ASCII Server
BACnet IP client
User manual
v10 r15 eng
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
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ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
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Gateway for the integration of BACnet IP devices into ASCII EIA-232 or TCP/IP enabled control systems.
Order codes:
Basic model supporting up to 64 BACnet client devices and 500 internal data points.
IBOX-ASCII-BAC-B Extended model supporting up to 64 BACnet client devices and 4000 internal data points.
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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1. Description ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Functionality ................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Capacity of IntesisBox ................................................................................... 7
2. ASCII interface ................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Description ................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Points definition ............................................................................................ 9
3. BACnet interface ............................................................................................ 10
3.1 Description ................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Points definition .......................................................................................... 11
4. LinkBoxBacnet. Configuration & monitoring tool for IntesisBox ............................. 12
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 12
4.2 Project definition ......................................................................................... 12
4.3 Connection configuration .............................................................................. 17
4.4 Signals configuration ................................................................................... 20
4.5 Saving the configuration and sending it to IntesisBox ...................................... 23
4.6 Signals viewer ............................................................................................ 23
4.7 System commands ...................................................................................... 24
4.8 Files .......................................................................................................... 25
4.9 Functionality considerations .......................................................................... 25
5. Setup process and troubleshooting ................................................................... 26
5.1 Pre-requisites ............................................................................................. 26
5.2 Setup procedure ......................................................................................... 26
6. Configuring the integration in just two steps ...................................................... 29
6.1 Importing BACnet points list and configuring IntesisBox ................................... 29
6.2 Configuring the ASCII system to access the gateway's points ........................... 30
7. Connections ................................................................................................... 31
8. BACnet IP interface specifications ..................................................................... 32
9. Mechanical & electrical characteristics ............................................................... 33
10. Dimensions.................................................................................................... 34
11. Annexes ........................................................................................................ 35
11.1 Daikin DMS502A51 BACnet Gateway for Daikin Air Conditioning VRV system ...... 35
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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1. Description
1.1 Introduction
This document describes the integration of ASCII enabled systems with BACnet ASHRAE 135 – 2001 Annex J - BACnet/IP protocol compatible devices or systems using the gateway IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client.
This document assumes that the user is familiar with BACnet technology and technical terms.
From now on, and with the aim of easy the read of this document, the word "IntesisBox" and "gateway" is used instead of IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client gateway. And any other use of the word "gateway" not meaning IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client will be specifically indicated.
The aim of this integration is to make accessible signals and resources of any BACnet IP based system or device (for example Daikin VRV AC system) from any system capable to be programmed to read and write simple text messages through EIA-232 serial port or Ethernet TCP/IP port (for example Extron, LiteTouch systems).
For this, the gateway acts as a BACnet IP Client device in its BACnet interface, reading/writing points of other BACnet IP device(s), and offering this point's values of BACnet device(s) through its ASCII interface using simple ASCII messages. The readings into the BACnet device(s) performed by the gateway can be by polling or by subscription (COV).
Integration of BACnet and ASCII using
IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client gateway
ASCII enabled
control system
Only needed for configuration
EIA-232 / Ethernet
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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1.2 Functionality
The integration operation is as follow:
From the BACnet system point of view, after the start up process, the gateway reads continuously the points configured to be read by polling and also performs all the subscriptions (COV) requests for points configured to be read by subscription, and updates in memory all the values received from the BACnet system. These values received from BACnet become available to be read by the ASCII system in any moment.
From the ASCII system point of view, after the start up process of the gateway, IntesisBox waits for any query (ASCII messages requesting readings of points or ASCII messages requesting writings of points), and acts according to the message received. See ASCII interface section for details about this ASCII messages.
Also, whenever a point changes of value (due to a change in the BACnet point associated) the gateway will send an ASCII message informing about new value for the point, but only if the point is configured to send this type of spontaneous messages.
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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1.3 Capacity of IntesisBox
Max.* (basic version)
Max.* (extended version)
Notes Type of BACnet devices
Only those supporting BACnet/IP.
Number of BACnet devices
Maximum number of BACnet devices accepted by the gateway.
Number of BACnet points
Maximum number of points that can be defined in the gateway.
*These maximum values can be extended on demand
There are two different models of IntesisBox® ASCII Server – BACnet/IP client, with different capacity each of them.
Basic model supporting up to 500 internal data points and 64 BACnet client devices.
Extended model supporting up to 4000 internal data points and 64 BACnet client
devices. Ref.: IBOX-ASCII-BAC-B.
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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2. ASCII interface
This section describes the ASCII interface of the IntesisBox, its configuration and functionality.
2.1 Description
The gateway can be connected to any ASCII enabled device using its EIA-232 interface (DB9 connector DTE) or TCP/IP (Ethernet connector), and offers through this interface the possibility of supervision and control of its internal BACnet points using simple ASCII messages.
