iTech Company DOD Series User Manual

DOD Series
SIZES 8.4" - 10.4" - 12.1" - 15.0” RUGGED LCD DISPLAYS
© 2011 by iTechLCD LLC. All Rights Reserved.
DOD Series
Table of Content s
Introduction ...........................................................................
Safety ...................................................................................
Product Care and Maintenance ..................................................
System Set-up ........................................................................
Installation ........................................................................... ..
Display Connections ..............................................................
Optional AC Power Adapter ....................................................
Computer Hook-up ................................................................
Operator Controls .................................................................
On-Screen Display .................................................................
Optional Internal Heater .........................................................
Optional NVIS ......................................................................
Optional USB Pass-Through Connector .....................................
Optional Touch Screen Display ...............................................
Appe ndix A - Mechanical Drawings .........................................
Appe nd ix B - Troubleshooting .................................................
Appendix C - NEMA and IP Industry Standards .........................
Wit h this purcha se of this All-Weat her M onit or DOD Serie s, we welcom e you t o iTechLCD’s family of harsh-duty mobile computer products.
You will soon beco me fami liar with th e qualit y diffe re nce in this b rig ht sun lig h t­readable (5 t o 800 n its ) Display, specifcally d esigned fo r mobile c o mpu ting. ITE CH h as incorp o rated the latest op tic al en g in ee ring t o ach ieve o ptima l viewability in all lighting conditions.
The DOD handles a wide-range of severe environments, making it the frst selection of many indust ries for their mobile ap plicatio ns. Designed to be rugged, this 800 x 600 SVGA Flat Panel Display is eng ineered to thrive in its environmen t... wherever it will be put it to work.
Housed in a milled billet aluminum case, the slim-profle DOD is light weight and watertight, with ful l y sealed IP6 8 conn ectors. Engine ere d to operate on lo w power consumption, the DOD manages a computer video input signal (VGA).
You may have purchased the DOD with the optional Analog Resistive Touch Screen; within this User Manual are instructions for confguring this feature. Other options includ e the Night Vision F ilter (NVIS), a pass-through US B port a n d an internal heate r, necessary when working in critically low temperatures, down to -40ºC (-40ºF).
Our Mobile Computing Support Team is here for you – we are iTechLCD, keeping Technology in Motion.
General Saf et y I nstructio ns
Before operating the DOD Display, read this User Manual thoroughly
Keep this User Manual for future use
Verify the computer system capab ility (see Sy stem Set-up) to insure operation of
the Display
For expeditious installation, follow these User Manual instructions in sequence
Adhere t o all Caution and Warnin g s on syste m an d as stat ed in this User Manu al
User Manual instructions fo r insta llation and ope ration sho uld be followed precis ely
Adjust only those controls covered by the User Manual’s operating instructions;
improper adjustment of other controls voids the Display’s warranty and may result in Display damage, and
Adhere to lo cal installa tio n cod es.
Safety Icons
General Unit Safety
Always disconnect Display from power source before cleaning
Do not operate Display with a damaged cable, and
Do not operate if Display has been dropped or damaged. Unit should be inspected
by qualifed ITECH Service Personnel.
Elect rical
Connecti ng Cables
Disconne ct p ower to compute r when D isplay is being in st alled
Upon installa tion, verify power inpu t connector is securely seated on Display
Position power cable so it is not in contact with hot surfaces
Do not allow anything to rest on power cable, and
Protect power cable from extreme heat sources.
Power Source
Always connect to a properly grounded DC (standard) power source
Any equipment to which Display is attached must also be connected to properly
wired and grounded power sources
Input voltage is 10 - 36 VDC, and
Power Consumption is: 6 - 20 Watts maximum for DOD8400R, 1000R and 1200R
and 6 40 Watts for DOD1500R.
User Ser vic in g is li mite d to clea nin g th e D isplay
Do not d isassemble o r modify th e Disp lay to av o id the po ssib ility of e lectrical
shock, damage to its electrical components or scratching the Display surface, and
Disassembly voids the warranty.
ITEC H Qu alifed Service P ersonnel may be r equired to service th e Disp lay if:
Does not operat e normally w hen insta llat ion inst ructions a re fo llo wed
Does not operate normally when operating instructions are followed
Has been dropped or damaged, or
Exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.
Shipping to ITECH Service Center
If Display should need to be shipped to the ITECH Service Center, the original packing material should be used to insure safety of Display in shipping. Repack Display as it originally received.
. 5
Product Care
This DOD Display has b een d esigned to pr o vide op timum perfor ma n ce and service without any required scheduled maintenance other than occasional cleaning.
Display Screen Cleaning
The Display Screen is a glass-based product.
A vinegar-based cl eane r is preferred ; prev ents s treak ing and deg radation o f coa tings,
or a non-abrasive glass cleaner such as a professional foam glass cleaner
Apply cleaning solution to a soft clean cloth, dampening slightly
Keep a fresh side of cleaning cloth towards Display screen surface to avoid scratch-
ing with accumulated grit, and
To minimize risk of abrasion to Display screen, air drying is recommended.
Optional Touch Screen
Touch Scr een Cl eaning
The Touch Screen Display is a glass-based product.
Use a special screen cleaning tissue or a solution specifcally formulated for
antistatic coatings. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, or
Lightly dampen a soft clean cloth with water or a general purpose mild detergent
Keep a fresh side of the cleaning cloth towards the screen s urface to avoid
scratching it with accumulated grit, and
To minimiz e the risk of abrasion to th e screen , air dry in g is recommen d ed.
