I-Tech Company CMP2000N User Manual

Media Player
Model: CMP2000N
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i-Tech Company LLC
Network Signage Player
Users Guide
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. CMP2000NSpec and Components III. Evaluation Kit IV. Playlist and Operation
V. Client Device Setup
1. Client board Installation
2. Client Main Menu
3. Client Setup Screen
4. Remote Control Key Definition
5. Scrolling Text Format
VI. CAT Software
1. CAT.exe
2. Tools Tab
3. Account
4. Sever Setup
5. Playlist Editor Description
6. Client Setup
7. Graphics Command ICON:
8. RSS Advantage Software
9. Playlist Editor
VII. HTTP Server Setup
1. Microsoft XP Pro IIS (Internet Information Services)
2. Apache HTTP Server Installation Procedure
VIII. Firewall and Anti-Virus program IX. Router Setup
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I. Introduction
CMP2000N is a digital media player with networking capability. Utilizing an Ethernet connection or any other type of file transfer feature, all media content files can be downloaded from host content server to multiple networked players and stored onto a CF card. You can then playback your media files repeatedly according to playlist's file sequence and pre-defined time schedule.
II. Board Spec and Components
CPU: 32 bits RISC and 64 bits DSP dual processors (ES6425)
Network: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet single chip (SMC 9113)
Memory: 16MB SDRam, 2MB Flash Rom, EEPROM
Video Output: Composite Video/S-Video/VGA
Audio Output: 2 channel stereo
Storage Device: Compact Flash type I/II slot
Power: 5V AC power adaptor input
PCB: 4 layer design
Others: RTC and battery, IR receiver
III. CMP2000N Kit
CMP2000NNetwork Player
5V AC adaptor
Remote control
Audio/Video cables
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IV. Playlist and Operation
1. Playlist:
Playlist is a script text file including command, time schedule, download filename and content server IP address for CMP2000N client to execute line by line.
Playlist is created by the administrator using CAT (Client Administration Tool) software.
2. Basic Operation without CAT (Server management software):
Pre-configure CMP2000N's network setup and save. Network setup includes username, password, server IP, client DHCP or static IP, and HTTP or FTP server's URL address to download playlist.
Administrator uploads playlist file into the specific URL path of HTTP or FTP server
Connect audio/video cables to any TV display, and Ethernet cable to RJ-45 connector
Power up CMP2000N - it will load network settings from EEPROM, initialize LAN, connect to
internet and download playlist from fixed URL and store into CF card automatically interpret playlist file and execute tasks including download files, playback files and time schedule. The CMP2000Nwill play media files repeatedly until a stop or reboot command is executed
Administrator can update the old playlist with a new one, but keep the same filename for CMP2000N to load new playlist file during next power-up or pre-defined time period to visit this fixed URL
3. Monitoring and management Tool - CAT (Client Administration Tool)
CAT is a Windows application software to manage multiple client devices thru LAN or internet connection
CAT has many useful commands and editor tools to monitor and control client devices
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V. Client Device Setup
A: Power connector B: VGA C: S-Video D: Composite Video E: Stereo Jack
1. CMP2000N Operating Procedure
- High speed CF (Compact Flash) memory card is required. Sandisk Ultra II CF card is recommended
- Plug in CF card into CF slot
- Plug in LAN cable that connect to your LAN or internet network
- Connect video cable (RCA or S-Video) to your TV unit or VGA to your PC monitor
- Switch to right video source input channel on TV unit
- Connect audio cable to TV unit's audio connectors
- Connect 5V AC power adapter
- Switch on CMP2000N
2. Client Main Menu
- Display screen will show “Initializing”, “Initializing LAN”, “Connecting DHCP Server..”, "IP
Address”, “CF Card” then main menu
Note: It will take a few moments while “Connecting to DHCP Server” depending on the IP assignment speed from network router
- Main menu will show the following items on left side
Client Local IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Server IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or Host name
Time: 2007/06/01 15:30
• MAC Address: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
Server Connection: ON or OFF or Error
• Storage: xxxMB
- Main Menu will show the following items on the right side
Setup : press ENTER key to go into Client Setup screen
Storage : Press ENTER key to go to file folder of CF card
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3. Client Setup Screen
- Use remote control to navigate and make necessary changes
- Press ENTER from main menu to enter CMP2000N's setup screen
- Listed options include Network, Time, AutoStart, Return to Main menu, and Save and reboot
- Press ENTER on any item to go to its screen
Network Setup Screen
a. User Name and Password: Use “Select” or “Goto” key to open virtual keyboard. Move
cursor to any letter and press ENTER, or use '0' (zero) to erase letter. Once finished, press “Select” or “Goto” again to exit virtual keyboard mode. Press ENTER key on 'user name' or 'password' to go to next screen
b. Server IP and Host Name: Move cursor to select 'Server static IP' or 'Host Name'. Use
numeric key pad of remote to input in the static IP or use virtual keyboard to type in 'Host Name'. Press ENTER to go to next page Note: If the computer running CAT is located behind a static IP, then use 'Server static IP'. If your IP is dynamic, please register your IP to be forwarded by a dynamic DNS service and type in your DDNS address into 'Host Name'. Please see the last page for
additional information
c. CMP2000N Client DHCP or Static IP: Move cursor to select 'DHCP' or 'Static IP' and
press ENTER (DHCP is recommended.)
