Interscience COMPACTGC Instruction Manual

Instruction manual
version 2.01 (January 2005)
CompactGC Instruction Manual January 2005 Edition © 2005 Interscience B.V., The Netherlands. All rights reserved.
Published by Interscience B.V., The Netherlands, P.O. Box 2148, 4800 CC Breda Tel: +31 76 5411800 Fax: +31 76 5420088
Printing History: First Edition, version 1.04, released July 2003 Second Edition, version 2.01, released January 2005
Technical Information contained in this publication is for reference purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate information; however, Interscience B.V. assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage, or loss that might result from any use of this manual or the information contained therein (even if this information is properly followed and problems st ill aris e).
This publication is not part of the Agreement of Sale between Interscience B.V. and the purchaser of a CompactGC system. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this document and those contained in Interscience B.V. Terms of Delivery, the provisions of the Terms of Delivery shall govern. Reference to System Configurations and Specifications supersede all previous information and are subject to change without notice.
CompactGC is a trademark of Interscience B.V. Other brand and product names may be trad emarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Valco® valves is a registered trademark of Valco Instruments Co. Inc. and Valco International. EZChrom® is a trademark of Scientific Software, Inc.
Manufacturer: Interscien ce B.V . Interscience B.V. is the manufacturer of the instrument described in this manual and, as such, is responsible for the instrument safety, reliability and performance only if:
• installa tion
• re-calibration
• changes and repairs have been carried out by authorized personnel and if:
• the local installation complies with local law regulations
• the instrument is used according to the instructions provided and if its operation is only entrusted to qualified trained personnel. The CompactGC should be handled as described in the pre-installation guide “Gaschromatografiesystemen”. Interscience B.V. is not liable for any d amages derived from the non-co mpliance wi th the aforementioned recommendations.
Interscience B.V.
Postbus 2148 4800 CC BREDA The Netherlands tel: 076-5411800 fax: 076-5420088
Table of contents
1. Safety 2
2. Installation 4
3. Instrument description 7
3.1 Digital gas supply 8
3.2 Valve oven 10
3.3 Column oven 10
3.4 Detectors 11
4. Pre-concentration Module (PM) 16
5. The CompactGC editor program 17
Command buttons 18 Tab pages 19 Pull down menu’s 22
6. Operation 28
6.1 Column installation 28
6.2 Leak check 30
6.3 Quick start up 31
7. Maintenance and troubleshooting 33
Appendix 1: EZChrom
/ EZStart® settings 34
Appendix 2: Electrical connenctions 39 Appendix 3: LED status display 41
1. Safety
Safety summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, man u f a ct u r e , an d in tended use of this equipment. Interscience assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
Ground the instrument
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground, using the provided three-pin AC power cable.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard. Contact your supplier for purged housings if the CompactGC needs to be applied in an EX classified zone.
Keep away from live circuits
Analytical column and component replacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Do not service or adjust alone
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do not substitute parts (electronics)
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of the instrument. Contact Interscience Services to ensure that safety features are maintained.
Do not over-pressurize the instrument
See ‘installation’ for maximum allowed pressures.
Hot surfaces should be avoided
The CompactGC has heated inlets. Contacting these inlets once they are at operating temperatures can result in inju ry.
The use of hydrogen
The use of hydrogen for feeding the flame in certain types of detectors requires the operator’s extreme attention and the compliance with special precautions due to the hazards involved in the use of this gas. Moreover, the operator shall be present while analyses are run to immedi ately detect any malfun ctioning. Hydrogen is a dangerous gas (when mixed with air it may generate an explosive mixture), particularly when, in a closed area, it reaches a concentration corresponding to its lower level of explosion (4% in volume). For these reasons, before using hydrogen, the following recommendations must be observed:
1. Ensure that all hydrogen cylinders are complying with the safety conditions provided
for their proper use and storage: they must be equipped with suitable safety valves, automatic safety systems and all that is required by current regulations even with regard to safety in sites with danger of explosion or fire.
2. During the connection of hydrogen lines, ensure that the gas feeding inlet is
perfectly closed.
3. Before using the instrument, ensure that the lines designed for hydrogen are
perfectly leak-tight. According to the results obtained, it will be possible to inspect each single section of the pneumatic circuit as pointed out in said paragraph. Should it be necessary to operate in the inside of the pneumatic compartment or column oven, the check shall be carried out with all circuits under pressure. This procedure shall be repeated until all causes of
leakage have been eliminated.
