Itron MINI1 Users Guide

Riva Edge Mini HW Design and User Guide Rev 1.01
For Reference Only, Printed: 3/6/2018
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Program: Idea Labs Itron Riva Dev Mini
Compliance Information (Certification Exhibit) – For further information see Appendix A.:
FCC Rule Part: 15.247
Model: Itron Riva Dev Mini
Part Number: 575188r3
Manufacturer: Itron Inc
2111 N Molter Rd
LIBERTY LAKE WA 99019-9469
P: +1509.9249900
Riva Edge Mini HW Design and User Guide Rev 1.01
For Reference Only, Printed: 3/6/2018
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Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Change List ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose of Document ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Definitions and Acronyms.................................................................................................................................................... 9
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Itron Riva Dev Mini Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 10
Itron Riva Dev Mini Board Description ........................................................................................................................ 11
Mechanical ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Major Components ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
CPU Brief .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Clocking ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
FLASH And RAM Brief ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
RTC Brief .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
PIC Brief ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
PMIC Brief ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Itron Riva Dev Mini Power Handling ............................................................................................................................. 14
Power Input ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
+5 VDC supply ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
+5 VDC from USB ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
+5 VDC from Expansion Header ....................................................................................................................... 14
Power Output ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
+5 VDC to USB .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
+3.3 VDC supply To Expansion Connector (3V3_EXP) ................................................................................. 14
User Power Supply Warning ................................................................................................................................... 14
SYS_BOOT Configuration Jumpers ............................................................................................................................. 15
Startup – Riva Itron Riva Dev Mini Linux First Time Power On ........................................................................ 16
direct Wiring, No Solderless Breadboard Expansion Board ........................................................................... 16
Power Supplies ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Create a console port .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Solderless Breadboard Expansion Board .................................................................................................................... 17
Itron Riva Dev Mini/NIC Test Fixture ...................................................................................................................... 18
Pogo-pin and socket Information (spring test pins) ............................................................................................... 19
Socket..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pins ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
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Spear Pin .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Chisel Triad Pin ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Cup Pin ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Establishing a Linux Session ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Get into a terminal ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Getting a Prompt, and what to do with it ................................................................................................................ 20
Linux prompt ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
u-boot prompt ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
“C” stream (Continuous “C”s about 1 second apart) ..................................................................................... 20
No prompt at all ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Pin Configuration and usage ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Itron Riva Dev Mini Pinout ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Expansion Connector Pinout Description ................................................................................................................... 22
Expansion Connector J4 Pinout .................................................................................................................................. 22
P4 Pin Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
P4-1 and 2 +5.0 VDC ................................................................................................................................................... 26
P4-18 hv_cmp ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
P4-20 epf_IN* (This section requires work) ..................................................................................................... 27
P4-26 Battery................................................................................................................................................................. 28
P4-37 3V3_EXP .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Expansion Peripheral Port Usage ................................................................................................................................... 28
SPI0 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
SPI1 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
AIN0...AIN3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
I2C2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
DSP TO A8 Interconnects ................................................................................................................................................... 29
RF Connector and Cable ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Downloading, If necessary (Linux) ................................................................................................................................ 31
Erasing FLASH Image ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Erasing FLASH Image From u-boot ........................................................................................................................... 32
