Introduction and Safety...................................................................................................................................................3
Transportation and Storage..........................................................................................................................................3
Inspect the delivery........................................................................................................................................................3
User safety.......................................................................................................................................................................5
The data plate.....................................................................................................................................................................9
General precautions........................................................................................................................................................12
Connect the motor cable to the pump.........................................................................................................................13
Connect the motor cable to the starter and monitoring equipment.......................................................................14
Check the impeller rotation...........................................................................................................................................21
Change the oil..................................................................................................................................................................23
Empty the oil................................................................................................................................................................23
Fill with oil....................................................................................................................................................................24
Disassemble the pump...................................................................................................................................................25
Remove the motor cable and the stator housing....................................................................................................25
Remove the pump housing.........................................................................................................................................26
Remove the mechanical seal.......................................................................................................................................27
Remove the stator from the stator housing.............................................................................................................30
Assemble the pump........................................................................................................................................................31
Install the stator in the stator housing......................................................................................................................31
Install the mechanical seal..........................................................................................................................................32
Install the motor cable in the stator housing...........................................................................................................35
Replace wear parts and cutting parts........................................................................................................................37
Install the pump housing............................................................................................................................................41
Replace the impeller........................................................................................................................................................42
Replace the C- or D-impeller.....................................................................................................................................43
Replace the F-impeller.................................................................................................................................................46
Replace the M-impeller...............................................................................................................................................51
Replace the N-impeller................................................................................................................................................55
Requirements for Ex-approved products....................................................................................................................57
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions1
Table of Contents
Service the pump.............................................................................................................................................................57
Major service................................................................................................................................................................58
Service in case of alarm...............................................................................................................................................58
The pump does not start................................................................................................................................................60
The pump does not stop when a level sensor is used...............................................................................................61
The pump starts-stops-starts in rapid sequence.........................................................................................................61
The pump runs but the motor protection trips..........................................................................................................61
The pump delivers too little or no water.....................................................................................................................62
The purpose of this manual is to provide necessary information for:
• Installation
• Operation
• Maintenance
Read this manual carefully before installing and using the product. Improper use of the product can cause
personal injury and damage to property, and may void the warranty.
Save this manual for future reference, and keep it readily available at the location of the unit.
Transportation and Storage
For information about how to transport and store the pump, see Transportation and Storage in the
Installation, Operation and Maintenance manual.
Introduction and Safety
Inspect the delivery
Inspect the package
1.Inspect the package for damaged or missing items upon delivery.
2.Note any damaged or missing items on the receipt and freight bill.
3.File a claim with the shipping company if anything is out of order.
If the product has been picked up at a distributor, make a claim directly to the distributor.
Inspect the unit
1.Remove packing materials from the product.
Dispose of all packing materials in accordance with local regulations.
2.Inspect the product to determine if any parts have been damaged or are missing.
3.If applicable, unfasten the product by removing any screws, bolts, or straps.
For your personal safety, be careful when you handle nails and straps.
4.Contact your sales representative if anything is out of order.
Product warranty
ITT undertakes to remedy faults in products from ITT under these conditions:
• The faults are due to defects in design, materials, or workmanship.
• The faults are reported to an ITT representative within the warranty period.
• The product is used only under the conditions described in this manual.
• The monitoring equipment incorporated in the product is correctly connected and in use.
• All service and repair work is done by ITT-authorized personnel.
• Genuine ITT parts are used.
• Only Ex-approved spare parts and accessories authorized by ITT are used in Ex-approved products.
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions3
Introduction and Safety (Continued)
The warranty does not cover faults caused by these situations:
• Deficient maintenance
• Improper installation
• Modifications or changes to the product and installation made without consulting ITT
• Incorrectly executed repair work
• Normal wear and tear
ITT assumes no liability for these situations:
• Bodily injuries
• Material damages
• Economic losses
Warranty claim
ITT products are high-quality products with expected reliable operation and long life. However, should the
need arise for a warranty claim, then contact your ITT representative.
Spare parts
ITT guarantees that spare parts will be available for 15 years after the manufacture of this product has
been discontinued.
• The operator must be aware of safety precautions to prevent physical injury.
• Any pressure-containing device can explode, rupture, or discharge its contents if it is over-pressurized.
Take all necessary measures to avoid over-pressurization.
• Operating, installing, or maintaining the unit in any way that is not covered in this manual could cause
death, serious personal injury, or damage to the equipment. This includes any modification to the
equipment or use of parts not provided by ITT. If there is a question regarding the intended use of
the equipment, please contact an ITT representative before proceeding.
• Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manuals clearly identify accepted methods for disassembling
units. These methods must be adhered to. Trapped liquid can rapidly expand and result in a violent
explosion and injury. Never apply heat to impellers, propellers, or their retaining devices to aid in their
• Do not change the service application without the approval of an authorized ITT representative.
You must observe the instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance contained in this manual.
Failure to do so could result in physical injury, damage, or delays.
Safety message levels
About safety messages
It is extremely important that you read, understand, and follow the safety messages and regulations
carefully before handling the product. They are published to help prevent these hazards:
• Personal accidents and health problems
• Damage to the product
• Product malfunction
4Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions
Safety message levelIndication
A hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
Electrical Hazard:
result in death or serious injury
A hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury
A hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury
The possibility of electrical risks if instructions are
not followed in a proper manner
Introduction and Safety (Continued)
User safety
General safety rules
Safety equipment
These safety rules apply:
• Always keep the work area clean.
• Pay attention to the risks presented by gas and vapors in the work area.
• Avoid all electrical dangers. Pay attention to the risks of electric shock or arc flash hazards.
• Always bear in mind the risk of drowning, electrical accidents, and burn injuries.
Use safety equipment according to the company regulations. Use this safety equipment within the work area:
• Helmet
• Safety goggles, preferably with side shields
• Protective shoes
• Protective gloves
• Gas mask
• Hearing protection
• First-aid kit
• Safety devices
• A potential situation which, if not avoided,
could result in undesirable conditions
• A practice not related to personal injury
Never operate a unit unless safety devices are installed. Also see specific information about safety
devices in other chapters of this manual.
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions5
Introduction and Safety (Continued)
Electrical connections
Electrical connections must be made by certified electricians in compliance with all international, national,
state, and local regulations. For more information about requirements, see sections dealing specifically with
electrical connections.
Hazardous liquids
The product is designed for use in liquids that can be hazardous to your health. Observe these rules when
you work with the product:
• Make sure that all personnel who work with biologically hazardous liquids are vaccinated against
diseases to which they may be exposed.
• Observe strict personal cleanliness.
Wash the skin and eyes
Do the following if chemicals or hazardous fluids have come into contact with your eyes or your skin:
If you need to wash your... Then...
1.Hold your eyelids apart forcibly with your fingers.
2.Rinse the eyes with eyewash or running water for at least 15 minutes.
3.Seek medical attention.
1.Remove contaminated clothing.
2.Wash the skin with soap and water for at least one minute.
3.Seek medical attention, if required.
Ex-approved products
Follow these special handling instructions if you have an Ex-approved unit.
Personnel requirements
These are the personnel requirements for Ex-approved products in potentially explosive atmospheres:
• All work on the product must be carried out by certified electricians and ITT-authorized mechanics.
Special rules apply to installations in explosive atmospheres.
• All users must know about the risks of electric current and the chemical and physical characteristics of
the gas, the vapor, or both present in hazardous areas.
• Any maintenance for Ex-approved products must conform to international and national standards
(including IEC/EN 60079-17).
ITT disclaims all responsibility for work done by untrained and unauthorized personnel.
Product and product handling requirements
These are the product and product handling requirements for Ex-approved products in potentially
explosive atmospheres:
• Only use the product in accordance with the approved motor data.
• The Ex-approved product must never run dry during normal operation. Dry running during service
and inspection is only permitted outside the classified area.
• Before you start work on the product, make sure that the product and the control panel are isolated
from the power supply and the control circuit, so they cannot be energized.
• Do not open the product while it is energized or in an explosive gas atmosphere.
• Make sure that thermal contacts are connected to a protection circuit according to the approval
classification of the product, and that they are in use.
• Intrinsically safe circuits are normally required for the automatic level-control system by the level
regulator if mounted in zone 0.
• The yield stress of fasteners must be in accordance with the approval drawing and the product
• Do not modify the equipment without approval from an authorized ITT representative.
• Only use parts that are provided by an authorized ITT representative.
6Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions
ATEX guidelines
ATEX compliance is fulfilled only when you operate the unit within its intended use. Do not change the
conditions of the service without the approval of an ITT representative. When you install or maintain ATEXcompliant equipment, always comply with the directive and applicable standards in IEC/EN 60079–14.
Permitted liquid level for ATEX
See the dimensional drawings of the product for the minimum permitted liquid level according to the
ATEX approval. If the information is missing on the dimensional drawing, the product must be fully
submerged. Level-sensing equipment must be installed if the product can be operated at less than the
minimum submersion depth.
Monitoring equipment
For additional safety, use condition-monitoring devices. Condition-monitoring devices include but are not
limited to the following:
• Level indicators
• Temperature detectors
Environmental safety
The work area
Always keep the station clean to avoid and/or discover emissions.