2. Installation
Instrument classification
The instrument classification is according to IEC 10.10:
internal use
temperature 18 to 30 °C
maximum relative humidity between 50 % and 80 %
transient overload in compliance with installation categories II
pollution level according to IEC 664 (3.7.3) 2
Space requirements
The CompactGC measures approximately: Width : 45.0 cm (without 19” mounting handles) Height : 17.8 cm (4HE; 18.5 cm including sockets) Depth : 54.0 cm (including handles) Weight : depending on configuration, approximately 25 kg
The unit can be placed on a bench, or can be mounted in a standard 19” rack. For installation of the analytical c olumn and for service, the instrument is accessed by removing the top cover.
Depending on the configuration and operation parameters, sufficient ventilation must be available for cooling purposes.
Gasses Connections
All gas connections are 1/16” Swagelok, except for the actuator gas (1/8”).
The maximum pressure for all gasses is 500 kPa. For carrier- and detector gas, 300 kPa is recommended. For fastest valve switching, helium is recommended for actuator gas, but air can also be applied (350 kPa). In case of the PDD (Pulsed Discharge Detector), the discharge gas is directly connected to the Helium suppl y via an internal restrictor. A stable 350 kPa He pressure is needed for this application.
For carrier gas, He 5.0 (N50) is recommended.
Carrier gas: 2-50 ml/min for each anal ysis ch annel , depending on settings TCD: 2 ml/min (reference gas) FID: 30 ml/min H
; 300 ml/min air
PDD: 30 ml/min He PID 2 ml/min make-up
Power requirements
The CompactGC requires 220/230V single phase voltage, 50 Hz. With all options installed, the maximum power consumption is 900 VA. In practice, depending on the configuration, the typical power assertion is much lower.
Digital connections
CompactGC Editor
This 9-pole connection is used for RS-232 communication for parameter programming and status readout. Maximum (tested) length is 10 m.
® /
This RS-232 connection is used for the digital detector data in case of the EZChrom
/ EZStart ® data system. Maximum (tested) length is 10 m.
Wherever in this manual is spoken about EZChrom for EZStart Note that in case of the EZChrom connections are needed.
data system, two RS 232
, it is also applicable
Digital output
The GC-ready and GC-Start-out signals are available on this connector. (Start­out is used to start the data system in case of analog data signal). The programmable output bits are also present on this connector. See appendix 2 for more deta ils.
Digital input
Via this connector, the CompactGC can be started and stopped by remote control hardware signals. See appendix 2 for more details.
Figure 2.1 is showing the electrical and pneumatic connections.
Carrier gas in (1/16” Swagelok )
Mains switch
220V power connec t io n
EZChrom RS 232 connec t or (D sub 9 pole)
Figure 2.1: electrical and pneumatic connections
Split out (1/16” Swag elok)
CGC Editor RS 232 connector (D sub 9 pole)
Detector ga s in 1/16” Swag el o k)
Flash programming
Actuator He-Air (1/8” Swagelok)
Digital output (D sub 15 po le)
Detector out (1/16” Sw agelok)
Digital input (D sub 15 pole)
3. Instrument description
The CompactGC is a fully digital 19” rack GC, dedicated for fast gas analysis (however analysis of liquid samples is also possible). The instrument uses reliable well-known technique like Valco columns with down sized dimensions, to obtain short analysis times. Typical analysis times are 10 seconds to 2 minutes. The CompactGC editor, a dedicated program for method programming, sets all parameters. The CompactGC is an up to 3-channel instrument, with a choice of four different detectors. The signal of the detectors is available in digital format, for use with the EZChrom form for connection to other data systems. The basic setup of the system is shown in figure 3.1.
valves, robust detectors and standard available capillary
data systems, as well in analog
detector electronics
digital gas
power supply
Figure 3.1: Basic system
column oven
valve oven
The front half of the instrument contains the ‘chromatography hardware’: on the right side the valve oven for (maximum 3) heated valves, in the middle the isothermal column oven(s) (maximum 3), on the left side the detector compartment, for up to 3 detectors. A module for cryogenic trapping, in case of trace gas analysis, can be installed in place of one of the column ovens. On the back half of the instrument, from right to left side, the power supply, the digital gas supply, and detector controllers can be seen.
