iSMA SMA-B-LP, iSMA-B-LP-H, iSMA-B-LP-1, iSMA-B-LP-C, iSMA-B-LP-C-1 User Manual

User Manual
Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o.
Warsaw, Poland
Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Revision history ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Safety rules ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Technical specifications .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Room Panel versions ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Power supply and Communication ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 DC power connection ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 AC power connection ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Connecting the communication bus (RS485) ................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Connecting more Room Panels in the network ................................................................................................................ 11
2.5 RS485 network termination .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.6 Connection by USB ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3 Restoring the default settings .................................................................................................................................. 13
4 Main parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 PANEL_PASSWORD (40028) ................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 SUBMENU_PROTECTION (40228) ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Communication parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.1 COUNTER_OF_RECEIVED_MESSAGES (30004) ............................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.2 COUNTER_OF ERROR_MESSAGES (30006) .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.3 COUNTER_OF_SENT_MESSAGES (30008) ...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.4 BAUD_RATE (40017)............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.5 STOP_BITS (40018) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.6 PARITY_BIT (40020) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.3.7 RESPONSE_DELAY_TIME (40021) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.8 PANEL_ADDRESS (40023)................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.9 PROTOCOL (40024) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Time configuration ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.1 HOURS (40203) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 MINUTES (40204) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.3 TIME_VISIBILITY (Register 40218, bit 0) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.4 ENTER_MENU_TIME (40223). ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
4.4.5 EXIT_EDIT_TIME (40224) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.6 EXIT_MENU_TIME (40225) .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.5 Device Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.5.1 VERSION_TYPE (30001) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5.2 LIVE_TIME (30012) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
4.5.3 SENSORS (Register 30029, bits 0 - 2) ............................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5.4 DEVICE_ACTIONS (40001) .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.6 DEVICE CONFIGURATION REGISTER (40205) ................................................................................................................. 19
4.6.1 BEEPER (Register 40205, bit 0) .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.6.2 TIME_FORMAT (Register 40205, bit 1) ............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.6.3 BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_ LCD_ACTIVE (Register 40205, bit 3) ...................................................................................... 19
4.6.4 BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_ACTIVE (Register 40205, bit 4) ............................................................................ 19
4.6.5 CO2_IN_ALARM_FLASHING_LCD (Register 40205, bit 5) ............................................................................................................. 20
4.6.6 CO2_IN_ALARM_BUZZER (Register 40205, bit 6) ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.7 CO2_IN_ALARM_SHOW_HIGH (Register 40205, bit 7) ................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.8 SUBMENU_ICON_DISPLAY_OFF (Register 40205, bit 10) ............................................................................................................ 20
4.6.9 PANEL_OFF (Register 40205, bit 11) ................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.6.10 KEY_PAD_OFF (Register 40205, bit 12) ............................................................................................................................................ 20
4.6.11 LCD_FLASHING (Register 40205, bit 13) .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6.12 KEY_PAD_FLASHING (Register 40205, bit 14) ................................................................................................................................ 21
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4.7 Room Panel Modes ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
4.8 LCD Display .............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.8.1 Icons displaying. .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 LCD_ICON_DISPLAY (40219) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 LCD_ICON_FLASHING (40220) ................................................................................................................................................................. 23 LCD_ICON_FLASHING_TIME (40221) ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING (40229) ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 SUBMENUICON_FLASHING_TIME (40222) .............................................................................................................................................. 25
4.8.2 Main Menu display ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 REFRESHING_TIME (40217) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.8.3 LCD_BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.9 Key Pad ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.9.1 Menu button ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.9.2 OK button ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.9.3 Arrow buttons (up and down) ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.9.4 Key Pad Background Illumination Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Sensors Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Temperature Sensor ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.1 TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_ACTUAL_VALUE (30301) ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.2 TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_OFFSET (40304) .................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.3 TEMPERATURE_FILTER (40307) ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.4 TEMPERATURE_NAME (40310) ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.5 TEMPERATURE_CONFIGURATION (40316, bit 0 and bit 4) ......................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Humidity Sensor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.1 HUMIDITY_SENSOR_ACTUAL_VALUE (30302) ............................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.2 HUMIDITY_SENSOR_OFFSET (40305) ............................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2.3 HUMIDITY_FILTER (40308) ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2.4 HUMIDITY_NAME (40312) ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.5 HUMIDITY_CONFIGURATION(Register 40317, bit 0 and bit 4) .................................................................................................... 32
