IPP Pump Products iLobe Series, iL42i, iL55sx, iL55sxx, iL55s Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Rotary lobe pump
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1 How to consult and keep this documentation .......................................................................... 5
2 Used symbols............................................................................................................................... 6
3 Used tags ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................. 7
5 Intended use ................................................................................................................................. 9
6 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 10
6.1 General information ................................................................................................................ 10
6.2 Warranty ................................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Transport and receiving of the goods .................................................................................... 10
6.4 How to identify the pump ........................................................................................................ 11
7 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 11
7.1 General information ................................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Staff ........................................................................................................................................ 11
7.3 Precautions ............................................................................................................................ 12
8 General information ................................................................................................................... 12
8.1 Pumping principle ................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Range of products .................................................................................................................. 12
8.2.1 Connections .............................................................................................................................. 12
8.2.2 Shaft seals ................................................................................................................................. 13
8.2.3 Model types ............................................................................................................................... 13
9 Main components ...................................................................................................................... 14
10 Installation .................................................................................................................................. 15
10.1 General information ................................................................................................................ 15
10.2 Transport ................................................................................................................................ 15
10.3 Storage Conditions ................................................................................................................. 15
10.4 Lifting ...................................................................................................................................... 16
10.5 Foundation ............................................................................................................................. 16
10.6 Installation dimensions ........................................................................................................... 17
10.7 Pipe system ............................................................................................................................ 17
10.7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 18
10.7.2 Inlet piping ................................................................................................................................. 18
10.8 Non-return valve ..................................................................................................................... 18
10.9 Pump with pressure relief valve ............................................................................................. 19
10.10 Assembly of the pump unit ..................................................................................................... 19
10.10.1 Alignment of the coupling .......................................................................................................... 19
10.10.2 Alignment tolerances ................................................................ ................................ ................. 20
10.11 Connection of the pipes ......................................................................................................... 21
10.12 Flushing of the shaft seals ..................................................................................................... 21
10.13 Barrier pressure tank / Barrier fluid tank ................................................................................ 22
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10.13.1 Overview barrier pressure tank ................................................................................................. 22
10.13.2 Assembly and connection of the tank ........................................................................................ 23
10.13.3 Selection of barrier fluid ............................................................................................................. 24
10.13.4 Filling and emptying the tank ..................................................................................................... 25
10.14 Direction of rotation ................................................................................................................ 26
10.15 Connection of the drive ......................................................................................................... 26
10.16 Filling with oil .......................................................................................................................... 27
11 Commissioning .......................................................................................................................... 28
11.1 Cleaning of the system ........................................................................................................... 28
11.2 Control .................................................................................................................................... 28
11.3 Start-up ................................................................................................................................... 29
11.4 During operation ..................................................................................................................... 29
11.5 To stop the pump for a short period ....................................................................................... 29
12 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 30
12.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 30
12.2 Oil change .............................................................................................................................. 30
13 Disassembly / Assembly ........................................................................................................... 30
13.1 Order of spare parts ............................................................................................................... 30
13.2 Precautions ............................................................................................................................ 31
13.3 Special tools ........................................................................................................................... 31
13.3.1 Rotor key ................................................................................................................................... 31
13.3.2 Auxiliary tool for assembly ......................................................................................................... 31
13.4 Pump drainage ....................................................................................................................... 31
13.5 Oil drainage ............................................................................................................................ 32
13.6 Dismantling of the pump ........................................................................................................ 32
13.7 Disassembly of the pump ....................................................................................................... 32
13.7.1 Disassembly of the rotors .......................................................................................................... 33
