Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Get Started with Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM)
Install ioSafe NAS and DSM .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Sign into DSM .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Open Applications and Packages with Main Menu ............................................................................................................ 9
Shutdown, Restart, Logout, or Manage Personal Options .............................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3: Modify Sys tem Settings
Use Control Panel ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Use Energy Saving Features .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Management Tasks
Check System Information ................................................................................................................................................... 16
View System Logs ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Monitor System Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Access Applications with Independent Login .................................................................................................................... 19
Index Multimedia Files for Applications .............................................................................................................................. 19
Reinstall IoSafe NAS ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Enable SNMP Service .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Volumes and Disk Groups ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Repair Volumes or Disk Groups ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Change RAID Type ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Expand Volumes or Disk Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Data Scrubbing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
SSD TRIM .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
iSCSI Targets and LUNs ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Manage Hard Disks .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Hot Spare ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 6: Access your IoSafe NAS from the Internet
Use the EZ-Internet Wizard ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Set Up Port Forwarding Rules for Router .......................................................................................................................... 29
Register DDNS for the IoSafe NAS .................................................................................................................................... 29
Access DSM Services via QuickConnect .......................................................................................................................... 30
Set up VPN Connection ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 7: Enhance Internet Security
Prevent Unauthorized Connection with Firewall ............................................................................................................... 32
Prevent Attacks over the Internet ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Enable File Sharing Protocols for All Platforms ................................................................................................................ 34
Join IoSafe NAS to Directory Service ................................................................................................................................ 35
Host LDAP Service with Directory Server ......................................................................................................................... 36
Manage Users and Groups.................................................................................................................................................. 37
Set Up Shared Folders ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Define Windows ACL Privileges for Shared Folder .......................................................................................................... 41
Index Shared Folder Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 9: Access Files from Anywhere
Access Files within the Local Network ............................................................................................................................... 42
Access Files via FT P ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
Access Files via WebDAV ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Sync Files via Cloud Station ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Access Files via File Station ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Chapter 10: Back Up Data
Back Up Computer Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Back up Data or iSCSI LUN on IoSafe NAS ..................................................................................................................... 51
Backup and Restore System Configurations .................................................................................................................... 51
Sync Shared Folder Contents between IoSafe NAS ....................................................................................................... 51
Back up Data on USB Device or SD Card......................................................................................................................... 51
Chapter 11: Host Websites and Print Server
Use Web Station to Host Websites .................................................................................................................................... 52
Set IoSafe NAS as Print Server .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 12: Discover Various Applications with Package Center
What Package Center Offers .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Install or Buy Packages ........................................................................................................................................................ 55
Chapter 13: Communicate with Mobile Devices
Manage DSM Settings with DSM mobile ........................................................................................................................... 56
Use iOS, Android, and Windows Apps .............................................................................................................................. 56
Use Other Mobile Devices ................................................................................................................................................... 57
3 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of IoSafe NAS powered by Synology. IoSafe NAS is a multi-functional
Network-Attached Storage server, serving as a file-sharing center within your Intranet. Moreover, it is specially
designed for a variety of purposes, allowing you to perform the following tasks with the web-based
Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM):
Store and Share Files over the Internet
Windows users, Mac users, and Linux users can easily share files within the Intranet or through the Internet.
Unicode language support makes sharing fil es in differ ent la nguag es fr om IoSafe NAS simple.
Manage Files with Web-Based File Station
One of Synology DiskStation Manager’s applications, File Station, can make it possible for users to manage their
files on IoSafe NAS easily through a web interface. You can also access the files stored on IoSafe NAS with a
mobile device.
Transfer Files via FTP
Synology DSM provides FTP service with bandwidth restriction and anonymous login. To transfer data safely,
FTP over SSL/TLS and uninvited IP auto-block are also available.
Sync Files with Cloud Station
Cloud Station is a file sharing service that allows you to synchronize files between a centralized IoSafe NAS and
multiple client computers, mobile and IoSafe NA S dev ic es.
