Modbus Server
User's Manual
r18 eng
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
User’s Manual r18 eng
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IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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Gateway for integration of KNX TP-1 (EIB) systems into Modbus (RTU and TCP) control systems (i.e. SCADA, BMS, PLC…).
Different models available for this gateway, with the following Order Codes:
o IBOX-MBS-KNX-100. Model supporting up to 100 points. o IBOX-MBS-KNX-A. Model supporting up to 500 points. o IBOX-MBS-KNX-B. Model supporting up to 3000 points.
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
User’s Manual r18 eng
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1. Description ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Functionality ................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Capacity of IntesisBox® .................................................................................. 8
2. Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Modbus ........................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 Description ............................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Functions supported ................................................................................ 9
2.1.3 Modbus RTU ........................................................................................... 9
2.1.4 Modbus TCP ......................................................................................... 10
2.1.5 Address Map ......................................................................................... 10
2.1.6 Points definition .................................................................................... 10
2.2 KNX TP-1 (EIB) ........................................................................................... 10
3. Quick Setup ................................................................................................... 12
4. Connections ................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Power device .............................................................................................. 13
4.2 Connect to KNX ........................................................................................... 14
4.3 Connect to Modbus ...................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 Connect to Modbus RTU ......................................................................... 14
4.3.2 Connect to Modbus TCP ......................................................................... 14
4.4 Connect to PC (LinkBoxMB) .......................................................................... 15
5. LinkBoxMB. Configuration & monitoring tool for IntesisBox® Modbus Server series . 16
5.1 Project configuration .................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Connection configuration ........................................................................ 17
5.1.2 Signals list ........................................................................................... 21
5.1.3 Saving the configuration ........................................................................ 27
6. IntesisBox® and ETS ....................................................................................... 28
6.1 Integration of IntesisBox® in ETS .................................................................. 28
7. Mechanical & Electrical characteristics. .............................................................. 29
8. Dimensions.................................................................................................... 31
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
User’s Manual r18 eng
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1. Description
1.1 Introduction
IntesisBox® Modbus Server - KNX is a communication gateway for KNX TP-1 (EIB) systems to Modbus slave (RTU and TCP).
This gateway allows to integrate KNX equipment inside a supervision/control/automation system through PLC, SCADA, and in general through any device or system with Modbus master (TCP or RTU) interface.
The aim of this integration is to make accessible KNX system signals and resources from a Modbus master device or system, as if it was a part of the own Modbus system and vice­versa. For this, IntesisBox Modbus Server - KNX acts as a Modbus slave device in its Modbus interface, allowing a Modbus master device to read and write its internal points. And from the KNX system point of view, the gateway simulates a KNX device and acts as if it was one more device into the KNX system.
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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1.2 Functionality
Every one of the defined signals into the IntesisBox® is associated to a Modbus address, with this, all the system is seen as a single Modbus slave unit from the Modbus system point of view.
From the KNX system point of view, every signal in IntesisBox® has an associated group address (the sending group address) and also it can have one or more listening addresses.
Integration of KNX and Modbus using IntesisBox Modbus Server - KNX gateway
The integration operation is as follow:
From the KNX system point of view, in the start-up process of the gateway and also after a detection of a KNX bus reset, the gateway polls the KNX signals configured to be updated in this situation and maintain the received values in memory to be served to the Modbus system when requested. Also listen for any KNX telegram related to the internal points configured in it and acts accordingly to the configuration of the related point.
From the Modbus system point of view, after the start up process, the gateway listen for any read or write request, and serves any read request or performs any writing request of its internal points received from Modbus system. The values received from Modbus become available to be read by the KNX system and vice-versa.
If a signal has been configured as of type “T” Transmit (in the KNX part), any new value for the signal coming from the Modbus system is notified to the KNX system with the corresponding telegram.
When, from the KNX system, a signal is changed (written from any other KNX device for example), the new value is updated in the gateway's memory, ready to be served to Modbus when requested.
Modbus Server
Only needed for configuration
Modbus RTU
Modbus TCP
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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Also the following functionality is supported by the gateway:
For every point, in the KNX part, one main group address (the sending group address) and different listening group addresses can be defined. With this, from KNX, every point can be addressed not only using its main group address but also using the other defined listening addresses for the point.
Any change in a gateway's point with the feature “T” activated (in the KNX part), will force the transmission of this point value with the corresponding telegram to the KNX system.
When the gateway starts up, or after an KNX bus reset, all the points with the feature “U” or "U2" activated (in the KNX part) will be forced to be read in the KNX system to update its values in the gateway’s internal memory.
Any point with the feature “W” activated (in the KNX part), can be written in any moment from the KNX system.
Any point with the feature “R” activated (in the KNX part), can be read in any moment from the KNX system.
All the mentioned features (W,R,T,U) related to the KNX part are configurable per every point in the gateway, with only a few necessary restrictions (see below in this document).
KNX-EIB EIS (data types) supported are: switching (1 bit), dimming (4 bit), float (16 bit), scaling (8 bit), drive control (1 bit), priority (2 bit), float IEEE (32 bit), counter (8 bit), counter (16 bit), counter (32 bit), ASCII char (8 bit).