Time Setup Screen
a. Time Server: Press cursor left or right to select 'time.nist.gov' or 'windows.time.com'.
Press cursor down to move to next item
b. Date: you can ignore this because client board will obtain internet time during power
up unless there is no internet connection c. Time: See above d. Time Zone: Press cursor left or right to select your local time zone e. DST(Day Saving Time): Press cursor to select On or OFF. If On, it will add one hour f. Reboot Time: Move cursor to select 'OFF' or type in 2 digits for daily reboot time.
When time is up, client will reboot itself. g. Press ENTER on any field to go back to Setup screen
Auto Start Screen
a. OFF: After power up, client will do nothing and wait for server's command b. Local CF: After power up, client will playback according to playlist file stored in the
CF card or playback A-Z order files without playlist file c. Network: Use virtual keyboard to enter network URL path. After power up, client will
go to this URL path to download playlist file and execute action item listed in the
playlist file. (also described on page 2 item IV)
Return to Main Menu: will return to main menu Save and Reboot: save all the changes and reboot client
Note-1: Client setup settings can be modified under the “Client Setup Utility” in CAT software. You
can save as “autoconfig.mia” onto CF card then insert into CF slot of CMP2000N and power up. Screen will show “Auto Updating” message and save into EEPROM. Remove CF card and delete this file to avoid reloading again.
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Note-2: You can save as “autoconfig.mib” filename and it will also update into EEPROM except this
file will be deleted afterwards.
4. ESS Remote Control Key Definition
Label Label
Remote Key Function
(ESS Remote) (MP715 remote)
P/N SEARCH Switch to main menu screen from SmartNavi screen ZOOM ZOOM Switch to SmartNavi screen from main menu ANGLE TV MODE Switch between S-Video/Composite Video and VGA output GOTO SELECT
MUTE MUTE Mute/Un-mute sound VOL UP VOL + Sound level control
VOL DN VOL - Sound level control SHUFFLE SHUFFLE Adjust down scrolling text bar position PROGRAM EDIT/PROGRAM Adjust up scrolling text bar position KEY+ TITLE Background color for scrolling text bar (8 colors) KEY- SUBTITLE Foreground color for scrolling text bar (white and black) ECHO+ REPEAT Scrolling text transparent level (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) ECHO- ANGLE/ROTATE Scrolling text speed settings (fast, normal and slow) SURROUND A-B Turn On/off Clock display on the scrolling text bar Zoom Zoom Font size change on the scrolling text bar >> FORWARD >> FORWARD
Only available in Setup screen to enter or exit virtual keyboard page (use key „0” as erase k
Auto download/playback files in A-Z order from CF card or execute “playlist.mpl” file in the CF car
5. Scrolling Text Format
A (*.txt) text file can be used to store any text data including English, Chinese or Japanese. This text file data will be scrolled like stock symbol or news ticker with any photo or video file.
On the 1st line of the text file, you can program settings for the text color and position. Refer to the following example. osd_settings=[B/G color], [F/G color], [Transparent], [Speed] e.g. “osd_settings=2,1,0,0”
1. B/G color: a digital number from 0 to 7 (blue, grey, red, light blue, green, yellow, magenta, orange)
2. F/G color: a digital number form 0 and 1 (white and black)
3. Transparency: 0(no transparent effect), 1(75%), 2(50%), 3(25%), 4(100%)
4. Speed: 0(fast), 1 (normal), 2(slow)
[Note]: Default setting is white text color on grey background if 'osd_settings' line is omitted.