Share Storage Capacity as iSCSI LUNs
You can designate portion of your IoSafe NAS volume spa ce to be an iSCSI LUN, which will allow the iSCSI
initiator to access the space like a local disk.
Back up Files on Computer and Server
Synology DSM provides various backup solutions to back up computer data to IoSafe NAS, back up IoSafe NAS
data or iSCSI LUN to an external hard drive, another IoSafe NAS, an rsync-compatible server, Amazon S3 server,
HiDrive backup server, etc.
Enjoy Entertainment Content on the Server
Download Station allows you to download files from the Internet through BT, FTP, HTTP, eMule and NZB to
IoSafe NAS. The Media Server and iTunes support allows computers or DMA devices within LAN to playback
multimedia files on IoSafe NAS
With the USBCopy or SDCopy function, you can press the Copy button on your IoSafe NAS to instantly copy files
from a camera or SD card to IoSafe NAS.2
Organize Videos with Video Station
Video Station allows you to organize your collection of movies, TV shows, and home videos into a media platform
on which you can watch and play video clips, live stream and record digital TV programs with a USB DTV dongle
plugged into your IoSafe NAS, view and edit video metadata whose information is retrieved automatically from
the Internet. You can also stream videos to your iPhone or iPad for playback.
For recommended peripheral models, including hard drive, USB printer, DMA, and UPS, please visit
USBCopy or SDCopy is supported on specific models only. Visit for more information.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Online Resources
If you cannot find what you need here, please see DSM Help or take a look at Synology's online resources
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Share Photos, Videos, and Blogs with Photo Station
Photo Station gives you the freedom to share photos and videos over the Internet without complicated upload
steps. Furthermore, a blogging system is integrated for you to easily share your life and thoughts over the
Enjoy Music Anytime and Anywhere
Audio Station allows you to listen to music stored on the IoSafe NAS, from a connected iPod, or even stream
Internet Radio stations. In addition, you can stream music from the IoSafe NAS with a web browser over the
Host Websites
The Virtual Host feature allows you to host up to 30 websites using Web Station, with PHP and MySQL
Record Videos with IP Cameras
Surveillance Station allows you to manage, view, and record videos from multiple IP cameras over the network.
By accessing the web-ba sed managem ent interface of Surveillance Station, you can watch the real-time image
the camera is monitoring, and record videos continuously in motion-detection mode or in alarm-re cord ing mod e.
Manage Multiple IoSafe NAS Devices
Synology CMS (Central Management System) allows you to quickly and conveniently manage multiple Synology
DSM based NAS servers made by both Synology and ioSafe. Once CMS is installed, you can designate your
IoSafe NAS server as the CMS Host and designate other servers as managed servers. The CMS Host provides a
single interface to monitor and maintain the manag ed serv ers.
Discover More Apps with Package Center
Package Center brings intuitiveness and convenience for users to easily install and update a variety of
applications (which are packed into packages). Just browse all available applications and select the ones that
best suit your needs. All can be done with just a few clicks.
Set up Print Server
USB or network printers connected to your IoSafe NAS can be shared by client computers over the local area
network. AirPrint support allows you to print to the printer from an iOS device, while Google Cloud Print support
allows you to print to the printer when you are using Google products and services.
For recommended peripheral models, including hard drive, USB printer, DMA, and UPS, please visit
Chapter 2: Get Started with Synology’s DiskStation
Manager (DSM)
This chapter explains how to sign into Synology’s DiskStation Manager (DSM), customize your desktop, use
the taskbar and widgets, and open applications and packages with the Main Menu.
Install your ioSafe NAS and DSM
For more information about setting up your ioSafe NAS and installing DSM, see the Quick Installation Guide for
your ioSafe NAS model available at .
