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The information contained herein is proprietary and confidential and is being provided subject to the condition that (i) it be held in confidence except t o the extent required otherwise by
law and (ii) it will be used only for the purp oses described herein. Any third party that is given access to this information shall be similarly bou nd in writing .
Trademark Noti ce
Itron is a registered trad emark of Itron, Inc.
All other product names and logos in this documentation are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
If you have comments or suggestions on how we may improve this documentation, send them to
If you have questions or comments about the software or hardware product, contact Itron Technical Support:
• Internet:
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• Phone: 1 877 487 6602
This device comp lies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d esigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential insta llation. O peration is
subject to the following two conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference that may cause undesirable operation.
This device must be permanent ly mounted such that it retains a distance of 22.7 centimeters (9 inches) from all persons in order to comply wit h FCC RF exposure levels.
USA, FCC Class B - Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B d igital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d esigned to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a res identia l installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energ y and, if not installed and used in accord ance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to rad io communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interfere nce to radio or television rec eption, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference b y one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or re locate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipme nt and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an out let on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is conn ected.
• Consult the dea ler or an experienced radio or TV technician for he lp.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reaso nable protection against harmfu l
interference in a residentia l installation. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• This device may not cause interfer ence.
• This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operatio n of the device.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the class B limits for radio noise emissions from dig ital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Reg ulations of the Canadian Department of
Communications, standard ICES-003.
This equipment complies with policies RSS-21 0 and RSS-GEN of the Industry Canada rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Avis de conformite aux normes du Ministere des Communications du Canada.
Le present apparei l numerique n em et pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les limites applicab le aux appareils numeriques classe B prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage
radioelectriq ue edicte par le Ministere des Communications du Canada, NMB-003.
Use only approved acce ssories with this equipment. I n general all cables must be
high quality, shi elded, and correctly terminated. Unapproved modifications or
operation beyond or in co nflict with these instructions for use, may void
authorizati on by the authorities to operate the equipment.
Proprietary and Confidential
Before You Begin........................................................................................................... v
Documentati on Conventions ........................................................................................................... v
Related Document s ....................................................................................................................... vi
Appendix B Status and Diagnostics ......................................................................... 53
Status Indicator ............................................................................................................................ 53
Diagnostic Port ............................................................................................................................. 54
Performing an Ant enna S weep Test ............................................................................................. 55
Index ............................................................................................................................. 57
iv CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Proprietary and Confidential
Before You Begin
Important Proper i nstallation of the CCU/Repeater ensures trouble-free operation
of the I tr on Fixed Network s yst em. T he installation of bot h the collect or a nd
repeater must be done by profes si ona l inst al lers.
Documentation Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
Key presses are in bold.Click OK to finish.
Menu paths are in bold. Select Start > File > Save As.
Computer co mma nds to b e ty pe d by the use r
are in a
File names are in a
Hypertext links are blue. See the Copyright page for the contact information.
Note A note indicates neutral or positive information that stresses or
supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies information that
may apply onl y in special cases.
Caution A caution advises users that failure to take or avoid a specified action
could result in a loss of data.
Warning A warning advises users that f ailur e to take or avoid a specified
action could resul t in physical harm to the user or the hardware.
font. The data is uploaded to the
At the C: promp t, ty pe cd itr on/b in
Tip A tip helps users apply the techniques and procedures described in the text
to their specific needs. A tip is not essential to the basic understanding of the text.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide v
Before You Begin
Proprietary and Confidential
Related Documents
For more information about CCUs/Repeaters and the Fixed Network, see the following:
•Collector Configuration Application v4.0 User Guide
Fixe d Networ k system admi nistrators must us e this document to proper ly configure
CCU 100s before they are installed in the field.
• Network Collection Engine v4.0 User Guide
• Motorola R56 Manual- Standards and Guidelines for Communication Sites
Available from Motorola. This ma nual illust ra tes industry best prac tices for mounting
and groundi ng antenn a systems, and routing antenn a cables into buildings . Use this
guide as a ref erence when r e motely mounting t he end point ante nna.
vi CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Proprietary and Confidential
CCU/Repeater Basics
The CCU 100 (also known as a cell control unit or collector) and the Repeater 100 ar e
configurable for different installation locations, including:
• On a water or communications tower.
• On a pole (s uch as an elect ricit y or light pole ) .
