Pin Description
Pins 4, 5 and 15 need to be connected together on system board.
Pin Name Description
1 Vp Non-inverting input of error amplifier. This pin can be used for tracking application.
2 Fb Inverting input to the error amplifier. This pin is connected directly to the output of
the regulator via resistor divider to set the output voltage and provide feedback to
the error amplifier.
3 Comp Output of error amplifier. An external resistor and capacitor network is typically
connected from this pin to ground to provide loop compensation.
4 AGnd Signal ground for internal reference and control circuitry.
5 AGnd Signal ground for internal reference and control circuitry.
6 SS/SD Soft start / shutdown. This pin provides user programmable soft-start function.
Connect an external capacitor from this pin to ground to set the start up time of the
output voltage. The converter can be shutdown by pulling this pin below 0.3V.
7 OCSet Current limit set point. A resistor from this pin to SW pin will set the current limit
This pin powers the internal IC as well as low side driver. A minimum of 0.1uF high
frequency capacitor must be connected from this pin to the power ground.
9 Vref
External reference voltage. Drive capability for this pin is 2μA.
10 PGnd Power Ground. This pin serves as a separated ground for the MOSFET drivers and
should be connected to the system’s power ground plane.
11 SW Switch node. This pin is connected to the output inductor
Input voltage connection pin
13 HG This pin is connected to the high side gate driver. Connect a small capacitor from
this pin to switch node (SW).
This pin powers the high side driver and must be connected to a voltage higher than
input voltage. A minimum of 0.1uF high frequency capacitor must be connected
from this pin to the power ground for the charge-pump high side drive scheme.
15 AGnd Signal ground for internal reference and control circuitry.