Easy iCAM is a wireless network camera. It can connect with your
smartphone or tablet wireless technology, and monitor everything
that matters to you
Wi-Fi Router
on your smartphone or tablet anywhere and anytime.
Before you start you need:
iPhone, iPad,
Android smartphone
or Android tablet
Easy iCAM
Wi-Fi router
(for remote access)
Pack age Con tents
OneCameraOneAdapterOne Screw and On e Wall Anchor
Prod uct Lay out
Came ra
Two Cable ClipsThis User's Ma nu al
1.Light sensor
3.Camera lens
4.Infrared LEDs
6.Power/Status LED
7.Power adapter plug
8.Reset to factory default button
9.Power ON/OFF switch
10.Temperature sensor
Firs t-tim e Setup
3. 1
Before setting up
1. Make sure your Wi-Fi router is turned on and it can connect
to the Internet.
2. Download Easy iCAM app:
Key i n the key word “E asy iCA M” and do wnloa d the
app f rom the Ap ple App Store or An droid Mar ket
(Go ogle Pl ay).
3. 2
3. 2
Power on the camera
Power on the camera
1. Plug one end of the provided power adapter into a wall
outlet and the other end into the back of the camera.
Note : Use the adapter labeled OUTPUT: 5.9V DC with
the camera.
2. Sl ide the P ower ON /OFF sw itch to t he ON pos ition .
The LED on the cam era will glow o range a nd then
cha nge to re d.
Not e : When yo u power t he came ra on, it t akes ar ound
40 to 6 0 secon ds for in itial s etup.
3. 3
Connect your smartphone or tablet to the camera
1. Turn on the Wi-Fi of your smartphone or tablet.
2. Tap the sc reen to s elect “ Easy_ iCAM_ XXXXX X”
und er Wi-Fi N etworks.
iPh one/i Pad
Andr oid sys tem
3. Enter the password for
“Easy_iCAM_XXXXXX”. The default password is
iPh one/i Pad
Andr oid sys tem
3. 4
Setting up the camera and Internet connection
1. Launch the Easy iCAM App on your smartphone or tablet.
2. Fo llow th e on-sc reen ap p instr uctio ns.
3. Se tting u p the cam era nam e (SSID ) or password:
The screen wil l show a messag e that re minds y ou to
cha nge the Wi -Fi camera na me (SSID) or pa ssword.
a. If y ou sele ct “Yes”, y ou can ch ange th e Wi-F i camer a
nam e or pass word. When you com plete the set up of
cam era nam e or pass word an d tap the o k icon, t he app
wil l ask you i f you wan t to set up a n Inter net con necti on.
If yo u selec t “Yes”, In terne t setup w ill be st arted .
If yo u selec t “No”, t he came ra will r estar t to chan ge the
cam era nam e and pas sword a utoma tical ly.
At th is stag e pleas e make su re your smartp hone or tab let
is co nnect ed to the c amera b ecaus e the cam era nam e or
pas sword i s chang ed.
Not e: The pa sswor d must co ntain a t least e ight ch aract ers.
b. If y ou sele ct “No” , the app w ill ask y ou if you w ant to
set u p an Inte rnet co nnect ion.
4. Se tting u p an Inte rnet co nnect ion:
The screen wil l show a messag e askin g if you wa nt to set u p
an In terne t conne ction .
a. If y ou sele ct “Yes”, t he came ra will s can for a vaila ble
Wi-F i networks in r ange. Tap the name of y our Wi-F i
net work, a nd ente r the pas sword o f your Wi- Fi router if
nec essar y. T hen the f irst- time se tup is done.
Not e 1: If the c amera c annot f ind the Wi -Fi network
you w ant to co nnect t o, plea se tap th e scan ic on to
res can for a vaila ble Wi-F i networks.
2:If you complete the Internet setup successfully,
the power/status LED will glow green after
1 to 2 minutes.
b. If y ou sele ct “No” , the fir st-ti me setu p is done .Not e: If you d on’t set up an Inter net connect ion, yo u can
onl y get liv e video f eeds by c onnec ting th e camer a
wit h your sm artph one or ta blet di rectl y.
Operation Mode – Local View/Internet View:
Easy-iCAM is a wireless network camera. It can connect with your
smartphone or tablet by wireless technology directly, and you can
watch live video feeds on your smartphone or tablet in local view
mode. In Internet view mode, your smartphone or tablet needs to
connect to the camera through a Wi-Fi router or 3G/4G mobile
network, then you can access a live stream of video and audio on
your smartphone or tablet from anywhere in the world.