5.3 CO2_SENSOR ........................................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.1 CO2_SENSOR_ACTUAL_VALUE (30303) ........................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.2 CO2_SENSOR_OFFSET (40306) .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.3 CO2_FILTER (40309) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
5.3.4 CO2_NAME (40314) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.5 CO2_CONFIGURATION (40318, bit 0) ................................................................................................................................................ 33
5.3.6 CO2_SETPOINT_FOR_ALARM (40226) .............................................................................................................................................. 33
5.3.7 CO2_DIFFERENTIAL_FOR_ALARM (40227) ..................................................................................................................................... 33
6 Setpoint registers ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 SETPOINT_VALUE (41501) ................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 EFFECTIVE_SETPOINT (31502) ........................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 DEFAULT_SETPOINT (41503) .............................................................................................................................................. 34
6.4 OFFSET_SETPOINT (41504) ................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.5 SETPOINT_LOW_LIMIT (41505) ........................................................................................................................................... 35
6.6 SETPOINT_HIGH_LIMIT (41506).......................................................................................................................................... 35
6.7 OFFSET_RANGE (41507) ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.8 SETPOINT_STEP (41508) ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.9 OFFSET_NAME (41509) ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
6.10 SETPOINT_NAME (41511) .................................................................................................................................................... 36
6.11 SETPOINT CONFIGURATION (41513) ................................................................................................................................ 36
6.11.1 SETPOINT_VISIBILITY (Register 41513, bit 0) ................................................................................................................................. 36
6.11.2 SETPOINT_EDITION (Register 41513, bit 1) ..................................................................................................................................... 36
6.11.3 OPERATING_MODE (Register 41513, bit 2) ...................................................................................................................................... 36
6.11.4 SETPOINT_DISPLAY (Register 41513, bit 3) .................................................................................................................................... 36
6.11.5 THIRD_POINT_ACTIVE (Register 41513, bit 4) ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.11.6 SETPOINT_FAST_EDIT_MODE (Register 41513, Bit 5) .................................................................................................................. 37
6.12 Setting setpoint ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
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6.12.1 Operating Mode is “true” (see Operating Mode) ............................................................................................................................. 38
6.12.2 Operating Mode is false (see Operating Mode ) .............................................................................................................................. 39
7 Fan Configuration Registers .................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1 FAN_CURRENT_SPEED (41601) ......................................................................................................................................... 40
7.2 FAN_MODE (41602) ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
7.3 FAN_TYPE (41603) ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
7.4 FAN_MODE_NAME (41604-41612)..................................................................................................................................... 42
7.5 FAN_CONFIGURATION (41614) .......................................................................................................................................... 42
7.5.1 FAN_CURRENT_SPEED_VISIBILITY (Register 41614, bit 0) ....................................................................................................... 42
7.5.2 FAN_EDITION (Register 41614, bit 1) ............................................................................................................................................... 42
7.5.3 PART_EDITABLE (Register 41614, Bit 2) ......................................................................................................................................... 42
7.5.4 FAN_CONFIG_FAST_EDIT_MODE (Register 41614, Bit 5) ........................................................................................................... 43
7.5.5 FAN_CONFIG_LOCAL_MODE (Register 41614, Bit 6) ................................................................................................................... 44
7.6 FAN_ICON_FLASHING_TIME (41615) ............................................................................................................................... 44
8 Occupancy Registers ................................................................................................................................................ 45
8.1 OCCUPANCY_CURRENT_STATUS (41701) ...................................................................................................................... 45
8.2 OCCUPANCY_MODE (41702)............................................................................................................................................... 45
8.3 OCCUPANCY_MODE_NAME (41703-41705) .................................................................................................................... 46
8.4 OCCUPANCY_CONFIGURATION (41707) .......................................................................................................................... 46
8.4.1 OCCUPANCY_VISIBILITY (Register 41707, bit 0) .......................................................................................................................... 46
8.4.2 OCCUPANCY_MODE_EDITION (Register 41707, bit 1) ................................................................................................................. 46
8.4.3 EDIT_MODE (Register 41707, Bit 5) .................................................................................................................................................. 46
8.4.4 OCCUPIED_CONFIG_LOCAL_MODE (Register 41707, Bit 6) ....................................................................................................... 47
9 Registers adjustable locally from the Room Panel .............................................................................................. 49
9.1 Configuration (CONF) ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
9.2 Device (DEV) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 50
9.3 Temperature (TEMP) ............................................................................................................................................................. 51
9.4 Humidity (HUM) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51
9.5 CO2 (CO2) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
9.6 Setpoint (SETP) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53
9.7 Fan (Fan) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
9.8 Occupancy (OCCU) ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
10 Main Menu user defined parameters. .................................................................................................................... 55
11 Submenus with user defined parameters.............................................................................................................. 55
