modified to fit individual needs.
The recordings are accessible
from the Apps and Web.
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HipBox enable users to save, store
and download from Cloud Video
Recording (CVR).
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User can save in two different
types: Clip and Time Lapse.
All the steps can be managed
from the Apps and Web.
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HipCam smart camera has a
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complete set of detection settings,
based on on-board video analytics.
The detection is done locally on
camera, which enables to have
detection in the highest video
quality, not depending on the
streaming quality.
Every detection can be activated
or deactivated from the Apps and
Smart detection: Smart detection
detects a motion by analysis of the
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motion type. If the motion belongs
to curtain or leaves movements,
HipCam camera will understand
that this motion not needs to be
alerted. After motions is
recognized, Smart detection
makes a real time deeper analysis
of human or face. Then the user is
alerted about motion or human
The user can draw an area for
Smart detection. In this case the
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