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Part number:
SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Declaration of conformity
Name und Adresse des Herstellers / Manufacture´s name and address / Nom et adresse du fabricant
ISM Deutschland GmbH, Laubach 30, D-40822 Mettmann, Germany
Die ISM Deutschland GmbH bescheinigt die Konformität für das Produkt / The ISM Deutschland GmbH
declares conformity of the product / ISM Deutschland GmbH dérclare la conformite du produit
Bezeichnung / Product name / Designation:
SF6-Lecksuchgerät / SF6-Leakseeker / Les détecteuers de fuite SF6
Typ / Type / Type:
Mit den folgenden Bestimmungen / with applicable regulations / avec les directives suivantes
EMV Richtlinie 89/336/EWG ergänzt durch 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EWG
EMC Drective 89/336/EEC amended by 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EEC
Directive EMC 89/336/CEE amendée par 91/263/EWG, 92/31/CEE
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23/EWG ergänzt durch 93/68/EWG
Low-Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC
Directive des equipements basse tension 73/23/CEE amendée par 93/68/CEE
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen / Harmonized standards applied / Normes harmonisées utilisáes
Sicherheit / Safety / Sécurité
EN 61010-1 : 1993 / IEC (CEI) 1010-1 : 1990 A 1 : 1992 / VDE 0411: 1994
Überspannungskategorie / Overvoltage category / Catégorie de surtension: II
Verschmutzungsgrad / Degree of pollution / Degré de pollution: 2
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit / Electromagnetic compatibility / Compatibilité electromagnétique
EN 50082-2: 1995 / VDE 0839 T82-2
ENV 50140 : 1993 / IEC (CEI) 1001-4-3 : 1995 / VDE 0847 T3
ENV 50141 : 1993 / IEC (CEI) 1000-4-6 / VDE 0843 / 6
ENV 61000-4,2 : 1995 / IEC (CEI) 1000-4-2 : 1995 / VDE 0847 T4-2:
Prüfschärfe /Level / Niveau = 2
EN 61000-4-4: 1995 / IEC (CEI) 1000-4-4: 1995 / VDE 0847 T4-4:
Prüfschärfe /Level / Niveau = 3
EN 50081-1 : 1992 / EN 55011 : 1991 / CISPR11 : 1991 / VDE0875 T11 : 1992
Gruppe / group / groupe = 1, Klasse / Class / Classe = B
Datum / Date / Date
Unterschrift / Signature / Signatur
Hr. Becker – Technical Director
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Declaration of conformity ............................................................................................................................... 2
Target group ................................................................................................................................................... 4
General information ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Correct use ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
New design handset ....................................................................................................................................... 4
SF6 LEAKCHECK P1:p – Portable case instruments ................................................................................... 5
Usage in practice ............................................................................................................................................. 6
For leak detection ........................................................................................................................................... 6
For leak measurements ................................................................................................................................. 6
For concentration rise measurements (integral atm.) .................................................................................... 6
System properties ........................................................................................................................................... 7
General properties ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Control and display elements ........................................................................................................................ 8
Control and display elements on the base unit .............................................................................................. 8
Control and display elements on the handset ................................................................................................ 9
Putting into operation ................................................................................................................................... 11
Ready for measuring .................................................................................................................................... 13
Saving of measurement data ....................................................................................................................... 13
Possible malfunctions when starting the system ......................................................................................... 14
Possible malfunctions during operation ....................................................................................................... 14
Turning off ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Switching off when there is a failure ............................................................................................................ 16
Setting up the operating parameters ........................................................................................................... 17
Entry of passwords and numbers ................................................................................................................ 17
Activating the operating mode menu ........................................................................................................... 17
Setting volume and screen contrast ............................................................................................................. 18
The technical level ....................................................................................................................................... 19
The supervisor level ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Service life of the SmartSensor ................................................................................................................... 28
Exchanging the SmartSensor ...................................................................................................................... 29
Known problems ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Calibration in the ppm mode ........................................................................................................................ 30
Calculating the concentration ....................................................................................................................... 30
Technical data ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Target group
This Instruction Manual is intended for operators who perform operation-specific settings on the SF6
LEAKCHECK P1:p leak detectors.
General information
The Instruction Manual applies to the software version stated in the header (e.g. V3.06).
Safety instructions
Before you use the instrument, please read and comply with these instructions:
– Keep the Instruction Manual in a safe place.
– Only ISM employees may open the instrument or parts of it.
– There are no components in the instrument that require maintenance.
– Protect the instrument from moisture.
– Use the instrument only in dry places.
– Only use earthed systems that are without current.
Correct use
The P1:p leak detectors are intended only for detecting leaks and making measurements on components
filled with SF6 or FM-200. Any other use is considered as incorrect.
New design handset
Only handsets from and including serial number 00125 upwards can be operated in connection with the SF6
LEAKCHECK P1:p. The serial number of the handset can be read off from underneath the grip part. For
this, push the grip part slightly upwards.