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VI. CAT Software
1. CAT (Client Administration Tool) can be executed on any Windows XP system. Click on the executable CAT.exe file and you will see the display below. Note that Home is the default group.
2. When click Tool tab, it will pull down 4 useful tools (see photo below). “Account and Playlist
Editor” are also shown on ICON row for quick access. Note: Version 0928 CAT and firmware
will show “Playlist Commander”.
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3. Account Management is used to create or manage group and user account names. You can create multiple groups and assign different account names. When any CMP2000N client logs into
CAT, it will go under its corresponding group if the account name is matched. Otherwise, it will be listed under default Home group.
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4. Server Setup is for administrator to make changes for CAT server. Server port 5021 is used as a
port forwarding function for your network router to access CAT.
5. Playlist Editor is for the administrator to create a playlist and save as a new file or open and edit any existing playlist file. A detailed description is given in next chapter.
6. Client Setup is an editor to create or open clients autoconfig.mia file which is used to update their setup values. Save autoconfig.mia into CF card, then plug into client device and power up. It will show “Auto Updating” message and then auto-reboot.
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a) IP or Hostname: Type in static IP for local LAN server or hostname for remote internet
server. Example: or miatech.blogdns.com
b) Port: Default is 5021 but if 5021 is already in use on server side, please reassign a
different port. Make sure the port number is the same in CAT and your router
c) Client Account Name and Password: Type in user name and password for this client
device. After client powers up and logs into CAT server, it will go to its assigned group.
d) DHCP or Static IP: Select Dynamic IP by router or fixed static IP for client device e) Time Zone: Select your local time zone f) Daylight Saving: If checked, one hour will be added g) Reboot time: If checked, client will reboot at set time h) Video output: Selecting S-Video will include composite video. You can use 'Angle' key
from remote to switch at main menu i) Off/Local CF/Internet URL Address: If Internet
URL Address is selected, type in URL
address and playlist filename so client will download playlist and execute
j) Interval time for Network autostart: check if any new playlist is updated based on this
interval time.
k) Update Client: This is a remote command which will send current settings to all client
devices of the selected group. Client device will reboot after settings are saved into EEPROM. It will take approximately 30 seconds from reboot to re-login.
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7. Graphics ICON:
The command group is highlighted by the left rectangle and the current active group will be highlighted by the cursor. Pressing any button on the command group will result in a command being sent to ALL client devices under the active group. In this example, if we press “Stop”, MP02 84 and MIA02 will both stop their video stream.
The rectangle highlight on the right is the client device command which will only send a command to the selected client only.
a) Account: create group and account user name for group management b) Commander: Playlist commander to manage playback sequence and download playlist
files c) Play: Send 'Playback' command manually to group of clients d) Stop: Send 'Stop' command manually to group of clients e) Message: Instant message editor will pop up. You can select any .txt file or manually
type in text message, then send to group of clients. A news ticker type will scroll text from
right to left on the bottom of client screen f) Message Off: Send “Message Off” command to group of clients g) RSS: Send RSS news ticker message to group of clients. Bundled 'RSS Advantage'
software must be pre-installed along with Microsoft .net Framework 1.1 or 2.0 h) Volume: There are 15 levels of volume and MUTE i) Video: Select from video ON or OFF to turn On/Off client's screen j) Options: Commands not frequently used are found here. Chose from 'Send playlist', 'Download', 'Playback', 'Format', 'Reboot' or 'Shutdown'
- Send Playlist: Send playlist file only
- Download: Send download command to group of clients
- Playback: Same as 'Playback' Icon
- Format: Send format CF card command to client. All files in CF card will be erased.
- Reboot: Send reboot client command to client.
- Shutdown: Send shutdown command to client. All clients will be powered OFF.
k) Status: Client will send current status including time, current playback filename, music
and instant message. Example: Playing [01:54:30] BATMANBEGINS_1.DIVX(5/11,16)
0:0:6, Scrolling Text: IntoTheBlue.txt l) Capacity: Client will report CF card capacity and firmware version #.
Example: Storage Total Size: 977MB, Free Space: 762MB. F/W version: m) CF Data: Client will report all the filenames on the CF card. It will display filenames on
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