Display Enclosure
Clean the Display enclosure with a sof t c lean cloth lightly dampen ed with a gen eral
purpose mild detergent solution
Wipe down with clean water, and
Dry with a soft clean cloth.
Long-term Storage
For long-term storage, Display should be stored in a norma l indoo r environ ment and
Display screen be protected from accidental damage
For p edesta l mo u nt D isplays, disc o n nect cab le(s ) and loosen ar m adjus tmen t to a
point where ball can be removed from arm, or
For Flu sh or P anel Mount Disp lays, cove r D isplay w ith a pro te ct ive covering that will
not scratch or transfer dyes to Display screen.
Other Maintenance
Only IT E C H Qu alifed Ser vice Per sonn el sho u ld per fo r m all o th er main te n ance ex cept for cleaning and the power cable replacement described above.
Syst em Req uirem ents
The computer the DOD is connected to must have this capability:
Video card setting with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, and
If th e option al To u ch Scr een D isplay is ordered, an av ailab le CO M or US B p o rt fo r the
connector is required, depending on the Display connector style ordered.
Shipping Box Contents
The DOD is shipped in a cus tom box with custom foam pa ckaging. The installer shou ld save th e bo x and all packag in g materials in case the Display wou ld n eed to be returned to the ITECH Service Center.
The Shipping Box contents are:
DOD Display
Pow er C able
RGB (Computer) Input Cable
Mounting System and Hardware
Touch Screen Cab le if optional T o u ch Scre en Display is ordered
USB Cable if optional USB Pass-through is ordered
The DOD is designed to be mounted in three confgurations: with a universal ball-and­socket mounting kit, in a Flat Panel or optional Flush Mount confguration.
Pedestal Mount
The DOD is shipped with a RAM® unive rs al ball-and-socket system mountin g kit (Figure 2). By installi n g th e Display with this kit, the User can adjust the viewing angle to improve viewability in changing environments. This ball-and-socket system has proven to be successful in supporting an extreme amount of weight in high vibration and diffcult-mount applications. Visit for product mounting diagrams.
Loca te th e ball-and-socke t system in the shipping box. Th e kit c o nsists of two RA M balls on mounting plates and a RAM arm with an adjustable T-knob and a packet of three (3) M4 x 10 counter-sunk stainless screws for mounting to the DOD. (Figures 2
- 4)
Figure 3 Figure 4
There are three mounting holes in the back of the Display for the attachment of a ball mounting plate. Take care not to strip the screw holes or over tighten. (Figure 4)
It is recommended the remaining ball be mounted on a fat surface. Bec ause of the various surface substrates where the Display is to be mounted, the installer provides the screws to mount the other ball.
Note the location of the three mounting holes on a ball mounting plate (Figure 4)
With three (3) M4 x 10 counter-sunk stainless screws (Figure 3) attach mounting
plate to the back of the DOD (Figure 2)
Mount the second ball mounting plate on the surface where the Display is to be
Insert each ball into the RAM arm
Lightly tighten the arm around the balls using the T-knob on the arm (Figure 2, 4)
Adjust the Display to the viewing preference, and
Tighten the T-knob to hold the Display in position.
Panel Mount
Panel Mount installatio n should be specifed at time of order; the ball-and-socket mount system will not be included in shipping box. (Figure 5)
For installation, there are fo ur tapped mounting holes on four corners of the Display’s rear panel. A mounting hardware packet is i ncluded with product accessories i n the shipping box. This packet includes four (4) M4 stainless s teel threade d s tuds, 7.6 cm ( 3” long), four (4) Nylock self-locking nuts and four (4) fat washers.
It is recommended installer refers to the mount drawings
Figure 5
on ITECH’s web site, (, for exact m easurem ents of Display’s rear panel pod. These drawings should be helpful when insta ller cuts the required opening for the Panel Mount installation.
Flush Mount with Optional Bezel
Wit h the Flus h Mount Bezel , t he DOD Fl at Pan el Di spla y may b e mount ed fush with mounting surf ace; bal l-and-socket mount system or any mounti ng hardware will not be includ ed in the shipp in g box . Installer needs to supply screw s f o r this installatio n .
The mount diagram of the Flu sh Mount Bezel is on ITECH’ s web site, (www.itechlcd. com/install ation). When placem ent sit e has been decided, it is r ecommended installer use these measurements when cutting opening for Display’s installation.
Note Locations of milled holes in Flush Mount Bezel. Drill corresponding holes into the substrate where Display is to be mounted.
Cab l es
The DOD is packaged with two cables:
RGB (Com puter) I nput and DC Power , #1 and 2 in Figure 5
The AC Power Adapter is optional. (Figure
1 RGB (Computer) Input 2 DC Power Input
Figure 5
Figure 6
Connectors are located on the bottom of the Display housing, from left to right: Optional USB Pass-through, Optional Touch (Screen) and Power and Computer Input, (Figure 7).
Connectors are physical ly un ique to insure the installer makes the prop er conne ctions .
1 Optional USB Input 2 Optional Touch Input 3 Power Input 4 Computer Input
Figure 7
Computer Input Connector
The IP68 sealed Computer Input Cable, 3 m (10 ft), is in the shipping box
Line up the red dots on the connectors
Push the cable connector into Display’s Computer connector, #4 in Figure 7, and
Plug the standard DB-15 (video) female connector to the computer’s video source;
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