• On a wall ( indoo r or outdoor).
• On a pipe (between 2 and 3.5 inches in di am eter).
Int e gra ted mount ing and coupling bracket s secure the device i n high wind s and under heavy
ice loa ds .
The C CU 100 also supports a n optiona l solar pow er kit. K its ar e size d by peak s un hour
calc ulation s whi ch vary regi onally ac ross the country. T he kit includes solar panels and a
large battery backup unit. Size and weights vary by package type (based on peak sun
A CCU/Repeater consists of a number of components in a single weatherproof device.
Electrical components are encased in a plast ic encl osure tha t provi de s double insulation and
a high leve l of saf et y for the i nstaller.
Caution Only authorized It r on personnel may open the CCU or Repeater.
Unauthorized acce ss to the m odule voids the warranty.
Modificati on of t his device voids the warranty and coul d cause non-com pliance with
FCC rules.
CCU Configuration
A Fixed N etwork sys tem admi nistrator must conf igure each CCU 100 bef ore it c an be
installed in the field. V erify with your supervis or or the system adm inistrator that a ll CCUs
ar e c onfigured bef ore yo u attempt to inst all t hem.
Please see the Coll ector Configuration Application v4.0 User Guide for m ore i nformat i on.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 1
Chapter 1 CCU/Repeater Basics
Proprietary and Confidential
CCU/Repeater Components
The CCU 100 and Repeater 100 come in two basic configura tions , non-remote a nd remote.
The re m ote CC U /R epeater configurati on repl aces the internal a n te nnas wi th external
ant e nna connector s allowi ng both GP S a nd W AN antennas t o be mou nted in a r e m ote
locati on. I n the case of the Repeat er 100 , only an externa l GPS connection is provided; a
WAN modem is not present in a repeater. Both non-remote and remote configurations allow
for remotely mounting the endpoint antenna by removing the antenna from the unit and
at tachi ng it to a r e mote a ntenna mounting plate.
Sinc e the CCU/ Repeat er ma y be installed in an outdoor e nvironment, each component of
the CC U /R epeater i s weat her-tight and can withstand wind re quirements i n excess of 100
Note When determining the configuration of the CCU/Repeater, be sure to review
the Itron CCU 100 Ordering Guide or the Itron Repeater 100 Ordering Guide for
specific part numbers, cable lengths, and various options for the components.
CCU/Repeater Module
The CCU/Repeater opera tes in t he 902 to 928 MHz fre quenc y range . The C CU/ Repea ter
cas e houses the bac kup battery, GP S receiver , opt ional WAN radio, process ing boar d and
endpoi nt ra dio. The antennas for the radios c an be e i ther inter nally connected or r emot e ly
connected, depending on the CCU/Repeater configuration.
Caution Only authorized It r on per sonnel m ay open the CCU/Repeater. Unauthorize d
access to the modul e voi ds the warrant y.
An example of the remote CCU is shown below; the component connections are described
in the following table.
2 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
CCU/Repeater Components
Proprietary and Confidential
CCU/Repeater module
Proce ss es data fro m t he ante nn as an d relays it on to t he F ixe d Ne tw o rk App licatio n So f tw are. O n ly
CCU and the Re peate r and s hould b e a ttached to earth ground
authorized Itro n pe rsonne l m ay ope n this mo dule.
Endpoint antenna
This 900MHz antenna receives messages from and sends messages to endpoints and repeaters in the
network. The connection for this antenna is a Type N female.
CCU/Repeater label
Display s the colle cto r identif icat ion nu mbe r, mode l numb er, a nd ot her assoc iate d info rmat ion.
Pow er co nne cto r
Supplies pow er to the CCU/Repeater module. AC mains, DC, or solar power options are available. A
three pin cable connects the CCU/Repeater to the mains supply. A two pin cable connects the
CCU/Repeater to a DC supply. A five pin cable connects the CCU/Repeater to the solar system.
Remo te GP S an t enna co n necto r
This female SMA connector is only on the remote CCU/Repeater. Use this connector when remotely
mounting the GPS a ntenna.
Remote WAN antenna connector
This female N connector is only on the remote CCU. Use this connector when remotely mounting
the WAN antenna.
Connects the CCU/Repeater to the Ethernet backhaul. Also used to connect the CCU/Repeater to a
router for initial collector setup. Mating weatherproof cables are available from Itron. These cables are
sealed industrial ethernet circular IP67 connectors (CONEC)
Note A waterproof cap seals the Ethernet port from the elements in the field. Be sure to securely
attach the cap once the collector is installed.
