Intesis INMBSBAC1000000 User guide

Modbus Server
BACnet MSTP and BACnet/IP client
Issue date: 03/2020 r1.3 ENGLISH
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
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Important User Information
The information in this document is for informational purposes only. Please inform HMS Industrial Networks of any inaccuracies or omissions found in this document. HMS Industrial Networks disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this document.
HMS Industrial Networks reserves the right to modify its products in line with its policy of continuous product development. The information in this document shall therefore not be construed as a commitment on the part of HMS Industrial Networks and is subject to change without notice. HMS Industrial Networks makes no commitment to update or keep current the information in this document.
The data, examples and illustrations found in this document are included for illustrative purposes and are only intended to help improve understanding of the functionality and handling of the product. In view of the wide range of possible applications of the product, and because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular implementation, HMS Industrial Networks cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the data, examples or illustrations included in this document nor for any damages incurred during installation of the product. Those responsible for the use of the product must acquire sufficient knowledge in order to ensure that the product is used correctly in their specific application and that the application meets all performance and safety requirements including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. Further, HMS Industrial Networks will under no circumstances assume liability or responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result from the use of undocumented features or functional side effects found outside the documented scope of the product. The effects caused by any direct or indirect use of such aspects of the product are undefined and may include e.g. compatibility issues and stability issues.
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
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Gateway for the integration of BACnet MSTP and BACnet IP installations into Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP enabled monitoring and control systems.
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
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Description .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Functionality ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Gateway’s capacity .......................................................................................................................... 6
2 BACnet interface ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Description ........................................................................................................................................ 7
BACnet/IP ......................................................................................................................................... 8
BACnet MSTP .................................................................................................................................. 8
Points definition ................................................................................................................................ 9
3 Modbus interface ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Description ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Functions supported ......................................................................................................................... 9
Modbus RTU .................................................................................................................................. 10
Modbus TCP ................................................................................................................................... 10
Address Map .................................................................................................................................. 10
Points definition .............................................................................................................................. 10
4 Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Powering the device ....................................................................................................................... 13
Connection to Modbus ................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Modbus TCP ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Modbus RTU ........................................................................................................................... 13
Connection to BACnet .................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 BACnet IP ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.2 BACnet MSTP ........................................................................................................................ 14
Connection to the configuration tool ............................................................................................... 14
5 Set-up process and troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 15
Pre-requisites ................................................................................................................................. 15
Intesis MAPS. Configuration & monitoring tool for Intesis BACnet series ..................................... 15
5.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2.2 Connection .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2.3 Configuration tab .................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.4 Signals .................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.5 Sending the configuration to Intesis ....................................................................................... 23
5.2.6 Diagnostic ............................................................................................................................... 23
Set-up procedure ............................................................................................................................ 25
6 Electrical & Mechanical Features ........................................................................................................... 26
7 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................ 27
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
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This document describes the integration of BACnet MSTP and BACnet IP installations into Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP compatible devices and systems using the Intesis Modbus Server – BACnet Client gateway.
The aim of this integration is to make accessible BACnet system signals and resources from a Modbus based control system or device, as if it was a part of the own Modbus system and vice-versa.
The gateway acts as a Modbus TCP Server or Modbus RTU slave device in its Modbus interface, allowing a Modbus master/client device to read/write to its internal points. From BACnet point of view, Intesis acts as a BACnet client device, able to subscribe (COV) or do periodic polling of configured BACnet points.
Configuration is carried out using the configuration software IntesisTM MAPS. This document assumes that the user is familiar with Modbus and BACnet technologies and their technical terms.
Integration of BACnet IP or BACnet MSTP server systems
into Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU control and monitoring systems
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
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From the BACnet system point of view, after the start up process, Intesis subscribes to configured BACnet points or reads them continuously from their respective BACnet server devices and updates in its memory the value of the present_value property received from them.
From the Modbus system point of view, after the start up process, the gateway presents its points as Modbus Registers, to be read or written by a Modbus client/master device using standard Modbus functions. The values received from Modbus are immediately written in the associated present_value property of the corresponding object.
Each BACnet object from the BACnet server devices is associated to a Modbus register, with this, all the configured points of the BACnet server devices are seen as a single Modbus server with many registers from the Modbus system point of view, each register corresponding to a present_value of an object on a particular BACnet server device.
When a new value is read from BACnet for a given object/present_value, the new value is updated in the gateway's memory and made accessible at Modbus Server interface.
In the continuous polling of the BACnet server, if an unresponsive BACnet server device is detected, the corresponding virtual signal inside Intesis will be activated indicating communication error with the BACnet server device. These virtual signals indicating communication status in real time with the BACnet devices are also accessible from Modbus, like the rest of the points of the gateway.
Gateway’s capacity
Intesis capacity is listed below:
Type of BACnet devices
Communication with BACnet IP and MSTP
Number of BACnet devices
Maximum number of different BACnet devices the Intesis can communicate to
Number of Modbus Registers
Maximum number of points that can be defined in the virtual Modbus Server device inside the gateway
Modbus link layers supported
Modbus RTU (EIA485)
Modbus TCP
Those supporting Modbus protocol. Communication over TCP/IP and RTU
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2 BACnet interface
This section describes the BACnet part of the Intesis's configuration and functionality.