On receiving messages corresponding to write commands in its ASCII interface, the gateway sends the corresponding write command message to the BACnet device associated.
When a new value for a point is received from BACnet, the corresponding ASCII message indicating the new value will be sent through the ASCII interface, but only if the point is configured for sending this "spontaneous messages", if it is not configured to do so, then the new value will be available to be polled in any moment from the ASCII enabled device connected to this ASCII interface. This behaviour of sending or not through the ASCII interface the new values received from BACnet is configurable individually per point into the gateway.
The communication parameters of this ASCII interface are the following: Baud rate: configurable (1200 bps ... 57600 bps). Data bits: 8. Parity: None. Stop bits: 1.
The ASCII messages used to read/write points into the gateway through this interface are:
Message to read a point's value:
Where: aaaa is a 4 digits number indicating the point's address inside the gateway (see point addresses details below in this document). \r means carriage return character (HEX 0D, DEC 13).
Message to write a point's value:
Where: aaaa is a 4 digits number indicating the point's address inside the gateway (see point addresses details below in this document).
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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vv is the desired value for the point (it can be just integer or fractional, decimal point is used to separate integer and fractional parts if the number is fractional). \r means carriage return character (HEX 0D, DEC 13).
Message informing about a point's value (sent spontaneously by the gateway when receiving a change from BACnet or sent by the gateway in response to a previous poll for the point):
Where: aaaa is a 4 digits number indicating the point's address inside the gateway (see point addresses details below in this document). vv is the actual value of the point (it can be just integer or fractional, decimal point is used to separate integer and fractional parts if the number is fractional). \r means carriage return character (HEX 0D, DEC 13).
Messages to indicate erroneous actions:
>E01\r Is returned when trying to read a point not configured in the gateway.
>E02\r Is returned when trying to write a point not permitted to be written.
2.2 Points definition
Every point defined in the gateway has the following ASCII features associated to it, which can be configured (optionally or mandatory depending on the feature):
Signal or point description. Only for information purposes at user level.
Spontaneous *
Determines if any change of value for the point received from BACnet will generate a spontaneous ASCII message to send through the ASCII interface informing about the new value.
Active *
If activated means that the signal is active for the gateway, if not activated is like signal not defined. It allows you to deactivate signals without the need of delete them (useful for future use of this signals).
* Configuration for this feature is mandatory.
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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3. BACnet interface
3.1 Description
The BACnet systems are represented in the form of Devices holding Objects, normally every physical device corresponds to a logical one. The Objects can be of different type depending on their task: analog input, analog output, digital input, etc, up to 23 different types of objects. Every Object has different properties, the one more commonly used, and the one used to read and write values in the gateway is the Present Value property that indicates the real value of the object. Every Object of the same type in a Device is identified with its associated Object Instance.
These are the possible BACnet signals supported by the gateway:
Object Type
Analog Input
Present Value
Analog signal. i.e. Ambient temperature.
Analog Output
Present Value
Analog signal.
Analog Value
Present Value
Analog signal. i.e. Temperature set point value.
Binary Input
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF status.
Binary Output
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF command.
Binary Value
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF status/command.
Multistate Input
Present Value
Multistate signal. i.e. Working mode status.
Multistate Output
Present Value
Multistate signal.
Multistate Value
Present Value
Multistate signal. i.e. Working mode command.
Multistate signals represent integer values, the same than binary ones but with more than 2 possible statuses. Input signals are read only signals.
Every signal is identified with its associated Device + Object Type + Object Instance.
The gateway simulates a virtual BACnet device inside the BACnet system acting as one more device of the BACnet system. The communication with the rest of the BACnet devices is done via the Ethernet port of the gateway which implements the BACnet IP protocol.
ASCII Server - BACnet IP User manual v10 r15 eng
Doc: IntesisBox ASCII Server - BACnet IP client v10 r15 eng.pdf
© Intesis Software S.L.U. - All rights reserved
IntesisBox is a registered trademark of Intesis Software SLU
tel +34 938047134
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3.2 Points definition
Every point defined in IntesisBox has the following BACnet features associated to it:
BACnet Device
BACnet device to which belongs the point, from a list of BACnet devices that can be defined in the gateway (up to 64).
For every BACnet device defined, a virtual signal is created automatically in the gateway to inform about the communication with the BACnet device, this signal is available also from the ASCII interface like the rest of points.
BACnet object type
BACnet object type for the point. It can be one of the following BACnet object types supported by the gateway:
AI = Analog Input. AO = Analog Output. AV = Analog Value. DI = Digital Input. DO = Digital Output. DV = Digital Value. MI = Multistate Input. MO = Multistate Output. MV = Multistate Value.
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object types of the points desired to integrate.
BACnet object instance
BACnet object instance for the point.
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object instance of the points desired to integrate.
BACnet object property
BACnet object property for the point. The only property permitted is Present_Value. The gateway uses Present_Value property to read/write points into other BACnet devices.
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