© 2013 Intertec Components GmbH, Erdinger Str. 45, 85356 Freising. www.intertec.org
V. 1.2, 22.04.2013, RB
ITV-GECWV407M User Manual
The ITV-GECWV407M JPEG compression module performs as a video camera or a JPEG
compressed still camera and can be fixed into all kinds of system. For example: remote
monitoring, vehicle monitoring, visible the doorbell, camera phones, digital image records,
industry control, access control, etc. Users can send out a snapshot command from the
host in order to capture a full resolution single-frame still picture. The picture is then
compressed by the JPEG engine and transferred to the host.
1. Small size: 28mm x 20mm (L x W).
2. 0.3M CMOS ensor, VGA resolution, down sample to QVGA.
3. Video-out: VGA & 60fps, optional.
4. Low power consumption, 3.3V operation.
5. UART interface support up to 115.2Kbps.
6. Built-in JPEG CODE.
7. Built-in lens, optional.
© 2013 Intertec Components GmbH, Erdinger Str. 45, 85356 Freising. www.intertec.org
Block Diagram
Board Layout
Pin Function
*The default socket is 4 pins, we will not assemble the fifth pin (Video out) unless user specify.
1.Lens Structure
© 2013 Intertec Components GmbH, Erdinger Str. 45, 85356 Freising. www.intertec.org
PAL:628 x 582 / NTSC:510 x 492
Construction: 4P+IR filter
Effective Focal Length:3.27mm
Relative illumination: 60% Ø3.44
© 2013 Intertec Components GmbH, Erdinger Str. 45, 85356 Freising. www.intertec.org
User Manual
1. Serial Interface
1.1 Baud Rate
The ITV-GECWV407M supports total 5 types of baud rate: 9,600bps, 19,200bps,
38,400bps, 57,600bps and 115,200bps. Default baud rate is 115,200bps. In other words,
host needs to use 115200bps at the first connection with ITV-GECWV407M. After the first
connection, host can change the baud rate to other supported values.
1.2 Single Byte Timing Diagram
A single byte RS-232 transmission consists of one start bit, 8-bit contents and one stop bit.
A start bit is always 0, while a stop bit is always 1. LSB is sent out first and is right after the
start bit.
Figure 5 RS232 communications – single byte timing diagram
1.3 Command Timing Diagram
A single command consists of 4 or more (depends on data length’s value) continuous
single byte RS-232 transmissions. The following is an example of GET VERSION (56h,
00h, 11h, 00h) command.
© 2013 Intertec Components GmbH, Erdinger Str. 45, 85356 Freising. www.intertec.org
Figure 6 GET VERSION command timing diagram
1.4 Command summary
Get Firmware version information
Get image lengths in frame buffer
Set image compressed rate
Host will get reply command from JC409M-W01
Table 1 command summary
1.5 Command format
Protocol sign(1byte) + Serial No.(1byte) + Command(1byte) + Data length(1byte) +
Control data(nbytes)
Protocol sign: This one byte field indicates the transmitting mode of the command.
The command is sent from the host to ITV-GECWV407M
Command is received from ITV-GECWV407M to the host