11.1 Numeric parameter type registers ..................................................................................................................................... 55
11.1.1 XPresentValue (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................... 56
11.1.2 XName (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
11.1.3 XPriority (X = [1.8]) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 56
11.1.4 XSTEP (X = [1.8]) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
11.1.5 XLowLimit (X = [1.8]) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 56
11.1.6 XHIGH_LIMIT (X = [1.8]) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56
11.1.7 XConfiguration (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Visibility bit 0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Editable bit 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 First point Active bit 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Second point Active bit 3 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Third point Active bit 4 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 57 oC Unit Active bit 6 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 F Unit Active bit 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Pa Unit Active bit 8 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Lx Unit Active bit 9 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 ppm Unit Active bit 10 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 57 m3h Unit Active bit 11 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58 %Rh Unit Active bit 12 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58 Ls Unit Active bit 13 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 58
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11.2 Boolean parameter type registers ...................................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.1 XPresentValue (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................... 58
11.2.2 XName (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
11.2.3 XTrueText (X = [1.8])............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
11.2.4 XFalseText (X = [1.8]) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 59
11.2.5 XPriority (X = [1.8]) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 59
11.2.6 XConfiguration (X = [1.8]) .................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Visibility bit 0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Editable bit 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
11.3 Submenu MenuActivePoints registers ............................................................................................................................. 60
11.4 Submenu Boolean All Present Value registers (40107 - 40113) ................................................................................... 60
12 List of all Modbus Registers .................................................................................................................................... 61
12.1.1 List of User defined parameters Modbus registers ...................................................................................................................... 68
12.1.2 Main Menu user defined parameters ............................................................................................................................................... 68
12.1.3 Temperature Submenu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
12.1.4 Fan Submenu ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
12.1.5 Light Submenu ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
12.1.6 Blind Submenu ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
12.1.7 Alarms Submenu ................................................................................................................................................................................ 106
12.1.8 Occupancy Submenu ......................................................................................................................................................................... 114
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1 Introduction
1.1 Revision history
First edition
The reason for creation of new version of the document: New function:
Added SubmenuIconDisplayOFF bit in DeviceConfiguration register to
disable displaying of Submenu Icons;
Changes in Document:
Added SubmenuIconDisplayOFF bit description in DeviceConfiguration
Added description of Submenu Boolean All present Value registers
Added information about BACnet MS/TP protocol
Added new version of the Panel (iSMA-B-LP(-XX)-1)
Table 1 Revision history
1.2 Safety rules
Note: Incorrect wiring of this product can damage the product and lead to other hazards. Make sure the product has been correctly wired before turning the power ON.
Before wiring or removing/mounting the product, be sure to turn the power OFF. Failure to do so might cause an electric shock.
Do not touch electrically charged parts such as power terminals. Doing so might cause an electric shock.
Do not disassemble the product. Doing so might cause an electric shock or faulty operation.
Use the product within the operating ranges recommended in the specification (voltage, shock, mounting direction, atmosphere etc.). Failure to do so might cause a fire or faulty operation.
Firmly connect plugs to the terminals. Insufficient connection of the plugs might cause a power failure and communication problems.
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1.3 Technical specifications
Power supply
24V AC/DC ± 20%
Power consumption
iSMA-B-LP(-1) 0.5 W (24 V DC), 0.75 VA
(24 VAC)
iSMA-B-LP-H(-1) 0.5 W (24 V DC), 0.75 VA
(24 VAC)
iSMA-B-LP-C(-1) 0.7 W (24 V DC), 1 VA (24 V AC)
iSMA-B-LP-HC(-1) 0.7 W (24 V DC), 1 VA (24 V AC)
Built-in sensors
Temperature sensor
10k NTC type
Accuracy: ±0.5˚C
Range: 0 - 50˚C
Resolution: ±0.1˚C
Humidity sensor
Range: 0 – 100% RH
Accuracy: ±2% RH in range 20 – 80% RH
Resolution: ±1% RH
CO2 sensor
Method Non Dispersive Infrared (NDIR),
gold plated optics, diffusion sampling (with Telaire’s Patented ABC Logic Self Calibrated Algorithm)
Range: 400 – 2000 ppm
Accuracy: ±30 ppm OR ±3% of
Stability: < 2% of FS over life of
sensor (15 years typical)
Warm Up Time : < 2 minutes
(operational); 10 minutes (maximum accuracy)
Calibration: ABC Logic Algorithm
Manual Calibration Interval: Not
RS485 Interface
Communication protocols
Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, BACnet MS/TP
Baud rate
From 4800 to 115200 bps
Mini USB , Type B
Ingress Protection
-40˚C to +85˚C
0˚C to +50˚C
5% to 95%
ARM Cortex - M0+
Construction: plastic, self-extinguishing
Wall mounting (standard electric box)
Cooling: internal air circulation
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100 mm
27 mm
123 mm
Table 2 Technical specification
1.4 Room Panel versions
There are four different sensors configuration options with which the Room Panel can be equipped. According to presence of particular sensors, different parameters and settings are available.
All possible sensors configuration versions are shown in the Table 3 below.
iSMA-B-LP(-1)* ✓
iSMA-B-LP-H(-1)* ✓ ✓
iSMA-B-LP-C(-1)* ✓
iSMA-B-LP-HC(-1)* ✓ ✓ ✓
Table 3 Room Panel Sensor Configuration versions
*There are two versions of keypad icons set available: standard and optional. The ordering code for a standard keypad icons set panel version is iSMA-B-LP(-XX), and for the optional icons set is iSMA-B-LP(-XX)-1.
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1.5 Dimensions
Figure 1 Room Panel iSMA-B-LP dimensions
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2 Power supply and Communication
The Room Panel iSMA-B-LP can be powered with 24 V AC/DC. Power consumption depends on power supply voltage type used and CO2 sensor presence (see Technical specification table). There are two RJ12 sockets mounted on the back side of the Room Panel (Figure 2). Each RJ12 socket has the same internal connection and functionality. Two RJ12 sockets allow for using in and out connections for other devices in the network.
