Intersil ISL41387EVAL1Z User Manual

ISL41387EVAL1Z User’s Manual
Application Note May 30, 2006
The ISL41387 evaluation board is RoHS compliant, and provides a quick and easy method for evaluating this Dual Protocol IC. The eval board also accommodates the ISL41334; see the “ISL41334EVAL1Z User’s Manual” for details.
This board was designed to allow the user to evaluate all the features available on the ISL81387 and ISL41387 products. The ISL41387 is the full featured version (see “Features” below), where the QFN package’s increased pin count gives the user access to functionality not available on the pin limited ISL81387. The same die is used in both products, so other than minor package effects, evaluating the QFN packaged ISL41387 is a reasonable substitute for evaluating the ISL81387.
By changing jumper positions the user can quickly set the board to evaluate any of the ISL41387’s many modes and features, and the input states can also be set via jumpers.
Refer to the data sheet for complete details regarding the functions and features of this device. These dual protocol ICs feature many modes, so studying the device’s truth-table along with its operating circuits and detailed description is the best way to gain an understanding of how the part works.
• QFN Version Demonstrates All Enhanced Features: Logic Supply Pin (VL) Three RS-485 Speed Options - 115kbps/460kbps/20Mbps Active Low RS-485 Rx Enable for Simple Direction Control
• Quick Configuration Using Jumpers
• State of All Inputs Can be Set by Jumper Positions
• No Bus Termination Resistors; Allows RS-232 or RS-485 Evaluation
• Simple Operation Requires Only One, 5V, Power Supply
Important Notes
To facilitate locating jumpers on this board, Figure 3 is a jumper locator and, in this Application Note, the (#) following a jumper mention corresponds to the red jumper number on the locator. See the “Jumper Definitions” section for a description of the function of each jumper.
The base board is used to evaluate both the ISL41334 (2 port) and ISL41387 (1 port) products, so the jumper and connector names reflect the functionality of both products. Due to space limitations some jumper labels are abbreviated, but the corresponding BNC connector has the full label.
In most cases, a name that applies to both products contains no parenthesis (e.g., “B1”), a name that applies to only the ISL41334 is followed by “(NC)” (e.g., “B2 (NC)”), and a name that applies to only the ISL41387 is preceded by “NC” and/or has the name in parenthesis (e.g., “NC (DEN)” or “(DEN)”).
Note that on “Rev . A” of these boards the following minor errors have been noted, and are corrected on subsequ ent revisions:
• Jumper labels “J-SELX” (not numbered) should be “J-SELX (NC)” because they are not used for the ISL41387
• Jumper label “J-RXEN2 “J-RXEN2
• Jumper label “J-RXEN” (11) should be “J-(RXEN)” because it is only used for the ISL41387
• Jumper label “J-DE2” (not numbered) should be “J-DE2 (NC)” because it is not used for the ISL41387
• Jumper label “J-DY2” (not numbered) should be “J-DY2 (NC)” because it is not used for the ISL41387
• Jumper label “J-ON/OFF “J-ON/OFF
• Jumper label “J-(SLEW)” (13) should be “J-DY1 (SLEW)”
• Jumper label “J-DE1” (14) should be “J-DZ1/DE1 (DY)”.
It is important to note that the ISLX1387 don’t follow the RS-485 convention whereby the inverting I/O is labeled “B/Z”, and the noninverting I/O is “A/Y”. Thus, the 1387 A/Y (B/Z) pins connect to the B/Z (A/Y) pins of generic RS-485/422 ICs.
Input signals that are likely to be driven by a generator connect to a BNC connector, and there is a 50Ω termination resistor to GND when the jumper is in the “LOW” position.
(NC)” because it is not used for the ISL41387
(NC)” because it is not used for the ISL41387
(not numbered) should be
(not numbered) should be
Default Configuration
As delivered (see “Functional Diagram”), the board is configured for powered-up (not SHDN) RS-485 mode, driver enabled, via DEN, and set for high speed (20Mbps) operation, driver input (DY) low, Rx enabled via the RXEN line, Rx inputs floating, and V this configuration, the jumpers are installed as follows (unlisted jumpers are not installed, and (#) indicates the jumper number on the Figure 3 jumper locator): A2 (485/232 RXEN1 (DZ/SLEW) (13) = VH; DZ1/DE1(DY) (14) = LOW; RXBIAS-V V
-VHIGH (17) = installed.
Note that there are no differential termination resistors on either the Rx inputs nor the Tx outputs. If these resistors are desired, they can be added at positions R9 and R7, respectively.