13.7.2 Disassembly of the shaft seals .................................................................................................. 33
13.7.3 Disassembly of the gearbox ...................................................................................................... 35
13.7.4 Control of the parts .................................................................................................................... 37
13.8 Assembly of the pump ............................................................................................................ 38
13.8.1 Mechanical seals ....................................................................................................................... 40 Single mechanical seals ........................................................................................... 40 Lip seals .................................................................................................................... 42 Double mechanical seals .......................................................................................... 42
13.9 Tightening Torques: ............................................................................................................... 45
14 Decommissioning ...................................................................................................................... 46
14.1 Disassembly ........................................................................................................................... 46
14.2 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 46
14.3 Disposal.................................................................................................................................. 47
15 Technical data ............................................................................................................................ 47
15.1 Oil types ................................................................................................................................. 47
15.2 Oil quantities .......................................................................................................................... 47
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16 Cross-sectional drawing ........................................................................................................... 48
17 Parts list ...................................................................................................................................... 48
18 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................. 49
18.1 Horizontal execution ............................................................................................................... 49
18.2 Vertical execution ................................................................................................................... 50
18.3 Material specifications ............................................................................................................ 51
18.3.1 Shaft seals ................................................................................................................................. 51 Single mechanical seals ........................................................................................... 51 Double mechanical seal ........................................................................................... 52 Lip seal ..................................................................................................................... 53
19 Pressure relief valves ................................................................................................................ 53
19.1 Effect, purpose and hygienic suitability .................................................................................. 53
19.1.1 Pressure relief valve integrated into the pump cover, spring loaded ......................................... 54
19.1.2 Pressure relief valve integrated into the pump cover, pressure loaded and controlled by
compressed air .................................................................................................................................. 54
19.2 Adjustment ............................................................................................................................. 55
19.3 Maintenance and lubrication .................................................................................................. 55
19.4 Pressure relief valve with built-in temperature sensor ........................................................... 56
19.5 Parts list.................................................................................................................................. 58
19.5.1 Spring loaded pressure relief valves.......................................................................................... 58
19.5.2 Pressure relief valve pressure loaded and controlled by compressed air .................................. 58
19.5.3 2-Way Pressure relief valve pressure loaded and controlled by compressed air ...................... 59
20 Heating / heat exchange ............................................................................................................ 59
20.1 Principle.................................................................................................................................. 59
20.2 Heatable pump case with integrated heat channels IHCh RC ............................................... 60
21 Trouble shooting ....................................................................................................................... 61
22 Index ............................................................................................................................................ 63
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1 How to consult and keep this documentation
These operating instructions have been established by IPP Pump Products GmbH and refer to the installation, safe utilisation and maintenance of the iLobe rotary lobe pump. In this sense this documentation and the use and maintenance manuals supplied by the manufacturers of the single components is an integral part of the iLobe rotary lobe pump.
The purpose of all the documentation mentioned above is to enable the users of the iLobe rotary lobe pump to operate the pump safely and thus the documentation contains clear rules of use; this documentation must be read carefully and understood by the users.
Please note that the specifications mentioned in any operating and maintenance manuals referring to this pump, have been developed in order to assure the safety and healthiness of the users. For this reason you as well as the operating and maintenance staff have to carefully read and understand these instructions and have to be able to apply the indications / procedures.
The compliance with these indications renders possible the safe utilisation of the pump as well as the execution of appropriate interventions. As indicated above the declaration of conformity as well as all operating and technical maintenance instructions of the iLobe rotary lobe pump have to accompany the pump in case of a resale of the pump. This documentation has to be kept carefully until the final demolition of the pump and must be made available to the personnel appointed to operate the pump.
It is good practice not to damage the manual and keep it properly, Do not tear pages, dirty them or get them greasy, never expose them to sources of heat and always maintain the proper layout. This documentation and annexes must be made available to the personnel authorized to operate the pump in such way that it can be consulted easily; to clear any doubts about its safe operation and / or the execution of use and maintenance procedures.
The content of the technical manual reflects the state of the art at the time of construction of the machine in question. The technical manuals cannot be considered inadequate, as a result of technological improvements of the iLobe rotary lobe pump.
The technical documentation and relative annexes are completely confidential: IPP Pump Products GmbH reserves all rights related to this use and maintenance manual and with the object presented therein. The receiving party recognises these rights to IPP Pump Products GmbH in the person of its legal representative, Mr. Thomas Moldenhauer, and undertakes, in the absence of an explicit written consent, no to make it accessible to others, either in whole or in part and, not to use it outside the purpose for which it was created. Any violators will be prosecuted according to law.
For an appropriate safety management during the operation and maintenance of the iLobe rotary lobe pump the complete technical documentation must accompany the pump, even in case of re-sale.
