Iton Technology PA BK07 User Manual

Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard User's Guide
Than ks for purch asing thi s Blue tooth Key board, it' s with stand ard 80 keys as we ll as 14 functi on keys. This cr eative an d eas y-to-us e Blue tooth Key board wil l brin g you a who le new wirel ess life exp erience .
System Requirement
liPad , Mac OS . lWindo ws OS(Wind ows XP, Windo ws Vist a, Win7 ).
Main Features
versi on of the Blue tooth SIG Bl uetooth 3. 0
lPowe r by bui ld-in Li- ion rechar geable bat tery lWorkin g ran ge: 10m
- Frequ ency band : 2.4 - 2.4 835GHz un license d ISM ba nd
- Recei ving sens itivity : -75bm (sta ndard)
- Batte ry Volumn : 310 mA
- Working Cu rrent:> 4mA
- Stan dby curr ent: 1mA
- Charg ing time: 3- 4 hour s
- RF outp ut power: up to 4b m as maximum , good for you r heal th with lowe st radiat es
- Opera tion dist ance: 0 - 10 m
- Dimen sion: 220 *120*7. 5(5.5) mm
- Net wei ght: 205g
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Multimedia F un ct io n With iPad
Powe r Butto n
Hom e F1: S potli ght sea rch
F2: S creen l ight do wn
F3: S creen l ight up F4: P ictur e frame m ode
F5: Vi rtu al ke ybo ard
F7: P revio us trac k F8: P lay/P ause
F9: N ext tra ck
F10 : Mute
F11: Volu me down
F12 : Volum e up
Scr een loc k Tur n off ba cklig ht
ON Off
USB Ch argin g Slot
Pair ing But ton
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Installation Guide
Con nec t with iPad / iPhone4.0
1.Pu sh the power bu tton to “ON” , and press “PAIR ING” butt on. The blue li ght is flash ing,
now the ke yboard is in pa iring mod e.
2. On you r iPad / iP hone4.0 , select “se ttings ”---“Ge neral”.
3. Tur n “Blue tooth ” on, it wi ll star t searc hing bl uetoo th devi ces.
4. On ce your d evice f inds th e keybo ard, se lect “B lueto oth Key board ” from th e list.
5. Your de vice wi ll now gi ve you a 6 or 4 d igit pa sskey. E nter th is key on to the ke yboar d, and pr ess Ent er to com plete t he pair ing(a lso on th e keybo ard).
Now t he keyb oard is c onnec t with yo ur iPad s ucc ess fully .
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Connect w it h co mputer
Bef ore you c onnec t the Blu etoot h Keybo ard, pl ease ma ke sure t here is b lueto oth fun ction i n your com puter. Sof tware a vaila ble lik e Widcom m(Rec ommen ded), I VT or the M icro soft bu ilt-i n softw are.. .
1.Tu rn the ke yboar d ON, and p ress th e pairi ng butt on. The b lue lig ht is fla shing , now the k eyboa rd is in pa iring m ode.
A: Matc h on Wi dco mm ( rec ommen ded)
1. Do uble cl ick the I con , the m ain Wind ow pops u p; sele ct Blue tooth - --Add Blu etoot h facil ity. Cli ck Next b utton I n the Set up Guil d windo w.
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