BACnet server devices are represented in the form of Devices holding Objects, normally every physical device corresponds to a logical one. The Objects can be of different type depending on the data and functionality the represent: Analog Input, Analog output, Digital Input, etc. Up to 23 different types of objects. Note that Outputs are objects meant to be written in the direction BACnet network to the device, and the opposite for Inputs (they are meant to offer status information of the BACnet device). Value objects are bidirectional.
Every Object has different properties. The most meaningful one, and the one used to read and write values by Intesis is the Present Value property, which indicates the real value of the object. Every Object of the same type in a Device is identified with its associated Object Instance.
These are the possible BACnet objects supported by Intesis:
Object Type
Analog Input
Present Value
Analog signal. i.e. Ambient temperature.
Analog Output
Present Value
Analog signal.
Analog Value
Present Value
Analog signal. i.e. Temperature set point value.
Binary Input
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF status.
Binary Output
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF command.
Binary Value
Present Value
Digital signal. i.e. ON/OFF status/command.
Multistate Input
Present Value
Multistate signal. i.e. Working mode status.
Multistate Output
Present Value
Multistate signal.
Multistate Value
Present Value
Multistate signal. i.e. Working mode command.
Present Value
Present Value
Every signal is identified with its associated Device + Object Type + Object Instance. Intesis simulates a virtual BACnet device inside the BACnet system acting as client device in the BACnet system.
The communication with the rest of the BACnet devices is done via the Ethernet port of the gateway which implements the BACnet protocol.
Intesis implements a single BACnet object of its own: this is, its BACnet Device Object, containing its BACnet Device Identifier and basic properties of Intesis as BACnet device (name, firmware version, etc).
Using the configuration tool with Intesis it’s possible to scan the BACnet network for available devices and their objects, which can later be directly added to your configuration. This facilitates the configuration process, avoiding to enter them manually.
BACnet/IP and BACnet MSTP physical layers are supported. Only one physical layer can be used at a time. This is, if communicating to BACnet using BACnet/IP, BACnet MSTP cannot be used, and viceversa.
IntesisTM Modbus Server – BACnet Client User Manual r1.3 EN
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Main parameter to set up for BACnet/IP, additional to basic IP settings (IP, netmask, default gateway) is the communication port. Intesis uses port 47808 (0xBAC0) by default and it can be changed at configuration time.
When using BACnet/IP, device can also act as a Foreign Device (in order to be able to communicate with devices that are in another network domain), alternatively implement a BBMD itself (Bacnet/IP Broadcast Management Device). This functionality facilitates communication of devices in other networks with the devices in the network where Intesis is installed.
Communication with BACnet/IP excludes possibility of communicating with BACnet MSTP from Intesis.
When choosing BACnet MSTP device needs to be associated with a MAC address (address within the MSTP network segment), to be configured with configuration software.
Following baud rates are supported for MSTP line: 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, 115200 or Autobauding (autodetect). Standard wiring guidelines for EIA485 apply for the BACnet MSTP line. Communication with BACnet MSTP excludes possibility of communicating with BACnet/IP from Intesis.
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Points definition
Every point defined in Intesis has the following BACnet features associated to it:
BACnet Device
BACnet device to which belongs the point, from a list of BACnet devices that can be defined in Intesis (up to 16).
For every BACnet device defined, a virtual signal is created automatically in Intesis to inform about the communication with the BACnet device, this signal is available also from the Modbus interface like the rest of points.
BACnet object type
BACnet object type for the point. It can be one of the following BACnet object types supported by Intesis:
AI = Analog Input. AO = Analog Output. AV = Analog Value. DI = Digital Input. DO = Digital Output. DV = Digital Value. MI = Multistate Input. MO = Multistate Output. MV = Multistate Value. LOOP = Loop ACUM = Accumulator
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object types of the points desired to integrate.
BACnet object instance
BACnet object instance for the point on the external BACnet device.
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object instance of the points desired to integrate.
Note that configuration tool used with Intesis enables for discovery of existing BACnet devices in the network, as well as their BACnet objects and types, which can be later directly added in configuration. This facilitates the process of choosing suitable parameters above for every BACnet object on every BACnet device to integrate.
3 Modbus interface
Intesis acts as a slave device in its Modbus interface, this interface can be the Ethernet port (if using Modbus TCP), or the EIA232/EIA485 ports (if using Modbus RTU). To access the points and resources of the Intesis from a Modbus master device, you must specify as Modbus register addresses, those configured inside Intesis corresponding to BACnet signals. See details below in this document.
The Intesis can have Modbus RTU mode active, Modbus TCP mode active, or both modes active at the same time.
Functions supported
This part is common for Modbus TCP & RTU. Modbus functions 01 and 02 (coils and digital input registers) can be used to read Modbus registers.
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