Ab out this Manual
Like the Wave runne r scope itself, this manual is designed to make y our measurements as easy a s “1–2–3. ” Each
section sho ws yo uste pby step how to us etheoscilloscop eto solvesimple or comp le xproblem s .
Use the manual with Waverunner in front of you. Then you’ll see clearly just wha t is being referred to; and you
can immediately put into action what is described.
The manual has two main parts:
Part One , “G ett ing Star ted,” is for new users and basic opera tions. It explains the most important
Wa verunner features, and show s you how to apply the m. Use it when starting out and for getting quick results.
Part Tw o, “ L oo king D eeper,” goes into more detail. It explains how to perform complex measurements
using moreadvanced Wa verunner functions. It also look s more deeply into operations covered in Part One.
Use it for tack ling demanding tasks, or as a refere nce for understanding better howyour scope w orks.
Consult the glossary fo r clarifica tion of oscillo sco p eand relatedte rms.
As an additional guide, each chapte r is prefaced by a summa ry of its contents.
Wa tch for panels and sections throughout the manual marked by theseicons:
s offer additional hints on howto get the most out of Wa verunner actions or fea tures .
s bring to your attention important information you should know.
Thesections marked by the magn ifyingglass , andprinte din italic text, “zoom ” on particular
topics. They offer more information on the subject, where appropriate.
LTXXX-OM-E Rev B ISSUED:January2002 1