Power supply can be connected through the RJ12 connector as shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 2 RJ12 sockets in the back side of the Room Panel
There are two pairs of pins for 24 V AC/DC power supply connection (+24 V DC pins 5 and 6, -24 V DC pins 1 and 4). These pin pairs can be used freely. It is especially useful when different types of connection cables are used (4 or 6 core). It is possible to use single cable with RJ12 connectors for power supply and RS485 communication. Pins no. 2 and 3 are dedicated for RS485 communication connection. Communication bus should be connected as shown in Figure 6.
The Room Panel exchanges data with other devices through Modbus protocol (RTU/ASCII) and BACnet MS/TP.
Figure 3 RJ12 socket pin configuration
WARNING! With RS485 pay attention to standard polarization. Connect RS485+ to pin no. 3 and RS485- to pin no. 2 as shown in Figure 3 above.
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2.1 DC power connection
Figure 4 DC power supply connection
2.2 AC power connection
Figure 5 AC power supply connection
2.3 Connecting the communication bus (RS485)
Figure 6 RS485 connection
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2.4 Connecting more Room Panels in the network
It is possible to connect more Room Panels into the one network in a very simple way. Additional RJ12 socket can be used to connect another Room Panel by using one single cable. Every panel can exchange information within the network. The solution can be applied in large areas when more than one Room Panels are needed. Maximal number of devices connected in one network is 128.
WARNING! First and last device in the network need to have termination activated (see RS485 network termination)
Max. 128
RJ12 *** RJ12
First Room Panel in the network Last Room Panel in the network
Figure 7 Several Room Panels connection
2.5 RS485 network termination
The transmission line effects often present a problem on data communication networks. These problems include reflections and signal attenuation.
To eliminate the presence of reflections from cable ends, the cable must be terminated at both ends with a resistor across the line equal to its characteristic impedance. Both ends must be terminated since the direction of propagation is bidirectional. In case of a RS485 twisted pair cable this termination is typically 120 Ω.
Each panel has in-built termination resistor which can be added to the network by setting switch no. 2 in the DIP-switch to ON position. The last and first Room Panels in the network need to have termination activated.
Figure 8 Connecting termination resistor by Switch no. 2
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2.6 Connection by USB
USB connection is dedicated for maintenance and settings.
USB port (mini type B) is located at the bottom of the device (Figure 9).
Figure 9 Mini-USB port
USB connection provides Power Supply for the Room Panel (+5 V DC) so there is no need for additional power supply in this connection type.
Figure 10 Mini-USB port pinout
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3 Restoring the default settings
To restore the default configuration of all registers, follow the below steps:
1. Turn power supply OFF
2. Set switch no. 1 on the DIP-switch to ON position.
Figure 11 Switch no. 1 position for default setting restore procedure
3. Turn power supply ON, LCD display starts blinking.
4. Set switch no. 1 on the DIP-switch to OFF to restore the default settings. To cancel
the reset, turn the power off and set switch no. 1 on the DIP-switch to OFF.
Default communication settings:
Register Name
Default Value
11520 (115200 bps)
0 (Modbus RTU)
Table 4 Default communication settings.
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4 Main parameters
iSMA-B-LP is a wall panel with 2.3” LCD display and four function buttons. Additionally, the panel has the in-built temperature sensor and optionally the humidity and CO2 sensors.
iSMA-B-LP is powered with 24 V AC/DC and has the in-built RS485 port (Modbus RTU/ASCII) and BACnet MS/TP. Use of open communication protocol allows to connect the panel with any controller which supports Modbus RTU/ASCII or BACnet MS/TP. Together with iSMA-B-FCU controller, the panel allows to change the basic parameters such as: temperature setpoint, fan speed, FCU mode and other. Thanks to in-built USB port, there is possibility of updating firmware and panel configuration without the necessity of power supply. iSMA-B-LP has modern design and is available in different colours (white is basic), on client’s request.
4.1 PANEL_PASSWORD (40028)
The register has password which is necessary to enter submenus and configuration menus locally from the Room Panel (PIN code). Default password is 1000.
After activation of the particular bit of the register set, a password protects access to different Submenu Editions (see table below).
The function allows for block changing of parameters inside each Submenu. It can be useful especially in areas where Room Panel is vulnerable and subject to unauthorized interaction (common areas).
In default setting all bits are inactive (access to each submenu unprotected).
Register bit
Inactive state
Active state
Fan Submenu
Light Submenu
Blind Submenu
Alarms Submenu
Settings Submenu
Table 5 Submenu Protection register structure
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4.3 Communication parameters
32-bit register with the number of valid Modbus messages received by the Room Panel from the time of the last power-up. The value is reset after power cycle or after changing of transmission parameters (speed, stop bits, parity, etc.).
32-bit register with the number of error Modbus messages received by the Room Panel from the time of the last power-up. The value is reset after power cycle or after changing of transmission parameters (speed, stop bits, parity, etc.).