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
SF6 LEAKCHECK P1:p – Portable case instruments
SF6 LEAKCHECK P1:p Standard
Detection limit: 1 x 10E-7 ml/s
1.0 ppm
Detection limit: 1 x 10E-8 ml/s
0.1 ppm
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Usage in practice
Owing to the practice-oriented design of the instruments, work with these is simple and reliable when
observing the following:
For leak detection
- Switch the instrument to the Search Mode (Chap. 0, “
- Search Mode“, Page 12).
- Guide the sniffer probe as closely as possible to the suspected
leaking locations. Establishing material contact with the sniffer probe
will be useful.
- The velocity at which the sniffer probe is advanced should be at about
20 mm/s.
- Please do not push the sniffer probe over the test specimen, but pull
it instead so as to effectively prevent the ingress of grease and dirt,
for example.
For leak measurements
- Switch the instrument to the Measurement Mode (Chap. 0, “
- Measuring Mode“, Page 12). Observe the displayed unit of measurement (cc/s or g/a) which is desired.
- Guide the sniffer probe as closely as possible to the suspected leaking locations. Establishing material
contact with the sniffer probe will be useful.
- The magnitude of the leak can be considered as being correctly acquired when the measured value
does not change within 2 seconds.
For concentration rise measurements (integral atm.)
- In the user set-up select the unit of measurement “ppm”.
- Place the test specimen within the chamber free of SF6, close the chamber.
- Zero the leak detector in clean ambient air by operating the “Zero” button.
- For the initial measurement with the P1:p leak detector, push the sniffer probe for approximately 10 to 20
seconds through a corresponding connection directly into the chamber. Save the measured
concentration (red triangle button). Remove the sniffer probe from the chamber.
- After the measurement time defined by the customer has elapsed, Zero the leak detector in clean air by
operating the “Zero” button, introduce the sniffer probe into the chamber again and perform the final
measurement for a duration of approximately 10 to 20 seconds. Save the measured concentration (red
triangle button). Remove the sniffer probe from the chamber.
The difference between the two saved measured values gives the rise in concentration within the
measurement time specified by the customer.
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
System properties
General properties
The P1:p leak detectors are rugged, mains power independent instruments for leak detection and leek
measurements involving electron capturing gases, SF6 in particular. All necessary operating and display
elements have been combined in the handset. The quantitative determination of a leak is performed through
the numeric display on the screen of the base unit (P1:p case cover). For documentation purposes,
measured values can be saved, subsequently reviewed on the screen and printed out or transferred to a
All components subject to wear have been combined in the exchangeable ISM SmartSensor. Base unit and
handset will not require any maintenance or care except for external cleaning from time to time. Worn out
sensors are replaced.
During leak searching, the operator is supported through the following facilities:
1. An easy to read pointer gauge, which, depending on the operating mode indicates the measured value
by way of a percentage of the preset limit, thus excluding the possibility of any incorrect interpretation,
or (in the Search Mode) a full-scale response is attained whenever a leak is detected.
2. The peak-hold function for the pointer gauge which can be programmed to an adjustable time or for
manual deleting.
3. A vibration alarm which lets the handset vibrate noticeably as soon as a certain limit is exceeded.
4. A notification LED which comes on as soon as the measured value exceeds 20% of the preset limit and
which can be reset by operating the Zero button or the Save button.
5. A differentiated audible alarm, enabling unrestricted leak searching even at inaccessible places, when
you cannot see the display.
– sensitivity
– precision
– service life
– reliability
Through miniaturisation it has been possible to accommodate the sensor directly in the measurement tip,
thereby attaining excellent response and recovery timings.
Measurement reliability
The processor constantly monitors all operating values relevant for the measurements, and, if necessary,
adjusts them. For example, drift of the sensor and reducing air permeability of the front filter are
compensated for.
Proper operation of the SmartSensor is only possible under constant and precise control through the
software. For this reason there exists a closed signal loop from the processor, over the high-voltage
generator, the sensor itself and the processing circuitry back to the processor. A fault at any place within this
loop will immediately cause the sensor signal to fail resulting in an error message.
Together through monitoring of the taken in the airflow, the possibility of the worst conceivable fault
condition is excluded: An instrument which presents itself to the operator as being ready but which
actually is incapable of “seeing” existing leaks.
Programmable parameters which have an influence on the measurements, are protected through password
queries within the different levels against unauthorised or inadvertent changes. Access to the LCD touch
screen is only necessary when wanting to change the programming.
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
LCD touch screen
On/Off button
Mains power and charging light
Control and display elements
Control and display elements on the base unit
Located at the base unit are the following elements:
1. LCD touch screen for numeric display of the leak rate as well as for entering parameters.
2. P1:p the On/Off button, illuminated red when the instrument has been switched on.
3. White mains and charging indicator lamp. It flashes while the built-in rechargeable battery is being
charged after having connected the instrument to the mains power supply. As soon as the battery has
been fully charged, the light stays on constantly, without mains power it remains off.
