Invisible Structures Rainstore3 Installation Instructions Manual

Rainstore3 Storm Drainage Detention & Exfiltration with Geotextile Fabric 1
Rainstore3 Installation Instructions For Stormwater Drainage Detention & Retention with Geotextile Fabric
(A separate install guide for stormwater harvesting for reuse, is available - call 800-233­1510 or visit
1) Introduction
A. This document describes how to properly install the Rainstore3 water storage
system with geotextile fabric for stormwater drainage detention and retention.
B. Detention allows for short-term storage and release of storm water through outlet
pipes. Nearby water treatment plants may have a limited capacity for handling storm water and thus, stormwater needs to be temporarily detained on site.
C. Retention allows water to recharge the ground water through exfiltration. There
are no standard outlet pipes from the system except in some cases when overflow pipes are called for.
D. Contractors: Only licensed contractors should install the Rainstore3 system. The
contractor should have a good performance record with similar construction projects. Homeowners should not install the Rainstore3 units themselves.
E. Landscaping: Plant only grass, flowers, or shrubs with shallow root systems over
the installed product. Trees should be carefully planned and CANNOT be planted directly above a complete Rainstore3 system. The deep tree roots can damage the water storage capacity of the system by tearing the geotextile fabric and clogging Rainstore3 cells with root growth. Trees can be planted around the system, or planted in an island of a parking lot devoid of Rainstore3 cells. Recommended distance from Rainstore3 system is 10 meters with a root barrier on the edge next to tree.
F. Warning: Do NOT drive motorized equipment on any portion of the Rainstore3
area until installation is 100% complete. Driving over any part of the partial installation could damage the geogrid, fabric, or Rainstore3 cells, thus compromising the integrity of the entire installation. Walking on the Rainstore3 units is acceptable.
G. Warranty: Invisible Structures, Inc. is not responsible for careless installations
that do not follow the technical specifications. The ISI warranty only covers Rainstore3 material defects. Please see the separate warranty sheet in the Rainstore3 brochure, or call ISI at 800-233-1510.
2) Material Requirements
A. Rainstore3: The cells arrive preassembled to the desired height. They will arrive in
a box truck on pallets. When multiples cells are stacked on one pallet, white paper will divide each stack. Do not assemble, re-stack, or disassemble units onsite as this will void the product warranty. DO NOT cut Rainstore3 units. Units must be installed whole. Cutting is only permitted for maintenance port installation (see
Rainstore3 Storm Drainage Detention & Exfiltration with Geotextile Fabric 2
our Rainstore3 maintenance port design detail). DO NOT disassemble, reassemble, or reconfigure the height (stacks) of Rainstore3. Stacks must be assembled at Invisible Structures manufacturing facility.
B. Geogrid: Acceptable examples are Tensar TriX 160, Tenax MS 330, or Huesker
Fornit 30 or equivalent. Geogrid is available in 2 rolls sizes: 9.84 ft x 164 ft roll that weighs 102 lbs, or 13.1 ft x 264 ft that weighs 138 lbs. This product is not supplied by Invisible Structures.
C. Geotextile: Non-woven PP or PET of at least 8-ounce per square yard. The
geotextile fabric is available in rolls measuring 12.5 ft x 360 feet or 15 ft x 300 feet. Both roll sizes weigh 240 lbs. This product is not supplied by Invisible Structures.
D. Silver or metallic tape: the corners of the completed installation should be
marked with metallic tape for future utility detection.
E. Pipe Boot: to properly secure inlet, outlet, and maintenance ports to the
Rainstore3 system use a pipe boot. Please view section 5.10 B for installation instructions.
3) Equipment Requirements
A. A powered lift to move stacked Rainstore3 cells into the excavated area. A back
hoe can have a fork or hanging chain attachment for lowering Rainstore3 units into the excavated area.
B. A walk behind roller for backfill compaction. For installations with an area of
1,000 square feet or more, a light drivable roller such as the Bomag 125 D-4 that weighs 3,125 kgs (6890 lbs) or a compacter of similar weight may be used for compaction after the first six inches of fill material have been installed.
4) Shipping, Handling & Storage
4.1 Unloading:
A. Rainstore3 cells arrive stacked to the desire height in a box truck on wooden
pallets. Two or more workers per stacked unit can unload the cells. The Rainstore3 can also be removed from the truck with a powered lift.
o Powered lift: Rainstore3 can be unloaded by a bobcat machine with a fork
attachment or a larger bobcat with a scoop attachment. To unload the units with a powered lift, slide a pallet of Rainstore3 to the rear of the truck using workers or a pallet jack. Position the cells onto the fork or scoop attachment.
B. Depending upon the height of the cells, a powered lift may be required for
removal from the truck. This could be a bobcat, forklift, or back hoe.
Rainstore3 Storm Drainage Detention & Exfiltration with Geotextile Fabric 3
C. If a cell stack has a few cylinders that have become partially dislodged in transit
or offloading, simply apply even pressure onto the top of the cell to re-connect the units – each cylinder top rib should touch adjacent cylinder’s bottom rib. If there are more than twelve (12) cylinders disconnected in a cell stack, replacement cells are needed.
4.2 Sun exposure:
A. If the product is not to be installed for five or more days after delivery, the
Rainstore3 cells MUST be stored out of the sun. Rainstore3 should be stored in a shed or covered with a UV resistant tarp. Too much exposure to UV rays from the sun will weaken the plastic of the Rainstore3 cells. Failure to comply with appropriate storage requirements could result in breach of the product warranty.
4.3 Inclement weather: A. Install Rainstore3 only if the outside air temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit or
above. The plastic becomes brittle below 40 degrees F.
B. Rainstore3 should not be installed on muddy soil or in standing water. The
excavated area should be dry before installation.
5) Installation
Pavement or Landscaping
Backfill/Base course
Geogrid layer #3
Geotextile fabric
Geogrid layer #2
Rainstore3 cells
Geotextile fabric
Geogrid layer #1
Sub grade/ excavated area
5.1 Excavation Preparation
A. Excavate the area to the desired depth for the Rainstore3 system, as shown on site
plans. Allow proper depth for the height of the Rainstore3 cells and the cover material.
B. The excavated area must be dry, smooth, level, and devoid of rocks, lumps or
debris. Before installing the Rainstore3, test the area with a 3 meter (10 feet) straight edge or laser level. The surface of the excavated area should not differ in
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