32-bit register with the number of Modbus messages sent by the Room Panel from the time of the last power-up. The value is reset after power cycle or after changing transmission of parameters (speed, stop bits, parity, etc.).
4.3.4 BAUD_RATE (40017)
Actual baud rate in bps divided by 10. By default: 11520 (115200bps).
Table 6 Baud rate
4.3.5 STOP_BITS (40018)
Number of stop bits is determined on the basis of this register in accordance with the following table:
No of stop bits
Table 7 Stop bits
Baud rate
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4.3.6 PARITY_BIT (40020)
Each byte of data being transferred may have additional protection as a parity bit added before stop bit (bits).
The method of calculating parity bit determines the below table:
Register value
Type of parity bit
Odd (number of all ones in a byte is odd)
Even (number of all ones in a byte is even)
Table 8 Parity bit
Figure 12 Modbus message frame
The value of this 16-bit register determines the number of milliseconds to wait before the unit answers the question. This time is used to extend the interval between the question and the answer.
The default value of 0 means no delay (the answer is sent once during the 3.5 character required by the protocol Modbus RTU).
4.3.8 PANEL_ADDRESS (40023)
This register contains information about the Modbus address of the Room Panel.
Default address is 1.
4.3.9 PROTOCOL (40024)
The register is responsible for protocol selection. Protocol is determined according to the register value as shown in the following table:
Modbus RTU(def)
Modbus ASCII
Table 9 Protocol selectio
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4.4 Time configuration
The time (if activated) is displayed on the 14-segment display block. After restart of the device clock is not displayed. It starts to be visible after the Room Panel receives first message with correct time value.
Figure 13 14-segment displays block for time displaying
4.4.1 HOURS (40203)
The register contains actual hour value in time displaying mode. 12h/24h mode is determined by DEVICE_CONFIGURATION register (in default 24 h). When the clock is set in 12h format, icons AM and PM are displayed automatically. A semicolon which separates hours and minutes section flashes with 1 Hz frequency.
4.4.2 MINUTES (40204)
The register contains actual minute value in time displaying mode.
4.4.3 TIME_VISIBILITY (Register 40218, bit 0)
Bit 0 of the 40218 register determines the time visibility. If bit 0 is true, clock is visible in Main Menu (it starts to be visible when the Room Panel receives first message with correct time value after panel restart or connection of power supply). The clock is displayed on 14-segment display block when the name of active parameter (visible) is empty (each character in the parameter name is NULL). Default value is „true” (visible).
4.4.4 ENTER_MENU_TIME (40223).
When the Menu button is pushed longer than time value stored in the ENTER_MENU_TIME register the user enters Submenu Edit Mode. When the Menu button is pushed together with OK button longer than time value stored in the ENTER_MENU_TIME register the user enters Settings Submenu Edit Mode. This register has min. value 1 min. Default value is 2 sec.
4.4.5 EXIT_EDIT_TIME (40224)
The register contains the time after which edition of any editable parameter is finished. Time starts after the last Key Pad activation (pushing any button during Edit Mode). This register has min. value 1 min. Default value is 5 sec.
Hours section
Minutes section
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4.4.6 EXIT_MENU_TIME (40225)
The register contains the time value after which Submenu Edit mode and Settings Submenu Edit mode is finished and the device leads the user back to the Main Menu displaying. Time starts after the last Key Pad activation (pushing any button). This register has min. value 1 min. Default value is 10 sec.
4.5 Device Configuration
4.5.1 VERSION_TYPE (30001)
In this register are encoded type and firmware version of module.
High byte contains information about the type (Room Panel has a version 11110(0x6F16) or 23910(0xEF16) when the device stays in bootloader).
Low byte contains the module firmware version multiplied by 10 (0x0A
= 10
firmware in version 1.0).
An example:
In register 30001 is number 267110 = 0x0A6F16. This means that it is a Room Panel with firmware in version 1.0 (0x0A
= 1010).
4.5.2 LIVE_TIME (30012)
This 32-bits register contains information in seconds about UP time”. After power supply failure or the Panel restart Live time register value resets and the “UP time ” counts again.
4.5.3 SENSORS (Register 30029, bits 0 - 2)
The s ensors configuration which are already built-in in the Room Panel is encoded in the 3 first bits of the register Particular bit activity indicate which sensor is in-built (see table below).
Register bit
Inactive state
Active state
No sensor
Temperature Sensor
No sensor
CO2 sensor
No sensor
Humidity sensor
Table 10 Sensors configuration
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4.5.4 DEVICE_ACTIONS (40001)
Setting register 40001 according to the table below enables 1 of 4 available actions: reset device, reload settings, reset settings or enter bootloader.
value decimal
Register value
Reload settings
Reset settings
Enter bootloader
Table 11 Device actions
4.6.1 BEEPER (Register 40205, bit 0)
Bit 0 of register 40205 activates/deactivates the Beeper. When the beeper is active any single pushing any button is signalized by the beeper sound. In addition, the beeper can be also used for CO2 Alarm signalization. By default the beeper is active (bit 1 is „true”).