Digital gas supply
The gas control of the instrument is fully digital, and can be present in two types of modules:
Carrier Gas Module (CGM) for carrier gas
Detector Gas Module (DGM) for detector gasses
The Carrier Gas Module is a sophisticated carrier gas supply device, which can be operated in the following modes:
Constant pressure
Programmed pressure
Pressure pulse (pressure surge)
Four different gasses can be used: helium, hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. In case of change of carrier gas type, recalibration of the splitflow is needed. Contact your service organization for more information. Hydrogen is not recommended for safety reasons.
Constant pressure
The most common used operating mode is constant pressure, with digital control of the split flow. See figure 3.2.
In this diagram, the constant pressure is obtained by the upper proportional valve and pressure sensor (P). The lower proportional valve and pressure sensor, in combination with a temperature compensated restrictor are controlling the split flow.
Normally, the optimum flow for a certain type of column is the starting point of method development. The needed pressure can be determined by measuring the flow on the detector outlet, of can be calculated using the available flow calculator (CGC editor).
Figure 3.2: Diagram CGM
Programmed pressure, pressure surge
These modes of carrier gas control are obtained by programming the targeted parameters using the Run Time Table. See chapter 5 for more details.
If the CompactGC runs out of carrier gas (no inlet supply), the system switches to the Hibernate mode (all flow and temperature channels are set to value 0) and cools down. The GC needs a reboot (mains power switch, or ‘warm reset’ from the CGC editor menu) to return to normal operation.
The second type of digital gas supply contains two pressure channels, and is therefore used to control two detector gasses, f.i. hydrogen and air in case of FID, or two reference gasses in case of double TCD. In combination with a calibrated, temperature compensated restrictor in the module, constant detector gas flows are obtained. See figure 3.3. The flows needed for proper detector operation are entered using the CGC editor program.
detector gas in
valve 1
Pressure sensor
Fixed restrictor
(temperature compensated)
capillary column 1
TCD front
TCD 1 out
detector gas in
(second detector)
Figure 3.3: Diagram DGM
3.2 Valve oven
The valve oven is an independent heated temperature compartment that provides:
housing for maxi mum 3 Valco
valves, for several configurations like injection,
backflush, streamselection, etc.
heated sample inlet
housing for sample conditioning (filtering, pressure reducing, etc.)
The oven can easily be accessed for maintenan ce, injection-loop changing, etc.
3.3 Column oven
In the CompactGC, up to three column ovens can be installed. In order not to lose analysis time compared to a temperature programmed run (cooling down phase), the analysis conditions are normally developed on base of isothermal analysis. Therefore the applied ovens are isothermal and highly stable. The three ovens have independent temperature control, so each column operates at its optimum temperature. The standard supplied oven is used for fused silica columns with an internal diameter of 0.32 mm maximum. For wide-bore columns (0.53 mm id), metal columns are advised. The most common used columns are 2-15 meter/0.32 mm id fused silica. In the oven, columns with a winding diameter of 8 cm are installed. These columns can be ordered in this dimension, mentioned diameter. See chapter 6.1 for column installation. Ovens for packed columns are available on request.
but also standard columns are used, after rewinding them to the
3.4 Detectors
Four detectors are available: Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), Flame Ionisation Detector (FID), Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) and Photo Ionisation Detector (PID) (available end 2003). Up to three of these detectors can be configured in the CompactGC.
The TCD is a very widely used detect or for analysis of gases, but in principle all components with different thermal conductivity in relation to the carrier gas can be detected. The response is concentration dependant: a higher column flow or make-up flow results in a decreased sensitivity. This detector is a dual channel microvolume cell with two filaments on constant mean temperature. See figure 3.4.
dual filaments
analysis flow
Figure 3.4: TCD detector
reference fl o w
Operation principle
The filaments are continuously losing heat to the wall of the detectorcell by the thermal conducting carrier gas (see figure 3.5). When a component with a different thermal conductivity compared to the carrier gas pass es the filament, the electronic circuit in which both filaments are integrated (Wheatstone bridge) is adjusting the current to maintain the constant filament temperature. This current change is dependant on the component concentration, and is convert e d to a chromatographic signal that can be handled by the data system.
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