Erasing FLASH Image From Linux ............................................................................................................................. 32
Itron Riva Dev Mini Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 33
Equipment Required: ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Minimal Operational Connections ............................................................................................................................. 33
Mini DK Test Fixture ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Mini DK Solderless Breadboard Adapter ........................................................................................................... 34
Mini DK Direct Wiring ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Smoke/Boot Test .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
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LED Testing .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
GPIO Testing................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Analog Input Pins ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
I2C2 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
SPI Testing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
UART0 Testing .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
USB1 Testing .................................................................................................................................................................. 40
EPF* Testing ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
HV_CMP Testing............................................................................................................................................................ 40
Battery Pin Testing ...................................................................................................................................................... 40
DSP Programming (Requires Fixture) .......................................................................................................................... 42
USB-To-Serial Adapters ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
USB Cables ................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Appendix A: FCC Related Statements ............................................................................................................................ 48
OEM Labeling Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 48
FCC Notices .......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
RF Exposure ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
FCC-Approved Antennas (902-928 MHz) ............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 1: Top Side of Itron Riva Dev Mini showing iSOM ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2: Bottom Side of Itron Riva Dev Mini ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3: Expansion Connector Pinout ......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 - Revision 2 Itron Riva Dev Mini Board jumpers .................................................................................... 15
Figure 5 - ACT NIC on Solderless Breadboard Expansion Board ....................................................................... 17
Figure 6 - Itron Riva Dev Mini/NIC Test Fixture ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 7 - FTDI TTL-232R-RPI ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 8 - FTDI TTL232R-3V3-WE ................................................................................................................................. 46
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Rev 0.07 –
1. Added RF cable information
2. Added Solderless Breadboard section
3. Added Test Fixture section
4. Updated revision number and table of contents
Rev 0.09 –
1. Added text to pin table
Rev 0.10 –
1. Added information about USB cables
2. Updated revision number and table of contents
Rev 0.11 –
1. Changed document name from ACT Dongle to Riva Edge Mini Dev Kit
2. Added testing section
3. Cleaned up other sections
Rev 0.12 –
1. Added DSP Programming section
Rev 0x13
1. Altered text in HV_CMP section
Rev 0x14
1. Updated pin out diagram for easier readability
2. Updated some text in Pinout description area
Rev 0.17
1. Corrected GPIO1_17 Table information
2. Added info on testing UART5
Rev 0.19
1. Switched Antenna and cables to reflect RP-SMA types
Rev 0.20
1. Enhanced Introduction section text.
Rev 0.21
1. Mentioned required pull-up resistors on I2C2_SCL_3.3 and I2C2_SDA_3.3
Rev 0.22
1. Added section on Expansion Connector J4 peripheral usage
Rev 1.0
2. 1
page edited with FCC related info (FCC ID, itd.)
3. Antenna info modified
Rev 1.01
1. RF Exposure statement added
Riva Edge Mini HW Design and User Guide Rev 1.01
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The Itron Riva Dev Mini Kit is a complete Linux system on a module that includes an Itron ACT Radio suitable for addition to an Itron ACT RF network. It contains all hardware and comes loaded with firmware which allows the user to easily bring up a product within an ACT Network. It is intended to be used in a laboratory environment for product development or used as a professionally installed OEM module1.
The end user will be a hardware developer who will ensure a proper power supply, ESD protection, physical enclosure, and antenna are provided to suit their product needs. The end user will also provide customized firmware to suit their application. Only specified antennas may be used for integration of the OEM module to comply with FCC emission limits! Please refer to the antenna tables in this document. Antenna and RF Cable type and purchasing information are provided later in the document.
If the product is used as an OEM device within a user’s product they will be responsible for all testing,
qualifications and specifications to insure the Mini DK operates within all agency certifications that apply to the product. The end user is also responsible for all design related to safety designs and testing of safety features. Only specified antennas listed in this document may be used for integration of the OEM module to comply with FCC emission limits! Please refer to the antenna tables in this document. Antenna and RF Cable type and purchasing information are provided later in the document.
The Itron Riva Dev Mini is designed by Itron and based on an Itron iSOM module which is based on a TI AM335X ARM Cortex Microprocessor. The iSOM module contains the processor, FLASH, RAM, power supply control, clock and other features. This iSOM module is mounted to a small board which includes all ACT RF circuitry to act as a USB NIC. There is also an expansion connector to allow the board to serve as the control and communications part of assorted devices.
Figure 1: Top Side of Itron Riva Dev Mini showing
Figure 2: Bottom Side of Itron Riva Dev Mini3
Only specified antennas may be used for integration of the OEM module to comply with emission limits! Please
refer to the antenna tables in this document.
Note that 40 Pin connector is not place in this picture.
