iSMA iSMA-B-AAC20 User Manual

User Manual
M-Bus Network
Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o.
Warsaw, Poland
iSMA-B-AAC20/M-Bus Network
Table of contents
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Revision history 3
2 M-Bus kit 3
2.1 Importing bundle with kits 3
2.2 Install kits in AAC20 device 4
2.3 Remove M-Bus kits 5
3 About M-Bus 6
3.1 M-Bus topology and cable 6
3.2 M-Bus addressing 7
4 M-Bus kit components 8
4.1 M-Bus Local Network component 9
4.2 M-Bus Local Device 10
4.2.1 M-Bus Local Device points 12
4.3 M-Bus IP Network 12
4.4 M-Bus IP Device 14
4.4.1 M-Bus IP Device points 16
iSMA-B-AAC20/M-Bus Network
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1 Introduction
This manual contains information about M-Bus protocol in the iSMA-B-AAC20 controllers. M-Bus devices can be connected directly only to the iSMA-B-AAC20-M hardware version with M-Bus interface (max. 20 devices) and with firmware version 5.1 and above. The M-Bus devices can be also connected to all iSMA-B-AAC20 controllers with firmware 5.1 and above using M-Bus-IP gateway.
1.1 Revision history
First edition
Added action “Reset Stat” in network components
2 M-Bus kit
To serve M-Bus protocol (both connected to Local interface or by IP gateway) the iSMA-B­AAC20 controller uses iSMA_MBus kit.
2.1 Importing bundle with kits
Before installation M-Bus kit, one has to add bundle of kits to the WorkPlace (possibly as a part of the package of various kits in a zip file). To add the M-Bus kit:
Step 1: Open Work Place, expand Tools and then choose Sedona Installer;
Step 2: In the Sedona Installer, choose Import Sedona environment files;
Step 3: Add bundle of kits, click Next and Import;
Step 4: Your package imports successfully.
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Figure 1 – Sedona Installer
2.2 Install kits in AAC20 device
After successful import all packages, upload the files to your device using the Kit Manager Application from the Sedona Tools.
WARNING! Before programming M-Bus, please check if you are using the latest kit version. The latest kits are available on GC5 support website:
To install selected components:
Step 1: Open Work Place, expand Sedona Application, then Sedona Tools and then double click Kit Manager;
Step 2: In the Kit Manager, you can manage your kits on the Sedona device;
Step 3: Select M-Bus or any other kit, then you can click Next, Finish and Restart Device;
Step 4: Your components install successfully.
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Figure 2 - Kit Manager installing M-Bus kit
2.3 Remove M-Bus kits
To remove selected components:
Step 1: Open Work Place, expand Sedona Application, then Sedona Tools and then choose double click Kit Manager;
Step 2: In the Kit Manager, you can manage your kits on the Sedona device;
Step 3: Uncheck iSMA_Mbus or any other kit, then you can click Next, Finish and Close;
Step 4: Your components uninstall successfully.
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