Itron 920 Operational Instructions(ulitlity software....?)

Innovatec Utility Software System Organization and
Compu war e Corp.
08/09/ 99 11:13 AM 06/16/99 2:46 PM
Version 0.32
Table of Contents
1 OPEN ISSUES...............................................................................................................................4
2 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................4
3.1 S
3.1.1 External databases..........................................................................................................6
3.2 M
3.3 L
3.4 A
3.5 S
3.6 E
3.7 S
3.7.1 Firewalls .........................................................................................................................9
3.7.2 Attack methods ................................................................................................................9
3.7.3 Export restrictions.........................................................................................................11
3.8 I
3.9 F
4 DERIVED REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................13
4.1 S
4.1.1 Supported interactive applications ...............................................................................13
4.1.2 Supported autonomous applications.............................................................................16
4.2 S
4.2.1 Internal databases.........................................................................................................18
4.3 COM A
4.4 R
4.5 I
4.5.1 Pluggable Look and Feel ..........................................................................................2221
4.5.2 Colors........................................................................................................................2322
4.5.2. 1 Foreground/Text.....................................................................................................2322
4.5.2. 2 Background............................................................................................................2322
4.6 N
4.6.1 Keyboard...................................................................................................................2322 Mnemonics............................................................................................................2322 Shortcuts................................................................................................................2423
4.6.2 Mouse ........................................................................................................................2423
4.7 C
4.7.1 Primary Windows..........................................................................................................24
4.7.2 Secondary Windows ..................................................................................................2524 Dialogs..................................................................................................................2524 Login Dialog..........................................................................................................2524
4.7.3 Plain Windows...........................................................................................................2524 Splash Screens........................................................................................................2524
4.7.4 A splash screen should be implemented using com.innovatec.ui.Jsplash. The
application name, version and copyright information should appear on all splash screens.Applets
4.7.5 Buttons.......................................................................................................................2625
4.7.5 .1 Tool b a r s .................................................................................................................... 26
4.7.6 Menus ............................................................................................................................26
4.7.7 Statusbar .......................................................................................................................26
4.7.8 Organizing.................................................................................................................2726 Group Boxes ..........................................................................................................2726
4.7.8 .2 Tabbed Panes.........................................................................................................2726
5 CHANGE LOG...........................................................................................................................27
1 Open Issues
What type of location information will we use (e.g., lat, long, elevation, pole #) for gateways, re lays and meters?
What tool will we adopt for netw ork RF planning, and how w ill we interface t he rest of the system to it?
2 Introduc tion
The Enterprise Network and Internet Communications (ENICS) system is a set of software applications that allow either utilities or Innovatec acting as a se r vice bureau to m anage and operate an Innovatec communications network. The functions required include the ability to read meters, monitor network operation, install, decommission, swap and test a l l elements in t h e communications ne t work and handl e a l arms. In addition, Innovatec must have a means of planning and laying out comm uni cati on s ne tw or ks, tr ain ing use rs a nd dem onst ra tin g th e syste m to pr ospect ive cu stome rs. For deve lopme nt it is de sira ble t o have som e means of exercising the communications network in a more intensive manner than we have been able to in the past.
It will be necessary to update and possibly gather data from databases that are not part of the Innovatec system. For example, a utility may have a billing d atabase (and app lications that use it) alrea dy in place. Data from scheduled reads might be placed into this billing database.
Finally, it should be possible to log events of interest for later analysis either by utility personnel or applications in the Innovatec system.
Innovatec plans to eventually use the system for very large installations (on the order of 10 million meters or more). Thus, it is necessary to architect and build the system in such a way that its functions can be distributed across multiple machines and possibly multiple se rvers.
In addition, in Innovatec’s role as a service bureau, it may be ne cessa r y to sit e a ga tew ay ser ve r an d possi bly som e se r ve r f un ction s a t a customer site, while the rest are handled at Innovatec’s offices. For examp le, a utility may want to put modems at the ir site so th at calls to gateways are local calls, while Innovatec administers the network remote ly.
A high le vel schem atic for the In novatec utility syste m is show n in Figure 1. In the sch em atic, each of the applications is show n as if it wa s a traditional monolithic program. However, the Innovatec system is being de signe d and implemented as a multitier archite cture in which th e user interfa ce is a set of Java applets an d HTML pages w hich u se a set of servant s t o acces s various services, such as da t a base a ccess.