Note that 40 Pin connector is not place in this picture and that the shields are left off of the RF and DSP
Riva Edge Mini HW Design and User Guide Rev 1.01
For Reference Only, Printed: 3/6/2018
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The goal of this document is to provide a hardware designer with enough information to use the Itron Riva Dev Mini board as a processing engine for assorted types of projects. It will cover the hardware necessary, at a high level, to guide a designer to the point where they can bring Linux up on the platform.
This document is intended to show the user how to interface the Itron Riva Dev Mini to a product based on the Muse platform. However, there will not be a comprehensive definition of how to use each type of GPIO to interface to assorted devices. This will have to be obtained through the A8 datasheet. Some examples will be given but most of the time only the parameters of the pin will be defined and its usage left up to the end product designer to reconfigure them as necessary. You may contact Itron for specific interface assistance.
Building Linux will also be covered in a separate document.
This document is not intended to inform the user how to use Linux or any subset of Linux commands. The coverage of Linux will only cover booting to a kernel prompt. This document is not intended to be a detailed usage guide to Linux or to the intricacies of the additions that Itron has made to Linux through its extensive IP library. These details are covered in separate documents.
This document is also will not cover Muse additions to the Linux Operating System or the Itron Over the Air protocols or how to use them. Contact Itron for specific assistance in these areas.
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ESD Warning
ESD Warning
This product is intended to be treated as any other solid state component that you may use in an ESD save engineering or manufacturing environment. Many exposed pins do not have any additional ESD protection beyond what is provided by the integrated circuit that is directly connected to that pin. Treat it as you would treat any other high density low voltage electronic component.
This product, like all microcontroller products, uses semiconductors that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). When handling, care must be taken so that the devices are not damaged. Damage due to inappropriate handling is not covered by the warranty.
The following precautions must be taken:
•Do not open the protective conductive packaging until you have read the following, and are at an
approved anti-static work station.
•Use a conductive wrist strap attached to a good earth ground.
•If working on a prototyping board, use a soldering iron or station that is marked as ESD-safe.
•Always disconnect the microcontroller from the prototyping board when it is being worked on.
•Always discharge yourself by touching a grounded bare metal surface or approved anti-static mat
before picking up an ESD - sensitive electronic component.
•Use an approved anti-static mat to cover your work surface.
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For Reference Only, Printed: 3/6/2018
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Early Power Fail
An indication to the Linux system that the system requires a graceful shutdown.
High Voltage Compare
This is the circuit name for the power fail sense input to the PMIC. It is used to create PDN_POWERFAIL to insure the rails are shutdown with proper sequencing.
Intellectual Property
For example, the extensions Itron has created to extend the capabilities of the platform in our products.
Main Motherboard Power Supply
This is the main power supply for the motherboard that the module is soldered to. At times in this document it is also referred to as +24VDC. This supply is the one that all power rails and power control signals are ultimately derived from.
PIC A Microchip microprocessor used to control our power rails and provide other services to the A8
Power Line Carrier or Power Line Communications
A method of transmitting and receiving data through the power lines.
Power Management IC
This chip contains multiple switching and LDO regulators and other power rail management circuitry.
Future Technology Devices International LTD
Manufacturer of USB to Serial converter cables
Itron Riva Dev Mini
This board
Either of these two terms may be used to describe this board depending on how it is used.
This board
A8 Product Preview Document. (SPRS717B.PDF)
A8 Technical Reference Document (SPRUH73C)
PIC16(L)F1824/8 Datasheet (DS40001419E)
NXP PCF85363A RTC Datasheet
CDP 3.02 PICInCircuitProgramming.docx
Riva ACT-RF Design and User Guide
SMSC 9514 USB 2.0 Hub and 10/100 Ethernet Controller Chip
Riva Edge Mini HW Design and User Guide Rev 1.01
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This section describes, at a very high level, the nature of the Itron Riva Dev Mini which is based on the Itron iSOM and includes ACT RF functionality to support the 870 MHz and the 920 MHz bands used for the proprietary Openway network. The RF section connects to an antenna via a UF.L connector4.