Sign into DSM
After setting up and installing DSM on your ioSafe NAS, you can sign into DSM using a web browser on your
To log in with Web Assistant:
1 Make sure your computer is connected to the same network as the ioSafe NAS and can access the Internet.
2 Open a web browser on your computer and go to
3 Web Assistant will find your ioSafe NAS within the local network. Click Connect to go to the login screen.
To log in with the server name or IP address:
1 Make sure your computer is connected to the same network as your IoSafe NAS.
2 Open a web browser on your c ompu ter, enter any of the following in the address field, and then press Enter on
your keyboard:
http://IoSafe_Server_Name:5000/ (or http://IoSafe_Server_Name.local:5000/ on a M ac)
IoSafe_Server_Name should be replaced with the name you set up for IoSafe NAS during the initial
installation process. If you choose One-step Setup during the installation process, the IoSafe_Server_Name
will be DiskStation, CubeStation, USBStation, or RackStation.
3 Enter your user name and password, and click Sign in. The default password for admin is empty .
Note: To ensure your connection to DSM runs smoothly, please use the following browsers.
Safari: 5.0 or later
Internet Explorer: 8.0 or later
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
DiskStation Manager Desktop
When you sign into DSM, you will see the desktop. From here, you can start getting things done, like mana ge
settings, use packages, or view notifications.
The desktop is where your application and package windows are displayed. You can also create desktop
shortcuts to frequently used applications.
The taskbar at the top of the desktop includes the following items:
1 Show Desktop:Minimize all open application and package windows.
2 Main Menu: View and open applications and packages installed on your IoSafe NAS. You can also click and
drag to create desktop shortcuts.
3 Open applications:
Click the icon of an application to show or hide its window on the desktop.
Right-click the icon and choose from the shortcut menu to manage the application window (Maximize,
Minimize, Restore, Close) or its taskbar icon (Pin to Taskbar, Unpin from Taskbar).
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
4 Upload Queue: Appears when you start uploading files to the IoSafe NAS. Click to see more details, like
progress and upload speed.
5 Notifications: Displays notifications, like errors, status updates, and package installation notifications.
6 Options: Shutdown, restart, logout, or modify personal account options.
7 Search: Quickly find specific applications, packages, or DSM Help articles here.
8 Widgets: Show or hide widgets.
9 Pilot View: See a preview of all open application and package windows.
Widgets display various types of system information related to your IoSafe NAS.
To open/close the widget panel:
Click Widgets to show or hide the widgets panel.
Click the + to select which widgets to display. You can choose from the following:
Current Users: See a list of users who are currently accessing IoSafe NAS resources.
File Change Log: View the file change log records of IoSafe NAS services.
No active logs: Appears when none of the logs (Samba, WebDAV, FTP, File Station) is enabled.
No logs available: Appears when any one of the logs (Samba, WebDAV, FTP, File Station) is enabled.
Recent Logs: View the log records of IoSafe NAS services.
Resource Monitor: Monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, and network flow.
Scheduled Backup: View the status of your backup tasks.
Scheduled Tasks: View a list of upcoming tasks.
Storage: View the volume usage and disk status of your IoSafe NAS.
System Health: Obtain an overall status of your IoSafe NAS and all connected devices (if any). You will be
advised to take corrective action when system error occurs.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Open Applications and Packages with Main Menu
The Main Menu (the button at the top-left of the deskto p) is where you can find all the applications and packages
installed on your IoSafe NAS.
To open applications or packages:
Open Main Menu and click the icon of the application or package that you want to open.
To reorder icons:
Open Main Menu and drag an icon to any position you want.
To create a desktop shortcut:
Open Main Menu and drag an icon to the side.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Shutdown, Restart, Logout, or Manage Personal Options
Click the Options menu (the person-shaped icon at the top right) to shutdown, restart, logout, or manage your
user account settings
To manage personal options:
Select Options from the drop-down menu to manage personal account options, like password, 2-step verification,
desktop, etc.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Under Account, you can edit your account settings, enable 2-step verification, and view recent login activity of
your DSM account.