Alarm Configuration
Field Service
Laptop or Handheld
Field Service
Network Configuration
Network Planning
and Layout
Field Service
via direct TCP/IP or
d i al u p PPP
Network Health
Alarm Rec eiver
Physical Assets
Tracking (Legacy)
Billing Ap plication
Utilit y Ph y s ical
Assets Database
Network Planning
Alarm Configuration
Network Testbed
SW/HW Compatability
Figure 1: High level s chematic for the Innovatec utility softw are syst em
This d ocume nt supplie s a gen eral org aniz ation and par titioning for the system as well as requirements that apply to all applications. The re quir ements for t he various com pone nts of th e syst em a re conta ined in their own requirements documents.
3 Primary Requirements
Primary requirements are those that ultimately come from the cust omer or are dictated b y t he basic nature of th e a pplica t i on.
3.1 Supported Databases
For the purposes of this specification, the databases in the system are classified into internal and external databases. Internal databases are th ose th a t will be built into a stand a lone Innovatec system. External (or legacy) databases are those that are supplied by a particular
In nova te c custom e r or a p art icular 3
party application. An in terface to an external database may be supplied as part of the customization for a particular customer , b ut the information containe d in these databases is not req ui red to run the Innovatec system.
Internal databases are specified i n section 4.2.1.
3.1. 1 E xter nal datab ases
While it is possible for the set of external databases to be composed, in principle, of anything or nothing, we anticipate that the external databases will typ ically consi st of the following for each utility.
Database Record Type Item Comment
Billing Basic
account information
Meter information for a customer
Account number
Customer name
Customer address
Account number
Meter type
Me ter n ame
May be multiple records for each customer
Physical Assets Data for each
Account number
Me ter n ame
Meter type
Meter Model
Factory num ber
Meter br a nd
Meter size
Installa tion d a te
In stallation tim e
3.2 Mul t iple database set support
One of the uses of the utility server software will be Innovatec acting as a service bureau. In orde r to support this type of operation, the
utility server software shall support multiple sets of independent database s, one for each utility Innovatec supports.
It shall be the responsibility of the Innovatec Utility Server to distinguish between sets of databases for different utilities, given an appr opriate utility spe cif ication from the various app lications.
3.3 L og gi ng
It shall be possible to log events of interest into an internal database. These events shall include, but are not limited to, message tra nsm issions a nd r e cept ions. I t sh all be possib le for user s to conf ig ure the number and the age of events to be maintained in the log.
All attempts by a clien t application to log into the ENIC S system or a remote configura tion serve r to initially contact an ENIC S configura tion server or a remote redistribution server to initially contact an ENICS server should be log ged, wh ether the a t te mpt is su ccessful or not.
3.4 Arch itect ural constrai nts
It shall be possible to distribute user interface, database and ser ve r functi ons ove r mu ltip le ma chine s. I t sha ll b e possib le for use r s to remotely access the interactive utility programs from remote desktop comp uter s. I t sh all be possib le to si te th e WAN int erfa ce har dware on a machine that is physically separate from the machine(s) that host the databases and are generally used for network maintenance and other functions.
3.5 Server data maintenance
To the extent that is consistent with maintaining the integrity of the various databases, user visible data shall not be lost if a server or server machine suf fers a n ungra ceful shutdow n.
3.6 Ext ernal Data Distribution
In addition to interacting with an Innovatec communications network, it shall be possible for the ENICS system to distribute data to and/or r ece ive data from an other ENICS system . This will allow a utility that does not actually own th e meters for a particular customer to gather data about a meter from the utility that does own the meter. The interactions supported in this mode are limited to scheduled reads, on demand reads, informational alarms, informational alarm configuration and basic meter status information. Informational alarms include low flow threshold, prepay alarms and other alarms that indicate usage violations but that are not associated with a possible physical failure. Alarms that do indicate a physical failure (such as runaway alarms), shall not be configurable by an external utility and shall not be distributed to an external utility.