4.6.2 TIME_FORMAT (Register 40205, bit 1)
Bit 1 of register 40205 defines time format display. When bit is „true”, time is set in 12h format. Otherwise time is displayed in 24h format (default).
When the clock is set in 12h format and it receives hours value in 24h format, icons AM and PM are displayed according to calculation. A semicolon which separates hours and minutes section in the clock flashes with 1 Hz frequency.
4.6.3 BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_ LCD_ACTIVE (Register 40205, bit 3)
Bit 3 of register 40205 switches on LCD background illumination. When bit is „true”, LCD display is illuminated with intensity according to values stored in registers dedicated for particular Room Panel modes. When the bit is “false” LCD display is not illuminated in any mode. By default bit is “true”.
(Register 40205, bit 4)
Bit 4 of register 40205 switch on key pad background illumination When bit is „true” Key Pad is illuminated with intensity according to values stored in registers dedicated for particular Room Panel modes. When the bit is “false” Key Pad is not illuminated in any mode. By default bit is “false” (Key Pad not illuminated).
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4.6.5 CO2_IN_ALARM_FLASHING_LCD (Register 40205, bit 5)
Bit 5 of register 40205 switch on function LCD background illumination flashing when CO2 alarm occur. When bit 5 is “true” CO2 Alarm is indicated by LCD display flashing. Read more about CO2 Alarm in CO2 sensor. By default bit is “false” (function deactivated).
4.6.6 CO2_IN_ALARM_BUZZER (Register 40205, bit 6)
Bit 6 of register 40205 switch on buzzer when CO2 alarm occur. When bit 6 is “true” CO2 Alarm is indicated by the beeper which emits sound with 1 Hz frequency. Read more about CO2 Alarm in CO2 sensor. By default bit is “false” (function deactivated).
4.6.7 CO2_IN_ALARM_SHOW_HIGH (Register 40205, bit 7)
Bit 7 of register 40205 switch on “HIGH” label on display when CO2 alarm occur. When bit 7 is “true” and CO2 Alarm is active LCD display shows CO2 sensor actual value on 8­segment displays block and blinking text “HIGH” on 14-segment displays block. By default bit is “false” (function deactivated).
4.6.8 SUBMENU_ICON_DISPLAY_OFF (Register 40205, bit 10)
Bit 10 of register 40205 switch off submenu icon display. When bit 10 is “true” all submenu icons are hidden, even in the case when one or more submenus contain active points. The user can enter active submenu (with at least one active point) and proceed normal operation , but its icon is invisible in the Mail Menu display view.
4.6.9 PANEL_OFF (Register 40205, bit 11)
Bit 11 of register 40205 switch off panel. When bit 11 is “true” the Room Panel is inactive. It means that it is impossible to control The Room Panel locally (access to submenus and parameters configuration is blocked – Key Pad is deactivated). LCD display and background illumination are also OFF. The main menu is not displayed. The Room Panel works as temperature sensor (or multisensor if CO2 sensor or humidity sensor are built­in). When the bit 12 is “false” the Room Panel works in normal mode (functions for local control are active). By default bit is “false” (Panel ON).
4.6.10 KEY_PAD_OFF (Register 40205, bit 12)
Bit 12 of register 40205 switch off panel key pad. When bit 12 is active Key Pad function is deactivated. Single pushing any button emits beeper sound (if beeper is activated) and activates the Active Mode (set background illumination level) but submenu access is blocked (it is impossible to enter any Menu and to change any parameters and settings).
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The Main Menu is displayed. By default bit is “false” (Key Pad ON).
4.6.11 LCD_FLASHING (Register 40205, bit 13)
Bit 13 of register 40205 is responsible for LCD display flashing activation. When the bit 13 is „true”, LCD display flashes with the frequency stored in LCDIconFlashing register. Flashing brightness level changes from 0% to maximum value from the registers:
By default bit is “false” (LCD flashing inactive).
4.6.12 KEY_PAD_FLASHING (Register 40205, bit 14)
Bit 14 of register 40205 is responsible for Key Pad flashing activation. When the bit 14 is “true”, Key pad flashes with the frequency stored in LCDIconFlashing register. Flashing brightness level changes from 0% to maximum value from the registers:
By default bit is “false” (Key Pad flashing inactive).
4.7 Room Panel Modes
The Room Panel has 3 different modes:
Active mode
Idle mode
Stand-by mode
The differences between particular modes are physically visible when all conditions below are fulfilled:
1. Bit 11 of the DEVICE_CONFIGURATION register is “true” (Panel is ON).
2. Bit 4 of the DEVICE_CONFIGURATION register is “true” (Key Pad illumination active).
3. Bit 3 of the DEVICE_CONFIGURATION register is true (LCD illumination active).
4. There are different values in the registers responsible for Illumination level of different
modes (see LCD Background Illumination Settings and Key Pad Background Illumination
Each mode determinates LCD and Key Pad background Illumination intensity. Actual Room Panel mode depends on Key Pad activity (pushing buttons) and time values set by appropriate registers. User can also control illumination intensity of each mode by
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entering appropriate values to assigned registers.
