open pla yers
open mai l box
mouse le ft
open sea rchin g
open myc omput er
open the b rowse r
home gap e
mouse ri ght
FN+Loc k Selec tion
Adjustab le mouse s peed
two speed can b e adjus table
FN+Touc h the boa rd the sc rollb a
look th rough t he web
Input 5V 300 ma max. Opera ting Vol tage: 3.3V
Safety Precaution s
Safety Matters
To avoid injury,dea th of p ers onn el
or damage to the equipm ent t he
operator must refer t o the e xpl ana tio ns
in this User ’s Manual
Battery:There is a li thi um- ion r ech arg eab le
battery in this devic e.D on’ t wat er th is
device,or put it in a hum id en vir onm ent f or
a long time or the device w ill b e dam age d.
Attention to traffi c saf ety
(CAR PC):Do not use the d evi ce
while driving.Whe n you w ant t o use
it,please park your c ar.
Turn o ff th is de vic e on pl ane s
This Electronic wir ele ss pr odu ct ca n
disturb the communi cat ion s
systems of planes.P lea se tu rn if o ff
before boarding.
In vicinity of danger ous g ood s to be s hut d own
In gas station and clos e to fu el an d
chemical agents and o the r
hazardous materia ls ar eas ,pl eas e
turn the device off.
All wireless device s may b e sub jec t to
interference,th us af fec ting the
performance of this p rod uct .