Cleaning and Lubricating Your Reel
1. Dis as sem ble you r ree l as show n above .
2. Re move the clu tch ass emb ly [1] .
3. Clean the clu tch assembly. Remove old gre ase and
grit us ing a sof t clo th.
4. Clean the base of the spindle, [2]. Remove any old
greas e and gri t fr om us ing a sof t cloth .
5. Clean the pawl/cam assem bly [A] and [B]. Remove
any old oi l and gri t using a bru sh or swa b.
6. O il an d greas e all ind ica ted loc ati ons .
7. After lubri cation , work the Draglever [3] back
a forth a few time s to work the lubr ication
thr ou gh th e ca m and pawl assemb lies.
8. With the Draglever [3] in the “disengaged”
position, lower the clu tch back into posi tion,
cor k side up . Re-engage th e Dr agl eve r [3] .
A) Oil Pawl
B) Oil Cam
C) Greas e
2) Spindl e
1) Clutch
Figure 2
Figure 3
F) Grea se Bearing
Under Clutch
3) Draglever
D) Grease
Teeth of
E) Oil Cl utch
Your reel comes from th e factor y lubricated. Per iodic lubrication is recommended to maint ain
optimum performance.
F) Oil Cl icker
Figure 4
Figure 5 - Dr ag Spring
G) Greas e Bearings
(front of sp ool and
rear of sp ool)
Figure 6 -
Handle Assembly
9. Remove old oil from the around the clicke r
assem bly using a br us h or sw ab .
10. Remove old grease from the sur face of
the bear ings. One bearing is located at [G],
while the oth er beari ng is on the other side
of the spool. If the dr agspr ing [Figu re 5] has
not been removed, please do so to clean
and lubric ate thi s bea ri ng.
11. The cr ank req uires a small am oun t of
lubri cation on the white Teon disk. The
drags pring does not requir e any lubrication.
Just wip e the dragspring off
with a soft clot h.
12. The handle assembly need not be lubricated. Simply remove the scr ew holding the
handle wi th a at bladed screw driver and clean thoroughly with warm, soapy water.
This level of cleaning or lubricat ion should be carried out once ever y 3-4 shing trips.
Because of the conditions that this style of reel is used under (saltwater), it is important
that the reel be rinsed off under a warm water stre am after each trip. While the reel is saltwater safe,
the quick ri nse will help your reel perform better in the long run. Avoid immersing the spool in water,
bec aus e moi sture will be retained by the backing.
It is possible to tune bot h incoming and out going
clicks, to a certain extent. For these adjustments,
you w ill need to dis assemble yo ur r eel .
2. If you nd that your reel is too loud on the
outgoing click, push the clicker spr ing [2] in the
direc tion indicated by [B], Figure 7. Do not push
spring more than a few degre es, as pushing too
far will rem ove the outg oin g cli ck al toget her.
3. If you nd that your reel is too quiet on the
incoming click, push the pawl spring [4] in the
dir ec tion in dic ated by [C ], Figu re 8.
4. If you nd that your ree l is too loud on the
incoming click, push the pawl spring [4] in the
direc tion indicated by [D], Figure 8. Do not push
thi s sprin g more th an a degr ee .
Figure 8
C) For lou der
incomming click
4) Pawl Sp ring
3) Pawl
D) For a quie ter
incoming click
1) Clicker
A) For a loud er
outgoing click
Figure 7
2) Clicker Spring
B) For a quie ter
outgoing click
1. If yo u nd that your ree l is to o quiet on
the outgoing click, push the clicker spr ing
in the direc tion indicated by [A], Figure
7. Push the spring until the clicker [1] is
pointing directly at the bearing on the
rear of the sp ool .
How To Disassemble Your Reel
1. Rem ove the r etain ing scre w by tu rn ing
it counter-clockwise, using a snug-tting
at bladed screw drive r or coin. (It is
impor tant that whichever tool you
choose to use ts well, as one that is too
sma ll ma y dam age the ret ain ing scr ew.)
2. Remove the dr agknob by turning it
counter-clockwise until it is loose.
Under neath the dragknob there will be a
nylon washer. It will eithe r be stuck to the
bottom of the dragknob or to the top of
the dragspring.
3. Remove the cr ank by pulling it away fr om
the spool. Grasp the outside of the frame
with one han d and the spool wit h the
other, and pull the fr ame and spool apart .
On the back of the spool you may notice
that the clutch is stuck to the back of the
spool. You can remove this by graspi ng
the teeth of t he cl utch an d pul lin g.
At this point the re should be 8 free assemblies: Retaining Screw, Dragknob,
Dr agk no b Was her, Dra gspri ng, Clu tch , Cr an k, S poo l, and Fr am e.
(B) Dragknob
Figure 1
(A) Retaining Screw (C) Crank