Note: Local view – Your smartphone or tablet connects to
the camera directly.
Internet view – Your smartphone or tablet connects
to the camera through a Wi-Fi router or 3G/4G mobile
4. 1
Local view
When your smartphone or tablet connects with the camera
directly through Wi-Fi, you can launch the Easy iCAM app to
operate it in local view mode.
Andr oid sys tem iPh one/i Pad
1. Information
Tap the icon to get information about the camera.
2. Operation mode
This row shows the current operation mode of the app.
3. Camera name (SSID)
This row shows the camera name, which is the same as the Wi-Fi
Network (SSID).
4. Image display area
a. Motorized pan-tilt function
Touch the image display area of the screen and slide on the
screen for motorized panning and tilting.
Touch the top, bottom, right or left of the image display area for
as long as you wish to pan or tilt the camera.
b. Digital zoom function
Touch the image display area of the screen with two fingers and
move them apart for zoom function. You also can slide on the
screen for digital pan-tilt function.
Note: If the digital zoom-in function is enabled, you can only slide
on the screen for digital panning or tilting; the motorized pan-tilt function will not respond.
5. Photo
Tap the icon to see all of the photos you have taken.
6. Snapshot
Tap the icon to save a snapshot of the camera on your smartphone
or tablet.
7. Audio ON/OFF
Tap the icon can turn on or off the sound.
8. Voice activation function (VOX)
Tap the icon to turn on the voice activation function, tap it again to
turn the function off. If you turn on the function and then press the
home button on your smartphone or tablet to exit the app, the screen
will show a reminder message when the volume level from camera
unit is higher than the volume setting level. Tapping or sliding the
reminder message icon can launch the app directly.
Note 1: If you turn on the voice activation function and press the home button on your smartphone or tablet to exit the app, the VOX function can still work and remind you of audio events from the camera.
2: If you want to exit the app completely, please double-
click the home button on your iPhone/iPad when it is in
home screen status, and then tap the Easy iCAM icon
until the cancel symbol appears. When you exit the
app completely, the voice activation function can’t work.
3: If you want to exit the app completely, please press the
back button on your Android system. When you exit
the app completely, the voice activation function can’t work.
4: The voice activation function can only work in local view
9. Setting
Tap the icon to set up camera functions.
a. Internet Setting
You can setup an Internet connection, or change the camera
connection to another Wi-Fi router.
b. Wi-Fi Setting
If you want to change the camera name (Wi-Fi SSID) or
password, please tap this row to carry out the change.
c. VOX Level (volume trigger level)
Tap and slide the VOX Level bar to adjust the volume trigger
10. Temperature display
iPh one/i Pad
4. 2
Internet view
If the Internet connection of your camera has been setup and
the Power/Status LED glows green, the camera can link to the
Internet and you can access a live stream of video and audio on
Andr oid sys tem
your smartphone or tablet in Internet view from anywhere in
the world. Please make sure your smart phone or tablet can link
to the Internet by a Wi-Fi router or 3G/4G mobile network, and
then launch the Easy iCAM app.
4. 2. 1
Internet view for
iPh one/i Pad
1. Camera name (SSID)
When you launch the app, all the Easy-iCAM cameras you
have added will be shown on the screen.
2. Camera status:
a. On line
If the camera status shows “online” you can tap the
camera photo to see the video of the camera.
b. Co nnect ing
If the camera status shows “connecting” you need to wait
until the status changes to online, and then tap the camera
photo to see the video of the camera.
c. Of fline
If the camera status shows “offline”; you need to tap the
arrow icon beside the camera name, and then tap
“Reconnect” to re-confirm the Internet connection.
3. Tap the arrow icon and you can see the screen shown below.
a. Password
If you have changed the camera password with another
smartphone or tablet, you need to tap the row to correct the
password for Internet connection.
b. Reconnect
You need to tap “Reconnect” to re-confirm the Internet
connection if the camera status shows offline.
4. Camera photo
Tap the camera photo to see the video of the camera.
5. Edit
Tap the Edit icon to select which camera you want
to delete.