) (7) =VH; (DEN)(8) =VH; SPB(9) =VH;
(10) =VH; (RXEN)(11) = VH; (ON) (12) =VH;
(15) = installed; VCC-VL(16) = installed;
shorted to VCC. To achieve
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
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Application Note 1248
Functional Diagram (Default Configuration)
0.1μF C
A1 B1
Y1 Z1
38 36
2 3
4 5
11 21
DEN 485 / 232
15, 16
VL - The logic supply voltage that sets the ISL41387’s Rx
output V points; the “VCC-VL” (16) jumper shorts this jack to V remove this jumper if supplying a voltage other than V
levels, and the logic and Tx input switching
, so
Getting Started
Connect a 5V, 500mA minimum, power supply to the VCC and GND banana jacks. It is recommended that an ammeter be used between the supply and the board, so that I be monitored. Ensure that the “RXBIAS-VCC” (15), “VCC-VL” (16) and “VL-VHIGH” (17) jumpers are installed in the upper right hand corner of the board.
External Loopback Via Jumpers
T o evaluate the Rx and Tx performance at the same time, an external loopback can be implemented simply by installing jumpers “A1/Y1_LB (5) and “B1/Z1_LB (6). In this configuration, the Tx output lines connect to the corresponding Rx input lines, so the data driven on the Tx input(s) appears at the Rx output(s). In RS-485 mode, data driven on DY loops back through A and B to R mode, DY loops back to R
, and DZ loops back to RB.
For RS-485 mode, installing resistors R7 and R9 allows evaluation of performance with the Tx driving a double terminated load.
. In RS-232
Supply Banana Jacks
There are eight banana jacks at the top of the board for power supply connections, but only V required connections. The function and use of each jack (from left to right) is:
VLOAD - This is a load voltage driving the load resistors connected to the Rx and Tx outputs (Tx resistors - R5 and R6 - not populated); used mostly during output enable and disable time characterizations.
GND - Common connection for any supplies used. RXBIAS - A voltage that can be applied to any or all Rx
inputs via jumpers “J9” and “J10” (3 & 2); the “RXBIAS-VCC”
(15) jumper shorts this jack to V
supplying a voltage other than V
V+ - Used to monitor the positive charge pump voltage in RS-232 mode.
V- - Used to monitor the negative charge pump voltage in RS-232 mode.
VCC - The 5V supply connection. VHIGH - Connects to all the “VH” positions on the jumpers to
define the high level voltage for logic and Tx inputs; the “VL-VHIGH” (17) jumper shorts this jack to V this jumper if supplying a voltage other than V
and GND are
, so remove this jumper if
, so remove
Basic RS-485 DC Evaluation
General Observations
should be approximately 1.6mA.
Measure V+ and V- at the banana jacks - V+ = VCC and V- = GND, indicating that the charge pumps are off for low power and low noise.
is high - due to the “full failsafe” Rx - while RB is always
tri-stated because it is unused in RS-485 mode. Note that this board isn’t populated with differential
termination resistors on either the Rx inputs nor the Tx outputs. If these resistors are desired, they can be added at positions R9 and R7, respectively.
Receiver Tests
The “full failsafe” nature of the Rx can be evaluated by manipulating the “A1” (1) and “B1” (4) input jumpers. In the default configuration, A1 and B1 float, but RA (measure at the “RB1(RA)” test point to the right of jumper (1)) remains high due to the failsafe “open” functionality. Installing jumpers “A1” (1) and “B1” (4) ef fectively shorts the two inputs together (i.e., V the Rx is also failsafe “shorted”. The combination of failsafe “open” and “shorted” yields a “full-failsafe” Rx.
To switch the Rx output state leave the “B1” (4) jumper installed, remove the “A1” (1) jumper, and install the A1 Rx bias jumper, “J10” (2). The “RXBIAS-VCC” (15) jumper now drives the A1 input voltage to V
=0). RA still remains high, indicating that
, which switches RA low.
May 30, 2006
Application Note 1248
Removing the “RXBIAS-VCC” (15) jumper , and connecting a power supply between the “RXBIAS” banana jack and GND now sets the Rx differential input voltage, via “A1”, and varying this supply switches the Rx output state. For example, with the RXBIAS supply = 0V (V
=0V) the
output is high, and increasing RXBIAS to at least +200mV (V
= -200mV) switches RA low.
To disable the Rx output via the active high RXEN pin, ensure that the “RXEN1
(10) jumper is in the “VH” position, and move jumper “(RXEN)” (11) to the “LOW” position. To disable the Rx output via the active low RXEN
pin, ensure that the “(RXEN)” jumper is in the “LOW” position, and move jumper “RXEN1
” to the “VH” position.