The user description is case sensitive and can be 0 to 64 displayable Unicod e characters.
The passw ord is case sensitive and should be 0 to 127 displ ayable character s, including letters, numbers, signs ,
and space.
2-Step Verification
2-step verification provides improved security for your DSM account. If 2-step verification is enabled, you will
need to enter your password in addition to a one-time verification code when logging into DSM. Verification codes
are obtained from authenticator apps installed on your mobile device. Therefore, if someone wants to access
your account, he will not only need your username and password, but also your mobile device.
2-step verific ation requires a mobile devi ce and an authenticator app which supports the Time-bas ed O ne-Time
Password (TOTP) protocol. Authentic ator apps include Goo gle Authenticat or (Android/iPhone/BlackBerry) or
Authenticator (Windows Phone).
Account Activity
Account activity displays recent login activity of your DSM account, such as the time your account was accessed
or from what IP address.
Volume Usage
Under Volume Usage, you can view your quota on all IoSafe NAS volumes set by DSM administrators, as well
as the amount of capacity you have used on each volume.
Under Desktop, you can customize the appearance of your desktop by changing the background and text color
of the desktop, or uploading images to be used as the desktop wallpaper.
Photo Station
This tab is viewable only when users belongin g to the administrators group enable Personal Photo Station
service in Photo Station.IoSafe NAS provides the home/photo folder for you to store photos and videos that you
want to share. The system will create index thumbnails of the photos and videos automatically, and then people
can view photo albums via a web browser.
Social Network
You can sign into a social network account (e.g. Facebook, Google+) and take advantage of more features, such
as creating file sharing links in File Station that will be accessible to select social network friends only.
Under Others, you can customize other personal options. For more information about personal options, plea se
see DSM Help.
Chapter 3: Modify System Settings
After you have connected to Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) and learned how to access its functions and
customize its appearance, users belonging to the administrators group can begin to modify basic settings.
This chapter explains the basics of modifying network settings, display languages, time, and energy saving
features. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
Use Control Panel
Choose Control Panel from the Main Menu to configure DSM settings.
The DSM settings on the Control Panel are grouped into the following categories:
File Sharing: Manage file sharing options to host your files and share with other people easily.
Connectivity: Make your IoSafe NAS accessible over the Internet, and protect it with security mechanisms
such as firewall and auto block.
System: Manage system settings for your IoSafe N AS dev ice.
Applications: Manage general settings related to Synology-designed applications.
Note: Control Panel is accessible only to users belonging to the administrators group. See "Create Groups" for
more information.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Change Network Settings
Go to Control Panel > Network to configure network settings and connect your IoSafe NAS device to the
Internet. You can also manage traffic control rules to adjust the outgoing traffic allowed when clients access
services on your IoSafe NAS. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
The General tab provides options to edit the name and default gateway of the IoSafe NAS, as well as configure
domain name server, proxy server settings and IPv6 tunneling.
Network Interface
The Network Interface tab provides options to manage the network interfaces with which your IoSafe NAS
connects to the network.
Traffic Control
Traffic control aims to control the outgoing traffic of services running on IoSafe NAS. Click Create to create traffic
control rules.
DSM Settings
Change the port number for accessing DSM or configure HTTPS settings. When the HTTPS connection function
is enabled, any connection to IoSafe NAS via the HTTPS protocol will be encrypted with the SSL/TLS encrypting
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Modify Regional Options
Go to Control Panel > Regional Options to configure the following regional options. For more detailed
instructions, please see DSM Help.
Click the Time tab to set up the system time settings of the IoSafe NAS. You can check the current time,
manually set the server's date and time, or automatically set the time using a network time server.
Click the Language tab to set the language for Synology DiskStation M anager, notifications, and specify the
codepage for Unicode filename conversion.