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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1.3 Capacity of IntesisBox®
KNX communication objects
Maximum number of different KNX communication objects that can be defined.
KNX (EIB) listening group addresses
Maximum number of different KNX group addresses that can be defined as listening group addresses, one or more of these listening group addresses can be assigned to each point. With this, more than one KNX group address can actuate on the same IntesisBox's point.
Modbus TCP simultaneous connections
4 4 4
Maximum number of simultaneous Modbus TCP connections.
There are three different versions of IntesisBox® Modbus Server - KNX with different capacity each of them:
100 version with capacity of 100 KNX communication objects*. Ref. IBOX-MBS-KNX-100. A version with capacity of 500 KNX communication objects *. Ref. IBOX-MBS-KNX-A.
B version with capacity of 3000 KNX communication objects *. Ref. IBOX-MBS-KNX-B.
* If 32bit Modbus registers are used, the maximum number of KNX communication objects allowed by the LinkBoxMB license is reduced by half. In this case, the maximum number is 50, 250, and 1500 communication objects for the IBOX-MBS-KNX-100, the IBOX-MBS-KNX-A and the IBOX-MBS-KNX-B respectively.
IntesisBox model
Maximum Number of Communication Objects
16 bit Modbus registers
32 bit Modbus registers
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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2. Interfaces
2.1 Modbus
2.1.1 Description
IntesisBox® acts as a slave device in its Modbus interface, this interface can be the Ethernet port (if using Modbus TCP), or the EIA232 port or the EIA485 port (if using Modbus RTU). To access the points and resources of the IntesisBox® from a Modbus master device, you must specify as the Modbus register addresses, those configured inside IntesisBox® corresponding to KNX signals. See details below in this document.
The IntesisBox® is able to have Modbus RTU mode active, Modbus TCP mode active, or both modes active at the same time.
2.1.2 Functions supported
This part is common for Modbus TCP & RTU.
Modbus functions 01 and 02 (coils and digital input registers) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 03 and 04 (read holding registers and read input registers) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 05 and 15 (Single digital Holding Registers and Write Multiple Holding Registers) can be used to write Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 06 and 16 (Single Multiple Holding Registers and Write Multiple Holding Registers) can be used to write Modbus registers.
If poll records are used to read or write more than one register, it is necessary that the range of addresses requested contains valid addresses; if not the corresponding Modbus error code will be returned.
All the registers are of 2 bytes, even if they are associated to signals of type bit in the external system, and its content is expressed in MSB..LSB.
Modbus error codes are fully supported; they will be sent whenever a non-valid Modbus action or address is required.
2.1.3 Modbus RTU
Baud rate can be selected from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 56700. Data Bits:8 Parity can be selected from: none, even, odd. Stop Bits:1.
Modbus slave number can be configured. Physical connection (EIA232 or EIA485) can also be selected.
IntesisBox® Modbus Server KNX
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Only the lines RX, TX and GND of the EIA232 connector are used (TX/RX+ and TX/RX- for EIA485).
2.1.4 Modbus TCP
The TCP port to use can be configured (by default 502 is used).
The IP address, subnet mask and default router address to use by IntesisBox® can be also configured.
2.1.5 Address Map
The Modbus address map is fully configurable; any point in the IntesisBox® can be freely configured with the desired Modbus register address.
2.1.6 Points definition
Every point defined in the gateway has the Modbus Format, Point and R/W features associated to it that can be configured. These features are explained in section 5.1.2 Signals list.
2.2 KNX TP-1 (EIB)
IntesisBox Modbus Server - KNX supports the KNX TP-1 physical layer, as defined in the KNX standard. It behaves as one more device of the KNX system, with the same configuration and functional characteristics as other KNX devices.
KNX TP-1 (EIB) bus provides a 30V DC current, which can even directly power certain low­consumption KNX devices. IntesisBox does not drain any significant current from the KNX bus - it has a separate own power supply. Another important electrical aspect is that the KNX TP-1 (EIB) port of IntesisBox is optically isolated (~2500Vrms AC) from all its other ports (EIA232, EIA485, Ethernet) and power supply.
At logical level, all KNX devices feature an interface of communication objects, by which their functionality is abstracted. As a basic example, a KNX interface of an AC indoor unit
would typically consist of an interface of datapoints such as “On/Off”, “Setpoint temperature”, “Operating mode”, etc.
Associations between communication objects from different KNX devices are actually done by means of so-called group addresses.
KNX telegrams within a working KNX installation are always addressed to a certain KNX group address. Typically, whenever a communication object on a KNX device changes its
value, the new value is updated to the bus, by sending a “write” telegram addressed to its
associated group address. The rest of KNX devices in the installation that have a communication object associated to this group address will act accordingly on reception of the new value.
Other operations are possible. KNX devices can also decide to read the current value of the
communication objects, by sending a “read” telegram to a certain group address (previously
known to be associated to the targeted comm. object). This operation is performed by many
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