There are three mounting holes in the back of the Display for the attachment of a ball
mounting plate. Take care not to strip the screw holes or over tighten. (Figure 4)
It is recommended the remaining ball be mounted on a fat surface. Bec ause of the
various surface substrates where the Display is to be mounted, the installer provides
the screws to mount the other ball.
• Note the location of the three mounting holes on a ball mounting plate (Figure 4)
• With three (3) M4 x 10 counter-sunk stainless screws (Figure 3) attach mounting
plate to the back of the DOD (Figure 2)
• Mount the second ball mounting plate on the surface where the Display is to be
• Insert each ball into the RAM arm
• Lightly tighten the arm around the balls using the T-knob on the arm (Figure 2, 4)
• Adjust the Display to the viewing preference, and
• Tighten the T-knob to hold the Display in position.
Panel Mount
Panel Mount installatio n should be specifed at time of
order; the ball-and-socket mount system will not be
included in shipping box. (Figure 5)
For installation, there are fo ur tapped mounting holes on
four corners of the Display’s rear panel. A mounting
hardware packet is i ncluded with product accessories i n
the shipping box. This packet includes four (4) M4
stainless s teel threade d s tuds, 7.6 cm ( 3” long), four (4)
Nylock self-locking nuts and four (4) fat washers.
It is recommended installer refers to the mount drawings
Figure 5
on ITECH’s web site, (, for exact m easurem ents of
Display’s rear panel pod. These drawings should be helpful when insta ller cuts the
required opening for the Panel Mount installation.
Flush Mount with Optional Bezel
Wit h the Flus h Mount Bezel , t he DOD Fl at Pan el Di spla y may b e mount ed fush with
mounting surf ace; bal l-and-socket mount system or any mounti ng hardware will not be
includ ed in the shipp in g box . Installer needs to supply screw s f o r this installatio n .
The mount diagram of the Flu sh Mount Bezel is on ITECH’ s web site, (www.itechlcd.
com/install ation). When placem ent sit e has been decided, it is r ecommended installer
use these measurements when cutting opening for Display’s installation.
Note Locations of milled holes in Flush Mount Bezel. Drill corresponding holes into the
substrate where Display is to be mounted.