Return the “RXEN1” and “(RXEN)” jumpers to the “VH” position, remove the “RXBIAS” power supply and jumpers “J10” and “B1”, and reinstall the “RXBIAS-VCC” jumper.
Driver Tests
Tx DC output levels are independent of Tx speed setting. In the default configuration, the driver input, DY, is low, so the Tx noninverting output, Z1, is low, while the inverting output, Y1, is high. To switch the output states, simply move the “DZ1/DE1 (DY) (14) jumper to the “VH” position. In either state, note the exceptionally large differential voltage (V of 3.5V. To evaluate the double terminated V
(3.3V), install resistors R7 and R9, and configure the board for “external loopback”, as described previously (i.e., install jumpers (5) and (6)).
To disable the Tx output via the active high DEN pin, move the “(DEN)” (8) jumper from the “VH” to the “LOW” position.
When finished, return the “DZ1/DE1 (DY)” and “(DEN)” jumpers to the “LOW” and “VH” positions respectively, and remove the “external loopback” jumpers.
Internal Loopback
To configure the ISL41387 for internal loopback mode, simply move the “(ON)” (12) jumper to the “LOW” position, while ensuring that the “(DEN)” (8) and “(RXEN)” (11) jumpers are set to “VH”. Note that I
increases by ≈1.4mA,
due to the enabling of the loopback receivers. RA is now low due to the Tx outputs internally driving the Rx. You can repeat the previous Rx switching tests to confirm that the external Rx input pins now have no affect on RA.
The internal loopback receivers are not RS-485/422 compliant, so internal loopback can’t be used to create a half duplex transceiver.
Low Power SHDN
With the “(ON)” (12) jumper still in the “LOW” position, move the “(DEN)” (8) and “(RXEN)” (11) jumpers to the “LOW” position, while ensuring that the “RXEN1
(10) jumper is set to “VH”. This setting places the ISL41387 into shutdown (SHDN), which disables the Tx and Rx outputs, and places
the IC in its lowest power mode. Note that I
drops to less
than 5µA. Return jumpers “(ON)”, “(DEN)”, and “(RXEN)” to the “VH”
Basic RS-485 AC Evaluation
Remember that there aren’t any differential term resistors, so if they are desired they must be added at positions R7 ­for the Tx - and R9 for the Rx.
Receiver Tests
Before starting, ensure that the jumpers are back in the default positions. Note that the RS-485 Rx operates at high speed, regardless of the Tx speed selection.
Add jumper “B1” (4) to connect that input to GND, and add jumper “A1” (1) to engage the 50Ω term. Connect a generator to the “A1” BNC, and set it for a -1.5V to +1.5V swing. Monitoring test points “TP6” (input), and “RB1 (RA)” (output) with a scope allows the Rx prop delays and skews to be measured. If desired, you can load the Rx output with a 1kΩ resistor by adding jumper “J6” (not numbered), located below test point “RB1 (RA)”. This resistor terminates to the “VLOAD” banana jack (upper left hand corner), allowing the
resistor to be terminated to GND by shorting “VLOAD” to GND, or terminated to any voltage by connecting “VLOAD” to an external supply.
You can also measure the Rx enable/disable time to/from a low output state via the active high RXEN pin. From the previous jumper configuration, leave the “B1” and “J6” jumpers installed, remove the “A1” jumper, and install the A1 Rx bias jumper, “J10” (2). Connect the “VLOAD” jack to V
switch the “(RXEN)” (11) jumper to the low position to engage the 50Ω term, set the generator to swing from 0V to 3V, and move the generator to the “NC (RXEN)” BNC. Monitoring test points “TP12” (input), and “RB1 (RA)” (output) with a scope allows the Rx enable and disable times to be measured. To evaluate the Rx enable/disable time to/from a high output state, simply remove “J10”, and connect “VLOAD” to GND.
To evaluate the Rx enable/disable times using the active low RXEN
pin, repeat the previous test but leave the “(RXEN)”
jumper in the “LOW” position, move the “RXEN1
(10) jumper to the “LOW” position to connect the 50Ω term, and connect the generator to the “RXEN1
” BNC.
Tx Speed Selection
Before performing any Tx switching tests, ensur e th at the jumpers are in their default positions, and then configure the “DZ/(SLEW)” (13) and “SPB” (9) jumpers for the desired Tx speed setting. Table 1 details the jumper settings for each of the speed options.
May 30, 2006
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