4. 2. 2
Internet view for
Android system
1. Camera name (SSID)
Andr oid sys tem
When you launch the app, all the Easy-iCAM cameras you have
added will be shown on the screen.
2. Camera status:
a. Online
If the camera status shows “online” you can tap the
camera photo to see the video of the camera.
b. Connecting
If the camera status shows “connecting” you need to wait
until the status change to online, and then tap the camera
photo to see the video of the camera.
c. Offline
If the camera status shows “offline” you need to tap the
dots icon (…) beside the camera name, and then tap
“Reconnect” to re-confirm the Internet connection.
3. Tap the icon to see the screen shown below.
a. Reconnect
You need to tap “Reconnect” to re-confirm the Internet
connection if the camera status shows off line.
b. Edit Camera
If you have changed the camera password with another
smartphone or tablet, you need to tap the row to correct the
password for Internet connection.
c. View Snapshot
Tap the row and you can see all of the photos you have taken.
d. Remove Camera
Tap the row if you want to remove the camera.
4. Camera photo
Tap the camera photo and you can see the video of the camera.
5. Tap the icon and select “Exit” if you want to exit the app.
Add ca mera to s econd o r more ot her
smar tphon es or tab lets
If Internet setup has been carried out for the camera and you
want to add the camera to a second or even more smartphones or
tablets, you just need to follow the step “3.3 Connect your smartphone or tablet to the camera”, and then the smartphone
or tablet can connect with the camera through a Wi-Fi router or
3G/4G mobile network.
Add ca mera th rough r emote s etup
If Internet setup has been carried out for the camera and you
want to add the camera to a second or even more smartphones or
tablets through remote setup, you need to follow the procedure
as below.
6. 1
Add camera through remote setup for iPhone/iPad
6. 1. 1
Get UID information
Tap the i (information) icon in local view to get UID
6. 1. 2
Add camera
Tap the Add icon in the camera list of Internet view and
then tap the Add icon in the next page. Type in UID and
password information of the camera and then tape OK icon
to finish the setup.
6. 2
Add camera through remote setup for Android system
6. 2. 1
Get UID information
Tap the i (information) icon in local view to get UID
6. 2. 2
Add camera
Tap the dots icon in the camera list of Internet view and
then tap the Add icon in the next page. Type in UID and
password information of the camera and then tap the Save
icon to finish the setup.
Rese t the cam era to fa ctory d efaul ts
While the camera is powered on for at least 1 minute, press the reset button
(using a small object or a pin) for at least 3 seconds, the power/status LED
will start blinking. The camera will be reset to factory default, which is
useful if you forget the password of the camera.
Cannot connect the camera to your smartphone or tablet in local view
Make sure the power plug is pushed all the way in. Make sure the camera is turned on and power/status LED glows red or green.Make sure the camera and your smartphone/tablet are within range of
each other.Make sure you have entered the right password of the camera on your
smartphone/tablet.You may need to reset the camera by pressing the reset button. Please
refer to 7 - Reset the camera to factory default of this user manual.
Cannot connect the camera to your smartphone/tablet through
Wi-Fi router or 3G/4G mobile network in Internet view
Make sure the power plug is pushed all the way in.Make sure the camera is turned on and power/status LED glows green.Make sure you type in the right password for the Wi-Fi router in Internet
setting. Please refer to 3.4 - Setting up the camera and Internet connection of this user manual.
Make sure the camera and the Wi-Fi router are within range of each other.Make sure your smartphone/tablet is connected to the Internet through
Wi-Fi or 3G/4G mobile network.You may need to reset the camera bypressing the reset button. Please refer to 7 - Reset the camera to factory
defaults of this user manual and then refer to 3.4 - Setting up the camera
and Internet connection of this user manual.
Video streaming is slow or lags
If there is a microwave oven in use near the camera or Wi-Fi router, remove the microwave oven or turn it off.
Make sure the camera and the Wi-Fi router are within range of each other.The speed of video feed from the camera depends highly on
the speed of the connection you are using.The Internet speed either from your Wi-Fi network or 3G/4G mobile
network has a high impact on the performance of the product. The faster and more stable connection speed, the faster you can see the video from thecamera.
