Interface for integration of Daikin air conditioners into KNX
TP-1 (EIB) control systems
Compatible with Domestic line air conditioner commercialized by Daikin
Application’s Program Version: 0.4
Issue date: 03/2020 r1.9 ENGLISH
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
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URL https://www.intesis.com
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IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
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URL https://www.intesis.com
Interface for integration of Daikin air conditioners
into KNX TP-1 (EIB) control systems.
Compatible with Domestic line air conditioners commercialised by
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
1. Presentation .................................................................................................... 5
2. Connection ...................................................................................................... 6
3. Configuration and setup .................................................................................... 6
4. KNX communication objects ............................................................................... 7
5. Parameters. ................................................................................................... 21
6. Specifications ................................................................................................. 25
7. AC Unit Types compatibility. ............................................................................ 25
8. Error Codes ................................................................................................... 26
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
1. Presentation
INKNXDAI001I000 allows a complete and natural integration of
Daikin air conditioners with KNX control systems.
Compatible with all models of Domestic line of air conditioners.
Main features:
• Reduced dimensions. Installation even inside the A.C. indoor unit.
• Quick and non visible installation.
• External power not required.
• Direct connection to the KNX EIB bus.
• Direct connection to the AC indoor unit.
• Fully KNX interoperable, configuration from ETS.
• Multiple objects for control (of different types: bit, byte, characters…).
• Control of the AC unit based in the ambient temperature read by the own AC unit, or in
the ambient temperature read by any KNX thermostat.
• Total Control and Monitoring of the AC unit from KNX, including monitoring of AC unit’s
state of internal variables, running hours counter (for filter maintenance control), and
error indication and error code.
• AC unit can be controlled simultaneously by the IR remote control of the AC unit and by
• Up to 2 scenes can be saved and executed from KNX, fixing the desired combination of
Operation Mode, Set Temperature, Fan Speed, and Swing in any moment by using a
simple Switching type object.
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
2. Connection
The interface comes with a cable (1 meter long) for direct connection to the internal control
board of the AC indoor unit.
Connection of the interface to the AC indoor unit:
Disconnect mains power from the AC unit. Open the front cover of the indoor unit in order
to have access to the internal control board. In the control board locate the socket
connector marked as:
S21 in Domestic line models
Using the cable that comes with the interface, insert its smaller connector into the socket of
the INKNXDAI001I000 marked as AC Unit, and the other connector, the biggest one, into
the socket S21 of the AC unit's control board. Fix the INKNXDAI001I000 inside or outside
the AC indoor unit depending on your needs – remember that INKNXDAI001I000 must be
also connected to the KNX bus. Close the AC indoor unit's front cover again.
IMPORTANT: Do not modify the length of the cable supplied with the interface, it may affect
to the correct operation of the interface.
Connection of the interface to the KNX bus:
Disconnect power of the KNX bus. Connect the interface to the KNX TP-1 (EIB) bus using
the KNX standard connector (red/grey) of the interface, respect polarity. Reconnect power
of the KNX bus.
Connections diagram:
3. Configuration and setup
This is a fully compatible KNX device which must be configured and setup using standard
KNX tool ETS.
ETS project for this device can be donwloaded from:
Please consult the README.txt file, located inside the downloaded zip file, to find
instructions on how to install the database.
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to select the correct model of AC indoor unit connected to the
interface, this is in "Parameters" of the device in ETS.
Connection cable
supplied with the
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
4. KNX communication objects
Main Objects.
This object is used to Start (On) and Stop (Off) the AC unit
0=Aut, 1=Heat, 2=Dry, 3=Fan, 4=Cool
This object is used to monitor the Operation Mode in the AC unit
0=Aut, 1=Heat, 3=Cool, 9=Fan, 14=Dry
This object is used to monitor the Operation Mode in the AC unit
This object is used to monitor the Operation Mode in the AC unit.
Writing a 0 sets the Operation Mode to Cool. Writing 1 sets the
Operation Mode to Heat.
Setting the Operation Mode to Heat (through Mode object or
DPTHvacContrMode object) sets this object to 1. Setting the
Operation Mode to any other (but Heat) sets this object to 0.
This object is a text description of the selected Operation Mode
0=Aut, 1=Low, 2=Md1, 3=Md2, 4=Md3, 5=High
This object is used to monitor the Fan speed in the AC unit
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
This object is a text description of the selected Fan speed
0=Off, 1=Vertical Swing, 2=Horizontal Swing, 3=Both
Swing working mode in the AC unit
This object is a text description of the selected Swing mode
Humidifying Mode [2bytes]
0=Off, 1=Low, 2=Standard, 3=High, 4=Continuous
Working mode of AC unit’s Humidifier (URURU SARARA model only)
Humidifying Text [14bytes]
This object is a text description of the selected Humidifying mode
Set Temperature A.C. [2bytes]
31..16ºC or 30..10ºC or 32..18ºC depending on operation mode, see
AC unit table below
This object controls the temperature setpoint of the AC unit. Value is
meant to be used to set the temperature of the AC unit only when
“Virtual Temperature Control” parameter is inactive (set to “No”),
always can be read and reflects the current setpoint in the AC unit.
0-No Error, 1-Operation Error
This object, when set to 1, indicates either an error in the AC unit or
communication failure between AC unit and INKNXDAI001I000.
IntesisTM KNX - Daikin A.C. (Domestic line)
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
URL https://www.intesis.com
This object indicates the Error Code of the AC unit. Note that a value
of 0 indicates “no error” condition; 555 indicates communication
error between INKNXDAI001I000 and the AC Unit.
Consult further error codes in the list below.
Save/Execute Scene [1byte]
For Storing: 128=Scene1, 129=Scene2
For Executing: 0=Scene1, 1=Scene2
This object is used for storing/executing a scene (a scene is a given
combination of set values for Operation Mode, Setpoint Temperature,
Fan Speed, Swing Mode, and Humidifying Mode in the AC unit). The
actual combination of these values is stored in INKNXDAI001I000’s
eeprom when storing and retrieved from memory and set in the AC
unit when executing.
This object is used to monitor the active scene (a scene is a given
combination of set values for Operation Mode, Setpoint Temperature,
Fan Speed, Swing Mode Humidifying Mode in the AC unit).
This object indicates the AC indoor unit's operation time (in hours).
Value is stored in INKNXDAI001I000’s eeprom. This value can be
used for maintenance control of AC indoor unit’s filter, as well as for
monitoring AC unit's operation time. Set to 0 for clearing its value
after filter maintenance.