The HSP-EVAL is the mother board for a set of daughter
boards based on the HSPxxxxx family of Digital Signal
Processing products. Each product specific daughter board
is mated with the HSP-EVAL to provide a mechanism for
rapid evaluation and prototyping. As shown in Figure 1, the
HSP-EVAL consists of a series of busses which provide
input, output, and control to the target daughter board.
These busses are brought out through dual 96 Pin
connectors to support daisy chaining HSP-EVALs for
multichip prototyping and evaluation.
For added flexibility, the input and control busses can be
driven by registers on-board the HSP-EVAL which have
been down loaded with data via the parallel port of an IBM
or compatible. In addition, a Shift Register is provided
to serialize data on the daughter board output busses for
reading into the PC via the status lines of the parallel port.
Together, the I/O and Control Registers can be used to drive
the target daughter board with a PC based vector set while
collecting daughter board outputs to the PC’s disk.
File Number3366.2
• Single HSP-EVAL May be Used to Evaluate a Variety of
Parts Within the HSPXXXXX Family of DSP Products
• Parallel Port Interface to Support IBM PC™ Based
Evaluation and Control
• Three Clocking Modes for Flexibility in Performance
Analysis and Prototyping
• Dual 96-Pin Input/Output Connectors Conforming to the
VME J2/P2 Connector Standard
• PC Based Performance Analysis of HSPXXXXX Family of
DSP Products
• Rapid Prototyping
Jumper selectable clock sources pro vide three different
methods of clocking the part under evaluation. In mode one,
the clock signal is generated under PC based software
control. In mode two,theHSP-EVAL’s on-board oscillator may
be selected as the clock source. In mode three, the user ma y
provide an external clock through the 96 Pin Input Connector.
The HSP-EVAL was built into a 3U Euro-Card form factor
with dual 96 Pin Input/Output connectors. The I/O
connectors conform to the VME J2/P2 connector standard.
DSP Evaluation Platform
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
The HSP-EVAL was designed to operate in conjunction with
daughter boards designed for the HSPXXXXX family of DSP
products. A simple procedure for assembly and operation of
the target daughter board with the HSP-EVAL is described in
the respective daughter board’sUser’s Manual. What follows
in this document is a detailed description of the HSP-EVAL
and its operation.
Bus Structure
The HSP-EV AL utilizes a series of 16-bit busses for daughter
board input, output and control as shown in Figure 1. The
input and output busses interface the daughter board to the
outside world through 96 Pin DIN connectors conforming to
the VME J2/P2 connector standard. Daughter board control is
provided by register driven control busses do wn loaded with
data via the parallel port of a PC. For added flexibility, the
input busses may also be register driven with do wn loaded
Two input busses, IN1_0-15 and IN2_0-15, bring data from
the 96 Pin DIN connector (P1) to the daughter board through
the 50 position Input Connector (J1). Each input bus is 16
bits wide and the signal mapping for the above connectors is
given in Tables 1 and 3. As an alternative, the input busses
may be driven by registers which have been down loaded
with data through the Parallel Port Bus.
Two output busses, OUT1_0-15 and OUT2_0-15, carry
daughter board output from the 50 Pin Output Connector
(J2) to the 96 Pin DIN connector (P2). Each output bus is 16
bits wide and the signal mapping for the above connectors is
given in Tables 2 and 4. A shift register is provided to
serialize data on the output busses for transmission via the
Parallel Port Bus.
A status bus, STAT0-3, maps four status outputs from the
daughter board Output Connector J2 to the Configuration
Jumper Field (J4). The Configuration Jumper Field is used to
select one of the four status lines for transmission via the
Parallel Port Bus (see Configuration Jumper Field Section).
The two control busses, IN3_0-15 and CTL0-15, connect a
set of registers to the 50 Pin Control Connector (J3). Each
control bus is 16 bits wide and the signal mapping for the J3
Control Connector is shown in Table 5. The four least
significant bits of the CTL0-15 bus are also used to control
the operation of the HSP-EVAL (see Register Structure
Section). As with the registers driving the input busses, the
registers driving the control busses are down loaded with
data via the Parallel Port Bus.
Parallel Port Bus
The Parallel Port Bus carries the data and signals required
to support bidirectional data transfers between the HSPEVAL and the parallel port of an IBM PC or compatible. The
port bus contains eight data lines, PCD0-7, two control lines,
PCWR0-1, and three serial output lines, PCRD0-2. The control and data lines are used to down load data into the HSPEVAL's on board registers via the Parallel Port Interface. The
serial output lines carry daughter board status and output
serialized by the On Board Shift Register.
All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification.
Intersil semiconductor products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However,no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result
from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries.
For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site
The Parallel Port Bus is interfaced to the PC by connecting
the provided ribbon cable between the 26 position shrouded
header (J5) and the PC's parallel port. The ribbon cable
maps the Parallel Port Bus signals to the PC's parallel port
as shown in Table 6.
The Parallel Port Bus is brought out through each of the 96
Pin DIN connectors (P1, P2) so that Multiple HSP-EVALs
can be daisy chained. This allows different HSP-EVALs in
the chain to be controlled through a single HSP-EVAL which
has been connected to a host PC.
The HSP-EVAL provides a series of registers which may be
used as a source for daughter board input and control. In
addition, a Shift Register is supplied to serialize data on the
daughter board output bus for transmission via the Parallel
Port Bus. Data transfers involving these registers are
described in the following sections.
The HSP-EVAL has a set of eight 8-bit data registers which
are organized as a set of four “logical” input and control
registers, Input Registers 1 thru 3 and the CTL Control
Register. The outputs of these registers drive four 16 bit
busses which are mapped to the daughter board through the
Input Connector (J1) and the Control Connector (J3) (see
Bus Structure Section). The mapping of the 8-bit data
registers to bus signals and “logical” registers is given in
Table 7.