Intex IT-1700 SUF User Manual

Intex Technologies (India) Ltd
Warranty Card
Thank you for pur chasing Intex pr oduct an d we are sure yo u will e njoy it. In the unlikely event of your pro duct req uiri ng s ervi ces plea se c onta ct t he n eare st I ntex Testing and Repair Center (TR C) / des igna ted Inte x Ca re P artn er ( ICP) . In cas e th ere is n o su ch service center in your city, please contact our Toll Free No.(1860-208-5555) for assistance. We advise that you to read the instruction manual carefully before using the product.
Intex Technologies (India) limited (hereaf ter call ed ‘‘Intex’’) warrantees the product to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of 1 year, from the time of its original purchase. This non- transfer able war ranty is only fo r you, t he first end use r. If during this pe riod of warranty of the p roduct p roves to be defe ctive du e to improper material or workmanship, Intex TRC/ICP will repair / replace the product free of charge subject to the terms and conditions mentioned below.
Terms and Conditions:
1. Warranty will be valid only when the warranty card along with the original invoice of
sale receipt Indicat ing the date of purchase , model no. and dealer ’s name is presented together with defective product.
2. Intex res erves th e right to decli ne warra nty serv ice, if the abov e docume nts cann ot be p resented or if t he infor mation c ontained is inco mplete o r tamper ed.
3. This warra nty shal l not co ver any damage r esulting from ad aptation or adju stments whic h may be made to the pro duct.
4. This warra nty will not app ly if th e type o r serial no. on the prod uct has been alt ered, remo ve or de faced.
5. This warra nty does not ext end to a ny acces sories defined in the operating instruction manu al suppl ied with this I ntex pro duct.
6. This w arr ant y doe s n ot co ver t he dam ag e c aus e to the prod uct due to impro per i nst al lat ion b y c ust om er and / or co nn ect ing t he pro du ct to th e e qui pm ent no t approved by INTEX and deficiency in the product performance due to signal reception.
7. This warra nty does not cov er the r isk to t he produ ct caused by accident, lightening, wate r, fire, oth er acts of God, improper ventila tion, dr opping o r excess ive shoc k or any external caused beyond I NTEX’s co ntrol.
8. This warra nty does not affect the consumer ’s statu tory rig hts unde r applic able Ind ian Law, nor the con sumer ’s rights against the dealer arising from their sales / purchase cont ract.
This Warranty is not applicable in any of the following case:
1. Installation of Hardware, Software and Networking.
2. External accessories are not covered under warranty.
3. Intex is not responsible for the loss of any of your confidential, personal and corrupted
4. Configuration of Drivers, Embedded Software, Syst em / Dat a Recove ry.
5. No retailer has authority to vary the terms of above warranty.
6. Any repair work is ca rried out by person other then Intex aut horized service
per sonnel.
7. This warranty will automatically terminate on the expiry of the warranty period as specified above, even if Intex product may not be in use for any time during the warranty period for any reasons.
8. The produc t is ins talled, maintain ed and o perated in ways other th an as rec ommended by Inte x.
How to avail services
a) In the ev ent of y our requ ire serv ice assi stance. Please c ontact I ntex Cus tomer
Care Center at 1860 -208-5555 Alternatively you may visit with the product at an Intex Authorised Service Center. b) If the product is out of warranty, you can register the call at Intex Customer Care Center for a chargeable repair.
Product Details :
Model No. : _____________________________________________
Serial No. : _____________________________________________
Date of Purchase : _______________________________________
Customer Contact Details :
Name : ________________________________________________
Address : ______________________________________________
Telephone : ____________________________________________
Email : ________________________________________________
Customer Signature : ____________________________________
* On-site support shall be within municipal limit from Intex Service Center
* On-site support shall be from Monday to Saturday (10:00 AM to 06:00 PM)
Please check the following guide for the possible cause and solution for a problem
Please check the following guide for the possible cause and solution for a problem
Please check the following guide for the possible cause and solution for a problem
Please check the following guide for the possible cause and solution for a problem before contacting the nearest service center or dealer for the repairs.
before contacting the nearest service center or dealer for the repairs.
before contacting the nearest service center or dealer for the repairs.
before contacting the nearest service center or dealer for the repairs.
No PowerNo PowerNo PowerNo PowerNo Power
No soundNo soundNo soundNo soundNo sound
One channel not
One channel not
One channel not
One channel not
One channel not working
Jarring sound coming
Jarring sound coming
Jarring sound coming
Jarring sound coming
Jarring sound coming at high volume
at high volume
at high volume
at high volume
at high volume
Main speaker is
Main speaker is
Main speaker is
Main speaker is
Main speaker is not working
not working
not working
not working
not working
USB/SD are not working USB/SD are not working USB/SD are not working USB/SD are not working USB/SD are not working
FM with noise or
FM with noise or
FM with noise or
FM with noise or
FM with noise or interference
“if the problems still are not solved, please contact your local dealer. Do not repair it by yourself.” “if the problems still are not solved, please contact your local dealer. Do not repair it by yourself.” “if the problems still are not solved, please contact your local dealer. Do not repair it by yourself.” “if the problems still are not solved, please contact your local dealer. Do not repair it by yourself.”