The technical documentation contains information / procedures referring to the utilization and execution of a safe maintenance of the iLobe rotary lobe pump. It must be kept near to the pump’s location, at a place which is easily accessible for the operating staff. The person responsible for the operation and maintenance has to be able to find the documentation and consult it at any time.
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All technical documentations regarding the iLobe rotary lobe pump have to be kept at an easily accessible place so that they can be consulted quickly. Furthermore the personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance have to be informed about the place where the documentation is kept.
2 Used symbols
Important information about the technical reliability and safe utilization are presented as follows in these operating instructions (these symbols can always be found at the beginning of the text to which they refer).
The DANGER symbol draws the attention to a procedure, practice or similar measure which – if not performed correctly – can result in injury. Do not proceed beyond a DANGER symbol until you have fully understood and satisfied the conditions specified.
The WARNING symbol draws the attention to an operating procedure, practice or other similar measure which is potentially dangerous and which bears the risk of serious injury if the instructions are not followed exactly.
The ATTENTION symbol draws the attention to an operation procedure, practice or similar measure which might damage or even completely destroy the product if it is not executed or followed correctly. Do not proceed beyond an ATTENTION symbol, unless you have read and complied with the conditions specified.
Refers to technical aspects for which the user of the equipment must pay particular attention.
3 Used tags
There are identification plates on the iLobe rotary lobe pump for the different components of the unit. The identification plate at the left side of the pump shows the serial number of the iLobe rotary lobe pump.
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On the surface of the different components of the iLobe rotary lobe pump there are warning tags which prohibit the dry running of the pump (tag A). If the iLobe rotary lobe pump has been designed for liquids over 50°C there is a tag on the pump warning of hot surfaces (tag B).
Please note that the markings / tags at the iLobe rotary pump may not be changed or removed.
It is not allowed to use any IPP Pump Products GmbH item without its identification plate. Should an item be without its identification plate the customer has to contact IPP Pump Products GmbH technical office so that the item can be identified and a new identification plate can be issued.
4 Terms and definitions
Dangerous areas: any area inside and / or in proximity of a machine in which the presence of an
exposed person constitutes a risk for the safety and health of this person.
Exposed person: any person who finds himself either entirely or in part in a dangerous area. Machine: Assembly of parts: according to definition in article 2 of the Directive 2006/42/EC of the
European Parliament and the council of 17th May 2006.
Manufacturer: IPP Pump Products GmbH Customer: Physical or legal person on whose behalf the machine is built, upon prior written
acceptance of an order confirmation. Copyright: 2012 IPP Pump Products GmbH
Date of release: 12.06.2012 Doc. number: 0179 – Date 10/2013
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All work on and with the pump must always be in accordance with all the prevailing standards
regarding occupational health and safety as well as machine safety.
Never let the pump run without pump cover or without being connected to the piping!  The pump may never be put into operation if the coupling is not provided with a proper coupling
When performing maintenance work to the pump, ensure that the drive of the pump is shut down
and cannot be switched on unintentionally!
Always wear protective gloves and safety goggles when performing maintenance work to the
pump, if the pump conveys liquids which are a health hazard.
Ensure that the pump is depressurized when it must be disassembled for maintenance purposes!
Close any steam or heating water feeding pipes!
If the pump is provided with a heating jacket and / or conveys hot liquids, let the pump cool down
before starting maintenance work.
When lifting a pump or a pump unit it is not allowed to stand under the hoisted load.  Never insert your fingers into the pump case or into the connection ports. Even manually rotating
of the shaft can cause injuries!
Ensure that the drive motor cannot be started during works at the pump unit. Also ensure that the
rotating parts are completely covered.
If the pump has already been installed. Ensure that the pump is shut down and make sure that
the pump cannot be switched on unintentionally!
Any works at the electric drive motor may only be carried out by qualified staff!  A pressure relief valve may ONLY be disassembled if the pump stands still, has cooled down and
has been depressurized completely!
The pump cover may ONLY be disassembled if the pump stands still, has cooled down and has
been depressurized completely!
