Hardware guide
USB - RS232 - Mediacontroller - Translator
Version 2013.02
Hardware Guide USB - RS232 - Translator - Mediacontroller
EG Declaraon of Conformity
The following produtcs
are conrmed to comply with
DIN EN 55024: 1998 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2003.
IRTrans RS232
IRTrans IR Busmodul
IRTrans Translator / XL
IRTrans Mediacontroller
©2012 IRTrans GmbH
Hardware Guide USB - RS232 - Translator - Mediacontroller
1. IRTrans USB ................................................................................ 4
1.1 Connections ..................................................................................... 4
1.2 Power supply .................................................................................... 5
1.3 USB connection / installing drivers ................................................... 5
2. IRTrans Translator ...................................................................... 7
2.1 Connections ..................................................................................... 7
2.2 Power supply .................................................................................... 8
2.3 USB connection / installing drivers ................................................... 8
3. IRTrans RS232 ............................................................................ 10
3.1 Connections ..................................................................................... 10
3.2 Power supply .................................................................................... 10
3.3 RS232 interface ................................................................................ 11
4. IRTrans Mediacontroller ............................................................ 11
5. IRTrans Server Software ............................................................ 11
6. Mini DIN 8 connector for external accessories ....................... 12
5.1 External IR transmitter ...................................................................... 12
5.1.1 stick on minitransmitter ............................................................ 12
5.1.2 external high power transmitters .............................................. 13
5.2 Status input ...................................................................................... 14
5.3 IRTrans bus ...................................................................................... 14
5.4 PowerOn option ................................................................................ 15
© 2012 IRTrans GmbH
Hardware Guide USB - RS232 - Translator - Mediacontroller
1. IRTrans USB
The IRTrans USB is an infrared (IR) Transceiver with USB PC interface. It can be
supplied with power by the USB connection as well as by an external power
It offers the following basic functions:
Transmit IR
Receive IR
1 output to connect external IR transmitters
USB interface
IRTrans 2/3 wire bus
RS232 interface
1 status input
1.1 Connections
IRTrans USB back side
On the back side there are :
USB connector (USB B connector)
Connector for external power supply
MiniDin 8 connector for accesories
On the front side there are 4 IR LEDs next to the IR receiver (ref. picture on page
©2012 IRTrans GmbH
Hardware Guide USB - RS232 - Translator - Mediacontroller
1.2 Power supply
The IRTrans USB can be supplied by the USB connection. If the PC allows for
this the IRTrans USB may be supplied with power during standby as well. This
function is normally deactivated because the USB standard only allows for 0,5mA
during standby. Some mainboards/PCs however have cam be configured to
power USB devices during standy. To do that please refer to your PC documentation. To supply the IRTrans with standby USB power the jumper shown in the
picture must be moved to the right.
Jumper for USB standby power (deactivated position)
For an external power supply there is a 5.5/2.1mm hollow connector. The external power supply should be capable of delivering 8-16V with approximately
100mA per IRTrans Module. The positive lead must be wired to the center termi-
1.3 USB connection / installing drivers
Before connecting the IRTrans to the PC the software has to be installed.
The IRTrans USB will be connected to the PC by an USB A to B type cable. After
connecting the IRTrans driver installation will start automatically.
Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / 7
IRTrans USB drivers are digitally signed and included in the IRTrans software
installer (setup.exe). Futhermore the drivers are available from the Microsoft driver database as well.
© 2012 IRTrans GmbH