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
If p r o b l e m pe r s i s t s , p l e a s e s ee k n e c e s sa r y a s s i st a n c e b y di a l i n g o ur
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
He l p l i n e N o. : 1 8 6 0 - 20 8 - 5 5 5 5 or b y s e n d in g a n E - m ai l a t i n f o@ i n t e x . in
Int ex Tec h no l og i es (I ndi a) Lim ite d.Int ex Tec h no l og i es (I ndi a) Lim ite d.Int ex Tec h no l og i es (I ndi a) Lim ite d.Int ex Tec h no l og i es (I ndi a) Lim ite d.
*This Product Falls Under e-waste (Management and Handling)Rules, 2011. For Proper disposal method, visit our website.
*This Product Falls Under e-waste (Management and Handling)Rules, 2011. For Proper disposal method, visit our website.
*This Product Falls Under e-waste (Management and Handling)Rules, 2011. For Proper disposal method, visit our website.
*This Product Falls Under e-waste (Management and Handling)Rules, 2011. For Proper disposal method, visit our website.
*Due to regular Updation of the Product, the Picture and Specifications on the Packing box/catalogue might differ
*Due to regular Updation of the Product, the Picture and Specifications on the Packing box/catalogue might differ
*Due to regular Updation of the Product, the Picture and Specifications on the Packing box/catalogue might differ
*Due to regular Updation of the Product, the Picture and Specifications on the Packing box/catalogue might differ
from the actual Product. *All brand name and trademarks are Property of their respective owners.
from the actual Product. *All brand name and trademarks are Property of their respective owners.
from the actual Product. *All brand name and trademarks are Property of their respective owners.
from the actual Product. *All brand name and trademarks are Property of their respective owners.
Check if the mains power cord is properly connected.
Check if the mains power cord is properly connected.
Check if the mains power cord is properly connected.
Check if the mains power cord is properly connected.
Check if the mains power cord is properly connected. check ON/OFF switch. Turn on the power.
check ON/OFF switch. Turn on the power.
check ON/OFF switch. Turn on the power.
check ON/OFF switch. Turn on the power.
check ON/OFF switch. Turn on the power.
Check the input & output cable. It must be
Check the input & output cable. It must be
Check the input & output cable. It must be
Check the input & output cable. It must be
Check the input & output cable. It must be connected properly.
connected properly.
connected properly.
connected properly.
connected properly.
Check the audio input cable, source audio outputCheck the audio input cable, source audio outputCheck the audio input cable, source audio outputCheck the audio input cable, source audio outputCheck the audio input cable, source audio output
Reduce the volumeReduce the volumeReduce the volumeReduce the volumeReduce the volume
Check the audio input cableCheck the audio input cableCheck the audio input cableCheck the audio input cableCheck the audio input cable
Check the mode of USB/SD Re-plug the
Check the mode of USB/SD Re-plug the
Check the mode of USB/SD Re-plug the
Check the mode of USB/SD Re-plug the
Check the mode of USB/SD Re-plug the USB/SD device.
USB/SD device.
USB/SD device.
USB/SD device.
USB/SD device.
1. Connect the appropriate antenna. you may need
1. Connect the appropriate antenna. you may need
1. Connect the appropriate antenna. you may need
1. Connect the appropriate antenna. you may need
1. Connect the appropriate antenna. you may need an outdoor antenna.
an outdoor antenna.
an outdoor antenna.
an outdoor antenna.
an outdoor antenna.
2. Adjust the position of the antenna.
2. Adjust the position of the antenna.
2. Adjust the position of the antenna.
2. Adjust the position of the antenna.
2. Adjust the position of the antenna.
3. Separate the antenna from other cable & appliances.
3. Separate the antenna from other cable & appliances.
3. Separate the antenna from other cable & appliances.
3. Separate the antenna from other cable & appliances.
3. Separate the antenna from other cable & appliances.
4. Turn off nearby TV. DVD & Video Deck.
4. Turn off nearby TV. DVD & Video Deck.
4. Turn off nearby TV. DVD & Video Deck.
4. Turn off nearby TV. DVD & Video Deck.
4. Turn off nearby TV. DVD & Video Deck.
E- m a il: inf o@i n t ex .in , W ebs ite : w w w. i nte x.i nE- m a il: inf o@i n t ex .in , W ebs ite : w w w. i nte x.i nE- m a il: inf o@i n t ex .in , W ebs ite : w w w. i nte x.i nE- m a il: inf o@i n t ex .in , W ebs ite : w w w. i nte x.i nE- m a il: inf o@i n t ex .in , W ebs ite : w w w. i nte x.i n
30 Bra n c hes , 11 00+ Ser vic e To u c h Poi n t s
30 Bra n c hes , 11 00+ Ser vic e To u c h Poi n t s
30 Bra n c hes , 11 00+ Ser vic e To u c h Poi n t s
30 Bra n c hes , 11 00+ Ser vic e To u c h Poi n t s
He l p lin e No . :1 860 - 2 08- 5 5 55
He l p lin e No . :1 860 - 2 08- 5 5 55
He l p lin e No . :1 860 - 2 08- 5 5 55
He l p lin e No . :1 860 - 2 08- 5 5 55
IT- 1700 SUF
than 1100 Service Touch points. Intex commands high credibility amongest its partners’ community by virtue of
Toll Free No. - 1860-208-5555
30 Branches 1100+ Service Touch Points
1. 2.1 Channel multimedia speaker with USB/SD.
