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1.1 DALI interface
DALI (Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface) is a standard defining a set of functionalities
and requirements to be fulfilled by lighting ballasts. DALI ballasts communicate as well
using the same protocol (DALI protocol), defined in the standard and supported by
From a functional point of view, DALI ballasts provide following features:
Digital control of actual arc power level (dim level)
o Controllable either individually, or by previously defined groups of ballasts.
o Set to arbitrary power/dim levels between OFF and 100%, or previously
defined “preset” levels (scenes).
o Using predefined fade rates/times upon power level change.
Reporting of their actual status
o Mainly for detecting failure conditions of the ballast or the installation.
A single DALI channel supports up to 64 ballasts, being this one the maximum number of
individual ballasts that can be integrated with a single IntesisBox.
The DALI channel needs a power source, which will be provided by IntesisBox itself. As per
the requirements of the standard, nominal bus voltage provided by IntesisBox is 15V, and
has a current limiter of 240/250mA.
Each DALI ballast has an own permanent storage memory, where it stores its own
configuration values. These values can be read, set and changed using IntesisBox at setup
time. They are the following:
Short Address (Individual address / Address for individual control)
Random Address (Unique address providing a way of addressing a ballast without
assigned individual/short address)
Physical Minimum Level (read-only/defined by ballast manufacturer)
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Power-on Level
System Failure Level
Fade Rate
Fade Time
Group membership (a DALI channel can have up to 16 groups and each ballast can
belong to any number of them at the same time)
Level for scene 0…15 (up to 16 scenes/preset dim levels can be configured within
each ballast)
Configuration of all ballast parameters can be done with IntesisBox, using LinkBoxBacnet
software configuration tool. Usage of this tool is explained in detail in section 3.
Information on DALI technology and a list of existing ballast manufacturers can be found at
AG DALI association’s website (