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The piping system must ALWAYS BE CLEANED respectively be FREE OF SOLID MATTERS!
After each new installation of the system, after each work at the system and each opening of the system an appropriate cleaning must be carried out!
If there is the risk of exceeding the maximum operating pressure an appropriate safety device
must be fitted to the pump, the motor or to the system!
Always check the alignment of the coupling between pump and drive motor after hoisting the
pump unit to its base plate.
A pump which is NOT equipped with a QUENCHED or FLUSHED shaft seal may NEVER be
installed in a position where it possibly could run DRY!
The pump may never run if the gearbox is not filled with oilappropriately!  The pump may never run with a closed pressure valve or blocked pressure pipe.  When the pressure relief valve is activated the pump may only continue running for a short period
in order to avoid the risk of overheating. A pressure relief valve is a safety device, not a flow control!
Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations of the pumped liquid. This could cause damages to the
pump if the pump components expand / shrink.
The indicated maximum values for operating pressure, the speed and the temperature may never
be exceeded!
When emptying the pump make sure that it does not run dry! Dry running is only permitted if the
pump is equipped with a flushed shaft seal.
5 Intended use
The iLobe rotary lobe pump manufactured by IPP Pump Products GmbH has been designed and manufactured for the installation in industrial plants of third parties. Its purpose is to pump liquids which comply with the materials used in the construction of the pump.
For an appropriate installation all technical indications of these operating and maintenance instructions must be complied with.
The utilization of the iLobe rotary lobe pump is only permitted within the admissible ranges of pressure and temperature under consideration of chemical and corrosive influences.
Any utilization exceeding the indicated operating ranges and specifications is being considered as improper use. Any damages resulting from this will void responsibility of the manufacturer and the user bears the full risk.
Please contact IPP Pump Products GmbH if the pump shall be used for any other application or at any other conditions than those which are part of the agreed specifications according to which the pump had been selected.
Any improper use of the iLobe rotary lobe pump is forbidden without the written permission of IPP Pump Products GmbH.
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6 Introduction
6.1 General information
These operating instructions contain important information about the correct installation, utilization and maintenance of the pump.
Furthermore, this manual provides the necessary information for the installation staff / operating staff in order to avoid injuries and problems during the installation and operation of the pump and in order to guarantee the correct handling of the machine and ensure a perfect functioning of the pump.
This manual represents the most recent information regarding the pump types mentioned in this manual at the time printing. IPP Pump Products GmbH reserves the right to modify the construction of the mentioned pump types as well as the contents of this manual without prior or afterward notification.
Read this manual thoroughly before installing, operating respectively repairing this pump. Ensure that operators and technical maintenance staff are familiar with the symbols used and have understood the content. The instructions of this manual must be followed step by step.
6.2 Warranty
Warranty is strictly limited to the conditions specified by IPP Pump Products GmbH and will only be granted according to these conditions. Warranty will only come into force provided that:
The pump has been installed and put into operation strictly in accordance with the instructions
given in this manual;
Any maintenance and repair works have been executed according to the instructions given in this
Only original IPP Pump Products GmbH parts or parts provided by IPP Pump Products GmbH
have been used for replacement;
The pump has been used according to the agreed conditions only;  The construction principle of the pump has not been changed by the buyer;  The damages in question are not result of work carried out by persons not qualified or appointed.  The damage has not been caused through force majeure.
6.3 Transport and receiving of the goods
Please make sure that the pump has not been damaged during transport. If any damage has occurred, the transport company and IPP Pump Products GmbH must be notified of this immediately.
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In order to facilitate the transport on your premises and in order to protect the pump as good as possible, please leave the pump on the pallet or in the crate as long as possible until it has reached its final position.
6.4 How to identify the pump
The serial number and the model type of the pump can be seen on the identification plate. Please always indicate the relevant serial number and model on any correspondence and order for spare parts.
Manufacturer Die iLobe – Rotary lobe pumps are manufactured by
IPP Pump Products GmbH Feldmühlenweg 6 - 10 D- 49593 Bersenbrück Phone +49 (0) 5439-80921-0 Fax. +49 (0) 5439-80921-20 info@pump-products.de www.pump-products.de
7 Safety
7.1 General information
This manual provides the necessary information to prevent the installer / operator from injury or discomfort during installation and operation of this pump and to ensure the correct use and reliable performance of the pump.