4.8 LCD Display
The Room Panel iSMA-B-LP is equipped with 2.3” LCD display with backlight. By default LCD display is turned ON (when the device is powered) and basic parameters from in-built sensors together with user defined parameters are shown in the Main Menu.
The register DEVICE_CONFIGURATION bit 11 is responsible for LCD display and Key Pad activation.
When the bit is “false”, LCD display and Key Pad work in normal mode (parameters and actual sensor values are displayed, submenus are visible and editable etc.).
If the bit is “true”, LCD display and Key Pad is deactivated. The Room Panel works as a simple sensor. (CO2 sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor – depending on Room Panel version, see table 3).
Figure 14 LCD display general view
4.8.1 Icons displaying.
There are many different Icons which are available on the Panel Display. User can choose which Icon is dedicated for visualization of a particular process. Every single Icon can be controlled by a higher level system. There are two Modbus registers which are responsible
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for Icon Indication. LCD_ICON_DISPLAY (40219)
Each bit of the register is responsible for displaying a particular icon.
Setting true value for single bit displays appropriate icon which is assigned to that bit according to Table no. 12 below. By default, all icons are hidden (all bits of the register are “false”). LCD_ICON_FLASHING (40220)
Each bit of the register switches on blinking of particular Icons.
Setting true value for a particular bit causes blinking of a single Icon which is assigned to that bit according to Table no. 12 below.
Icon Name
Sun 1
Heating 3
Cooling 4
Eco 9
Table 12 LCD Icon Display
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It is possible to set Icon blinking frequency. Register LCD_ICON_FLASHING_TIME stores the time which constitutes the base for calculating Icon blinking frequency. This register has min. value of 50 ms. Default value is 500 ms (the icons are visible fo 500 ms and hidden for 500/4=125 ms). SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING (40229)
Each bit of the register switches on blinking of particular Icons.
Setting true value for a particular bit causes blinking of a single Icon which is assigned to that bit according to Table no. 13 below.
Table 13 Submenu Icon Display
Icon Name
Fan 1
Fan 2
Fan 3
Fan 4
Fan 5 6
Fan 6
Light 8
Blind 9
Occupancy 1
Occupancy 2
Occupancy 3
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version 1.3 Page 25 / 121 SUBMENUICON_FLASHING_TIME (40222)
The Submenu Icons light up according to the status of assigned process. These icons are not editable, however the user can choose if each submenu icon is to be visible or not. Register SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING_TIME stores the time which constitutes the base for calculating a frequency of submenu iconsflashing. This register has min. value of 50 ms. Default value is 1000 ms (the icons are visible for 1000 ms and hidden for 1000/4=250 ms).
4.8.2 Main Menu display
Main part of the display shows current sensor values, the setpoint value and user defined parameters with assigned units. The user can determine, whether a particular actual sensor value or the actual setpoint value is to be shown or not. Chosen values are displayed one after another repeatedly. REFRESHING_TIME (40217)
Duration of display time of the particular parameter can be set in REFRESHING_TIME register. When Refreshing Time elapses, the next parameter is displayed according to the sequence of parameters display. Default value is 2 sec. (each parameter is displayed for 2 seconds). This register has min. value of 1 minute.
Sequence of parameters display:
1. Actual value of temperature sensor (if active)
2. Actual value of humidity sensor (if active)
3. Actual value of CO
sensor (if active)
4. Temperature Setpoint (if active)
5. User defined parameter with the highest priority
6. ………………….………………
7. User defined parameter with the lowest priority
The parameters are shown on 8-segment display block according to the type of the parameter:
1. For Numeric type parameter – value of the parameter and the unit (defined by user) is
2. For Boolean type parameter – text (defined by user) which corresponds to actual logic
state is displayed.
After Room Panel restart, user defined parameters are not displayed until they become overwritten from a higher level system (Master Controller). If only one parameter is active, its value is refreshed with interval stored in REFRESHING_TIME register.
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If one or more user defined parameters have the same priority, register with the lowest address is displayed first.
In the upper right corner of the display there are four 14-segment displays dedicated for the clock, submenu and parameters names. These names are stored in the special Submenu registers as a ASCII code values corresponding to the following characters (from the left side) of the submenu name. In case when a character value equals 010=0x0016(NULL), the character is hidden (not displayed). If all characters of particular parameter name are NULL then the clock is displayed (if active).
When one of four keypad buttons is pressed, the Room Panel changes its state into Active mode. The same situation happens when the power supply is reconnected or after the Room Panel restart. In case when there is no keypad activity and the Room Panel stays ON, the subsequent Background illumination modes activate. LCD display illuminates only when a value of the register bit DEVICE_CONFIGURATION bit 3 is “true”. If not, LCD display is never illuminated.
Particular modes activate sequentially according to the following sequence:
1. Active – the mode activates after pushing any keypad buttons or after restart of the
Room Panel. LCD display illuminates with a brightness level stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_FOR_ACTIVE_MODE register. In default setting, the value of Illumination for the active mode is 60%. It means that the display illuminates with 60% of the maximum possible brightness. The LCD display stays in Active mode for as long as it is determined in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_TIME_TO_IDLE register. The register contains time value in seconds (in default 10 sec) and the time countdown starts with activation of the Active mode . It means that pressing any of the keypad buttons resets the timer and countdown starts again.