Introduction and Safety (Continued)
Recycling guidelines
Always recycle according to these guidelines:
1.Follow local laws and regulations regarding recycling if the unit or parts are accepted by an authorized
recycling company.
2.If the first guideline is not applicable, then return the unit or parts to your ITT representative.
Waste and emissions regulations
Observe these safety regulations regarding waste and emissions:
• Appropriately dispose of all waste.
• Handle and dispose of the processed liquid in compliance with applicable environmental regulations.
• Clean up all spills in accordance with safety and environmental procedures.
• Report all environmental emissions to the appropriate authorities.
Electrical installation
For electrical installation recycling requirements, consult your local electric utility.
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions7
Product Description
Product Description
Products included
Pump modelFeature
• II 2 G EEx d IIB T4
• FM: Class I Div. 1 groups C and D
• Class II Div. 1 groups E, F and G
• Suitable for use in Class III Div.1
Hard Iron
• II 2 G EEx d IIB T4
• FM: Class I Div. 1 groups C and D
• Class II Div. 1 groups E, F and G
• Suitable for use in Class III Div.1
Hard Iron
• II 2 G EEx d IIB T4
• FM: Class I Div. 1 groups C and D
• Class II Div. 1 groups E, F and G
• Suitable for use in Class III Div.1
8Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions
The data plate
The data plate is a metal label located on the main body of the pump. The data plate lists key product
specifications. Explosion-proof products also have an approval plate. Both are described below.
1.Curve code/Propeller code
2.Serial number, see Product denomination (page 11)
3.Product number
4.Country of origin
5.Additional information
6.Phase; type of current; frequency
7.Rated voltage
8.Thermal protection
9.Thermal class
10. Rated shaft power
11. International standard
12. Degree of protection
13. Rated current
14. Rated speed
15. Maximum submergence
16. Direction of rotation: L=left, R=right
17. Duty class
18. Duty factor
19. Product weight
20. Locked rotor code letter
21. Power factor
22. Maximum ambient temperature
23. Read installation manual
24. Notified body/only for EN-approved Ex-products
Figure 1: The data plate
Product Description (Continued)
This section describes the EN and FM approvals that explosion-proof products have. For more
information, please contact your ITT representative. In addition to the data plate, explosion-proof
products also have either an EN or a FM approval plate.
• European Norm
• ATEX Directive
• EN 50014, EN 50018, EN 1127-1
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions9
II 2 G EEx d IIB T4
Product Description (Continued)
2.Approval authority + approval number
3.Approval for Class I
4.Approved drive unit
5.Stall time
6.Starting current/Rated current
7.Duty class
8.Duty factor
9.Input power
10. Rated speed
11. Controller
12. Additional information
13. Maximum ambient temperature
14. Serial number
15. ATEX marking
Figure 2: EN approval plate
EN approval for cable entry:
• Certificate number: INERIS 02ATEX9008 U
II 2 G or IM2 EEx d IIC or EEx dI
This illustration describes the approval plate for Factory Mutual (FM) and the information contained in its
1.Temperature class
2.Maximum ambient temperature
Figure 3: FM approval plate
10Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions
Product denomination
NP 3085
NP 3085.183 - 951 0163
23 4
Sales denomination
The sales denomination consists of the four-digit sales code and two letters that indicate the hydraulic end
and type of installation.
This is an example of a sales denomination, and an explanation of its parts.
1.Hydraulic part
2.Installation type
3.Sales code
Product code
The product code consists of nine characters divided into two parts.
This is an example of a product code, and an explanation of its parts.
Product Description (Continued)
Serial number
1.Sales denomination
The serial number is used for identification of an individual product, and is divided into four parts.
This is an example of a serial number, and an explanation of its parts.
1.Product code
2.Production year
3.Production cycle
4.Running number
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions11
General precautions
Electrical Hazard:
• A certified electrician must supervise all electrical work. Comply with all local codes and regulations.
• Before starting work on the pump, make sure that the pump and the control panel are isolated from
the power supply and cannot be energized. This applies to the control circuit as well.
• Leakage into the electrical parts can cause damaged equipment or a blown fuse. Keep the end of the
motor cable above the liquid level.
• Make sure that all unused conductors are insulated.
• There is a risk of electrical shock or explosion if the electrical connections are not correctly carried
out or if there is fault or damage on the product.
If the pump is equipped with automatic level control and/or internal contactor, there is a risk of sudden
These general requirements apply for electrical installation:
These are the requirements to follow when you install cables:
• The supply authority must be notified before installing the pump if it will be connected to the public
mains. When the pump is connected to the public power supply, it may cause flickering of
incandescent lamps when started.