It shall b e possible to conf igur e a ccess p er mission for an ext erna l utility on a me ter by me ter basis. It shall be p ossible to configure w hich alarms may be distributed to or configured by an external utility on an alarm b y alar m and me ter by m eter ba sis. If a n external utility has b een granted configuration permission for a particular alarm on a particular meter , the n the utility that grants that permission will no longe r be able to configure or receive that alarm for that meter. Note that the owner utility will still need to keep track of the alarms that have been configure d by an external utility, in case the m eters associated with the external utility or the gateways associated with those meters are physically m odified, re conf ig ur ed or rep laced.
Both the hosting and receiving ENI CS servers shall keep track of the number and types of data sent/received to/from the remote distribution server f or b illin g p urposes.
3.7 Security
Security considerations for th e ENICS syste m fall into the f ollowing four areas:
Authentication (is the user or utility really who he, she or it says they are)
Authorization (is the user or utility allowed to perform the operation they are requesting)
Confidentiality (prevent an outside observer from viewing data that the utility d oe sn’t wa n t them to view)
Auditing (leave a trail so that attempts to compromise the system are tr acked f or late r analy si s)
The othe r two area s tha t are ofte n of conce rn f or brow ser use rs in a networked environment, containment and nonrepudiation, are not of much concern to users who may run ENICS applets or applications since all such app l ets, appli cations and ser vers come from a tr usted sou rce.
Authentication is a concern in two areas. The first is that only people authorized by the utility run the ENICS applets/applications, such a s the i nter active me ter re ader , the fiel d ser vice appl ication or the network configuration manager. The second is that data distributed to an outside utility is sent only to systems that have been explicitly authorized t o recei ve such d ata.
Authentication in the ENICS system consists of two elements. The first is password authentication. All users shall be required to enter a password before using any ENICS application/applet with a user interface. Passwords shall be stored internally in a form that is cryptographically secure . The se cond is host identification. It shall be possib le for syste m administrator s to allow access to the ENICS syste m from an application/applet or a third party using the external data distr ibution capability only from some designated set of hosts. Thus a
user atte mpting to log in using a valid password f rom a host that is not in the de si g nated set of hosts would be de nied access to t he syste m ( with an appropriate reason given). There shall be a means to indicate that acce ss from any host ar e allowed.
Authoriz a tion shall be supported by a ccess control lists. It shall be possible to assign permissions on a user by user, utility by utility (for external data distribution) and application by application basi s. Thus, a user might be allowed f ull acce ss to the intera ctive meter reader, but no access to the network configuration manager. All ENICS applications shal l con sult the a ccess c on tr ol li st b ef or e perf orm in g any oper ati on th at might be forbidden by the access control list. Applications/applets should provide a visual indication of forbidden operations (e.g., grayed out controls) if a se t of operations is not allowed for a user.
Confidentiality shall be supported through encryption of any comm uni cati on be tw ee n ENI CS se r vers (f or exte rn al data d istr ib ution ) or between ENICS servers and applications/applets that involved confiden tial data. If private key exchange is require d (e. g., to use a DES algorithm), then the private keys shall be encrypted when they are exchanged (e.g., with a public key encryption technique ).
Auditing shall be supporte d by the logging facility. All atte mpts to acce ss (i.e ., log into) t he syst em b y a user or by an exte rnal agent shal l be logge d, w heth er t hey are succe ssful or n ot. As much da ta as possi ble should be captured, particularly for unsuccessful logins, including the login name and the machine name from which the login attempt is m ade.
3.7.1 Firewalls
It is anticipa ted that an ENICS syste m will ty p ically oper ate behin d a firewall. The firewall is set up to deny access to unauthorized users contacting the system from outside the local network (e.g., through the Internet). ENICS applications, applets and servers are neither required nor en couraged to defeat firew all security using HTTP tunn eling or othe r techniques. This implies that it will be necessary for ENICS system administrators to explicitly allow firewall access to outside users on spe ci fied por t s. It shall be p ossi b l e for an ENICS syst em admi nistrator to configure the port number(s) used to contact enics servers. This does not im ply t hat such config urati on ne cessar ily mu st be done on a se rve r by server basis.
3.7.2 Attack methods
The following potential attacks sho uld be considere d in the design of the ENICS software:
Monitoring. A cracker could monitor the data stream in an attem p t to fin d authorized user names and p a sswords. A utility competitor could attempt to monitor the stream of meter reads to determine which customers could be “cherry picked”.
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