Read this manually thoroughly before installing, operating or servicing this pump.  Make sure that operating and maintenance staffs are familiar with the contents of this manual and
with the relevant instructions.
Make sure that the operating and technical maintenance staffs are familiar with the symbols used.  Follow the instructions of this manual step by step.  This manual has to be stored at a place which is known and accessible to any user.
7.2 Staff
All personnel in charge of the installation, operation or maintenance of the pump must have received the necessary training and qualification.
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7.3 Precautions
When performing maintenance work to the pump ensure that the drive motor is shut down and
cannot be switched on unintentionally!
All work on and with the pump must always be in accordance with all the prevailing standards
regarding occupational health and safety as well as machine safety!
Always wear protective gloves and safety goggles if the pump conveys harmful liquids that may
cause injuries!
Make sure that the pump is depressurized if it has to be disassembled for overhaul!  Let the pump cool down first if it is fitted with heating jacket and / or if it is conveying hot liquids.
8 General information
8.1 Pumping principle
A lobe pump is a rotary positive displacement pump. The operating principle is based on the counter­rotation of 2 rotors in a rotor case. Both rotors are fixed on shafts. The shafts are supported by a bearing house, which is directly mounted on the rotor case. One shaft is driving the other one is driven synchronously by timing gears. The rotors do run without contact in the rotor case. The chamber between rotors and rotor case rotate from inlet to outlet. When passing the inlet, the atmospheric pressure pushes liquid in the chamber which is then transported to the outlet and finally displaced. The pumped product seals the clearances between the rotors and the clearances between the rotors and the rotor case. Depending on the pumped liquid properties and the operation conditions, a rotary lobe pump runs with slip.
8.2 Range of products
8.2.1 Connections
The range of products comprises pump types with connections DN40, DN 50, DN65, DN80 and DN100. The pump can be assembled optionally with the connections in horizontal or vertical position.
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Displacement [L/rev.]
max. differential pressure [bar]
max. speed [min-1]
Weight [kg]
0,7 8 800
8.2.2 Shaft seals
The following shaft seals are available:
Single mechanical seal  Double mechanical seal with flushing or quench (with or without pressure)  Lip seal
8.2.3 Model types
The given data are maximum limits. Depending on the individual duty conditions these limits can vary.
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Frontal tapered roller bearing
Bearing case
Pump case
Mechanical seal
Rotor screw
Pump case cover
Spacer bush
Pump foot Rear tapered roller
Driving shaft
Bearing cover
Driven shaft
Synchronisation gear wheels
9 Main components
The pump with its main components:
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10 Installation
10.1 General information
The foundation must be solid, flat and even.  The area in with the pump unit is placed, must be well vented. Too high temperature, air humidity
or a dusty atmosphere may have negative effects to the performance of an electric motor.
The area around the pump-unit must be sufficient for the pump to be operated, cleaned or
In order to ensure an unobstructed air supply to an electric motor there must be a free space
behind the fan cover, equal to ¼ of its diameter. For details, please refer to the manual of the
electric motor.
Any works at or with the pump must always be carried out in accordance with the prevailing standards regarding occupational health and safety as well as machine safety.
10.2 Transport
In order to facilitate the transport of the pump on your premises, and in order to protect it as good as possible, please leave the pump on the pallet or in the crate as long as possible until it has reached its final position.
10.3 Storage Conditions
If the pump is not installed immediately following storage instructions have to be obeyed for a future troublefree operation. Store the pump at a temperature of ca. 20°C. Protect it against wetness, dust as well as against mechanical influences and UV radiation.
If you plan to store the pump for more than one year, you should oil the coupling and fill the gearbox completely with oil. Please note that before the pump is put into operation the oil filling level of the gearbox has to be reduced to the operation level (see chapter 10.16 ). To avoid potential damage caused by foreign objects in the pump, close the connections of the pump with the included sealing caps. In case the pump as already been in operation, clean it thoroughly both internally and externally. If the pump is equipped with a flush tank, the flush tank and its connecting pipelines have to be completely emptied and also cleaned thoroughly.