Ground lug
The ground lug is provided on both the
according to local regulations. This ground helps protect the internal circuitry from high voltage
transient events. The ground lug accepts AWG minimum wire size 14, and maximum wire size 4.
Status indicator
This indicator displays the current operational status of the CCU/Repeater. See Status Indicator on
page 53 for more information.
(Not shown) Battery door
Removal of this door allows access to the replaceable battery pack.
Remote GPS/WAN Antenna System
The r e m ote CCU/Repeater confi guration uses a G PS/WAN antenna kit that is connec ted to
the CC U /R epeater by one or two separate pieces of coaxial cable.
• The W AN antenna is only c onnec ted in CCU ins tall ations that us e a wide a rea
net w ork backhaul system.
• The GPS antenn a is used in all deployment s of this syst em.
The a ntennas must be inst alled i n a locati on that allows r eception of GP S and W AN signals .
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 3
Chapter 1 CCU/Repeater Basics
Proprietary and Confidential
Itron recom mends us ing a handhel d G PS unit to ver ify t hat your G PS ant e nna mounting
location can receive a signal from at least three satellites.
If you are using a GPRS WAN backhaul, Itron recommends testing the GPRS antenna at
your desi red installation t o ensure t hat GPRS ser vi ce is ava il able at that loca tion.
For m ore information, see G PS and WAN Coverage on page 8.
Caution The GPS antenna must be oriented vertically when installed, and it must
have an unobstructed v iew of the sky to properly receive a GPS signal.
The GPS/WAN antenna syst e m is shown below.
1GPS antenna
Receives GPS data from orbiting satellites. The cable
connection on the bo tto m o f this ante nn a is TN C Fe ma le .
2Mounting bracket
Attaches the antenna to your desired mounting location.
3Antenna masts
Provide support for the GPS and WAN antennas. Cables for
each ante nna are route d t hrough t he masts. Clamps o n the front
of the mounting bracket secure the masts.
4WAN antenna (CCU only)
Provides the wide-area network (WAN) signal for the CCU.
The Repeater does not use this antenna. The cable connection
on the bo tto m o f t his a nten na is N Fe male .
4 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
CCU/Repeater Components
Proprietary and Confidential
Endpoint Antenna
The Endpoint antenna tra nsmits a nd receives da ta m es sage s fr om endpoints and rep eat ers in
the network .
There are fi ve possible antennas ( two di rect atta c hed antennas and three remote a ntennas )
tha t may be use d for the end point r adio link .
• A standard verti cally or horizontally polariz ed antenna that is di rectly att ached to the
• A standard verti cally or horizontally polariz ed antenna that can be connected
remotely, in place of the dire ct a tta c hed solution.
• A high-gain ve rti c ally pol ar ized remote antenn a (8.15dBi) that is mounted r e m otely in
place of the direct attached solution. This a ntenna is only approve d f or the Tower
CCU w i th proper cable loss t o meet FCC regu lations.
• Remote antennas must be properly grou nded during i nst alla tion. Whe n a r e m ote
ant e nna is use d, a li ghtning arr estor is s upplied for this purpo se.
• The r e m ote antenna' s maximum allowed installation hei ght above ground is 100 f eet.
Installation heights a re deter mined by RF propagation st udies by Itron systems
engineering. If additional height is needed for the antenna, the tower version of the
CCU is recommended.
• Coaxial cable used to connect the endpoint antenna to the CCU/Receiver must be
prope r l y grounded. Se e L igh tning Ar r es t or on page 11 f or more informat ion.
• All coaxial cable connections must be properly weather-proofed per industry
st andards , un les s othe rwis e spec i fied. If the CC U/R epeater is i nstalled indoor s, only
the connections located outside need to be weather-proofed.
When the CCU/ Repeat er is ordered w ith a remote a ntenna kit, s ome assoc i ated mounting
har dware is i ncluded. Coaxial cables for the remote antennas a re not incl ude d in the kit.
These cables must be provided by the install er. Pl ease s ee Coaxia l Cabl e on page 13 for
coaxial cable specifications.
