The Tensor measurement is happening on a mental level which means we need our own internal energy to work with it. To use this energy efficiently we should consider some rules
before we start working with it.
However, I would like to point out that not all of the following specified rules are necessary
when doing quick measurements or working with the Eco Tensor for a short time after you
have gained some pratice.
1. In order not to disturb the energy flow, ask the person (testee) to remove all jewellery, i.e.,
watches, necklaces, etc., particularly quartz watches.
2. The feet and legs of the person should not be crossed.
3. A calm and pleasant environment is preferable.
4. Take time to fully adjust yourself to work with the equipment!
5. Hold the tensor relaxed and still in your hand.
For this method you work exactly as if using a pendulum.
Hold the Tensor-ring in a horizontal position
(Fig. 1). Now mentally think „Yes“ and move it consciously slowly up and down (Fig.2) while continuously concentrating on „Yes“.
Stop the tensor without interfering by your opposite
hand. After the tensor has become completely motionless do the same by mentally thinking „No“.
While thinking „No“ move the tensor backwards and forwards, i.e., swinging it from left to
right (Fig. 3).
From now on if you think „Yes“ the tensor should by itself (without consciously moving it)
swing up and down and while thinking „No“ it should swing from left to right.
It is important to only ask questions which can be answered clearly by „Yes“ or „No“.
In this test method exact questions need not
to be asked which is a great advantage compared to the pendulum method. During the
reference test the tensor is held between a
substance and a person, subject to testing.
The mental question in this case is:
„Is this
product suitable for me (or you)? If yes, the
tensor should connect, if not, it should separate“(Fig. 4).
When testing different substances often several of them are suitable. There
are several possibilities to find the optimal one. For example, the pendulum
method enables the testing person to find out which of the suitable substances fits best. However, it is more simple and faster to use two measurements in one using the reference test and, in addition, mentally say: „The
less the product fits, the stronger the Tensor will separate“.
Of course, the same is valid for energy measurements which have a clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation. The higher the energy that is being measured the stronger the rotation of the Tensor will be.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please consider that
all test results are not physical comprehensible measurements and therefore accuracy
cannot be guaranteed.
Please see your doctor in case of health problems, illnesses and for diagnostic purposes.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 1
Fig. 4