Care and Maintenance
Keep all parts and accessories out of children's reach.Fingerprints or dirt on the lens surface can adversely affect camera performance. Avoid touching the lens surface with your fingers.Should the lens become dirty, use a blower to blow off dirt and dust, or a soft, dry cloth to wipe off the lens.Keep the camera dry. Precipitation, humidity, and other liquids containingminerals will corrode electronic circuits.Do not use or store in dusty, dirty areas.Do not store in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices and warp or melt certain plastics.Do not store in very cold areas. When the system warms up (to its normal temperature), moisture can form inside the case, which may damage electronic circuit boards. Do not attempt to open the case. Non-expert handling of the device may damage the system.Avoid dropping or strong shocks.Operate this product using only the power supply included or provided as an accessory.Do not overload electrical outlets or extension cords as this can result in fire or electric shocks.
FCC State men t
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation
distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this
device and all persons.
This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter.
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by
the party responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate
the equipment.
Following the safety tips
To prevent deaths and injuries associated with camera cords,make sure the camera and AC adapter cords are always out ofreach of the baby by least 3 feet (1 meter). Note : This is important even if your baby is not yet standing
or mobile.
3 fee t
(1 me tre)
ada pter
cab le
Never use extension cords with AC adapters. Only use theAC adapters provided.
Image Sensor
Video compression
Operating temperature
Spe cific ation s are subj ect to ch ange wi thout p rior no tice.
* iPh one, iPa d are tr adema rks of Appl e Inc. , regist ered i n the U.S. and othe r coun tries .
* Goo gle Play is a trad emark of Googl e Inc.
Thi s item is i n compl iance w ith the e ssent ial req uirem ents an d other r eleva nt
pro visio ns of Dir ectiv e 1999/ 5/EC.
2.4 GHz
Dipole antenna
Color CMOS
f 3.0mm, F 2.4
8 pcs
MJPEG (Motion JPEG )
One-way audio
8.5(W) x 10.6(H) x 8.5(D) cm
DC 5.9V, 2A
0℃ ~ 40℃ (32℉ ~ 104℉)
Regardez à tout moment et partout les
choses qui comptent pour vous
Vue locale
Easy iCAM
Vue Internet
Easy iCAM
Easy iCAM est une caméra réseau sans fil. Elle peut se connecter à votre
smartphone ou tablette par technologie sans fil et surveiller tout ce qui
compte pour vous sur votre smartphone ou tablette partout et à tout
Smart ph one, tablet te
Route ur W i-Fi
Sma rt ph one, tablet te
Avant de démarrer, il vous faut :
Un iPho ne , iPad,
sma rt ph one Android
ou ta bl et te Android
Easy iCAM
Route ur W i-Fi
(pour l 'a ccès distan t)
Contenu de la boîte
• Une cam ér a • Deux clips de c âb le
• Un adap ta teur • Ce Ma nu el d e l'utilisa te ur
• Une vis e t un a ncrage de mur
Desc ri ption d u pr oduit
Camé ra
1.Cap te ur de lumière
2.Mic ro phone
3.Obj ec tif de la camér a
4.LED i nf rarouge
5.Ant en ne
6.D EL d'al im en tation/d' ét at
7.P ri se d e l'adaptat eu r de c ourant
8.B ou to n de réinitia li sa tion
aux par am ètres d'usi ne
9.B ou to n MARCHE/AR RÊ T
10.Ca pt eur de tempér at ur e
Prem ière co nfigu ratio n
3. 1
Avant la configuration
1. Assurez-vous que votre routeur Wi-Fi est allumé et qu'il peut
se connecter à Internet.
2. Télécharger l'application Easy iCAM :
Saisissez le mot-clé « EASY iCAM » et téléchargez
l'application sur l'App Store d'Apple ou sur Google Play
(Android Market).
Allumer la caméra
3. 2
1. Branchez un coté de l'adaptateur d'alimentation fourni sur une
prise de courant et l'autre coté sur la prise derrière la caméra.
Remarque : Utilisez l'adaptateur indiqué SORTIE : 5.9 V c.c. avec
2. Me ttez le b outon M ARCHE /ARRÊ T en po sition MARC HE.
La DE L d e la caméra s'é clairera en o range p uis pas sera au
rou ge.
Rem arque : L orsqu e vous al lumez l a camér a, la
la caméra.
con figur ation i nitia le pren d envir on 40 à 60
sec ondes .
