
Pure or Purge Oil Mist Lu bricated Bear ings (Op tional) ...........29
MAINTENANCE OF SHAFT SEALS .....................29
TROU BLE SHOOT ING.............................30
A routine maintenance program can extend the life of your pump. Well maintained equipment will last longer and require fewer repairs. You should keep maintenance records as this will help pinpoint potential causes of problems.
NOTE: The preventive maintenance section must be adhered to in order to keep the applicable
ATEX classification of the equipment. Failure to follow these procedures will void the ATEX classification for the equipment.
Bearing lubrication
Seal monitoring
Vibration analysis
Discharge pressure monitoring
Temperature monitoring
Check for unusual noise, vibration and bearing
temperatures. Inspect pump and piping for leaks.
Check seal chamber for leakage.
Oil should be changed at least every 3 months
(2000 hours) or more often if there are any adverse atmospheric conditions or other conditions which might contaminate or break down the oil. Oil should also be changed if it is cloudy or contaminated.
Check shaft alignment and realign if required.
Check pump capacity, pressure and power. If pump
performance does not satisfy your process require­ments, and process requirements have not changed, pump should be disassembled, inspected, and worn parts should be replaced. Otherwise, a system inspection should be done.
Check foundation and hold-down bolts for tightness.
If pump has been left idle, check mechanical seal.
Repair or replace if required.
3700-10th IOM 12/04 27
Inspection intervals should be shortened
appropriately if the pumpage is abrasive and/or corrosive, or if the environment is classified as potentially explosive.
NOTE: Do not insulate bearing housings as
this can result in excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
Ring oil lubricated ball bearings are standard on Model 3700 8th Edition pumps.
Pumps are shipped without oil. Oil lubricated bearings must be lubricated at the job site.
A high quality turbine oil with rust and oxidation inhibitors should be used. For the majority of operational conditions, bearing temperatures will run between 50° C (120° F) and 82° C (180° F). In this range, an oil of ISO viscosity grade 68 at 40° C (100° F) is recommended. If bearing temperatures exceed 82° C (180° F), use oil of ISO viscosity grade 100.
Bearing temperatures are generally about 11° C (20° F) higher than bearing housing outer surface temperature.
Some acceptable oils are:
Exxon Teresstic EP 68
Mobil Mobil DTE 26 300 SSU
@ 40° C (100° F)
Fig. 13
NOTE: Setting dimension of 0 may be accomplished by removing and discarding the oiler adjusting stem.
Oil reservoir in bearing frame should be filled by filling oiler bottle with oil and placing it into the oiler housing. Several fillings of the oiler bottle will be required. Do not fill bearing frame oil reservoir through the vent or through the oiler housing without using the bottle.
Oil capacities and oiler information for the various bearing frames are shown in Table 3.
Sunoco Sunvis 968
Royal Purple SYNFILM ISO VG 68
Synthetic Lube
For extreme conditions, refer to the factory or a lubrication expert.
Oil should be changed after 200 hours if bearings are new. Thereafter, change oil every 2000 operating hours or 3 months, whichever first occurs.
Ring oil lubricated pumps are supplied with an oiler which maintains a constant oil level in the bearing housing. The oiler must be adjusted to maintain the oil at the level of the mark on the side of the frame, which corresponds to the center of the bullseye sight glass. This is accomplished by setting the oiler adjusting stem. Refer to Fig. 13 for proper setting dimensions.
Ta ble 3
Bearing Frame Oil Ca pacities
Frame Oil Ca pacity Trico
SA 600 20
SX 1115 38
MA 950 32
LA, MX 1385 47
LX 2120 72
XLX 2625 89
Verify the correct oil level by comparing the oil level as viewed in the bullseye sight glass with the oil level line on the side of the bearing frame.
ml Ounces ml Ounces
Oiler No.
5 237 8
Oiler Ca pac ity
28 3700-10th IOM 12/04
Pumps are shipped without oil. Oil mist lubricated bearings must be lubricated at the job site.
The same oil requirements applicable to ring oil lubricated bearings also apply to oil mist lubricated bearings.
For purge oil mist lubricated bearings, bearing frame should be filled to the proper level as described under ring oil lubricated bearings.
Below are listed the steps necessary for oil mist lubrication:
1. Follow oil mist system supplier’s instructions.
NOTE: The mechanical seal used in an ATEX
classified environment must be properly certified.
When mechanical seals are furnished by Goulds, a manufacturer’s reference drawing is supplied with the data package. This drawing should be kept for future use when performing maintenance and adjusting the seal. The seal drawing will also specify required flush liquid and attachment points. The seal and all flush piping must be checked and installed as needed prior to starting the pump.
2. Connect oil mist supply lines to inlet connections (Fig. 14).
3. Connect drain/vent lines to outlet connections.
Fig. 14
The life of a mechanical seal depends on various factors such as cleanliness of the liquid handled and its lubricating properties. Due to the diversity of operating conditions it is, however, not possible to give definite indications as to its life.
NEVER operate the pump without liquid supplied to mechanical seal. Running a mechanical seal dry, even for a few seconds, can cause seal damage and must be avoided. Physical injury can occur if mechanical seal fails.
NOTE: The mechanical seal must have an
appropriate seal flush system. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
NOTE: Cooling systems such as those for
bearing lubrication, mechanical seal systems, etc, where provided, must be operating properly to prevent excess heat generation, sparks and premature failure.
NOTE Sealing systems that are not self
purging or self venting, such as plan 23, require manual venting prior to operation. Failure to do so will result in excess heat generation and seal failure.
3700-10th IOM 12/04 29
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