iRZ TC65I-485Gl User Manual

1.1. Document description.....................................................................................................................4
1.2. Service data................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Safety rules....................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Set................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Features......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Appearance....................................................................................................................................7
2.5. Interfaces....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1. Plug-in terminal connector.......................................................................................................8
2.6. Power connector............................................................................................................................. 9
2.6.1. Digital connector................................................................................................................... 10
2.7. Modem status display...................................................................................................................11
3.1. Functional diagram....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2. Operation description.................................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Watchdog timer types...................................................................................................................13
4.1. Connecting................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Control, rebooting and connecting.................................................................................................14
4.3. Men u mod e.................................................................................................................................. 15
4.4. Pro g ra mming mode......................................................................................................................18
6. Emergencies..........................................................................................................................24
6.1. Emergency 1 (incorrect input power supply).................................................................................. 24
6.2. Emergency 2 (incorrect module power supply).............................................................................. 24
6.3. E mergency 3 (GSM module failed to start).................................................................................... 24
Table 2.5.1: Using terminal connector pins........................................................................................8
Table 2.5.2: Using connector power pins........................................................................................... 9
Table 2.5.3: Using digital connector pins.........................................................................................10
Table 2.6.1: Connection status diplay (green LED)..........................................................................11
Table 2.6.2: Emergency display (red LED) ......................................................................................11
Fig. 2.4.1. Front view......................................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 2.4.2. Back view..........................................................................................................................7
Fig. 2.5.1. Plug-in terminal connector.................................................................................................8
Fig. 2.5.2. Power connector...............................................................................................................9
Fig. 2.5.3. Digital connector............................................................................................................. 10
Fig. 3.1.1. Functional diagram of the modem...................................................................................12
Fig. 4.4.1. «My Computer» window o f Windows XP................................. ........................................21
Fig. 4.4.2. COM-port selecting......................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 4.4.3. Working with «Module» Disk...........................................................................................22
Fig. 4.4.4. General view of «AutoExec»...........................................................................................23
1. Intr oduction
1.1. Document description
This manual is intended f or experi enced PC users. It describes the d evice and t he operati on of the G SM
modem iRZ TC65i-485GI.
1.2. Service data
Document version Issue date
2.11 09.20.2013
Prepared by V.N. Golovin Approved by P.A. Kosolapov
1.3. Safety rules
Restrictions on the use of the device near other electronic devices:
Turn the modem off in hospitals or when located near medical equipment such as pacemakers, hearing
aids and so on. Interference for medical equipment may occur Turn the terminal off when on an airplane. Take measures to avoid accidental turning on Turn the modem off in the vicinity of gas stations, chemical plants, and places where demolition work is
conducted. Interference for technical devices may occur At a close range, the modem may produce interference for television sets and radio transmitters
Maintenance requirements:
Protect the modem against external hazards (high temperatures, caustic chemicals, dust, water and so
on) Keep the modem safe from blows, falls, and strong vibrations Do not attempt to take apart or modify the modem on your own. Such actions will void your warranty
Note: Make sure you follow the operation manual for this device. Im proper use of the device will disqualify
your warranty.
2. Gen eral Information
2.1. Purpose
iRZ TC65i-485GI is an industrial GSM modem for receiving and transmitting data, text messages and faxes. It is perfectly suited both for providing mobile access to the Internet and for industrial applications including t elemetry, wireless data collection from sensors, remote monitoring, control, and signaling.
Built-in J ava platform, ADC and di gital inputs/out puts allow integrat ing the modem into a wide vari ety of solutions. The m odem is controll ed by standard AT -commands. T he device is equipped wi th LEDs to m onitor connection status and signal for emergency.
2.2. Set
The set of the GSM modem iRZ TC65i-485GI includes:
iRZ TC65i-485GI modem; Mounting brac ket for attaching to a din-rail; Factory package.
2.3. Features
Key features:
Frequency ranges: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz ; Output power:
2W (class 4 f or EGSM850); 2W (class 4 f or EGSM900); 1W (class 1 f or GSM1800);
1W (class 1 f or GSM1800); GPRS class 12; TCP/I P stack accessed v ia AT-comm ands; MS class B; CSD up t o 14.4kbps; USSD; SMS; Fax group 3, class 1; Open pl atform for the development of Java appli cations;
Java parameters:
CLDC 1.1 HI; J2ME with IMP 2.0 support; secured data transferring with HTTP S and PKI support; TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 support; rem ot e java-applicati on update (OTAP);
Power characteristics:
Power supply f rom 9 to 28V Consumpti on current not ex ceeding:
with the supply voltage of + 12V — 400mА;
with the supply voltage of + 24V — 200mА;
Physical characteristics:
Dim ensions not ex ceeding 76х85х30 mm; Weight not exceeding 130g; Operating temperat ures from -30°С to +65°С; St orage tem peratures from -40°С to +75°С;
TJ6-6P6C for RJ12 power connect or for powering the modem including 2 keys to “ground” and 2 ADC
channels; TJ6-6P6C for RJ12 digital connector with 4 digit al inputs/outputs, output +3.3V, “ground”; Pl ug-in terminal connector for powering the m odem, connecting the communication cable with RS485
interface; SMA Jack for connecting the GSM antenna.
The device can be powered using either of the first two connectors.
2.4. Appearance
TC65i-485GI m odem is a compact dev ice in an al uminum case. I ts appearance is di splayed on Fi g. 2.4.1
and Fig. 2.4.2.
Fig. 2.4.1. Front view
Fig. 2.4.2. Back view
The numbers on Fig. 2. 4.1 and Fig. 2.4.2 stand for:
1. LEDs (Emergency and Net work);
2. SMA connector for connecting the GSM antenna;
3. SIM-card tray;
4. SIM-card tray ejector button;
5. Power connector;
6. Plug-in terminal connector;
7. Digital input/output connector (GPIO).
2.5. Interfaces
2.5.1. Plug-in terminal connector
This connector i s used for comm unication with a cont rolling devi ce, interface RS485. The AT -commands
are used to control the modem operation (see the module description).
Factory settings
: Speed: 115200 bps, Data Bit: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bit: 1.
Fig. 2.5.1. Plug-in terminal connector
Table 2.5.1: Using terminal connector pins
Pins Signal Purpose
1 +Vin “+” modem power supply 2 -Vin “-” modem power supply 3 SHLD “Shield” of RS48 5 interface 4 “B” “d-“ of RS485 interface;
inverse differential I/O
5 “A” “d+“ of RS485 interface;
direct differential I/O
Interface lines are protected by self-healing fuses and a circuit of impulse noise suppression, as well as overvoltage protection
6 +5V Output ”+5V” (RS485), 100mA (to power external devices)*
*For instance, it might be used to p ower RS485 interface of heat and electricity counters, etc.
Notes: RS485 interface i s half duplex. It needs t o be considered in case of data transf er. When echo i s
enabled, data i s sent to the modem will return. This can lead to col lision. In thi s case we recommend t o disable echo (AT-command ate0).
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