SD card file structure
The SD card is intended for development, service and maintenance. It should be accessed primarily by the GW while
direct writing by the user (externally by a standard SD card reader/writer) is recommended for exceptional purposes
only. The standard way to perform required changes is using the internal web server.
The SD card uses the following folders:
• Root The root directory is intended for a new FW (gweth.hex file) to be used for upgrade.
• TRUPLOAD The folder intended for files to be uploaded into the TR module (*.hex, *.iqrf, *.trcnfg).
• GWCNFG The folder intended to record a new GW configuration (*.gwcnfg).
• BACKUP The folder intended for current GW configuration (gw.gwcnfg).
When using the web server, all folders and files are created automatically when required. In case of external direct
writing the required folders must be created by the user. Files not necessary any more are automatically deleted after
the usage.
System log
All important events are logged. System logs can be read using IQRF IDE GW Tool or the GW web interface.
Date and time
GW-ETH-02A contains a real time clock/calendar (RTCC). Date and time are synchronized using SNTP/Cloud
TR module data exchange
Data between the internal TR module and the GW memory is transferred bidirectionally via SPI (using the
bufferCOM memory array inside the TR module). Therefore, the application in TR must have the SPI communication
activated. When using DPA, a hardware profile with SPI interface must be uploaded in TR. Such plug-in is
uploaded from the factory. The maximum SPI packet length is 64 B.
Ethernet services
• HTTP client for communication with IQRF Cloud server (using the 128 b AES encryption)
• HTTP server offering web pages for remote management via a common browser
• HTTP client for getting and updating of public address from DDNS
• UDP server/client for communication with IQRF network and for remote GW management
• SNTP client for getting date and time from time server
• ICMP server allowing “ping” to GW from a remote host
• DHCP client for automated getting of IP address from the DHCP server
• NBNS server for using names instead of IP addresses within the LAN
GW identification
MAC address
Every device has a unique MAC address in the format 00 1F D5 xx xx xx, where:
• 00 1F D5 is the OUI dedicated to MICRORISC s.r.o.
• xx xx xx is a device serial number
Actual MAC address is printed on the label at the bottom of the GW-ETH-02A case.
Another unique number (manufacturer's identification) used to identify the gateway by IQRF IDE, the IQRF Cloud server
and user applications utilizing the Cloud via API.
For GW-ETH-02A: ID = 12 xx xx xx, where xx xx xx are last 6 digits of the MAC address.
iqrf_xxxx, where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the MAC address.
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