Display Language: Choose your preferred display language, or have it the same as your default browser
Notification Language: Set your preferred language for email a nd inst ant messa gin g notifications from IoSafe
Codepage: IoSafe NAS uses Unicode to avoid file inaccessibility from computers using different languages.
But for the following devices or applications to use IoSafe NAS services without problem, you need to choose
the appropriate codepage for them:
Computers without Unicode support
Applications that convert non-Unicode strings to Unicode, such as FTP service, UPnP support, music
metadata indexing
NTP Service
Click the NTP Service tab to have your IoSafe NAS serve as a network time server to synchronize time between
different network devices and the IoSafe NAS over netw or k.
Note: The NTP service is required for Surveillance Stati on and Synology High Av ailability. Therefore, if you have
Surveillance Stat ion installed and run on your IoSafe NAS, t he service cannot be disabled while the package is
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based on Synology DSM 5.0
Use Energy Saving Features
Go to Control Panel > Hardware & Power to manage the following energy saving features provided by DSM.
For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
Click the General tab to enable power recovery, Wake on LAN (WOL) and Memory Compression. You can also
modify beep control and fan speed mode here.
Power Schedule
Click the Power Schedule tab to start up or shut down automatically at a specified time.
HDD Hibernation
Click the HDD Hibernation tab to manage disk hibernation for all internal or external disks on your IoSafe NAS.
When a disk enters HDD hibernation mode, it will stop spinning and become inactive, which not only saves
energy but also extends the disk's lifespan.
Under the UPS tab, you can modify UPS-related settings. UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a backup power
device that allows the IoSafe NAS to continue operating for a short time if power failure occurs. This function
helps prevent data loss by giving the IoSafe NAS enough time to save data and unmount volumes before losing
power and shutting off. IoSafe NAS supports connecting to local or SNMP UPS devices.
Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Management Tasks
Synology DiskStation Manager comes with a variety of management functions, allowing you to check system
information, monitor system resour ces , manage notification services, restore or upgrade DSM, access
applications with independent login, index multimedia files for applications and more.
This chapter explains how to comprehend advanced management functions to make sure your IoSafe NAS is
providing the best performance. For detailed instru cti ons, please see DSM Help.
Check System Information
Info Center provides an overview of the status of the IoSafe NAS and other connected devices. Go to Control
Panel > Info Center to check the below information. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based Synology o n DS M 5.0
Under the General tab, you can see the basic information about your IoSafe NAS, including serial number, model
name, amount of physical memory, DSM version, time information, thermal status, and external devices.
Under the Network tab, you can view the status of network configuration and network interfaces.
Under the Storage tab, you can check the free or used space of your IoSafe NAS volum es and check the stat us
of the hard disks.
Under the Service tab, you can see the list of DSM services, which can be enabled or disabled by clicking
Enable or Disable under the Action column. The checkmarks under the Status column indicate whether the
services are enabled.
Under the Report tab, you can collect data and generate reports that provide information about disk usage trends.
You can select report types, set a schedule to receive periodic storage reports or generate reports on demand.
For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
View System Logs
Log Center is a centralized log management application that allows you to view and manage log records of
IoSafe NAS services easily and efficiently. For detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
Only available on specific models.
ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based Synology o n DS M 5.0
Monitor System Resources
Resource Monitor allows you to monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, disk utilization and network flow. You
can choose to monitor in real time or view previous data. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help.
Automate Tasks
Go to Control Panel > Task Scheduler to schedule and run services or scripts at pre-defined times. You can
create and manage tasks to automatically run user-defined scripts, empty shared folder recycle bins, or start and
stop certain services. For more detailed instru cti ons, please see DSM Help.
Update DSM or Restore Defaults
At Control Panel > Update & Restore, you can update DSM to a newer version, back up and restore system
configurations or restore IoSafe NAS device to its original ma nufa ctur er set ting s.
Important: The data s aved on the IoSafe NAS wi ll not be erased during t he updating proces s. However, for s ecurity
reason, we recommend that you back up t he data first.
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