When the pump is stored with an engine, make sure the engine is protected against cold, dust and especially wetness, even by air humidity. Furthermore, the instructions for storage and transport of the manufacturer of the engine have to be obeyed.
To avoid potential damage on the gearbox and the mechanical seals, the shafts have to be checked for ease of movement before putting into operation.
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10.4 Lifting
If an appropriate lifting device is available, this shall be used for lifting the pump / pump unit.
It is not allowed to stand under suspended loads! If the pump is assembled with a motor on a base plate the hoisting slings for lifting the pump unit are
fixed as follows:
If a pump with bare shaft must be lifted, the hoisting slings are fixed as follows:
Never insert your fingers into the pump case or into the connections. Even rotating the shafts by hand might cause injuries!
If there is the risk of exceeding the maximum operating pressure an appropriate safety device must be fitted to the pump, the motor or to the system!
10.5 Foundation
The foundation must be solid, flat and level.
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When planning the foundation take into consideration the drainage and required space for the pump drainage as well as maintenance, assembly and service. The base plate of the pump unit must be supported over the whole length and must be even on the foundation. The base plate must not bend!
10.6 Installation dimensions
The correct installation dimensions of the pump unit are part of the unit drawing which has been supplied with the pump or which can be obtained at IPP Pump Products GmbH. For details regarding the most important dimensions of the bare shaft pump, please refer to chapter 18 of this manual.
10.7 Pipe system
The pipe system must comply with the following requirements:
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10.7.1 General
Ensure that the piping system is sufficiently supported, especially at the inlet and outlet ports. The
piping must not weigh on the pump.
It must be possible to connect the ports on site in exact line to the inlet and outlet ports of the
The pipes must be fitted and connected stress-free.  Piping which is fitted obliquely insufficiently supported or which exerts force to the pump may
cause serious damages to the pump!
Please also consider thermo tensions which can cause improper forces to the pump.  Ensure that there is no leakage at the piping and connections.
10.7.2 Inlet piping
It is recommended to place the pump below the supply liquid level. A flooded suction reduces the presence of air in the system.
10.8 Non-return valve
In case the pump is installed above the liquid level, a non-return valve must be fitted to the foot of the suction line in order to keep it filled with liquid. This applies especially when low-viscous liquids are conveyed.
For systems that convey liquid under vacuum, a non-return valve in the delivery line is recommended. This prevents backflow of air or liquid.
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10.9 Pump with pressure relief valve
If the pump is fitted with a pressure relief valve at the pump cover it is compulsory to install a pressure gauge at the pressure side and a shut-off valve directly after the pressure gauge. These are needed for the adjustment of the reaction pressure. The pressure gauge must have a measuring range of at least 0-25 bar.
10.10 Assembly of the pump unit
If the pump has been supplied with bare shaft it must be assembled to a drive motor and assembled on a base plate.
This is done as follows: Place the pump onto the base plate and fix it with appropriate retaining bolts.
Fix one part of the coupling onto the pump shaft. Fix the other part onto the shaft of the drive. Now place the drive onto the base plate. Leave a distance of app. 3 mm between the two coupling parts. Align the drive to the pump. Therefore place the copper plates under the pump feet. Then the drive is fixed. The coupling must be aligned according to the following instructions.
10.10.1 Alignment of the coupling
After the assembly and the set-up of the pump unit the alignment of the coupling must be checked. It is necessary to check the alignment of the coupling always when the pump unit is detached from the
base plate!
Misalignment can cause excessive wear and increased motor temperatures and noise level. Check the alignment by means of special equipment or do the following:
Place a ruler on the coupling. It must touch the coupling parts over the complete width, see figure. Repeat this check at three different positions around the coupling; Check the alignment by means of a pair of outside callipers at 2 diametric opposite positions at the lateral faces of the coupling, see figure. If the measured values are outside the tolerance limits, slightly loosen the retaining bolts of the drive and move the drive until the values are within their tolerance limits. Re-fix the retaining bolts. If the alignment is correct, the coupling protection is fitted.
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