3. 3
Connecter votre smartphone ou tablette à la caméra
1. Allumez le Wi-Fi de votre smartphone ou tablette.
2. Touche z l'écr an pour s élect ionne r
«Ea sy_iC AM_XX XXXX » so us les ré seaux Wi -Fi.
iPh one/i PadSys tème And roid
3. Saisissez le mot de passe pour « Easy_iCAM_XXXXXX ».
Le mot de passe par défaut est « 12345678 ».
iPh one/i Pad
Sys tème And roid
3. 4
Configurer la caméra et la connexion à Internet
1. Lancez l'application Easy iCAM sur votre smartphone ou tablette.
2. Su ivez le s instr uctio ns de l'a pplic ation à l 'écra n.
3. Co nfigu rer le nom de la c améra ( SSID) e t son mot d e passe :
Cet é cran affic hera un m essag e vous ra ppela nt que vo us deve z
mod ifier l e nom de la c améra ( SSID) o u son mot d e passe .
a. Si v ous sél ectio nnez «O ui», vo us pour rez mod ifier l e nom de la
cam éra Wi-F i ou son mo t de pass e. Lors que vou s termi nez la
con figur ation d u nom de la c améra o u de son mo t de pass e, touc hez
l'i cône OK , l'app licat ion vou s deman dera al ors si vo us souh aitez
con figur er une co nnexi on à Inte rnet.
Si vo us séle ction nez «Ou i», la co nfigu ratio n de la con nexio n à
Int ernet s era lan cée.
Si vo us séle ction nez «No n», la ca méra re démar rera po ur modi fier
le no m de la cam éra et so n mot de pa sse aut omati queme nt.
Lor s de cett e étape , veuil lez vou s assurer qu e votre smar tphon e
ou ta blett e dispo se d'un e conne xion à In terne t car le nom de la
cam éra ou so n mot de pa sse peu vent av oir été modi fiés.
Rem arque : L e mot de pa sse doi t conte nir au mo ins hui t
car actèr es.
b. Si v ous sél ectio nnez «N on», l' appli catio n vous de mande ra si vou s
sou haite z confi gurer u ne conn exion à I ntern et.
4. Co nfigu rer une conn exion à I ntern et :
L'é cran affic hera un m essag e deman dant si v ous sou haite z
con figur er une co nnexi on à Inte rnet.
a. Si v ous sél ectio nnez «O ui», la c améra r echer chera l es rése aux
Wi-F i dispo nible s à porté e. Sais issez l e nom de vo tre rés eau WiFi et l e mot de pa sse de vo tre rou teur Wi- Fi si néc essai re. La
pre mière c onfig urati on est al ors effect uée.
Rem arque 1 : Si la cam éra ne pe ut pas tr ouver l e résea u Wi-F i
b. Si v ous sél ectio nnez «N on», la p remiè re conf igura tion es t
effect uée.
Rem arque : S i vous ne c onfig urez pa s de conn exion à I ntern et,
auq uel vou s souha itez vo us conn ecter, v euill ez
tou cher l' icône d e reche rche po ur véri fier à
nou veau le s résea ux Wi-Fi d ispon ibles .
2: Si l a confi gurat ion de l' accès à I ntern et a bien é té
effect uée, la D EL d'alime ntati on/ét at pass era au
ver t après 1 à 2 m inute s.
vou s ne pouv ez obte nir des f lux vid éo en dir ect
qu' en bran chant d irect ement l a camér a à votre
sma rtpho ne ou tab lette .
Mode de fonctionnement - Vue locale/Vue Internet :
Easy-iCAM est une caméra réseau sans fil. Elle peut se
connecter directement à votre smartphone ou tablette sans fil,
et vous pouvez voir les flux vidéo sur votre smartphone ou
tablette en mode vue locale. En mode vue Internet, votre
smartphone ou tablette doit accéder à la caméra via un routeur
Wi-Fi ou réseau mobile 3G/4G, puis vous pouvez accéder à un
flux en direct de vidéo et d'audio sur votre smartphone ou
tablette à tout endroit dans le monde.
Remarque : Vue locale - Votre smartphone ou tablette se
4. 1
Vue locale
Lorsque votre smartphone ou tablette se connecte à la caméra
directement par Wi-Fi, vous pouvez lancer l'application Easy
iCAM pour l'utiliser en mode vue locale.
connecte directement à la caméra.
Vue Inter net - Votre smartpho ne ou tablett e
se co nnect e à la camé ra via un r outeu r Wi-F i
ou un r éseau m obile 3 G/4G.