For m ore information, see :
• Ant e nna Spec ifications on page 50
• Remote E ndpoint Antenna Plac ement on page 9
• Grounding the Remote Antenna System on page 10
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 5
Chapter 1 CCU/Repeater Basics
6 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Proprietary and Confidential
Proprietary and Confidential
inches in d iame te r) . T his type of i nst alla tio n ty pic ally oc cu rs on the tops o f
Planning a CCU/Repeater Installation
This c h apter desc ribes how to prepare for a CCU/ repeater i n st allation.
Installation Profiles
The CCU/Repeater can be installed in a variety of configurations and locations .
Depending on the installation location, the CCU or Repeater components may be installed
all i n the s ame pl ac e (as an integr ated soluti on), or the ant e nnas may be installed remotely
fr om the C CU/ Repeater (as a dist ributed solution).
For example, the CCU/Repeater can be installed at the base of a water tower, the
GPS/WAN ante nna syst e m c an b e m ounted up to 12 feet away for opti mum reception , a nd
the e ndpoint ant e nna can be placed a t the t op of the water t ower .
The following profiles have been identified for CCU installation .
Utility po le The CCU/Repeater is installed on a utility pole. The CCU/Repeater should
Light pole The CCU/Repeater is installed on either a light pole or the davit arm that
Outdoor wall or pipe with remote
Indoor wall o r pi pe w ith remote
Pipe The CCU/Repeater is secured to a pipe or fence railing (from 2 to 3.5
be mounted as high as possible on the pole for optimum reception.
extends from t he light pole . The CCU /Repe ater s hould b e mo unted as hig h
as possible on the pole for optimum reception.
The CCU/Repeater is installed on an outside wa ll o r pipe wit h t he e ndpoi nt
antenn a remo tely mounte d to ac hiev e the max imu m elev atio n and
The CCU/Repeater is installed inside an equipment room with the endpoint
antenna remotely (and externally ) mo u nted to ac hie v e ma xi mu m elevatio n
and reception. The WAN (or other digital cellular) and GPS antenna are
remotely (and externally) mounted to provide acceptable coverage.
For more information on these various profiles, as well as the Itron-recommended profile,
see Cha pter 3, Installi ng the CCU/Repeater on page 17.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 7
water towers.
Chapter 2 Planning a CCU/Repeater Installation
Proprietary and Confidential
Siting CCUs/Repeaters
CCUs/Repea ters are inst all e d in t he field on a va riety of s urfaces, such as wooden or meta l
walls , metal pip es , fence rail ing, and utility poles.
When det ermini ng where to pla ce the CCU/Repea ter, t here are four primary consi der ation s:
• Siting for optimum RF reception.
• Sit ing for optimum GPS a nd/or W AN reception.
• Availability of Ethernet connection (if required).
• Availability of power connection.
• Availability of a structure or loc ation that can physically support the CCU/Repeater
and it s mounting hardw ar e.
Caution Always ensure that you have permission to install a CCU/Repeat er at
your chosen site prior to beginning installation.
Propagation Study and CCU/Repeater Site Selection
Pr i or to installing a C CU/Repeater in the field, consult with Itr on to perf orm a propagation
study. This stud y:
• Evaluates the quantity and t ypes of endpoints in t he network.
• Assesses environmental and geographical considerations related to CCU/Repeater
• Opti m izes C CU/ Repeat er place m ent in the network for the best pos sibl e reception.
• Helps influ e nce the p hysical a nd st ruc tural imp licati ons of mounting a C CU/R epeater
to a given surf ace.
Once the propagation study is complete, you can determine exactly where to install
CCUs/Repea ters and what they wil l be mou nted to.
GPS and WAN Coverage
CCUs/Repeaters must be installed in loca tion s where a GPS si gnal is st rong and cons ist e nt.
If WAN is being used as the com muni c ations bac khaul for the network, a strong and
consistent WAN s igna l is re quired a s well (for CCUs only). If t he sign al is too weak, or its
availability fluctuates, the CCU/Repeater can not gather accurate date/time information or
com municate with the Fix ed Network softwa re.
Itron recom mends us ing a handhel d G PS unit to ver ify t hat your CCU/ Repeater or remote
GPS ante nna mount ing l oca tion can r e cei ve a s i gnal f rom a t least three satellites.
