1.Befor e use
Check -up-- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---(0 1)
Intro ducti on--- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----( 02)
Featu res --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --(02 )
Speci ficat ions -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -(03)
Diagram of the p roduc t ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- (04)
LCD displays - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- (06)
2.Opera tion
Batte ry inst allme nt--- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ( 07)
Selec ting pr obe tip ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- (08 )
Connection b etwee n handl e and mai n unit -- --(09 )
Tur n on the un it and ch eck-u p batte ry ---- ----- -(10)
Selec t measu remen t mode- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---(11)
Selec t high/ low fre quenc y---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -(12)
Measu remen t ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----( 13)
Maxmu m value m easur ement ----- ----- ----- ----- (15)
Tempera ture un it chan ge--- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---(1 6)
Vibra tion co nvers ion cha rt--- ---------------------(17)
Conta ct reso nance i n accel erati on meas ureme nt
----- ----- ----- ----- --(18 )
3.Other i tems
Atten tions - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---(2 0)
War ranty & M ainte nance - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (21)
1. Before use
Caref ully un pack yo ur kit an d ensur e that yo u have th e
follo wing it ems. In c ase tha t any ite m is miss ing or if y ou find
any mis match o r damag e, prom ptly co ntact y our dea ler.
Main un it
Detec tor han dle
9V Alkal ine bat tery
Instr uctio n manua l
Detec tor pro be acce ssorg ( L)
Detec tor pro be acce ssorg ( S)
(Equip ed on the m ain uni t)
Magne tic pro be
PP pack ing box
This pr oduct a dopts p iezoe lectric effect of a rtifi cial po lariz ed cera mic for d esign . it is sui table f or moni torin g of all ki nds
of vibr ating m echan ical fa cilit y, specially the vibration measureme nt of rot ating a nd reci proca ting ma chine ry. Th e unit ca n
measu re acce lerat ion, ve locit y and dis place ment, w hich is
widely used in m echan ical ma nufac ture, e lectr ic powe r metallurg y and gen eral av iatio n etc. Fi eld.
LCD display me asure ment re sult an d condi tions d irect ly
Measu res acc elera tion (m /s peak) , veloc ity (mm /s ms),
and displace ment (m m p-p)
Selec tive vi brati on char acter istic
Uses hi - sense o f vibra tion se nsor, me asuri ng accu ratel y
Equip ped two p robes ( S and L) to a dapt th e different
measu remen t requi remen t
Provi des a mag netic p robe to f it the co nditi on unea sy hold
on by han d
Low battery in dicat ion
Auto tu rn off fu nctio n
LCD back light f uncti on
Maxim um valu e hold fu nctio n
Tempera ture un it C°/F°sel ectio n
Techni cal para meter
Vibr ation pi ckup
Measurem ent range
of acceler ation
Measurem ent range
of velocit y
Measurem ent range
of displac ement
Measurem ent accuracy
Measurem ent frequency
range of accelera tion
Measurem ent frequency
range of velocity
Measurem ent frequency
range of displace ment
Displays u pdate cycle
LCD displa y
Single out put
Power supp ly
Stand-by c urrent
Operatin g current
Battery li fe
Auto power -off functio n
LCD backli ght fun ction
Operatin g temperature r ange
Operatin g humidity rang e
Low batter y indic ation
Dimensio ns
Weig ht
Temper ature ra nge
Temper ature ac curac y
Technica l specifi cation
Piezoelectr ic cerami c acceler ometer (s hear-type)
0.1~199.9m/ s peak
0.1~199.9mm /s rms
0.001~1.999 mm p-p
Velocity and displ acement range is limited by
acceleratio n199.9m/s
10Hz~1KHz (LO) 1KHz~15KHz (HI)
10Hz~1KHz (LO)
10Hz~1KHz (LO)
1 seconds
3 1/2 digi ts displa y
AC output 2 V peak (display full scale)
Load impedance 10KΩor more ear phones
can be con nected
9V battery
20 H conti nuous use
Turns off automati cally aft er 60 seconds
7 second s
229g (not including battery)
1. H andle c onnec tor (with d irect ional ity)
2. LCD disp lay.
3. O N/Off / m easur e button, p ress for tu rn on.
In m easur ing proce dure, p ress for me asuri ng,
re lease f or h old the rea ding.
4. F reque ncy cha racte r se lecti on bott om.
(F or acce lerat ion)
5. M aximu m value loc ks bott on.
C/ F
6. Temper ature uni t inter chang e botton.
7. M easur ing mod e (A ccele ratio n/ Veloc ity/
A/V /D
Di splac ement ) selec t bo ttom.
8. H andle o n/off / measu re b utton , press
fo r turn on. In mea surin g proce dure, pre ss for
me asuri ng, rel ease for ho ld t he read ing.
9.Dete ctor tip (S elect ive betwe en S / L a nd M agnet ic
“ ” “ ”
pr obe.
Above k ey func tion de scrip tions j ust are s imple i ntrod uction, fo r detai ls plea se read o perat ion ins truct ions pa rt in
this ma nual.