How To Disassemble Your Reel
1. Rem ove the spin dle screw by tu rn ing
it counter -clockwise wi th a at bladed
screw driver.
2. Remove the dr agknob by hand, turning
it counter -clockwise untill you can
remove it.
Under neath the dragknob there will be
a stainless steel washer. It will eit her be
stuck to the bot tom of the dragknob or
to th e top of the dra gs pring.
3. Grasp the outside of the frame wi th one
hand and the spool with the other, and
pul l the fra me and sp ool apa rt.
At this point the re should be 6 free
assemblies: Ret aining Screw, Dragk nob,
Dragknob Washe r, Dragspr ing, Spool,
and Fra me.
Reassembly is the opposite of disassembly. Whe n you are reins talling the
drag knob, make sure the stainless steel wa sher is unde r the drag kno b
and not un de r the dra gspri ng.
(B) Dragknob
Figure 1
(A) Retaining Screw
1) Clicker
A) For a loud er
outgoing click
Figure 4
2) Clicker Spring
B) For a sof ter
outgoing click
Figure 2
Left-H and Retrieve
Figure 3
Right-H and Retrieve
It’s possible to tune the outgoing click (somewhat). For these
adjust ments, you will ne ed to disassemble your reel.
1. To make t he outgo ing clic k lou der, push the clic ker
spring in the direction shown by [A], Figure 4.
Push the spr ing until the clicker [1] is pointing
dir ec tl y at th e beari ng on the rear of th e spo ol.
2. To make the outgoing click softer, push the clicker
spring [2] in the direction shown by [B], Figure 4.
Do not push spring more than a few degr ees, as
pus hing too far will dise ngage t he cl ick er.
1. Disa ss em bl e you r re el .
2. Remove the sp in dl e O- Ring (see exploded vie w).
3. Lif t th e Clu tch As se mbly (se e ex pl od ed vi ew).
4. Arr an ge the pa wl direc ti on as per Fig. 3 or Fig . 4.
5. Re pl ac e Clu tch As se mb ly an d Sp in dl e O- Ri ng .
6. Rea ss em bl e you r re el .
Retrieve Conversion (Right & Left-Hand)
Cleaning and Lubricating Your Reel
1. Frame Assembly an d Foo t / Ree l
Sea t - Ri nse and dry after us e.
2. Pawl Asse mblies - Remove old oil and
any grit . Apply a drop of oil around
the spr ing s and pawl.
3. Spindl e - Remove all the old lubr icant
and any grit from the spindle and
apply a small amount of greas e to the
bas e of the sp ind le.
4. Clutch Surface - Wipe cor k surf ace to
remove excess oil and graphite. Apply
a small amount of oil and powdered
graphite to the cork sur face and work
it in wit h you r nger.
5. Clutch As sembly - Remove old grease and any grit from the bearing , inside and out . Apply
a small amount of grease to the bearing. Remove old grease from betwee n the teeth of the
clu tch . Ap ply a sma ll am oun t of gr ea se betwee n the teeth.
6. S pin dle O- Ring - Re move old g rea se and an y gr it pr ior to clutc h ins talla tion.
This level of c leaning or lubrication should be carried
out once every 3-4 shing tr ips. Because of saltwater
conditions, it is important that t he reel be r insed of f under
a warm water stream after each trip. While the reel is
saltwa ter safe, t he quick r inse will help your reel perform
better in the long run. Avoid immersing t he spool in water,
because moisture will be retained by the backing and line.
7. Spool Assemb ly - Rin se an d dr y af te r
8. Front and Rear Spool Bearings - Remove
old grease and grit with a dry cloth. Apply
a small amount of grease to the exposed
bearing shields.
9. Handle Assemblies - If the handles star t
to stick , you can remove the handle from
the base by undoing the handle screw and
remove any gr it. No lubr icati on is req uir ed .
10. Dragspring and Dr ag Knob Washer Rem ove old gr ea se and any gri t.
11. Drag Kno b - Rem ove old gr ea se and any
grit . Clean cente r threads using a cotton
swab or a small clot h. Apply a small amount
of gr ea se to the in side th reads .
12. Spindle Screw - Remove old grease and
any grit . Apply a very small amount of
grease around the threads.
13. Clicker Assem bly - Remove old oil and any
grit . Apply a drop of oil through each hole
on the clicker, arou nd the screw head and
around the clic ker spr ing .
Your reel comes from th e factor y lubricated.
Periodic lubrication is recommended to maintain
optimum performance.
2. 3.
7. 8.