If you are using a GPRS WAN backhaul, Itron recommends testing the CCU or remote
GPRS ant e nna at your desired ins tallation to ens ure that GPRS service is availa ble a t that
8 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Sit ing C CUs/Repeaters
Proprietary and Confidential
To ensure the best poss ibl e s ignal, avoid ins tal li ng t he CC U/R epeater o r the r emote
ant e nnas i n the f oll owi ng ways:
• Adjace nt to or between tal l buildings, signs, tower s, or bri dges.
• Near swaying limbs, bra nc hes, or cabl es that could strike and damage the antenna.
• Between, beneath, or near highway overpas ses, eleva ted train platf orms, or tunnels.
• Near objects or devices attached to the same pole.
• Wit hin 500 feet of high power ra dio fr eque ncy (RF) transmit ters (such as paging
tra nsmitt ers, c e llular tra nsmitters, and municipal com municati on s transmitters ).
• Near pot e ntial broadband sources of radiated R F energy (such as power line
transformers, RADAR transmitter s, c el l ular a ntennas, and ne on or fluorescent sign s).
• Inside metal enclosures (the antenna will not communicate if surrounded by metal) or
inside a building. The CCU/Repeater can be installed in a building or other metal
enclosure, but the antennas must be installed remotely.
Warning! Before installing a CCU/Repeater near or on the sam e pole as a
transformer , consul t the National Electrica l S afety Code (NESC), local utilities,
municipalities, and cable and telephone companies for recommended distances
from transform er s and power lines.
AC Service Requirements
A 90 to 265 VAC 10A power source is required at the installation site for the
CCU/Repea ter, unless yo u a re using t he DC C CU/Repe at er or the solar CCU/R epeat er. Fo r
mor e i nformation on these options, see Mains Power Installation Profiles on page 12 or
Sola r P ow er Ins tall ation P rofiles on page 39.
External Ethernet Connections
If the Ethernet connection is used as the communications backhaul, the CC U instal lation
site must have Ethernet access. Also, be sure to use weatherproof cables in this type of
Caution When using Ethernet as the communications backhaul, the CCU must be
identified as Ethernet-based when performing Initial Collector Setup (ICS). Failure
to do so prohibits the CCU fr om comm unica ting with the Network Collection
Remote Endpoint Antenna Placement
Antenna placement is one of the most important factors in determining your overall system
performance. Careful consideration must be given to proper antenna placement. Follow the
general guidelines below when determining the ideal location for a remote-mounted
endpoi nt antenna.
• The a ntenna needs to b e m ounted in a location whe re it ha s a clea r unobst ruc ted 360
degree view of the horizon.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 9
Chapter 2 Planning a CCU/Repeater Installation
Proprietary and Confidential
• The a ntenna receives and transmits in all directi ons. Any objec ts s uch a s buil ding
walls , nearby metal su rfaces or other obstructions will interfere with the proper
operat i on of the a ntenn a.
• Do not mou nt the antenna nea r existi ng RF radiati ng antennas. If exi sti ng RF ra diators
ar e ne ar by, t he horizontal separa tion dist ance to t he ra diator must be a minimum of
100 f eet a nd/or 10 f eet of ve rti c al sepa rat ion. I n inst anc es where nearby RF radiators
ar e pres e nt, c onduc t an int ermodulati on interfere nce study to e valuate t he potential for
interference and any eff e c ts it may have on sys tem performanc e. Con su lt with your
Itron sys tems engineer for more information.
• When m ounting the a ntenna, evaluate nea rby buil ding s and the e f fect they ma y have
on system performance. Mounting on a rooftop, where nearby buildings are higher
than the installation location, is not an ideal location for the antenn a.
• Height is pr eferred for opti mal perf orma nce. Mount the antenna as high as po ssible,
but no higher than 100 feet. If the antenna is going to be more than 100 feet above the
CCU, you should use a Tower CCU 100.
A side ar m a ntenna installation must be done if the endpoint antenna is mounted where it
does not have an unobstructed 360-degree view. Refer to the following guidelines for a side
arm antenna installation.
• For the end poi nt antenna, the m inimum st ando ff distanc e is 24 inches, where the
interfering structural member s ar e f our inche s or less in diameter and spac ed more
than eight feet apart.
• For structural members between 4 and 10 inches in diameter, a sliding scale of 2 to 5
feet i s to be use d. (For examp le, a 24 inch stand off at 4 inch diameter to a 60 inch
standoff at 10 inch member diameter.)