The Itron Riva Dev Mini has one mini-USB connector. Power can be derived from the external host when the board is operating as a USB device. Power can be provided to a device when the board is operating as a host. This is basic OTG operation but not certified as OTG by the USB group.
The Mini DK does NOT directly support Ethernet. An Ethernet port can be created by using a USB-to­Ethernet adapter.
The Itron Riva Dev Mini does NOT support EMMC or other external memory. It is possible to break­out J4 to provide a second USB port that can use USB based external memory such as a hard drive or a thumb drive.
A 40 pin expansion connector is provided to bring control and communications off the board. The pinout is shown below. This connector allows use of a standard ribbon cable to extend the signals to another board.
Only specified antennas may be used for integration of the OEM module to comply with emission limits! Please refer to the antenna tables in this document. RF Cable type and purchasing information is provided later in the document.
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Figure 3: Expansion Connector Pinout
The Itron Riva Dev Mini takes the Itron iSOM module, combines it with an ACT RF module and expands it into a Complete Embedded Linux Communications system through an assortment of communications and control lines on an expansion header. The board is designed to be used as a development platform for embedded product prototyping or as the core processor NIC for an embedded product.
Following is a list of the available hardware:
Single 5VDC supply
All other rails are generated on the module
A8 Microprocessor
ARM® Cortex-A8 32­Bit RISC Microprocessor
32KB L1 Cache 256KB L2 Cache
Internal RAM
Dedicated to boot and security
64KB Dedicated on-chip RAM Internal RAM
General Purpose
64KB on chip RAM
Internal ROM
176K On-Chip boot ROM
Crypto Hardware Accelerator
AES, SHA, PKA and RNB External FLASH
2Gb as x16
Code, file system and data storage
External RAM
1Gb as x16
Data storage
256 Bytes
On PIC, accessible through I2C
Very Low Power
External Interrupts
Early Power Fail Detection
For graceful Linux shutdown, Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Expansion Signals
Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Assorted GPIOs
Accessed through the Expansion Connector
4 ADC inputs, 12 Bits, Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Linux Console Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Mini-USB connector
Accessed through the Expansion Connector
Bottom of board Test Points marked JTAG
PIC interface
PIC Programming
Bottom of board Test Points Marked JPIC
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The Mini is a compact board designed for small environments. It is available with a vertical connector, a right-angle connector or no connector. The connector can also be located on either side of the board to best suit a customer’s needs.
Figure 4: Mini Board Dimensions
The following sections will list the major components on the Itron Riva Dev Mini and briefly describe them. Datasheets are available for more detailed information. Caution!! Only specified antennas listed in this document may be used for integration of the OEM
module to comply with FCC emission limits! Please refer to the antenna tables in this document. Antenna and RF Cable type and purchasing information are provided later in the document.
The Muse Platform contains a TI AM335X ARM Cortex Microprocessor. The processor contains a number of internal peripherals such as UARTs, SPI, I2C, USB, MMC, RTC and others. It also contains an internal boot ROM and internal RAM. The ROM and RAM are mostly used during the boot-up process and during security operations.
A 26MHz clock crystal is used to clock the AM335X. This is internally changed to 450 MHz using an internal PLL through Firmware. Other speeds can be selected depending on user requirements.
The system contains a Micron technologies MT29C2G24MAABAHAMD-5IT chip in a 130 ball package combining both FLASH and RAM on single chip. The Itron PN is 570725-003. This is a 2Gb NAND (x16bit) + 1Gb (x16bit) LPDDR.
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The module contains a NXP PCF85363A RTC CHIP. It is a tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with 64-byte RAM, alarm function, battery switch over and I2C-bus.
The module contains a Microchip PIC16LF1823, or PIC16LF1823 microprocessor to serve as the power rail control and to provide some system support features. The PIC provides
1. Power Rail control
2. PON timing
3. Reset capability for the A8
4. EEPROM and some configuration storage.
The TI TPS650250 PMIC provides 3.3VDC, 1.8VDC and 1.1VDC regulators to supply the requirements for the A8, RAM, FLASH and other components.
