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Installation Guide SL7000 RT
1. About this guide .......................................................................................................... 3
Audience ............................................................................................................................. 3
Scope ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Certification ................................................................................................................. 6
Applicable standards .......................................................................................................... 6
CE Certificate of conformity ................................................................................................ 7
End-of-life disposal ............................................................................................................. 7
3. Safety information ..................................................................................................... 10
4. General information .................................................................................................. 12
Meter overview ................................................................................................................. 12
General specifications ...................................................................................................... 13
Meter support tools ........................................................................................................... 14
Configuration options ........................................................................................................ 14
Meter identification ........................................................................................................... 14
Meter product coding ........................................................................................................ 15
Meter markings ................................................................................................................. 16
Terminal numbering .......................................................................................................... 17
5. Technical specification ............................................................................................. 18
6. Technical description ................................................................................................ 22
Metrology .......................................................................................................................... 23
7. Communications ....................................................................................................... 24
8. Meter displays ........................................................................................................... 25
9. Installation ................................................................................................................. 26
Warnings .......................................................................................................................... 26
Environmental ................................................................................................................... 26
Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 26
Fixings .............................................................................................................................. 27
Auxiliary and communication wiring.................................................................................. 29
Cabling ............................................................................................................................. 30
Battery .............................................................................................................................. 32
Installation checks ............................................................................................................ 32
Start-up and functional checks ......................................................................................... 33
Metrology parameters settings ......................................................................................... 33
Sealing the meter ............................................................................................................. 34
Current conductors environment recommendations ......................................................... 34
10. Technical appendix ................................................................................................... 36
1. About this guide
1.1. Audience
This guide is intended for use primarily by meter installers, utility testers and specifying engineers.
1.2. Scope
This installation guide provides all information required to:
• understand the principles of operation of the meter
• assess the suitability of the meter for any particular application
• install the meter safely and correctly
Additional information will be provided in the SL7000 User Guide, when referred to.
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
AC Alternating current MDI Maximum demand indicator
ANSI American national standards
Min Minimum
CE European conformity (logo) mm Millimetres
Cosem Companion specification for energy
MV Medium voltage
DLMS Device language message
Nom Nominal
EMC Electro-magnetic compatibility NVM Non-volatile memory
G Giga (109) OBIS Object identification system
GSM Global system for mobile
PSU Power supply unit
HF High frequency RF Radio frequency
Hz Hertz RH Relative humidity
I Current RMS Root mean square
i.a.w In accordance with Rogowski Ironless derivative current sensing technique
based on Ampère’s law
Ib Base current RTC Real-time clock
I/O Inputs and outputs SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
IR Infrared secs Seconds
IEC International electrotechnical
T Tera (1012)
k Kilo (103) TER Total energy register
LAN Local area network THD Total harmonic distortion
LCD Liquid crystal display TOU Time of use
LED Light emitting diode V Volt
LV Low voltage WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment
directive (European Union)
M Mega (106) W Watt
Max Maximum
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
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2. Certification
2.1. Applicable standards
The SL7000 RT meters comply, where applicable, with the following standards and regulations.
• IEC 62052-11 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions, part 11:
Metering equipment (equivalent to EN 6205-11)
• IEC 62053-21 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 21: Static meters for active
energy (classes 1 and 2), (equivalent to EN 62053-21)
• IEC 62053-23 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 23: Static meters for
reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)
• IEC 62053-24 (Project) Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 24: Static meters
for reactive energy (classes 0,5 S, 0,5, 1S and 1)
• IEC 62053-31 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 31: Pulse output devices
for electro-mechanical and electronic meters (equivalent to EN 62053-31)
• IEC 62053-52 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 52: Symbols
• IEC 62053-61 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements, part 61: Power Consumption
and Voltage Requirements
• IEC 62054-21 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Tariff Load control, part 21: Particular requirements for
time switches (equivalent to EN62054-21)
• IEC 62056-21 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Direct local
data exchange (supersedes IEC61107)
• IEC 62056-42 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 42:
Physical layer services and procedures for connection-oriented asynchronous data exchange
• IEC 62056-46 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 46: Data
link layer using HDLC protocol
• IEC 62056-47 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 47:
COSEM transport layers for IPv4 networks
• IEC 62056-53 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 53:
COSEM Application layer
• IEC 62056-61 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 61: Object
identification system (OBIS)
• IEC 62056-62 Electricity Metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control, part 62:
Interface classes
• EMC Directive 2004/109/EC as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC. Compliance has been
demonstrated by compliance with EN62052-11 and EN62053-21.
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
2.2. CE Certificate of conformity
2.3. End-of-life disposal
SL7000 RT meters comply with the requirements of WEEE regulations for recycling or reuse of materials.
At the end of their service life, meters should be uninstalled and then passed to a licenced/certified contractor for
Installation Guide SL7000 RT
disposal in accordance with these regulations and with all applicable local regulations.
Before passing the meters to the contractor the legal certification stamps or marks must be removed or defaced.