• When local site conditions do not meet this requirement (for example, when structural
mem bers ar e greater than 10 inches i n diameter and/or member s are l ess than 8 feet
apart), additional analysis is required to determine the effect on the pattern.
Adjustment to the propagation model may be needed. Provide Itron with the diameter
of the structural member s and the dist ance bet ween t hem so that a thorough ana lysis
ca n be performed. If the structure covers more than 30 degrees of the pattern (as
measured from the propose d standoff distance ) , the s i te is considere d as a 180 degree
sector f rom a syst ems desi gn per spective and anot he r C CU/R epeater and a ntenna ne e d
to be install ed on t he opposite side of the struc ture.
Grounding the Antenna System
To minimi ze t he pot e ntial for a li ghtning e vent, it i s essential that the remote a ntenn a
system be pr operly gr ounded. Pr ope r gr ounding prevents t he accumulati on of s tatic char ge s
on the ant enna syst e m and also provides a direct discharge to ground for any a c quired
All grou nding materials and proce dures must meet or e xceed local codes. Use coaxial
grounding kits recommended by the coaxial cable manufacturer.
Warning Under no circumstances should the antenna grounding wires be run
inside a building. Al ways install ground bars and groundi ng m aterial on the
exterior of buildings.
10 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Lightning Arrestor
Proprietary and Confidential
The recommended procedure for grounding the antenna system is as follows:
• Mount a copper ground bar near the antenn a. This is the t op gr ound bar .
• Mount a s econd c opper gr ound bar near the C CU/Repe ater. T hi s is t he bottom grou nd
• Connect the two grou nd bars with a #6 ga uge gr e e n jac ke ted stranded wire or a #2
solid copper wire.
• Ground t he antenna mou nt and the top coaxial grou nd ki t to the top ground bar.
• Ground t he bot tom coaxial ground kit and the lightning a r restor to the bottom ground
• Connect the bott om ground bar to one or more earth grou nd rods.
• All grou nd wires should b e connect ed st rai ght to ground, with no right angl e t urns or
sharp bends in the wires.
• Inst all ground l eads on coaxial grounding ki ts witho ut l oops or be nds and install
groundi ng kit s in the prop er orient ation per the manufa c turer's specif i c ations .
Lightning Arrestor
A lightning arrestor (or surge protect or) capable of wit hst anding multiple lightni ng strikes
should be installed when using a remote moun t antenna. This helps protec t the
CCU/Repeater in the event of a lightning strike.
The lightning arr es tor i s fit ted to the c oaxial a ntenna cable at the SUR G E end and t he RF
jumper cable that connects to the CCU/Repeater module at the PROTECTED end. It
inc ludes a bulkhead conne c tor interface that mou nts t o a gr ound pl ate with a was he r a nd
nut. The arrestor is also furnished with a ground lug, if your installation does not have
provisions for a ground plate. The ground lug on the arrestor is designed for #2AWG solid
or s tra nded wire. The gr ound wire must be crimped to thi s lug, neve r soldered.
Caution The lightning arrestor must be connected to an earth-ground.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 11
Chapter 2 Planning a CCU/Repeater Installation
Proprietary and Confidential
The top and bottom ends of the coaxial cable attached to the tower should be electrically
grounded with kits for lightning protection. The antenna input connection cannot serve as
the t op ground poi nt. For c able lengths in excess of 200 feet, ground the vertical cable run at
the midpoint and then each additional 200 feet.
Note The i nstaller mus t supply any mount ing brackets and cabl e -management cl ips
to secure the coaxial cable to the tower or structure, when using a remote mount
antenna. Consult your cable manufacturer for specifications on proper clips and
groundi ng kit s. Conduit c l amps and tie wraps are not sati sfa c tory methods f or
securing coaxial cables.
For remote installation with a high gain antenna, a li ghtning arrestor is supplied by Itr on in
the CCU 100/Repeater 100 kit materials.
AC Mains Power
The AC mai ns wiring to t he CCU/Repeater utilizes a three c onductor cable. This c able can
be terminated with either a NEMA L5 -15 (125V, 15A) or a NEMA L6-15 (250V, 15A)
loc king plug i n order t o meet local el e c tri c al c odes. T he CCU s hould be power e d by a
dedicat ed 10A circuit. The C C U/R ep eater should not be connected to a circuit protect ed by
a GFCI breaker. Power wiring on the Itron supplied power cable follows conventional color
coding for AC wiring: Green/Ground, White/Neutral, Black/Hot.
