Iron-A-Way E42RMU, E42WDU, NE42RWU, E42ROU, E42MDU Specifications

Product Model: E-42
Ironing Board Heigh t
Dimensions (Actual Size)
Overall height: 52” Overall width: 15 ” Overall depth including door: 7 3/4” Dimension from wall to outer edge of door (when recessed): 3 7/8” Penetration into opening: 3 7/8” Rough opening height: 51 1/4” Rough opening width: 1 4 3/8” Wall opening depth: 3 7/8”
Opening dimensions listed above
Overlap distances when using wall
Top overlap: 3/8” Bottom overlap: 3/8” Right side overlap: 3/8” Left side overlap: 3/8”
Additional Information
Unit may be surface mounted (unit extends approximately 7 3/4” into room) or recessed (unit extends appro x imately 3 7/8” into room) into any wall with standard 16” center studs.
See table bottom right to determine desired ironing board height above the floor.
Unit can be provided with a left hinged door upon request. Right hinge is standard.
Comes standard with w o o d veneer door.
Electrical requirements for E-42: 115/120v, 15
amp. Pigtails are provided in bottom of wire raceway for hookup to supply li ne. Make entrance into knockout provided in top of wire way through left-hand vent hole.
Recommended to attac h 2” x 4” cleats to studs, level with the bottom of opening (for support when recessing unit.)
Door opens approximately 180°. Allow at least 16” to the side of the unit for door to swing open (door hinges on full length piano hinge.)
Options include: Surface mount trim (necessary for surface mountin g ) , oak, maple, pine, or white rais ed panel door, flat white door, glass mirrored door, or no door, sleeve board, swivel, rough-in kit, and iron.
See Page 2 for additional information
Specification s | February 2015
Cut Opening Board Above floor Height
30” 37” 29” 36” 28” 35” 27” 34” 26” 33” 25” 32” 24” 31”
23” 30”
Recommen ded Adequate Space/Clearance for Ironing
Specification s | February 2015
Page 2
Product Model: E-42
Additional Information
Measurements when board is lowered
(Not to Scale)
Unit can be provided with a left hinged door upon request. Right hinge is standard. Door opens approximately 180°. Allow at least 16” from side of cabinet.
Distance from Wall to tip of Ironing Board 42” Swivel Clearance from cutout opening of cabinet N/A Distance from Wall in Full Swivel Position N/A Standing Area Clearance ** 24”
** The recommended dis tance from the side of the ironing board where the user will typic a l ly stand to ensure adequate space for ironing.