2. AUX audio input compatible with DVD/PC/TV.
3. Fully functioned remote control.
4. Digital FM playability.
5.Mode Indicator LED.
6. Wide range SMPS based power supply (AC 140V~280V)
Power Output 15W + 10W x 2
Speaker Size Main unit : 10.16cm (4) Satellite : 7.62cm (3)
Impedance Main Unit : 8 , Satellite : 4
Frequency Response Main Unit : 20Hz ~ 200Hz, Satellite : 200Hz ~ 20KHz S/N Ratio > 55dB Separation > 35dB
FM Frequency Receiver 88MHz to 108MHz Power Supply AC 140V ~ 280V / 50Hz
Controls Provided Volume (Rotary Type), PP/SCAN,PREV/CH-/VOL-,
1. Main Unit : 1N
2. Satellite Speaker : 2N
3. User Manual : 1N
WARRANTY: The warranty period for Intex Computer Multimedia Speaker is 1 year. Conditions apply. For more details, visit our website.
4. Audio Cable : 1 N
5. Remote Handset : 1 N
6. AAA Battery : 2 N
1. POWER KEY : Press for stand-by mode.
2. MUTE KEY : Press once to mute the set & press again for release
the mute.
8 9
3. MODE KEY : Press to select the all modes AUX/USB/SD/FM. default
setting in AUX mode.
4. EQ KEY : Press to select the sound effect for playing song in USB/SD mode. 5 kinds of EQ (E1,E2, E3, E4, E5) available for sound performance.
5. RPT KEY : Press once to repeat the playing song in USB/SD mode &
press again to repeat the all songs in USB/SD mode.
6. SCAN KEY : Press to auto scan the channels in FM mode and
scanned FM channels Stored by default.
7. VOL- KEY : Press to decrease the volume level in all modes.
8. VOL+ KEY : Press to increase the volume level in all modes.
9. NEXT KEY : Press to select the next song in USB/SD mode. Press to select the next stored CH in FM mode.
10. PREVIOUS KEY : Press to select the previous song in USB/SD mode. Press to select the previous stored CH in FM mode.
11. PLAY/PAUSE KEY : Press to play/pause playing the song in USB/SD mode. Press for 3 seconds to auto scan the channels
in FM mode and scanned FM channels stored by default.
Press numeric key to select the song directly in USB/SD mode. In FM mode to select the stored channels directly, (for 94.2MHz channel, press numeric keys 9 4 2) .
13. The function is unavailable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Main Unit
2. Satellite Speaker
3. Module
3.1 USB Socket
3.2 SD Socket
3.3 IR Sensor
3.4 Mode indicater LED
3.5 Play/Pause Key
3.6 Previous/TU - Key
3.7 Next/TU + Key
3.8 Mode key
4. Vent pipe
5. Remote Handset
6. Volume Knob ( Back Side)
1. VOLUME KNOB : Rotate clockwise for volume+ & anti clockwise for volume
PLAY/PAUSE/SCAN : Press to Play/Pause the playing song in USB/SD
mode. Press for 3 second to auto Scan the channels in FM mode and scanned FM channels stored by default.
PREVIOUS/CH-/VOL- : Press to select the previous song in USB/SD
mode. Press to select the preveious stored CH in FM mode. Press for 3 second to decrease the volume level in all modes.
4. NEXT/CH+/VOL+ : Press to select the next song in USB/SD mode. Press to select the next stored CH in FM mode. Press for 3 second to increase the volume level in all modes.
5. MODE : Press to select the all modes AUX/USB/SD/FM. Default setting in AUX mode.
Satellite Speaker
1. Connect the satellite speaker cable to the output port of main unit in
respective colour Sockets.
2. Insert Input signal cable into main unit at input port and the other end at output port of your Audio/Video system in respective colour port.
3. Plug in Power cable.
4. Rotate All Control Knob to minimum and then press power button to
‘ON’ position.
5. Adjust All Knobs Volume to your listening level and Enjoy the Music.
6. Rotate All Control knobs at its minimum levels before putting the
power off.
Note: Keep distance of 30cms between Satellite Speakers & TV/ Monitor.
Before putting the power switch ON make sure all speakers and input connections are to be completed.
Satellite Speaker
Power Cable