2. Idle – the mode becomes active always after Active mode (Time to Idle is up). The
display illuminates with a brightness level stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_FOR_IDLE_MODE register (in default 40%). The display stays in Idle mode during the time stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_TIME_TO_STANDBY register (in default 5 sec).
3. Standby – the mode becomes active always after Idle mode (Time to Standby is up). The
display illuminates with a brightness level stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_FOR STANDBY MODE register (in default 0%). The display stays in Standby mode for as long as Active mode is not initiated.
Actual LCD display brightness level value is stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_LCD_CURRENT_VALUE register.
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4.9 Key Pad
There are four push buttons mounted in the Panel (see Figure 15 below). All buttons together create a 4-button Key Pad which can be illuminated to help localize it in dark places. Key Pad makes it possible for the user to control the Room Panel locally. Control buttons are dedicated for navigation between different menus as well as for changing, selecting and displaying the values of particular parameters. All push buttons are located below LCD display and each of them has different functionality. Functions dedicated for each button are described in separate sections.
Single pushing of any button enters the Room panel into Active Mode (when the Room Panel stays in other modes than Active and it is powered). When the beeper is active, single pushing of any button emits the beeper sound.
Figure 15 Left: Standard Key Pad view iSMA-B-LP(-XX), Right: Optional Key Pad view iSMA-B-LP(-XX)-1
4.9.1 Menu button
When the device is in Active mode, single pushing of the button opens the Fan Menu. Menu button allows to exit particular Menus and parameters edit mode. The button cancels selection of new parameters values (when the parameter stays in edit mode and FastEditMode is not active).
4.9.2 OK button
When the device is in Active mode, single pushing of the button opens the Occupancy Menu. When the device is in Menu Edit mode pushing the button opens different Menus and confirms newly chosen parameters values during edition.
4.9.3 Arrow buttons (up and down)
When the device is in Active mode, pushing the arrow buttons increase/decrease the setpoint or the offset value. In Menu Edit Mode arrow buttons switch between submenus and change values of particular parameters during edition.
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4.9.4 Key Pad Background Illumination Settings
When one of four keypad buttons is pressed, the Room Panel changes state into Active mode. The same situation happens when the power supply is reconnected or after the Room Panel restart. In case when there is no keypad activity and the Room Panel stays ON, the subsequent Background illumination modes activate. Key Pad illuminates only when the value of the register bit DEVICE_CONFIGURATION bit 4 is “true”. If not, Key Pad is never illuminated.
Particular modes activate sequentially one after another according to the following sequence:
4. Active – the mode activates after pushing any keypad button or after the Room Panel
restart. Key Pad illuminates with a brightness level stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_FOR_ACTIVE_MODE register. In default setting, the value of Illumination for the active mode is 10%. It means that the LCD display illuminates with 10% of the maximum possible brightness. The Key Pad stays in Active mode for as long as it is determined in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_TIME_TO_IDLE register. The register contains time value in seconds (iBy default 10 sec) and a time countdown starts when Active mode becomes active. It means in practice that pressing any of the keypad buttons resets a timer and countdown starts again.
5. Idle – the mode becomes active always after Active mode (Time to Idle is up). The Key
Pad illuminates with a brightness stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_FOR_IDLE_MODE register (in default 40%). The Key Pad stays in Idle mode during the time value stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_TIME_TO_STANDBY register (in default 5 sec).
6. Standby – the mode becomes active always after Idle mode (Time to Standby is up). The
Key Pad illuminates with a brightness level stored in BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_FOR_STANDBY_MODE register (in default 60%). The Key Pad stays in Standby mode for as long as Active mode is not initiated.
Actual Key Pad display brightness level value is stored in BACKGROUND_ILUMINATION_KEY_PAD_CURRENT_VALUE register.
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5 Sensors Configuration
There are 3 different sensors which can be built-in in the Room Panel (depending on which Room Panel version is chosen - see Table 3):
Temperature sensor
Humidity sensor
Actual values from all in-built sensors can be displayed in the Main Menu in a specific order (see section LCD Display). Actual sensor values are displayed on 8-segment display block in the LCD display, at the same time. 14-segment display block shows the name of the parameter actual value of which is displayed on 8-segment display block. Every numeric value is displayed with assigned unit.
Figure 16 Actual temperature sensor value displayed on 8-segment displays block
and the temperature name displayed on 14 -segment displays block
5.1 Temperature Sensor
All Room Panel versions have in-built temperature sensor. Default temperature unit is oC and it is displayed together with temperature sensor value (if active).
Register stores actual value from the temperature sensor (including Temperature Sensor Offset) multiplied by 10. In the Main Menu the temperature sensor value is displayed directly (without multiplying). Actual register value is calculated according to the equation:
Actual temperature (register value) = (Actual Sensor Temperature +Temperature Sensor Offset)*10
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