Daily UseDaily Use
For hygienic reasons the appli anc e int eri or, in clu din g int eri or accessories, should be cleaned regularl y.
Caution! The appliance may not be connected to the mains du rin g cle ani ng. D ang er of e lec trical
shock! Before cleaning switc h the a ppl ian ce off and rem ove t he pl ug fr om th e mai ns, o r swi tch off o r
turn out the circuit breake r or fu se. N eve r cle an th e app lia nce w ith a steam cleaner. Moisture could
accumulate in electrical com pon ent s, da nge r of el ect ric al shock! Hot vapors can lead to the damage
of plastic parts. The appliance must be dry before it is plac ed ba ck in to se rvi ce.
Important! Ethereal oil s and o rga nic s olv ent s can a tta ck plastic parts, e.g. lemon juice or the juice fo rm
orange peel, butyric acid, cle ans er th at co nta in ac eti c aci d.
Do not allow such s ubs tan ces t o com e int o con tac t the appliance parts.
Do not use any abra siv e cle ane rs
Remove the food f rom t he fr eez er. St ore t hem i n a cool place, well covered.
Switch the appl ian ce off and remove the pl ug fr om th e mai ns, o r swi tch o ff o r tur n out t he ci rcu it br eak er
of fuse.
Clean the appli anc e and t he in ter ior a cce sso rie s with a cloth and lukewarm water. After cleaning wi pe
with fresh water and rub dry.
Accumulatio n of du st at t he co nde nse r inc rea ses energy consumption. For this reason c are ful ly cl ean
the condenser at the back of th e app lia nce o nce a y ear w ith a s oft b rush or a vacuum cleaner.
After everyth ing i s dry p lac e app lia nce b ack i nto service.
1)Ift hecond enseri satbacko fappli ance.
Butter and cheese: thes e shou ld be pl aced in special airtight containers or wrap ped in
aluminium foil or polythene b ags to e xclude as much air as possible.
Milk bottles: these sho uld ha ve a cap a nd should be stored in the bottle rack on the door.
Bananas, potatoes, onions a nd gar lic, if not packed, must not be kept in the ref rige rator.
The evaporator, however, will be com e pro gre ssi vel y cov ere d wit h frost. Thi s sho uld b e rem oved.
Never use sharp metal tools to scr ape o ff frost from the e vap ora tor a s you c oul d dam age i t.
However, when the ice becomes ver y thi ck on t he ev apo rat or, co mpl ete defrosting should be carried out as
pull out the plug f rom t he so cke t;
remove all stor ed fo od, w rap i t in se ver al la yer s of newspaper and put it in a cool place;
keep the door ope n, an d pla cin g a bas in un der nea th of the appliance to collect the defrost water ;
when defrosti ng is c omp let ed, d ry th e int eri or thoroughly
replace the plu g in th e pow er so cke t to ru n the a ppl iance again.