• The mains voltage and frequency must agree with the specifications on the data plate. If the pump can
be connected to different voltages, the connected voltage is specified by a yellow sticker close to the
cable entry.
• The fuses, short-circuit, and circuit breakers must have the proper rating, and the pump overload
protection (motor protection breaker) must be connected and set to the rated current according to the
data plate and if applicable the cable chart. The starting current in direct-on-line starting can be up to
six times higher than the rated current.
• The fuse rating and the cables must be in accordance with the local rules and regulations.
• If intermittent operation is prescribed, the pump must be provided with monitoring equipment
supporting such operation.
• The motor is convertible between different voltages, as stated on the data plate. This conversion is
done on the terminal board.
• The cables must be in good condition, not have any sharp bends, and not be pinched.
• The sheathing must not be damaged and must not have indentations or be embossed (with markings,
etc.) at the cable entry.
• The cable entry seal sleeve and washers must conform to the outside diameter of the cable.
• The minimum bending radius must not be below the accepted value.
• If using a cable which has been used before, a short piece must be peeled off when refitting it so that
the cable entry seal sleeve does not close around the cable at the same point again. If the outer sheath
of the cable is damaged, then replace the cable. Contact an ITT service shop.
12Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions
• The voltage drop in long cables must be taken into account. The drive unit’s rated voltage is the
voltage measured at the terminal board in the upper part of the pump.
• The screened cable must be used according to the European CE requirements if a Variable Frequency
Drive (VFD) is used. For more information, contact your ITT representative (VFD-supplier).
Earthing (Grounding)
Electrical Hazard:
• You must earth (ground) all electrical equipment. This applies to the pump equipment, the driver, and
any monitoring equipment. Test the earth (ground) lead to verify that it is connected correctly.
• If the motor cable is jerked loose by mistake, the earth (ground) conductor should be the last
conductor to come loose from its terminal. Make sure that the earth (ground) conductor is longer
than the phase conductors. This applies to both ends of the motor cable.
• Risk of electrical shock or burn. You must connect an additional earth- (ground-) fault protection
device to the earthed (grounded) connectors if persons are likely to come into physical contact with
the pump or pumped liquids.
Connect the motor cable to the pump
Installation (Continued)
Leakage into the electrical parts can cause damaged equipment or a blown fuse. Keep the end of the motor
cable above the liquid level.
1.Entrance cover
For information about the cable entry, see the Parts list.
1.Remove the entrance cover and the O-ring from the stator housing.
This provide access to the terminal board/closed end splices.
Flygt 3102 Service and Repair Instructions13
Installation (Continued)
2.Check the data plate to see which connections are required for the power supply:
•Y serial
•Y parallel
3.Arrange the connections on the terminal board/closed end splices in accordance with the required
power supply.
4.Connect the motor conductors (U1, V1, W1, and earth (ground)) according to applicable cable chart.
The earth (ground) conductor must be 50 mm ( 2.0 in.) longer than the phase conductors in the
junction box of the unit.
5.Make sure that the pump is correctly connected to earth (ground).
6.Make sure that any thermal contacts incorporated in the pump are properly connected to the terminal
block/closed end splices.
7.Install the entrance cover and the O-ring on the stator housing.
8.Fasten the screws on the entrance flange so that the cable insertion assembly bottoms out.
Connect the motor cable to the starter and monitoring equipment
Do not install the starter equipment in an explosive zone or in the sump.
• Thermal contacts are incorporated in the pump.
• Thermal contacts must never be exposed to voltages higher than 250 V, breaking current maximum
4 A. It is recommended that they are connected to 24 V over separate fuses to protect other
automatic equipment.
The single phase pumps must be equipped with a starter which has start and run capacitors.
A specially Flygt designed starter is required for the operation of single phase pumps. The connection of
the motor cable to the starter is shown in the wiring diagram.
1.If thermal contacts are included in the pump installation, connect the T1 and T2 control conductors
to the monitoring equipment.
Do not connect the T1 and T2 leads to thermal contacts if the temperature of the pumped liquid is
above 40°C (104°F).
Ex-approved products must always have the thermal contacts connected irrespective of the ambient
2.Connect the mains leads (L1, L2, L3, and earth [ground]) to the starter equipment.
For information about the phase sequence and the color codes of the leads, see Cable charts (page
3.Check the functionality of the monitoring equipment:
a) Check that the signals and the tripping function work properly.
b) Check that the relays, lamps, fuses, and connections are intact.