DC Mains Power
The DC wiring to the CCU/Repeater util i zes a two c onductor cable. The CCU sho ul d be
connect ed to a 10A DC circuit breaker or fuse. Wiring of the Itron supplied two conductor
cable is accompl ished by a ttachi ng the red wire t o a +12V source and a ttaching the blac k
wire to ground.
12 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
Mat eri als No t Provided by Itron
Proprietary and Confidential
Materials Not Provided by Itron
The fol lowi ng mater ials are not provided by Itron in the CCU/Repeater kit, but are required
for installation.
Please a cquire thes e items prior to beginn ing an ins tall ation.
• Coaxial cable on page 13
• Connectors on page 14
• Mounting hardware on page 14
Coaxial Cable
When remote mounting the antennas, coaxial cable must be supplied to connect the ant enna
to the CCU/Repeater. The proper s ize of c able is depe ndent on t otal c able length and
fre quency. Coaxial c able also requires proper hoi sting grips, ground kits, connector s,
jumpers, hangers, and weather proofing material. Coaxial cable and accesso ri es are not
provided by Itron. Coaxial c able s yst e m s mus t be installed ac cor ding to the manufac turer' s
specifications. Itron recommends using qualified radio installation contractors to install the
remote a ntenna s yste m. See Motorol a R56 guidelines f or r ecommended practices on cable
Cable lengths should not exceed 12 feet, except when used with the high-gain ante nna.
Remote Mount Endpoint A nte nna on a Stan dard CCU/Repeat er
When select ing cabl e for the rem ote m ount unit y gain endpoint antenna on the stand ar d
(non-tower) C CU/R epeater , total cabl e loss c annot exceed 1.5 dB to maintain system
performanc e. Al low 0.1 dB loss for each c onnector.
Remote Mount High Gain (8.15 dBi) E ndpointed Antenna on a Tower C C U
When selecti ng cable for t he remote mount high gain ( 8.15 dBi) endpoint antenna on the
tower CCU, total calculated loss between the tower cabinet and the antenna must be greater
tha n 2 dB, but l es s than 3. 5 dB.
Warning This 2 dB loss is required to prevent exce eding the maximum EIRP,
as set by the FCC.
Allow 0.1 dB loss for each c onnector . If required, a 1 dB attenua tor ( similar to t he
Pasternack PE7002-1) may b e used to attain the de sired power at the ante nna.
CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide 13
Chapter 2 Planning a CCU/Repeater Installation
Proprietary and Confidential
Antenna Sweep Tes t
Tot al Coaxial length
After r e mote a ntenna installation perform an ant e nna syst e m sweep test and ver ify t hat
VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio) does not exceed 1.5:1. For more information, see
Perfor m an Antenna Sw eep T es t on page 55.
Caution All coaxial cable used to connect an antenna to the CCU/Repeat er must be
properly grounded at the top and bottom of the coaxial line. A dditionally, any cable
lengths of 200 feet or greater must be grounded each 100 feet. See Lightning
Arrestor on page 11 for more information.
The following table lists the possible coaxial cable lengths and specifications.
Coax specification 0-120 ft. 121-200 ft. ( high-
gain a nte nna
201-250 ft. ( highgain a nte nna
Standard black jacket cable AVA5-50 AVA6-50 AVA7-50
Optional fire retardant cable AVA5RK-50 AVA6RK-50 AVA7RK-50
Cable d ia meter ( nomi nal) 7/8 in. 1-1/4 in. 1-5/8 in.
Cable weight (lb./ft.) 0.33 0.46 0.70
Minimum bend radius 10 in. 8 in. 15 in.
Cable attenuation @ 915 MH z ~ 1.2 dB/100 ft. ~ 0.84 dB/100 ft. ~0.70 dB/100 ft .
Antenna Connectors
Connectors for the e ndpoint and WAN antenna ca bles need to be ma le Type N connectors
and must be sized according to the type of coaxial cabl e use d. The GPS cable requires T NC
male and SM A male c onnectors. These connecto rs ar e available f rom a variety o f
Important All coaxial cable connections must be properly weather-proofed per
industry standar ds unl es s ot he rwise spec ifie d. If the CCU/Repeater is installed
indoors, only the connections located outside need to be weather-proofed.
14 CCU 100 and Repeater 100 Installation Guide
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