Sys tème And roidiPh one/i Pad
1. Informations
Touchez cette icône pour obtenir des informations sur la caméra.
2. Mode de fonctionnement
Cette ligne présente le mode de fonctionnement actuel de l'application.
3. Nom de la caméra (SSID)
Cette ligne affiche le nom de la caméra, le même que celui du réseau Wi-Fi
4. Zone d'affichage de l'image
a. Fonction panorama/inclinaison motorisée
Touchez la zone d'affichage de l'image sur l’écran et glissez le
doigt sur l'écran pour le panorama et l'inclinaison motorisés.
Touchez le haut, le bas, la gauche ou la droite de la zone d'affichage
de l'image tant que vous souhaitez continuer à modifier le panorama
ou l'inclinaison de la caméra.
b. Fonction de zoom numérique
Touchez la zone d'affichage de l'image de l'écran avec deux doigts et déplacez-les pour utiliser le zoom. Vous pouvez aussi les faire glisser sur l'écran pour utiliser les fonctions de panorama/inclinaison numérique.
Remarque:Si la fonction zoom numérique est activée, vous pouvez
seulement glisser vos doigts sur l'écran pour le panorama ou l'inclinaison, la fonction panorama/inclinaison motorisée ne répondra pas.
5. Photo
Touchez l'icône pour voir toutes les photos que vous avez prises.
6. Capture
Touchez l'icône pour enregistrer une capture de la caméra sur votre smartphone
ou tablette
7. Audio ON/OFF
Touchez l'icône pour activer ou désactiver le son.
8. Fonction d'activation vocale (VOX)
Touchez l'icône pour activer la fonction d'activation vocale, et une fois de plus
pour la désactiver. Si vous activez la fonction puis appuyez sur le bouton
d'accueil de votre smartphone ou tablette pour quitter l'application, l'écran
affichera un message de rappel si le niveau de volume de la caméra est plus
élevé que le niveau de volume paramétré. Vous pouvez lancer l'application
directement en touchant ou en faisant glisser l'icône du message de rappel.
Remarque 1: Si vous activez la fonction d'activation vocale puis appuyez
sur le bouton d'accueil de votre smartphone ou tablette pour
quitter l'application, la fonction VOX peut continuer à
fonctionner et vous rappeler des événements audio de la
2: Si vous souhaitez quitter l'application complètement,
veuillez appuyer deux fois sur le bouton d'accueil de votre
iPhone/iPad si vous êtes sur l'écran d'accueil, puis touchez
l'icône d'Easy iCAM jusqu'à ce que le symbole d'annulation
s'affiche. Lorsque vous quittez l'application complètement,
la fonction d'activation vocale ne peut pas fonctionner.
3: Si vous souhaitez quitter l'application complètement,
veuillez appuyer sur le bouton retour de votre système
Android. Lorsque vous quittez l'application complètement,
la fonction d'activation vocale ne peut pas fonctionner.
4: La fonction d'activation vocale ne peut fonctionner qu'en
mode vue locale.
9. Paramètre
Touchez l'icône pour configurer les fonctions de la caméra.
a. Paramètres Internet
Vous pouvez configurer une connexion à Internet ou modifier
la connexion de la caméra vers un autre routeur Wi-Fi.
b. Paramètres Wi-Fi
Si vous souhaitez modifier le nom (SSID Wi-Fi) ou le mot de
passe de la caméra, touchez cette ligne pour le faire.
c. Niveau de VOX (niveau sonore de déclenchement)
Touchez et faites glisser la barre d'ajustement du niveau de
VOX pour ajuster le niveau sonore de déclenchement.
10. Affichage de la température
iPh one/i Pad
4. 2
Vue Internet
Si la c onnex ion à Int ernet d e votre c améra a é té conf igurée
et qu e la DEL d'ali menta tion/ d'éta t s'all ume en ve rt, la
cam éra peu t se conn ecter à I ntern et et vou s pouve z
acc éder à un f lux aud io et vid éo en dir ect sur v otre
sma rtpho ne ou tab lette e n vue Int ernet p artou t dans le
mon de. Vérifiez que v otre smartp hone ou t ablet te peut s e
con necte r à Inter net via u n route ur Wi-Fi o u un réseau
mob ile 3G/ 4G, pui s lance z l'app licat ion Eas y iCAM.
Sys tème And roid
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