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
READY FOR MEASURING. Is turned off when the instrument is in
the programming or standby mode or when a fault is present.
Flashes in the Search Mode.
NOT READY FOR MEASURING. Is turned on when the
instrument is in the programming mode or if a fault is present.
Flashes in the Standby Mode
SPECIAL. For additional custom functions. Currently the LED will
flash when selecting the extended display range.
SIGNAL. Is on when a measured value has exceeded 20% of the
preset limit. Is turned off after operating the Zero or memory
ALARM. Is on as long as the measured value reaches or exceeds
the preset limit.
MESSAGE. Requests the operator to read a message indicated on
the display.
Control and display elements
Control and display elements on the handset
The handset is equipped with the following display elements:
1. The pointer gauge for displaying the
currently measured value. In the Search Mode the gauge will either indicate only
“Zero” or “Full scale”.
In the Measuring Mode the currently
measured leak rate is indicated. Instead of
an absolute value, the leak rate is indicated
in percent of the preset limit thereby
excluding any possibility of misinterpreting
the displayed values.
Alarm preset: ................. 10 E-7 ml/s,
Current meas. value: ....... 8 E-7 ml/s,
Analogue readout: ......... 80%.
The corresponding absolute value may in the
Measuring Mode be read off from the
display of the base unit.
Six LEDs are provided to indicate the different operating modes:
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Control and display elements
3. The three control buttons:
This button has two functions:
1) When pressing this button for a long time, the system switches between Search and
Measuring Mode. For this, the button is pressed until the red “STATUS” LED is turned off again.
Before switching over, the instrument performs a Zero setting so that there will be a short delay.
2) IN THE MEASURING MODE ONLY: Pressing this button briefly will expand the display range
of the analogue pointer gauge of the handset. Pressing this button once will select factor 1 set up in the user
setup (green “SPECIAL” LED flashes slowly). Pressing this button once more selects factor 2 (green
“SPECIAL” LED flashes rapidly). When pressing this button once more briefly, or pressing the Zero button,
the SF6 LEAKCHECK P1:P will switch back again to the normal display mode.
Setting of the measured value to Zero. For a brief moment the LED indicator will change from
“READY “ to “NOT READY”. Since during this time and if necessary the energy flow to the
sensor is corrected, the Zero button should be in any case operated from time to time even if no
deviation from the Zero level is present.
When the extended display range is active, it will also be disabled.
IN THE MEASURING MODE ONLY: The peak value indicated on at the bottom on the right of
the screen is saved and thereafter set to Zero. Saved values may later be output through the
serial interface to a computer or printer. Pressing this button for a long time, displays the option
“Data Memory Control” serving the purpose of administrating saved measured values.
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Start screen
„Search Mode“ display
„Measuring Mode“ display
Putting into operation
Preparations for putting the P1:p leak detectors into operation are limited to connecting the handset, the
sensor, and, if available, the mains power. When connecting the handset and the sensor you must ensure
that the markings on the plug and socket the line up with each other and that the slide piece of the plug has
reached the locking position, in which it is completely in contact with the collar of the socket.
When briefly pressing the red On/Off button, the instrument will start. Approximately 20 to 30 seconds after
the start-up screen has been displayed, the normal operating screen will be displayed. Should this not be the
case, then please read the message on the screen as well as the information provided in the Chapter
"Possible malfunctions when starting the system" and "Switching off when there is a failure".
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SF6 P1:p MANUAL Ion Science Ltd
Unrivalled Detection.
Operation modes
The P1:p leak detectors offer two different measurement operating modes which are explained in the
The user himself may define the mode which will be enabled when switching the instrument on. During
operation it is possible to change between the modes at any time by pressing the green SQUARE button for
a longer time until the red LED “Not READY” on the handset lights up again.
Search Mode
In the Search Mode, the instrument operates with the greatest possible sensitivity. However, there is no
quantitative display of leaks. Instead, each leak which is found
results in a full scale response of the analogue gauge in the
handset as well as a corresponding audible alarm. For
approximately estimating and locating the leak, there is a bar
display on the screen. The advantage of the Search Mode is the
fact that even small leaks or leaks not completely determined are
not easily "overlooked“. Moreover, by dispensing with a
quantitative readout, sensitivity is, compared to the
Measurement Mode even slightly higher.
The Search Mode is indicated on the bar display of the screen
as well by flashing of the “READY" lamp on the handset.
Measuring Mode
In the Measuring Mode, the leak rate is indicated on the screen
using large digits. The gauge on the handset indicates the
measured leak rate in percent of the limit. Therefore a leak which
is as great as the selected limit will give a readout of 100%. In
the Measuring Mode, the green “READY” lamp will be on
constantly. In this operating mode, it is possible through the
“User Setup” to select and indicate the required unit of
measurement (cc/s, g/a, ppm).
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