Board automatically engages to low position each time
Specifications | February 2 015
Dimensions (Actual Size)
Overall height: 52”
Overall width: 15 ”
Overall depth including door: 7 3/4”
Dimension from wall to outer
Edge of door (when recessed): 3 7/8”
Penetration into opening: 3 7/8”
Rough opening height : 51 1/4”
Rough opening width: 14 3/8”
Wall opening depth: 3 7/8”
Opening dimensions listed above
Overlap distances when using wall
Top overlap: 3/8” Right side overlap: 3/8”
Bottom overlap: 3/8” Left side overlap: 3/8”
Additional Information
• Unit may be surface mounted (unit extends
approximately 7 3/4” into room) or recessed
(unit extends appro x imately 3 7/8” into room)
into any wall with standard 16” center studs.
• See table bottom right to determine desired
ironing board height above the floor. The
user can adjust height of board after
installation with a 4” differential between a
maximum and minimum height.
• Unit can be provided with a left hinged doo r
upon request. Right hinge is standard.
• Comes standard with w o o d veneer door.
• Electrical requirements: 115/120v,
15 amp. Pigtails are p rovided in bottom of
wire raceway for hookup to supply l ine. Make
entrance into knockout provided in top of
wire way through lef t-hand vent hole.
• Recommended to attac h 2” x 4” cleats to
studs, level with the bottom of opening (for
support when recessing unit.)
• Door opens approximately 180°. Allow at
least 16” to the side of the unit for door to
swing open (door hinges on full length piano
• Options include: Surface mount trim
(necessary for surface mounti ng), oak, map le,
pine, or white rais ed panel door, flat white
door, glass mirrored door, or no door, rough-in
kit, and iron.
See Page 2 for additional information
the board is lowered for use. High position requires
adjustment and engages bac k to low position each time
Minimum Maxi mum
Cut Opening (Default) (Adjusted)
Above floor Position Position
31” 38” 42”
30” 37” 41”
29” 36” 40”
28” 35” 39”
27” 34” 38”
26” 33” 37”
25” 32” 36”
Recommended Adequate Space/Clearance for Ironing
Specifications | February 2 015
Page 2
Product Model: AE-42
Additional Information
Measurements when board is lowered
(Not to Scale)
Unit can be provided with a left hinged door upon request. Right hinge is standard.
Door opens approximately 180°. Allow at least 16” from side of cabinet.
Board can be turned left or right 90° in either direction until parallel with the wall.
Additionally, there are conveniently placed stopping points as the board is being turned.
Distance from Wall to tip of Ironing Board 46 7/8”
Swivel Clearance from cutout opening of cabinet 14 5/8”
Distance from Wall in Full Swivel Position 32 7/8”
Standing Area Clearance ** 24”
** The reco mmended dis tance from the side of the i roning board where
the user will typically stand to en s ure adequate spac e for ironing.