The PMIC also provides two LDO regulators. One provides 3.3VDC to the PIC and the other provides
3.3VDC to the Real Time Clock chip5. The two LDO enables are hard wired to a MIC826 voltage monitor chip and come on as soon as 5 VDC is applied to the module. The PIC will then sequence the power rails to the A8 and other circuitry.
As of the writing of this document the RTC chip was being changed. The original chip was an AM1805. I do not know what the new chip is at this time.
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The Mini requires a single +5 VDC supply. The input voltage should be within 4.75 VDC and 5.25 VDC.
The Itron Riva Dev Mini requires an input power supply of +5 VDC. This can be supplied through the mini-USB connector or through the expansion connector. The +5.0 VDC supply derives from one of two sources: U57, the mini-USB connector or from the expansion header pins 1 and 2. In either case this board can consume a peak of about 6 watts during full power transmissions.
+5 VDC from USB
When the Itron Riva Dev Mini is powered through the mini-usb connector it will provide +5 VDC power to the expansion connector pins 1 and 2. There is a circuit to limit the inrush current to prevent the host from triggering an over-current error. Once the initial period of current limiting ends the TPS2151 will allow up to 1.6 amps to flow from the USB Host. Note it is up the system firmware to provide the configuration and protocol operations to request the maximum required current from the host port. Careful attention to this detail must be followed for adding external circuitry.
+5 VDC from Expansion Header
If the mini-USB port is not used as a power source +5 VDC may be supplied through the expansion connector pins 1 and 2. Currently, for the first prototype run, this will not provide power to the mini­USB port. It should be possible to put a diode where R21 is to allow powering the mini-usb from the expansion +5 VDC input.
+5 VDC to USB
When powered from the USB connector the current limited +5 VDC is routed to the Expansion header to provide power for additional circuitry.
There is a 3.3 VDC regulator connected to the +5 VDC signal to create an expansion power supply for use by the user. This rail is gated by a signal from the iSOM which tells the system that the iSOM is powered on and ready. This supply rail is limited to 250ma.
When adding hardware to the interface connector it may be required to create additional power supply rails or higher current supplies. It is important to not connect any of these voltages to the Itron Riva Dev Mini before the A8 has its power rails in place and steady. Having a voltage on an I/O Pin on the A8 before it has its Vdd supply can cause permanent damage to the A8.
If you need to create your own power supplies make sure you gate them with 3V3_EXP because 3V3_EXP will not rise until the A8 supply rails are ready. This will prevent you from damaging the A8 processor or other circuitry.
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The board comes configured to run its preloaded Linux on delivery. It is rarely necessary to change the configuration jumper or switches. The A8 can boot from a number of peripherals or memory units. For instance, it can boot from a
UART, USB, I2C, NAND or other sources. Often first stage of booting is used to load a small bootloader which will then download the full system code. The iSOM module brings two of the system boot configuration pins out on its connector. The two signals are SYSBOOT0, on J1 pins 1 and 2, and SYSBOOT4, on J1 pins 3 and 4.
Normally both jumpers will be in the off condition. But occasionally other modes may be required. For instance, if a download was interrupted leaving bad contents in FLASH the system may appear dead or not be presenting CCCC. You can configure Sysboot0 jumpered and Sysboot4 unjumpered to not allow booting from NAND thereby forcing a boot from UART0. This will present CCCC allowing you to xmodem the SPL file and then ymodem the u-boot program to get a u-boot prompt. Once at the prompt a nand erase.chip will restore the flash to a blank state and a complete reload can be started.
These two pins are connected to individual mini-jumpers and can be used together to determine the boot sequence the A8 will use. Typically, the both jumpers are left in the open position.
Figure 5 - Revision 2 Itron Riva Dev Mini Board jumpers
Rev. 1
Boot Order
SYSBOOT4 J1 (3-4)
SYSBOOT0 J1 (1-2)
On = 0
Off = 0
A8 Sends Cs
On = 0
On = 1
Off = 1
Off = 0
Off = 1
On = 1
Force CCC to allow xmodem of spl + mlo to get to uboot to erase nand.chip
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